Visual by Elo Vahtrik. Photography Publication "Last Edit was Seconds Ago. BFO19"
EKA galerii
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The department of photography of the Estonian Academy of Arts presents a new publication Last Edit was Seconds Ago. BFO19 in EKA gallery at 18:00 on Thursday, December 8th, 2022.
The publication introduces the works of eleven BA students (BFO19) – Andra Junalainen,
Laura Ruuder, Ivor Lõõbas, Elo Vahtrik, Imbi Sõber, Meel Paliale, Markus Mikk, Joosep Kivimäe, Kertu Rannula, Jana Mätas, Laura Maala – who graduated from the Department of Photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts. The abbreviation BFO19 stands for the group of students who started their studies in the fall semester 2019.
The book includes a selection of images realized during their study period, exhibition views of graduation projects, short interviews with the students and an essay by Marge Monko, the professor of the department of photography.
The publication is designed by Alejandro Bellon Ample and Björn Giesecke who recently
obtained MA degree in the department of graphic design at EKA.
The discount price at the presentation will be 15 €, later 20 €.
Our gratitude goes to: Sean Yendrys, Laura Kuusk, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo
Supporters: Hartwall Estonia, Põhjala Brewery