Writing seminar

Estonia pst 7

Start Date:

End Date:

November 27, 11.00 – 17.00 (Estonia pst 7 room 426)
November 28, 11 – 15 (Estonia pst 7 room 440a)

By Aslaug Nyrnes and Nina Schjønsby

The seminar will focus on various forms of writing in the context of artistic research. Through text examples we aim to reflect on different options and challenges typical of texts in the genre.

We will give two short lectures (30 minutes each):

Professor Aslaug Nyrnes:

A topological perspective on writing in artistic research: Between personal notes and academic thesis

Assistant Professor Nina Schjønsby:

Developing a text as a social and critical act

With these lectures as a starting point and throughout the seminar we will discuss principal questions on writing. The focus will be on different genres, the structure of the text, criticality, references and the writer’s voice.

All participants are welcome to submit a text in progress. Notes, abstracts, articles, essays, catalogue texts, reflections, etc. are equally welcome, but the text should not exceed 5 pages. All submitted texts will be read by all participants, and everyone will receive feedback on their writings during the seminar.

Send the text to elika.kiilo@artun.ee

Deadline: November 22, 2017

Registration form.

Aslaug Nyrnes is professor at the University of Bergen. She defended her doctoral degree on the didactics of the author Ludvig Holberg in 2002, Det didaktiske rommet. Didaktisk topologi i Ludvig Holbergs Moralske Tanker (Universitetet i Bergen, 2002). Her current research focuses on didactics in arts. Her works include “Lighting from the side: rhetoric and artistic research” in Sensuous knowledge: focus on artistic research and development (KHiB, 2006) and a large number of articles.

Nina Schjønsby is an art historian working with text and publishing in the art field. She runs the independent publishing house Tekstbyrået, together with writer and translator Halvor Haugen, and she is also a freelance editor. She teaches at the Art Academy in Oslo, and at the Faculty of Art, Music and Design in Bergen. Schjønsby has contributed to art magazines such as Ekfrase, Rhizome: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, Billedkunst and SITE.

This event is supported by the ASTRA project of the Estonian Academy of Arts – EKA LOOVKÄRG (European Union, European Regional Development Fund).

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Posted by Mart Vainre

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