Academic Calendar



krokii 17 veebruar 2017 Elina

This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Elina.
Check out our fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 17 February, 2017

krokii 17 veebruar 2017 Elina

This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Elina.
Check out our fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink

01.01.2017 — 31.05.2017

Open Lecture Series – Design


25.01 Dan Mikkin

1.02 Jaanus Vahtra
/ Taevas Ogilvy loovjuht / Taeva Ogilvy creative director
Loovus ja emotsioon / Creativity and emotion 

Lõik raamatust “Daamide õnn”
“Niisiis on otsustatud, hinnaks paneme viis franki kuuskümmend… Te teate, et see teeb vaevalt välja omahinna.”
Jajah, viis franki kuuskümmend,” vastas Mouret rutakalt, ”ja oleksin mina üksi otsustajaks, müüksin alla omahinna.”
“Kui me seda müüme viie frangi kuuekümnega, siis võrdub see kahjuga müümisele, sest tehtud suuri kulusid tuleb ju millegagi katta… Igal pool mujal saadakse tema eest vähemalt seitse franki.”
“Ma ju tean seda ja tahan teha meie klientidele väikese kingituse…
Tõepoolest, mu sõber, te ei õpi iialgi naisi tundma. Saage ometi aru, et selle siidi pärast võivad nad lausa käsitsi kokku minna!”

8.02 Marko Kiisa
/ CEO, ethical fashion company Aus Design
Journey from corporate banking to ethical entrepreneurship: 

„My story about what took me from conventional banking to sustainable entrepreneurship. What formed my views, what were the takeaways and why at one point I felt – this can not continue like that. Also a little about what do I consider to be ethical entrepreneurship and why I warmly suggest everybody to consider these principles.“

15.02 Ülle Pihlak
/ EBSi dotsent / lecturer of Estonian Business School
Kultuuriliste eripäradega arvestamine suhtlemisel Aasia äripartneritega / Cultural differencis with Asian business partners 

Omapärased olukorrad, mis võivad ärile saatuslikuks saada.

22.02. Raul Kalvo & Helen Oja
/ architect & interior architect
Working with the space. How to expand your story with exhibition design? 

Their exhibition designs Conflicts and Adaptations – Estonian Art of the Soviet Era as well as Out of Sync – Looking Back at the History of Sound Art have been nominated for the best exhibition design of the year by Estonian Association of Interior Architects.

1.03. Jenni Moberg
/ CEO, design agent at 0.7 design Ltd
Role of an design agent to expand your brand and find clients. 

0.7 design Ltd is a design agency that connects Finnish craftsmen and designers with customers abroad. They also consult companies wishing to be more successful in their field with the help of design.

Loengu toimumist toetab Soome Instituut.

8.03. Aljona Eesmaa
/ Polhem PR Estonia pressijuht, ajakirja Säde moetoimetaja ja stilist, veebiportaali ( asutaja ja peatoimetaja ning moeblogija ( / fashion editor, stylist, blogger

Toode meedia kõverpeeglis / Product in medias distorting mirror. 

Sul on valmis toode, millega sa oled rahul, kuid sa ei tea, kuidas seda laiema publikuni viia? Trükipressiga suhtlemine tundub ulmeline ning sa ei tea isegi, kust pihta hakata? Võtad siis äkki hoopis ette sotsiaalmeedia? Või tahad minna otse telesse? On sul üldse väärt infot, mida jagada – tootefotodest grammatiliselt korrektse pressiteateni välja? Kõikidest nendest aspektidest antud loengus ka räägin ning proovin anda parima sisendi, et väärt info värske Eesti disaini kohta õiges suunas liikuma saada.,

15.03. Patricia Toti
/ Master of Arts in Leadership and Training, coach motivator, consultant 

How to turn negative experience into the positive outcome? Looking at limiting beliefs such as self-sabotage, fear, addictions etc and how to replace them with artistic confidence and productivity. More positive than negative. Conflict resolution and networking skills.

22.03. Martin ja Marje Eelmaa
/ graafilised disainerid / graphic designers

Mis on graafiline identiteet? / What is graphic identity?
Ettevõtte/toote graafilisest identiteedist, kuidas valmib kataloog/raamat/trükis ja fotode trükiettevalmistuse tähtsusest.

Helene Vetik / graphic designer / blogger / enterpreneur

Self presentation in internet. 10 years on the field – evolution of the field and myself.

