Kadri Mälk in Hop Gallery: “Kadri Goes Green”

Kadri Mälk design
HOP galerii, Hobusepea tänav 2, Tallinn

Start Date:

End Date:

Space-installation “Kadri Goes Green”
Tallinn, gallery HOP,
Hobusepea 2 in Tallinn Old Town.

Free entrance.

Motto of the exposition (according to art historian Tiina Abel who paraphrased her father,
a famous Estonian comic Ervin Abel):
Live in a way that if you collapse, then
everyone believes its from the utmost

You’ll find yourself in a living-room, where there meet the try-outs of green turn and comics connected to these activities.

No pre-registration needed

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Posted by Andres Lõo

Jewellery and Blacksmithing Exhibitions