Olev Kuma "Transmission"
Poordi 3, Tallinn
Start Date:
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End Date:
the process of passing something from one person or place to another
(Oxford English Dictionary)
Last decades have brought significant changes to the consciousness. We encounter more messages and the images are ever faster. The series „Transmission“ on the other hand consists of very slow images. These are layered allover abstract paintings, which open themselves gradually and form bridges to the unconscious space of experience.
Such works are in essence a veil between dreams and the material world, inspiring connection with deeper, daily untouched inner world. Minimalist in form, from distance even monochrome meditative rectangles allow the meaning to be born only in accordance with the input from the viewer. Thereby these paintings are about the very same person that is standing in front of them, creating a personal and unique stage for their thoughts and feelings. The meaning is born when the content of the painting and the content of the viewer meet.
When an explosion explodes hard enough,
dust wakes up and thinks about itself.
The exhibition is open on 27.05—09.06 daily 11—19
The exhibition is a part of Estonian Academy of Arts’ graduation show TASE ’22
The artist would like to thank the EKA painting department and Estmak Capital.