Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė-Žaltė Lecture: „Pixel generation”

Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė-Žaltė
EKA, A501

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Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė-Žaltė Lecture: „Pixel generation: individual artistic(al) view in Digital Jaquard weaving and collaborations“ 

09.02.2022, 4–5.30 PM in auditorium A501 

Artist,  Assoc. Prof. VAA Kaunas Faculty Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė Žaltė will introduce Textile Department student works and  herself as an artist of the jacquard weaving technology in the context of contemporary art field: the technical one (knowledge how to do this) and the conceptual one (using possibilities providedby the technique to create the desired effect of the work). 

“Textiles have an incredible ability to be alive. What I mean by this is how it communicates a sense of substance, which is intimate to every human being. A fabric can hold both physical (heat, cold, protection) and rational (recall, memory) features. Each of us uses textile everyday in one way or another. Therefore, it is a common material that allows us to combine multiple experiences, collaborations and to understand the individual person.” 

The lectur is open to everyone. 

Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė-Žaltė is invited by the Textile Design Department of EKA.

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Posted by Andres Lõo

Textile Design Open Lectures