Lisette Lepik exhibition “Garden of Eve” at gallery Uus Rada

Lisette Lepik exhibition "Garden of Eve" at gallery Uus Rada
Uus rada, Raja galeriis

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Lisette Lepik’s exhibition ‘’Garden of Eve’’ will be opened at the Uus Rada Gallery on Friday, January 28th at 6 pm.

Using the motif of the flower the exhibition presents an ongoing series of oil paintings by Lisette reflecting on the experience of the menstrual cycle; menstrual pains and the choices women make regarding their own birth control choices. The exhibition space is transformed into a womb holding a series of paintings within its walls. Through expressive use of colour and gestural mark each painting speaks to totally different experiences within the monthly cycle.

Everything began from there: the land, the world, the air, the sky, the soil, the water, the fire, the land. Me and you, you and me, us and we. Everything begins from there. I took a picture of my sister’s hand, which was holding a rose. This beautiful, pulsing, throbbing, bloody, thorny, sad, fertile rose reminded me of a vulva. Some ancient, primal, feminine impulse fired at me. It told me to give more attention to this flower. I didn’t explain it to myself. I just started painting and gradually deciphering this phenomenon. – Lisette Lepik

The exhibition will be open until the 3rd of February. After the opening of the exhibition it can be visited by arrangement by writing an email to or calling +372 53313428.

Uus Rada is a community art space run collaboratively by the second year Masters of Contemporary Arts Students in the former Raja gallery space.

Curatorial assistance for the exhibition from Sophie Durand.

Graphic design: Cristopher Siniväli

The artist thanks: Elisa Margot Winters, Olivia Soans

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Posted by Andres Lõo

Painting Exhibitions