Academic Calendar
Jan Verwoert public lecture on November 12th
On Thursday, November 12th at 6PM, internationally renowned art theorist and professor of Oslo Art Academy Jan Verwoert will hold a public lecture Whipped Cream for the Walking Dead at the hall of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 6 Kohtu St.
The material world each day gives us more stuff to buy and fear, while at night our faces at night are bathed in the glow of LED-screens as we look for true life on the net. Did the war stop in the ’50s? Or did the pills just get better in taking the edge off? What to do when everywhere we go, online or IRL, we still can’t help but bring our body?
One way to deal with the situation, it would seem, is to turn life into a shimmer as sublimely dull as that on your screen. Call it the bliss of Zombies who no longer feel that they don’t feel, because they have lost their metabolism and can eat what they want and never put on a gram of weight. Who could fail to be convinced by the deep drowsiness in Lana del Rey’s voice when she sings that all she wanted to do was get high by the beach?
Yet what if the soul keeps kicking and yearning for some food and hurls us back in among a world of things, people, promises and online horoscopes? What if we confronted the question Bifo Berardi raised, asking: “Where shall we take our round bodies?”
Jan Verwoert is a writer, a contributing editor of frieze magazine, a professor for theory at the Oslo Academy of the Arts and teaches at the Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam. He is the author of Bas Jan Ader: In Search of the Miraculous (MIT Press/Afterall Books 2006), Tell Me What You Want What You Really Really Want (Sternberg Press/Piet Zwart Institute 2010), and, with Michael Stevenson, Animal Spirits — Fables in the Parlance of Our Time (JRP, Zurich 2013) and Cookie! (Sternberg Press/Piet Zwart Inst. 2014).
Estonian Academy of Arts, Institute of Art History in co-operation with the Centre for Contemporary Art Estonia are organizing a public lecture series concentrated on the questions of contemporary curatorship, criticism and theory. All lectures will be preceded by reading groups analyzing the previuos texts of the visiting lecturer at the office of Centre for Contemporary Art Estonia, Vabaduse väljak 6. The reading groups are free and open for all. The writing of Jan Verwoert will be discussed this Friday, November 6th at 2PM, please e-mail for registration.
Jan Verwoert public lecture on November 12th
Thursday 12 November, 2015
On Thursday, November 12th at 6PM, internationally renowned art theorist and professor of Oslo Art Academy Jan Verwoert will hold a public lecture Whipped Cream for the Walking Dead at the hall of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 6 Kohtu St.
The material world each day gives us more stuff to buy and fear, while at night our faces at night are bathed in the glow of LED-screens as we look for true life on the net. Did the war stop in the ’50s? Or did the pills just get better in taking the edge off? What to do when everywhere we go, online or IRL, we still can’t help but bring our body?
One way to deal with the situation, it would seem, is to turn life into a shimmer as sublimely dull as that on your screen. Call it the bliss of Zombies who no longer feel that they don’t feel, because they have lost their metabolism and can eat what they want and never put on a gram of weight. Who could fail to be convinced by the deep drowsiness in Lana del Rey’s voice when she sings that all she wanted to do was get high by the beach?
Yet what if the soul keeps kicking and yearning for some food and hurls us back in among a world of things, people, promises and online horoscopes? What if we confronted the question Bifo Berardi raised, asking: “Where shall we take our round bodies?”
Jan Verwoert is a writer, a contributing editor of frieze magazine, a professor for theory at the Oslo Academy of the Arts and teaches at the Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam. He is the author of Bas Jan Ader: In Search of the Miraculous (MIT Press/Afterall Books 2006), Tell Me What You Want What You Really Really Want (Sternberg Press/Piet Zwart Institute 2010), and, with Michael Stevenson, Animal Spirits — Fables in the Parlance of Our Time (JRP, Zurich 2013) and Cookie! (Sternberg Press/Piet Zwart Inst. 2014).
Estonian Academy of Arts, Institute of Art History in co-operation with the Centre for Contemporary Art Estonia are organizing a public lecture series concentrated on the questions of contemporary curatorship, criticism and theory. All lectures will be preceded by reading groups analyzing the previuos texts of the visiting lecturer at the office of Centre for Contemporary Art Estonia, Vabaduse väljak 6. The reading groups are free and open for all. The writing of Jan Verwoert will be discussed this Friday, November 6th at 2PM, please e-mail for registration.
Friday 30 October, 2015
Friday 23 October, 2015
Friday 16 October, 2015
Friday 09 October, 2015
Friday 02 October, 2015
Friday 25 September, 2015
18.09.2015 — 30.09.2015
Live feed from the conference “Onward from Creative Economy?”
Live feed from the conference “Onward from Creative Economy?”
Friday 18 September, 2015 — Wednesday 30 September, 2015
Friday 18 September, 2015
Lúdmila Žoldáková’s talk “The Current Situation in Fashion in Slovakia and Slavic Mythology as a Source of Inspiration”
Lúdmila Žoldáková will deliver her talk “The Current Situation in Fashion in Slovakia and Slavic Mythology as a Source of Inspiration” on Monday, 21 September at 5 p.m at Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia pst 7, IV floor, room 440a). The talk will be held in English. Q&A session after the screening.
In the beginning of March Tallinn Creative Hub announced with K.A.I.R – Košice Artist in Residence an exchange project for creative professionals for staying two months in Estonia and Slovakia. Since August an Estonian product designer Johanna Tammsalu has been in Košice and since the beginning of September a Slovakian fashion designer Lúdmila Žoldáková has been in Tallinn.
Talk “The Current Situation in Fashion in Slovakia and Slavic Mythology as a Source of Inspiration”
Many have been focused on paganism and European mythologies in the past few years. People try to dig deep in their roots and see what was there before Christianity took over. With some cultures it is easy to find information, while some are almost unknown. Lúdmila has been interested in Slavic mythology and this interest has taken forms also in her design.
Currently she is working on her fabric design patterns inspired by Slavic mythology and its female figures. The talk will give a short introduction to Slavic belief system — Lúdmila will talk more in detail about the seven mythical figures she has chosen for her project. Also, she will talk about her visual approaches to the topic and plans for the future. The talk will also cover current situation in fashion in Slovakia — the most interesting creative professionals, facts and ongoing trends.
Lúdmila Žoldáková is a Slovak illustrator and fashion designer. Since 2008 she has been running her own fashion brand LU:KA known for her feminine and colourful style. Lúdmila’s recent fashion projects has been inspired by history, traditions, mythology, books and fairy tales. Lúdmila is committed to ethical business values such as animal rights, local production, recycling and up-cycling. In the creative process Lúdmila is looking for freedom – “I love to be creative in the process of creation, not planning every single detail. I want to be carried away by colors, stories, materials and different techniques.” Lúdmila will stay in Estonia till 30 October.
Free entrance. All are welcome!
The talk is organised in collaboration with Tallinn Creative Hub and Estonian Academy of Arts.
The exchange project is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
Tallinna Kultuurikatla Loovharidusprogrammi projektijuht Dagmar Kase / /+372 58 874 921 /
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia moedisaini osakonna dotsent Marit Ahven / /
Lúdmila Žoldáková’s talk “The Current Situation in Fashion in Slovakia and Slavic Mythology as a Source of Inspiration”
Monday 21 September, 2015
Lúdmila Žoldáková will deliver her talk “The Current Situation in Fashion in Slovakia and Slavic Mythology as a Source of Inspiration” on Monday, 21 September at 5 p.m at Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia pst 7, IV floor, room 440a). The talk will be held in English. Q&A session after the screening.
In the beginning of March Tallinn Creative Hub announced with K.A.I.R – Košice Artist in Residence an exchange project for creative professionals for staying two months in Estonia and Slovakia. Since August an Estonian product designer Johanna Tammsalu has been in Košice and since the beginning of September a Slovakian fashion designer Lúdmila Žoldáková has been in Tallinn.
Talk “The Current Situation in Fashion in Slovakia and Slavic Mythology as a Source of Inspiration”
Many have been focused on paganism and European mythologies in the past few years. People try to dig deep in their roots and see what was there before Christianity took over. With some cultures it is easy to find information, while some are almost unknown. Lúdmila has been interested in Slavic mythology and this interest has taken forms also in her design.
Currently she is working on her fabric design patterns inspired by Slavic mythology and its female figures. The talk will give a short introduction to Slavic belief system — Lúdmila will talk more in detail about the seven mythical figures she has chosen for her project. Also, she will talk about her visual approaches to the topic and plans for the future. The talk will also cover current situation in fashion in Slovakia — the most interesting creative professionals, facts and ongoing trends.
Lúdmila Žoldáková is a Slovak illustrator and fashion designer. Since 2008 she has been running her own fashion brand LU:KA known for her feminine and colourful style. Lúdmila’s recent fashion projects has been inspired by history, traditions, mythology, books and fairy tales. Lúdmila is committed to ethical business values such as animal rights, local production, recycling and up-cycling. In the creative process Lúdmila is looking for freedom – “I love to be creative in the process of creation, not planning every single detail. I want to be carried away by colors, stories, materials and different techniques.” Lúdmila will stay in Estonia till 30 October.
Free entrance. All are welcome!
The talk is organised in collaboration with Tallinn Creative Hub and Estonian Academy of Arts.
The exchange project is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
Tallinna Kultuurikatla Loovharidusprogrammi projektijuht Dagmar Kase / /+372 58 874 921 /
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia moedisaini osakonna dotsent Marit Ahven / /