Exhibition at EKA. Source: GD BULLETÄÄN
EKA 3. korruse aatrium
EKA 3. korruse aatrium
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SUVA Type Foundry exhibition that opened last week at XIII Disainiöö on the occasion of a new web platform launch, moved today to the third floor at EKA, and will be open until October 1st.
SUVA Type Foundry web platform (https://www.suvatypefoundry.ee), specimen as well as the exhibition present fonts designed 2010–2018, typographical experiments and archival materials created by EKA GD students, alumni and faculty. Fonts, available to download, will be added to the Type Foundry continuously.
Project team: Kersti Heile, Ott Kagovere, Elis Kitt, Anneli Kripsaar, Laura Merendi, Sandra Nuut, Anselm Oja, Johanna Ruukholm, and Indrek Sirkel.