12.04. Stefan Hiienurm
/ tootedisainer / product designer, UX expert

Kasutajamugavus + äri + disain + esteetika / User experience + business + design + esthetics

19.04. Aap Piho
/ Warm North asutaja ja tootedisainer / product designer

Disaineri isetegevuse paradoksid / Paradoxes of being a designer

Õpime vigadest.

26.04. Stella Soomlais
/ nahadisainer / leather accessory designer

Kaubamärgi asutamine, ehitamine ja hingeelu / Creating and building up your own brand

Aastaid verd, higi ja pisaraid. Vead kui õppetunnid.

Tuesday, 2.05 at 16.00 (r 426, Estonia str 7)

Roberta Einer / fashion designer

How to build up a fashion brand in the heart of fashion world?

Luxury Womenswear designer Roberta Einer moved from her hometown of Tallinn to London to study on the prestigious fashion courses at Central Saint Martins and the University of Westminster. During her studies she completed internships with Mary Katrantzou and Alexander McQueen, before moving to Paris upon graduation to assist at Balmain for a year where she continued to develop her craft. Establishing her label upon her return to London, the Roberta Einer brand is now in its third season creating experimental, luxury womenswear which focuses on textiles and working with traditional couture techniques. Her innovative designs have been featured in the likes of American Vogue, Teen Vogue, Dazed & Confused, HUNGER and i-D Magazine.

Some lectures are given in English or translation is provided.

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

Open Lecture Series – Design

Sunday 01 January, 2017 — Wednesday 31 May, 2017


25.01 Dan Mikkin

1.02 Jaanus Vahtra
/ Taevas Ogilvy loovjuht / Taeva Ogilvy creative director
Loovus ja emotsioon / Creativity and emotion 

Lõik raamatust “Daamide õnn”
“Niisiis on otsustatud, hinnaks paneme viis franki kuuskümmend… Te teate, et see teeb vaevalt välja omahinna.”
Jajah, viis franki kuuskümmend,” vastas Mouret rutakalt, ”ja oleksin mina üksi otsustajaks, müüksin alla omahinna.”
“Kui me seda müüme viie frangi kuuekümnega, siis võrdub see kahjuga müümisele, sest tehtud suuri kulusid tuleb ju millegagi katta… Igal pool mujal saadakse tema eest vähemalt seitse franki.”
“Ma ju tean seda ja tahan teha meie klientidele väikese kingituse…
Tõepoolest, mu sõber, te ei õpi iialgi naisi tundma. Saage ometi aru, et selle siidi pärast võivad nad lausa käsitsi kokku minna!”

8.02 Marko Kiisa
/ CEO, ethical fashion company Aus Design
Journey from corporate banking to ethical entrepreneurship: 

„My story about what took me from conventional banking to sustainable entrepreneurship. What formed my views, what were the takeaways and why at one point I felt – this can not continue like that. Also a little about what do I consider to be ethical entrepreneurship and why I warmly suggest everybody to consider these principles.“

15.02 Ülle Pihlak
/ EBSi dotsent / lecturer of Estonian Business School
Kultuuriliste eripäradega arvestamine suhtlemisel Aasia äripartneritega / Cultural differencis with Asian business partners 

Omapärased olukorrad, mis võivad ärile saatuslikuks saada.

22.02. Raul Kalvo & Helen Oja
/ architect & interior architect
Working with the space. How to expand your story with exhibition design? 

Their exhibition designs Conflicts and Adaptations – Estonian Art of the Soviet Era as well as Out of Sync – Looking Back at the History of Sound Art have been nominated for the best exhibition design of the year by Estonian Association of Interior Architects.

1.03. Jenni Moberg
/ CEO, design agent at 0.7 design Ltd
Role of an design agent to expand your brand and find clients. 

0.7 design Ltd is a design agency that connects Finnish craftsmen and designers with customers abroad. They also consult companies wishing to be more successful in their field with the help of design.

Loengu toimumist toetab Soome Instituut.

8.03. Aljona Eesmaa
/ Polhem PR Estonia pressijuht, ajakirja Säde moetoimetaja ja stilist, veebiportaali ( asutaja ja peatoimetaja ning moeblogija ( / fashion editor, stylist, blogger

Toode meedia kõverpeeglis / Product in medias distorting mirror. 

Sul on valmis toode, millega sa oled rahul, kuid sa ei tea, kuidas seda laiema publikuni viia? Trükipressiga suhtlemine tundub ulmeline ning sa ei tea isegi, kust pihta hakata? Võtad siis äkki hoopis ette sotsiaalmeedia? Või tahad minna otse telesse? On sul üldse väärt infot, mida jagada – tootefotodest grammatiliselt korrektse pressiteateni välja? Kõikidest nendest aspektidest antud loengus ka räägin ning proovin anda parima sisendi, et väärt info värske Eesti disaini kohta õiges suunas liikuma saada.,

15.03. Patricia Toti
/ Master of Arts in Leadership and Training, coach motivator, consultant 

How to turn negative experience into the positive outcome? Looking at limiting beliefs such as self-sabotage, fear, addictions etc and how to replace them with artistic confidence and productivity. More positive than negative. Conflict resolution and networking skills.

22.03. Martin ja Marje Eelmaa
/ graafilised disainerid / graphic designers

Mis on graafiline identiteet? / What is graphic identity?
Ettevõtte/toote graafilisest identiteedist, kuidas valmib kataloog/raamat/trükis ja fotode trükiettevalmistuse tähtsusest.

Helene Vetik / graphic designer / blogger / enterpreneur

Self presentation in internet. 10 years on the field – evolution of the field and myself.

12.04. Stefan Hiienurm
/ tootedisainer / product designer, UX expert

Kasutajamugavus + äri + disain + esteetika / User experience + business + design + esthetics

19.04. Aap Piho
/ Warm North asutaja ja tootedisainer / product designer

Disaineri isetegevuse paradoksid / Paradoxes of being a designer

Õpime vigadest.

26.04. Stella Soomlais
/ nahadisainer / leather accessory designer

Kaubamärgi asutamine, ehitamine ja hingeelu / Creating and building up your own brand

Aastaid verd, higi ja pisaraid. Vead kui õppetunnid.

Tuesday, 2.05 at 16.00 (r 426, Estonia str 7)

Roberta Einer / fashion designer

How to build up a fashion brand in the heart of fashion world?

Luxury Womenswear designer Roberta Einer moved from her hometown of Tallinn to London to study on the prestigious fashion courses at Central Saint Martins and the University of Westminster. During her studies she completed internships with Mary Katrantzou and Alexander McQueen, before moving to Paris upon graduation to assist at Balmain for a year where she continued to develop her craft. Establishing her label upon her return to London, the Roberta Einer brand is now in its third season creating experimental, luxury womenswear which focuses on textiles and working with traditional couture techniques. Her innovative designs have been featured in the likes of American Vogue, Teen Vogue, Dazed & Confused, HUNGER and i-D Magazine.

Some lectures are given in English or translation is provided.

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink



krokii 10 veebruar 2017 Johanna

This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Johanna.
Check out our fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 10 February, 2017

krokii 10 veebruar 2017 Johanna

This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Johanna.
Check out our fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink



krokii 3 veebr 2017 Celios

This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Celios.
Check out our fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 03 February, 2017

krokii 3 veebr 2017 Celios

This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Celios.
Check out our fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink



krokii 27 jaan 2017 Alex

This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Alex.
Check out our fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 27 January, 2017

krokii 27 jaan 2017 Alex

This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Alex.
Check out our fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink




This time the models in EAA Design Faculty`s drawing studio`s croquis are Ira (15.00-15.45) and Alex (15.45-17.30).

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 18 November, 2016


This time the models in EAA Design Faculty`s drawing studio`s croquis are Ira (15.00-15.45) and Alex (15.45-17.30).

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink




This time the model in EAA Design Faculty`s drawing studio`s croquis is Eliise.
Look our fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 11 November, 2016


This time the model in EAA Design Faculty`s drawing studio`s croquis is Eliise.
Look our fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Call for PhD students: Creative Practice Research seminar “Tacit Knowledge”

"Time Specificity / Genis-temporum" Image credit: Martí Franch Batllori with François Poupeau. Contribution to ADAPT-r Scientific Autobiography Call for Postcards. 

The Estonian Academy of Arts (EAA) Faculty of Architecture is inviting PhD students involved in creative practice research to participate in international seminar „Tacit Knowledge“. The seminar takes place on the 18th of November at 10am at EAA Faculty of Architecture (Pikk 20, 3rd floor).

Main objective of the seminar is to open the discussion with other PhD schools and programs in Estonia on the role of Tacit Knowledge in practice-led research.

Tacit knowledge could be described as an intuitive thinking related to the operational and experiential aspects of the practice, as a foundational dimension of the mental space of perception and memory, built through spatial intelligence.

Some guiding questions to be discussed with the participants could be:

What is the meaning of Tacit Knowledge in Creative Practice Research?

Where does Tacit Knowledge reside in and work in practitioners’ modes of practice?

How does Tacit Knowledge emerge? How does the discovery of Tacit Knowledge affect and change the practice?

What is the role of supervisors in surfacing Tacit Knowledge?

For registration, please contact before Friday, November 11.

The seminar will be held in English.
In Facebook You will find the timetable of the event:

Prior to the seminar, on Thursday November 17 prof Leon Van Schaik will give a lecture at the EAA Faculty of Architecture open guest speaker lecture series at Kanuti SAAL:

After the first ADAPT-r Day in April 2014 which focused on Building a Community of Practice and a second ADAPT-r Day in April 2016 which explored practitioners’ diverse methodologies in conducting their PhDs, related challenges and discoveries, the third ADAPT-r Day at the EAA aims to open the discussion with other PhD schools and programmes in Estonia on the role of Tacit Knowledge in practice-based research.

ADAPT-r (acronym for Architecture, Design and Art Practice Training-Research) is an ITN Initial Training Network funded within the FP7 Marie Curie Program. ADAPT-r is a network of seven academic institutions, but it engages also with design studios. The project includes 40 fellowships, seven training conferences, a major research conference, a final exhibition, five key books, and a website providing public access to research and events. The PhD supported by the ADAPT-r project is structured through three years of research, and is organised in six Practice Research Symposia (two per year, held in Ghent and in Barcelona), namely the PRS, in which the practitioners are invited to present their research and submit it to public consideration.

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink

Call for PhD students: Creative Practice Research seminar “Tacit Knowledge”

Friday 18 November, 2016

"Time Specificity / Genis-temporum" Image credit: Martí Franch Batllori with François Poupeau. Contribution to ADAPT-r Scientific Autobiography Call for Postcards. 

The Estonian Academy of Arts (EAA) Faculty of Architecture is inviting PhD students involved in creative practice research to participate in international seminar „Tacit Knowledge“. The seminar takes place on the 18th of November at 10am at EAA Faculty of Architecture (Pikk 20, 3rd floor).

Main objective of the seminar is to open the discussion with other PhD schools and programs in Estonia on the role of Tacit Knowledge in practice-led research.

Tacit knowledge could be described as an intuitive thinking related to the operational and experiential aspects of the practice, as a foundational dimension of the mental space of perception and memory, built through spatial intelligence.

Some guiding questions to be discussed with the participants could be:

What is the meaning of Tacit Knowledge in Creative Practice Research?

Where does Tacit Knowledge reside in and work in practitioners’ modes of practice?

How does Tacit Knowledge emerge? How does the discovery of Tacit Knowledge affect and change the practice?

What is the role of supervisors in surfacing Tacit Knowledge?

For registration, please contact before Friday, November 11.

The seminar will be held in English.
In Facebook You will find the timetable of the event:

Prior to the seminar, on Thursday November 17 prof Leon Van Schaik will give a lecture at the EAA Faculty of Architecture open guest speaker lecture series at Kanuti SAAL:

After the first ADAPT-r Day in April 2014 which focused on Building a Community of Practice and a second ADAPT-r Day in April 2016 which explored practitioners’ diverse methodologies in conducting their PhDs, related challenges and discoveries, the third ADAPT-r Day at the EAA aims to open the discussion with other PhD schools and programmes in Estonia on the role of Tacit Knowledge in practice-based research.

ADAPT-r (acronym for Architecture, Design and Art Practice Training-Research) is an ITN Initial Training Network funded within the FP7 Marie Curie Program. ADAPT-r is a network of seven academic institutions, but it engages also with design studios. The project includes 40 fellowships, seven training conferences, a major research conference, a final exhibition, five key books, and a website providing public access to research and events. The PhD supported by the ADAPT-r project is structured through three years of research, and is organised in six Practice Research Symposia (two per year, held in Ghent and in Barcelona), namely the PRS, in which the practitioners are invited to present their research and submit it to public consideration.

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink




This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Henriika.
EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 04 November, 2016


This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Henriika.
EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s fb album

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink




This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Julia.

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 28 October, 2016


This time the model in EAA Design Faculty’s drawing studio’s croquis is Julia.

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink