Academic Calendar


Graduation Ceremonies 2020

The Graduation Ceremonies of this year will take place on August 24th in the EKA hall (room A101, Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn).

12.00 o’clock – graduates of Faculty of Design

3 o’clock pm – graduates of Doctoral School and the faculties of Architecture, Art Culture and Fine Art

Dear graduates,

Seating is reserved for You in the hall, congratulators can watch the ceremony from the screens placed in the open areas of the 1st floor or through

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

Graduation Ceremonies 2020

Monday 24 August, 2020

The Graduation Ceremonies of this year will take place on August 24th in the EKA hall (room A101, Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn).

12.00 o’clock – graduates of Faculty of Design

3 o’clock pm – graduates of Doctoral School and the faculties of Architecture, Art Culture and Fine Art

Dear graduates,

Seating is reserved for You in the hall, congratulators can watch the ceremony from the screens placed in the open areas of the 1st floor or through

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink


Croquis drawing class of the Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15:00

Külli Triin-Laanet’s drawing
You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7
Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

Croquis drawing class of the Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15:00

Friday 10 November, 2017

Külli Triin-Laanet’s drawing
You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7
Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink


croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design

krokii 6 okt 2017

You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink

croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design

Friday 06 October, 2017

krokii 6 okt 2017

You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design

krokii 29 sept 2017

You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink

Croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design

Friday 29 September, 2017

krokii 29 sept 2017

You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink

25.09.2017 — 29.09.2017

Project “Brilliant Estonian item”

“Brilliant Estonian item” is a collaboration project between product-, textile- and leather design specialisations in the faculty of design at Estonian Academy of Arts. The project focuses on searching elements and narratives to characterize Estonia to combine those into widely recognisable and thoughtful small objects – Estonian items.

The aim of this project is to gather inspiration from local cultural surrounding and assemble it into product prototypes with (applied) art value – outcome will be products, accessories, small installations etc. Articles which by telling a story about our past, present and future, are suitable gift for ourselves and to our foreign guests.

Read more about the projects:

It is possible to learn more about the products on XII Tallinn Design Festival, 25.09.–01.10. in Noblessneri Valukoda (Tööstuse 48)
Official opening of the exhibition is on Thursday 28.09. at 17.00-18.00. You are welcome!

Project “Brilliant Estonian Object” is supported by EV100 and it is part of EV100 official art program „Sada kunstimaastikku“

Posted by Tiina Pärtel — Permalink

Project “Brilliant Estonian item”

Monday 25 September, 2017 — Friday 29 September, 2017

“Brilliant Estonian item” is a collaboration project between product-, textile- and leather design specialisations in the faculty of design at Estonian Academy of Arts. The project focuses on searching elements and narratives to characterize Estonia to combine those into widely recognisable and thoughtful small objects – Estonian items.

The aim of this project is to gather inspiration from local cultural surrounding and assemble it into product prototypes with (applied) art value – outcome will be products, accessories, small installations etc. Articles which by telling a story about our past, present and future, are suitable gift for ourselves and to our foreign guests.

Read more about the projects:

It is possible to learn more about the products on XII Tallinn Design Festival, 25.09.–01.10. in Noblessneri Valukoda (Tööstuse 48)
Official opening of the exhibition is on Thursday 28.09. at 17.00-18.00. You are welcome!

Project “Brilliant Estonian Object” is supported by EV100 and it is part of EV100 official art program „Sada kunstimaastikku“

Posted by Tiina Pärtel — Permalink

25.09.2017 — 29.09.2017

Project “Brilliant Estonian Item” – students designed

“Brilliant Estonian item” is a collaboration project between product-, textile- and leather design specialisations in the faculty of design at Estonian Academy of Arts. The project focuses on searching elements and narratives to characterize Estonia to combine those into widely recognisable and thoughtful small objects – Estonian items.

The aim of this project is to gather inspiration from local cultural surrounding and assemble it into product prototypes with (applied) art value – outcome will be products, accessories, small installations etc. Articles which by telling a story about our past, present and future, are suitable gift for ourselves and to our foreign guests.

Read more about the projects:

It is possible to learn more about the products on XII Tallinn Design Festival, 25.09.–01.10. in Noblessneri Valukoda (Tööstuse 48)
Official opening of the exhibition is on Thursday 28.09. at 17.00-18.00. You are welcome!

Project “Brilliant Estonian Object” is supported by EV100 and it is part of EV100 official art program „Sada kunstimaastikku“

Posted by Tiina Pärtel — Permalink

Project “Brilliant Estonian Item” – students designed

Monday 25 September, 2017 — Friday 29 September, 2017

“Brilliant Estonian item” is a collaboration project between product-, textile- and leather design specialisations in the faculty of design at Estonian Academy of Arts. The project focuses on searching elements and narratives to characterize Estonia to combine those into widely recognisable and thoughtful small objects – Estonian items.

The aim of this project is to gather inspiration from local cultural surrounding and assemble it into product prototypes with (applied) art value – outcome will be products, accessories, small installations etc. Articles which by telling a story about our past, present and future, are suitable gift for ourselves and to our foreign guests.

Read more about the projects:

It is possible to learn more about the products on XII Tallinn Design Festival, 25.09.–01.10. in Noblessneri Valukoda (Tööstuse 48)
Official opening of the exhibition is on Thursday 28.09. at 17.00-18.00. You are welcome!

Project “Brilliant Estonian Object” is supported by EV100 and it is part of EV100 official art program „Sada kunstimaastikku“

Posted by Tiina Pärtel — Permalink


Croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design

krokii 22 sept 2017

You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink

Croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design

Friday 22 September, 2017

krokii 22 sept 2017

You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink



croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design

You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 15 September, 2017

croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design

You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink



krokii 8 september 2017 Elena

You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 08 September, 2017

krokii 8 september 2017 Elena

You are welcome to croquis drawing class of Faculty of Design on Fridays at 15.00-17.15
Room number 245, Estonia pst 7

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink

09.05.2017 — 14.05.2017

The exhibition. My Body. My Face. I Sense, I Look, I Imagine.


The exhibition. My Body. My Face. I Sense, I Look, I Imagine.

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink

The exhibition. My Body. My Face. I Sense, I Look, I Imagine.

Tuesday 09 May, 2017 — Sunday 14 May, 2017


The exhibition. My Body. My Face. I Sense, I Look, I Imagine.

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink