EKA Gallery

08.08.2024 — 08.09.2024

“Translucent Dreams” at EKA Gallery 8.08.–08.09.2024

“Translucent Dreams”
EKA Gallery 8.08.–08.09.2024
Open Tue–Sun 12–6 pm, free entry
Opening: 15.08.2024 at 6 pm

Participating artists: Chloé Geinoz, Rose Magee, Vitor Pascale, KitKit Para, Syed Sachal Rizvi

In today’s interconnected world, the notion of identity has progressively become more
complex and multifaceted. Gender, geography, and social/political beliefs, to name but a few shape the ways individuals perceive and express themselves.

This exhibition brings together five artists from diverse corners of the globe, each accentuating themes of intersecting identities through the lenses of chimerism, duality, hybridity, queer identity, and the construction and deconstruction of self. Using various visual strategies, these artists delve into the intricate layers of identity formation and expression, inviting you to journey through contemporary identity’s dynamic and ever-changing landscape.

The exhibition is supported by Sadolin Estonia.

Opening drinks from Põhjala Brewery.

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

“Translucent Dreams” at EKA Gallery 8.08.–08.09.2024

Thursday 08 August, 2024 — Sunday 08 September, 2024

“Translucent Dreams”
EKA Gallery 8.08.–08.09.2024
Open Tue–Sun 12–6 pm, free entry
Opening: 15.08.2024 at 6 pm

Participating artists: Chloé Geinoz, Rose Magee, Vitor Pascale, KitKit Para, Syed Sachal Rizvi

In today’s interconnected world, the notion of identity has progressively become more
complex and multifaceted. Gender, geography, and social/political beliefs, to name but a few shape the ways individuals perceive and express themselves.

This exhibition brings together five artists from diverse corners of the globe, each accentuating themes of intersecting identities through the lenses of chimerism, duality, hybridity, queer identity, and the construction and deconstruction of self. Using various visual strategies, these artists delve into the intricate layers of identity formation and expression, inviting you to journey through contemporary identity’s dynamic and ever-changing landscape.

The exhibition is supported by Sadolin Estonia.

Opening drinks from Põhjala Brewery.

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

05.07.2024 — 04.08.2024

Marleen Suvi “We’ve Never Lived in a House” at EKA Gallery 6.07.–4.08.2024

Marleen Suvi
Opening: 5.07. at 6 pm

Marleen Suvi’s personal exhibition “We’ve Never Lived in a House” brings together 16 large-scale canvases to form a major installation, which concerns itself with the topics of memory and family.

The paintings are based on the artist’s family photo albums, and according to the curator Aleksander Metsamärt, the exhibition reveals two main themes: firstly, the relationship between memory and memory carriers arising from the paintings created on the basis of photographs, secondly, the theme of the private house arising from the form of the installation and the period-specific context associated with it. At the crossroads of the two themes, we find the artist herself, offering an insight into her own memories with an intimately personal and a paradoxical universality.

For the artist these times are past, her past which she herself cannot [retreat/crawl] back to. A past from which forms and figures emerge, that are almost familiar, but not quite just. Not like they are here, in this picture, in this apartment, in this year – somewhere in the mid-nineties, when everyone wore clothes made out of those materials, the feel of which, to this day, the nerve endings of your synapses can still sense somewhere at the back of your mind; clothes, that in their quaintness and slight old-fashionedness still manage to warm your heart.

Curated by Aleksander Metsamärt

Graphic design by Rainer Kasekivi

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Opening drinks from Põhjala Brewery.

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

Marleen Suvi “We’ve Never Lived in a House” at EKA Gallery 6.07.–4.08.2024

Friday 05 July, 2024 — Sunday 04 August, 2024

Marleen Suvi
Opening: 5.07. at 6 pm

Marleen Suvi’s personal exhibition “We’ve Never Lived in a House” brings together 16 large-scale canvases to form a major installation, which concerns itself with the topics of memory and family.

The paintings are based on the artist’s family photo albums, and according to the curator Aleksander Metsamärt, the exhibition reveals two main themes: firstly, the relationship between memory and memory carriers arising from the paintings created on the basis of photographs, secondly, the theme of the private house arising from the form of the installation and the period-specific context associated with it. At the crossroads of the two themes, we find the artist herself, offering an insight into her own memories with an intimately personal and a paradoxical universality.

For the artist these times are past, her past which she herself cannot [retreat/crawl] back to. A past from which forms and figures emerge, that are almost familiar, but not quite just. Not like they are here, in this picture, in this apartment, in this year – somewhere in the mid-nineties, when everyone wore clothes made out of those materials, the feel of which, to this day, the nerve endings of your synapses can still sense somewhere at the back of your mind; clothes, that in their quaintness and slight old-fashionedness still manage to warm your heart.

Curated by Aleksander Metsamärt

Graphic design by Rainer Kasekivi

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Opening drinks from Põhjala Brewery.

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

29.05.2024 — 14.06.2024

EKA Grad Show TASE ’24

TASE ‘24
Estonian Academy of Arts Grad Show
Open every day from 12 to 6 pm

TASE is the yearly graduation show of the Estonian Academy of Arts, where the faculties of Architecture, Design, Art Culture and Fine Arts present current master theses and a selection of bachelor theses and portfolios. See the graduation works also on the website tase.artun.ee!


Schedule of the opening of TASE ’24 on Wednesday, May 29:

  • 3 pm doors open at the Estonian Academy of Arts
  • 4 pm opening of TASE ’24 at the graduation show of the Faculties of Architecture and Art Culture at the Estonian Academy of Arts
  • 5.30–6 pm collective procession from the Estonian Academy of Arts to Tallinn Art Hall
  • 6 pm opening of the graduation show of the Faculties of Design and Fine Arts at Tallinn Art Hall
  • 7–11 pm party at Tallinn Art Hall

On the opening day, on May 29, the graduation show is open to visitors from 5–8 pm at the Estonian Academy of Arts and from 5–9 pm at Tallinn Art Hall.


Estonian Academy of Arts
Graduation works of the Faculties of Architecture and Art Culture
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn

Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn Art Hall Gallery, Vent Space
Graduation works of the Faculties of Design and Fine Arts
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Vabaduse väljak 6 & 8, Tallinn

Design and Architecture Gallery
Graduation works of the bachelor students of Digital and Industrial Product Design and the master students of Product Design
29.05.–8.06.24, open Mon–Fri from 12 to 6 pm, Sat–Sun from 12 to 5 pm, free entry
Address: Pärnu mnt 6, Tallinn

Graduation exhibition “Do You Copy?” of the master students of Graphic Design
1.–7.06.24, open every day from 1 to 5 pm, free entry
Address: Niine 8a, Tallinn

Long Leg Gate Tower
Graduation exhibition “ETHEL IS GOD” by Ethel Ütsmüts, bachelor student of Ceramics
30.05.–14.06.2024, open Mon–Fri 10 to 14 pm, free entry
Address: Pikk Jalg 3, Tallinn

Graduation works of the master students of Interaction Design (MIxD)
01.–08.07.2024, open every day from 3 to 8 pm, entry 5€/3€/0€
Address: Rotermanni 14, Tallinn

Põhja pst 2, Tallinn
Graduation exhibition “Where to Belong” by Laura Movits, bachelor student of Interior Architecture
1.–4.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry

Uus Rada Gallery & Raja Building
Graduation works of the master students of Contemporary Art, participants Sandra Ernits, Mara Kirchberg, Sarah Noonan, Siim Preiman
31.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Raja tn 11a, Tallinn


EKA pop-up shop
29.05.–2.06.24 in the lobby of Tallinn Art Hall, open Wed 6–11 pm Thu–Sun 12–6 pm

Theses defences

Guided tours about the graduation works part of Architecture with Gregor Taul at the Estonian Academy of Arts, starting in the lobby:
5.06. at 2 pm in English
5.06. at 4 pm in Estonian

Guided tours at Tallinn Art Hall, start in front of the building on Freedom Square:
8.06. at 1 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in Estonian
8.06. at 3.15 pm by Valeriya Ferschel in Russian
9.06. at 1 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in Estonian
9.06. at 3 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in English
14.06. at 4.30 pm tour about the stories of the building’s past with Kaisa Maasik in Estonian

TASE FILM, curated by Kaur Järve
11.06.2024 at 6 pm at the Estonian Academy of Arts, room A-101, free entry

28.05. at 5 pm opening of the exhibition by the students of Product Design at the Design and Architecture Gallery

30.05. at 4 pm opening of the graduation show of the master students of Contemporary Art at Raja 11a

31.05. at 4 pm opening of graduation exhibition “Where to Belong” by Laura Movits, bachelor student of Interior Architecture

31.05. at 7 pm opening of the graduation show „Do You Copy?“ of the master students of Graphic Design in the project space ETC

Public programme in the Design and Architecture Gallery:

1.06 at 1.30-3 pm workshop “Design quality time” for families in Estonian
1.06. at 12 & 3 pm guided tours in Estonian
2.06. at 12 & 3 pm guided tours in Estonian
8.06. guided tour at 12 pm in Estonian
2.06 at 1.30-3 pm workshop “Experiencing Design” in Estonian


Exhibition “Disruptive Dissonance” by the second year students of the department of Jewellery, Telliskivi 60, Telliskivi Kvartal
23.05.–5.06.24, open Tue–Sun from 12 to 7 pm, free entry
Opening: 22.05. at 6 pm
Participants: Emilia Santaella Barreto, Elisabet Kiverik, Alice Kupri, Lucie Pastyrikova, Liisu Saar, Jekaterina Šehovtsova, Ronja-Marjam Vene

Exhibition “With Love and Fortitude” by the first year master students of Contemporary Art, ARS Project Space, Showroom and Studio 53, ARS Art Factory, Pärnu mnt 154, Tallinn
25.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Opening: 24.05. at 6 pm
Participants: Yvette Bathgate, Mihhail Boitsov, Anna Broučková, Christina Gradtke, Katariina Kesküla, Yuko Kinouchi, Eleftheria Kofidou, Tea Lemberpuu, Sven Mantsik, Jana Mätas, Jane Muts, KitKit Para, Vitor Pascale, Merilin Põldsam, Jake Shepherd, Liza Tsindeliani, Elo Vahtrik, Kristi Vendelin

Screenings of Elle Lepik’s film “Agentic Glass Landscapes 1”, Energy Discovery Centre, Põhja pst 29, Tallinn
30.05.–14.06.24, Mon–Fri 11.15 am & 2.15 pm Sat 11.15 am & 3.15 pm, entry 15€/12€

Craft studies coursework, Kopli 70a, 2nd floor, Krull kvartal, Tallinn
31.05.–9.06.24, open Fri–Sat from 1 to 7 pm or by appointment
Opening: 30.06. at 6 pm
Participants: Sofiya Babiy, Iohan Figueroa, Rait Lõhmus, Juulia Aleksandra Mikson, Katariin Mudist, Maarja Mäemets, Alyona Movko-Mägi, Kati Saarits, Hannah Segerkrantz, Elias Sormane

Exhibition of the master students of Contemporary Art titled “AEGn/a: exhibition in the city centre of Tallinn”, Aegna Island, Tallinn
2.-26.06.24, visiting according to the ferry schedule
Opening: 2.06., guided tours at 11 am & 3 pm
Finissage: 26.06.
Participants: Yvette Bathgate, Chloé Geinoz, Katariina Kesküla, Eleftgeria Irene Kofidou, Jane Muts, Anumai Raska, Jake Shepherd, Melina Unterhauser, Elo Vahtrik
Curator: Keithy Kuuspu

Exhibition “Contemporary Drawing: Worlding in Layers” by the second year students of Fine Arts, NART studio and Narva Kreenholm Manufacturing Company
3.–30.06.24, NART studio open Mon–Fri from 3 to 7 pm Sat–Sun from 1 to 7 pm, Kreenholm can be visited on Saturdays at 1pm as part of a guided tour, free entry
Opening: 2.06. at 1 pm
Participants: August Joost, Maria Kallau, Laura Lillepuu, Triin Mänd, Elise Marie Olesk, Sandra Puusepp, Mia Mai Seppel, Hanna Vinter

Jana Mätas’ solo exhibition, Keskpuur, Keskturg, Keldrimäe 9, Tallinn
3.–23.06.24, open every day from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm, free entry
Opening: 8.06. at 1 pm

Graduation exhibition “Imprints of Being” by the photography students of the EKA Open Academy, EKA Billboard Gallery, Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
4.06.–25.08.24, open 24/7, free
Opening: 4.06. at 6 pm
Participants: Birgit Aitsam, Priit Jaak Sild, Karolin Kaplan, Reelika Helde-Mikkor, Geroli Peedu, Eveli Smitt, Liisi Tali, Grete Tuiken

Exhibition “I Hope You Don’t Mind…” by Rebecca Norman and Elisa Margot Winters, Cafe Ait, Vene 14, Tallinn
10.06.–31.10.24, open every day from 9 am to 7 pm, free entry
Opening: 8.06. at 5 pm

Screening of the graduation works of the Animation department’s bachelor and master students, Kino Sõprus, Vana-Posti 8, Tallinn
15.06.24 from 5 to 7 pm, free entry
Participants: Carlos Santiago Ordoñez Alarcon, Aurelijus Čiupas, Ditiya Ferdous, Naira Hatšaturjan, Kate Jansone, Elise Kruusel, Evridiki Papaiakovou, Inês Machado Sales Grade Pinto, Piret Potter, Kirke Ross, Xingpei Shen, Nicole Tanysh, Laura Andrea Gudiño Sosa, Kelli Tõnurist

Pille-Riin Valk’s artwork “Scent of Moments”, the facade of the Estonian Academy of Arts, Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
Open 24/7, free


Kaisa Maasik (kaisa.maasik@artun.ee, +372 5396 2524)

Mia Tohver

Creative logisticians of TASE ’24
Vabaduse väljak 6 & 8
Brigit Arop, Johannes Luik

Creative logisticians of TASE ’24
Faculty of Architecture at the Estonian Academy of Arts
Anni Kärmik, Kairi Mändla

Curator of TASE FILM
Kaur Järve

Graphic design
Robin Raspel, Georg-Ander Sild, Ronald Trei

Pärtel Eelmere, Laura Jüristo, Triin Käo, Maarja Pabut, Andres Lõo (contact for press: andres.loo@artun.ee, +372 526 7253)

Technical director
Erik Hõim

Technical team
Katariina Kesküla, Ats Kruusing, Eke Ao Nattan, Reigo Nahksepp, Jake Shepherd, Mattias Jürgen Veller


AkzoNobel, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Artists’ Association, Punch, Tallinn Art Hall, ERASMUS

Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink

EKA Grad Show TASE ’24

Wednesday 29 May, 2024 — Friday 14 June, 2024

TASE ‘24
Estonian Academy of Arts Grad Show
Open every day from 12 to 6 pm

TASE is the yearly graduation show of the Estonian Academy of Arts, where the faculties of Architecture, Design, Art Culture and Fine Arts present current master theses and a selection of bachelor theses and portfolios. See the graduation works also on the website tase.artun.ee!


Schedule of the opening of TASE ’24 on Wednesday, May 29:

  • 3 pm doors open at the Estonian Academy of Arts
  • 4 pm opening of TASE ’24 at the graduation show of the Faculties of Architecture and Art Culture at the Estonian Academy of Arts
  • 5.30–6 pm collective procession from the Estonian Academy of Arts to Tallinn Art Hall
  • 6 pm opening of the graduation show of the Faculties of Design and Fine Arts at Tallinn Art Hall
  • 7–11 pm party at Tallinn Art Hall

On the opening day, on May 29, the graduation show is open to visitors from 5–8 pm at the Estonian Academy of Arts and from 5–9 pm at Tallinn Art Hall.


Estonian Academy of Arts
Graduation works of the Faculties of Architecture and Art Culture
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn

Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn Art Hall Gallery, Vent Space
Graduation works of the Faculties of Design and Fine Arts
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Vabaduse väljak 6 & 8, Tallinn

Design and Architecture Gallery
Graduation works of the bachelor students of Digital and Industrial Product Design and the master students of Product Design
29.05.–8.06.24, open Mon–Fri from 12 to 6 pm, Sat–Sun from 12 to 5 pm, free entry
Address: Pärnu mnt 6, Tallinn

Graduation exhibition “Do You Copy?” of the master students of Graphic Design
1.–7.06.24, open every day from 1 to 5 pm, free entry
Address: Niine 8a, Tallinn

Long Leg Gate Tower
Graduation exhibition “ETHEL IS GOD” by Ethel Ütsmüts, bachelor student of Ceramics
30.05.–14.06.2024, open Mon–Fri 10 to 14 pm, free entry
Address: Pikk Jalg 3, Tallinn

Graduation works of the master students of Interaction Design (MIxD)
01.–08.07.2024, open every day from 3 to 8 pm, entry 5€/3€/0€
Address: Rotermanni 14, Tallinn

Põhja pst 2, Tallinn
Graduation exhibition “Where to Belong” by Laura Movits, bachelor student of Interior Architecture
1.–4.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry

Uus Rada Gallery & Raja Building
Graduation works of the master students of Contemporary Art, participants Sandra Ernits, Mara Kirchberg, Sarah Noonan, Siim Preiman
31.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Raja tn 11a, Tallinn


EKA pop-up shop
29.05.–2.06.24 in the lobby of Tallinn Art Hall, open Wed 6–11 pm Thu–Sun 12–6 pm

Theses defences

Guided tours about the graduation works part of Architecture with Gregor Taul at the Estonian Academy of Arts, starting in the lobby:
5.06. at 2 pm in English
5.06. at 4 pm in Estonian

Guided tours at Tallinn Art Hall, start in front of the building on Freedom Square:
8.06. at 1 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in Estonian
8.06. at 3.15 pm by Valeriya Ferschel in Russian
9.06. at 1 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in Estonian
9.06. at 3 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in English
14.06. at 4.30 pm tour about the stories of the building’s past with Kaisa Maasik in Estonian

TASE FILM, curated by Kaur Järve
11.06.2024 at 6 pm at the Estonian Academy of Arts, room A-101, free entry

28.05. at 5 pm opening of the exhibition by the students of Product Design at the Design and Architecture Gallery

30.05. at 4 pm opening of the graduation show of the master students of Contemporary Art at Raja 11a

31.05. at 4 pm opening of graduation exhibition “Where to Belong” by Laura Movits, bachelor student of Interior Architecture

31.05. at 7 pm opening of the graduation show „Do You Copy?“ of the master students of Graphic Design in the project space ETC

Public programme in the Design and Architecture Gallery:

1.06 at 1.30-3 pm workshop “Design quality time” for families in Estonian
1.06. at 12 & 3 pm guided tours in Estonian
2.06. at 12 & 3 pm guided tours in Estonian
8.06. guided tour at 12 pm in Estonian
2.06 at 1.30-3 pm workshop “Experiencing Design” in Estonian


Exhibition “Disruptive Dissonance” by the second year students of the department of Jewellery, Telliskivi 60, Telliskivi Kvartal
23.05.–5.06.24, open Tue–Sun from 12 to 7 pm, free entry
Opening: 22.05. at 6 pm
Participants: Emilia Santaella Barreto, Elisabet Kiverik, Alice Kupri, Lucie Pastyrikova, Liisu Saar, Jekaterina Šehovtsova, Ronja-Marjam Vene

Exhibition “With Love and Fortitude” by the first year master students of Contemporary Art, ARS Project Space, Showroom and Studio 53, ARS Art Factory, Pärnu mnt 154, Tallinn
25.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Opening: 24.05. at 6 pm
Participants: Yvette Bathgate, Mihhail Boitsov, Anna Broučková, Christina Gradtke, Katariina Kesküla, Yuko Kinouchi, Eleftheria Kofidou, Tea Lemberpuu, Sven Mantsik, Jana Mätas, Jane Muts, KitKit Para, Vitor Pascale, Merilin Põldsam, Jake Shepherd, Liza Tsindeliani, Elo Vahtrik, Kristi Vendelin

Screenings of Elle Lepik’s film “Agentic Glass Landscapes 1”, Energy Discovery Centre, Põhja pst 29, Tallinn
30.05.–14.06.24, Mon–Fri 11.15 am & 2.15 pm Sat 11.15 am & 3.15 pm, entry 15€/12€

Craft studies coursework, Kopli 70a, 2nd floor, Krull kvartal, Tallinn
31.05.–9.06.24, open Fri–Sat from 1 to 7 pm or by appointment
Opening: 30.06. at 6 pm
Participants: Sofiya Babiy, Iohan Figueroa, Rait Lõhmus, Juulia Aleksandra Mikson, Katariin Mudist, Maarja Mäemets, Alyona Movko-Mägi, Kati Saarits, Hannah Segerkrantz, Elias Sormane

Exhibition of the master students of Contemporary Art titled “AEGn/a: exhibition in the city centre of Tallinn”, Aegna Island, Tallinn
2.-26.06.24, visiting according to the ferry schedule
Opening: 2.06., guided tours at 11 am & 3 pm
Finissage: 26.06.
Participants: Yvette Bathgate, Chloé Geinoz, Katariina Kesküla, Eleftgeria Irene Kofidou, Jane Muts, Anumai Raska, Jake Shepherd, Melina Unterhauser, Elo Vahtrik
Curator: Keithy Kuuspu

Exhibition “Contemporary Drawing: Worlding in Layers” by the second year students of Fine Arts, NART studio and Narva Kreenholm Manufacturing Company
3.–30.06.24, NART studio open Mon–Fri from 3 to 7 pm Sat–Sun from 1 to 7 pm, Kreenholm can be visited on Saturdays at 1pm as part of a guided tour, free entry
Opening: 2.06. at 1 pm
Participants: August Joost, Maria Kallau, Laura Lillepuu, Triin Mänd, Elise Marie Olesk, Sandra Puusepp, Mia Mai Seppel, Hanna Vinter

Jana Mätas’ solo exhibition, Keskpuur, Keskturg, Keldrimäe 9, Tallinn
3.–23.06.24, open every day from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm, free entry
Opening: 8.06. at 1 pm

Graduation exhibition “Imprints of Being” by the photography students of the EKA Open Academy, EKA Billboard Gallery, Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
4.06.–25.08.24, open 24/7, free
Opening: 4.06. at 6 pm
Participants: Birgit Aitsam, Priit Jaak Sild, Karolin Kaplan, Reelika Helde-Mikkor, Geroli Peedu, Eveli Smitt, Liisi Tali, Grete Tuiken

Exhibition “I Hope You Don’t Mind…” by Rebecca Norman and Elisa Margot Winters, Cafe Ait, Vene 14, Tallinn
10.06.–31.10.24, open every day from 9 am to 7 pm, free entry
Opening: 8.06. at 5 pm

Screening of the graduation works of the Animation department’s bachelor and master students, Kino Sõprus, Vana-Posti 8, Tallinn
15.06.24 from 5 to 7 pm, free entry
Participants: Carlos Santiago Ordoñez Alarcon, Aurelijus Čiupas, Ditiya Ferdous, Naira Hatšaturjan, Kate Jansone, Elise Kruusel, Evridiki Papaiakovou, Inês Machado Sales Grade Pinto, Piret Potter, Kirke Ross, Xingpei Shen, Nicole Tanysh, Laura Andrea Gudiño Sosa, Kelli Tõnurist

Pille-Riin Valk’s artwork “Scent of Moments”, the facade of the Estonian Academy of Arts, Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
Open 24/7, free


Kaisa Maasik (kaisa.maasik@artun.ee, +372 5396 2524)

Mia Tohver

Creative logisticians of TASE ’24
Vabaduse väljak 6 & 8
Brigit Arop, Johannes Luik

Creative logisticians of TASE ’24
Faculty of Architecture at the Estonian Academy of Arts
Anni Kärmik, Kairi Mändla

Curator of TASE FILM
Kaur Järve

Graphic design
Robin Raspel, Georg-Ander Sild, Ronald Trei

Pärtel Eelmere, Laura Jüristo, Triin Käo, Maarja Pabut, Andres Lõo (contact for press: andres.loo@artun.ee, +372 526 7253)

Technical director
Erik Hõim

Technical team
Katariina Kesküla, Ats Kruusing, Eke Ao Nattan, Reigo Nahksepp, Jake Shepherd, Mattias Jürgen Veller


AkzoNobel, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Artists’ Association, Punch, Tallinn Art Hall, ERASMUS

Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink

29.04.2024 — 21.05.2024

Assessment Marathon at EKA Gallery 29.04.–20.05.2024

May brings an opportunity to experience, in an exhibition format, works produced by students in the Faculty of Fine Arts as their term projects: every day there will be a fresh crop of university students’ works on display in the gallery.

Works in animation, contemporary art, installation and sculpture, painting, photography, printmaking, scenography curricula will be on display. On each evening of the marathon, a new exhibition will be installed and in the evening the exhibit will give way to the next one. Hopefully, viewers will be able to keep up with the pace of the young artists.

On the day of the evaluation, the exhibition is open from 3 to 6 pm, exhibitions held over several days are open from 12 to 6 pm on the following day.


Mon 29.04. Drawing, supervisors Maiu Rõõmus, Matti Pärk
Tue 30.04. Drawing, supervisors Eero Alev, Britta Benno
Wed 1.05. the gallery is closed
Thu 2.05. Drawing, supervisor Ulvi Haagensen
Fri 3.05. Drawing and painting, supervisors Britta Benno, Brenda Purtstak
Sat 4.05. – Sun 5.05. Abstract drawing, supervisor Lembe Ruben-Kangur

Mon 6.05. Photography, supervisor Madis Kurss
Tue 7.05. – Wed 8.05. Photography, supervisor Marge Monko
Thu 9.05. – Fri 10.05. Painting, supervisors Eero Alev, Mihkel Ilus, Holger Loodus, Jaan Toomik
Sat 11.05. – Sun 12.05. Painting, supervisors Sirja-Liisa Eelma, Kristi Kongi, Holger Loodus

Mon 13.05. Contemporary Art, supervisors Anu Vahtra, Kristi Kongi, Camille Laurelli, Marge Monko, Liina Siib, Taavi Talve, Eve Kask, Laura Põld, David K. Ross, Jaan Toomik, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo
Tue 14.05. Printmaking, supervisors Maria Erikson, Merilin Metsamaa, Mirjam Varik, Lembe Ruben-Kangur, Sandra Puusepp
Wed 15.05. Animation, supervisors Lilli-Krõõt Repnau, Lucija Mrzljak, Anu-Laura Tuttelberg
Thu 16.05. Scenography, supervisors Liina Keevallik, Mark Raidpere
Fri 17.05. Scenography, supervisors Renzo Alexander Van Steenbergen
Sat 18.05. Drawing, supervisor Lilli-Krõõt Repnau
Sun 19.05. the gallery is closed

Mon 20.05. Printmaking, supervisors Eve Kask, Viktor Gurov, Erik Alalooga, Eve Kaaret, Monica Langwe

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

Assessment Marathon at EKA Gallery 29.04.–20.05.2024

Monday 29 April, 2024 — Tuesday 21 May, 2024

May brings an opportunity to experience, in an exhibition format, works produced by students in the Faculty of Fine Arts as their term projects: every day there will be a fresh crop of university students’ works on display in the gallery.

Works in animation, contemporary art, installation and sculpture, painting, photography, printmaking, scenography curricula will be on display. On each evening of the marathon, a new exhibition will be installed and in the evening the exhibit will give way to the next one. Hopefully, viewers will be able to keep up with the pace of the young artists.

On the day of the evaluation, the exhibition is open from 3 to 6 pm, exhibitions held over several days are open from 12 to 6 pm on the following day.


Mon 29.04. Drawing, supervisors Maiu Rõõmus, Matti Pärk
Tue 30.04. Drawing, supervisors Eero Alev, Britta Benno
Wed 1.05. the gallery is closed
Thu 2.05. Drawing, supervisor Ulvi Haagensen
Fri 3.05. Drawing and painting, supervisors Britta Benno, Brenda Purtstak
Sat 4.05. – Sun 5.05. Abstract drawing, supervisor Lembe Ruben-Kangur

Mon 6.05. Photography, supervisor Madis Kurss
Tue 7.05. – Wed 8.05. Photography, supervisor Marge Monko
Thu 9.05. – Fri 10.05. Painting, supervisors Eero Alev, Mihkel Ilus, Holger Loodus, Jaan Toomik
Sat 11.05. – Sun 12.05. Painting, supervisors Sirja-Liisa Eelma, Kristi Kongi, Holger Loodus

Mon 13.05. Contemporary Art, supervisors Anu Vahtra, Kristi Kongi, Camille Laurelli, Marge Monko, Liina Siib, Taavi Talve, Eve Kask, Laura Põld, David K. Ross, Jaan Toomik, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo
Tue 14.05. Printmaking, supervisors Maria Erikson, Merilin Metsamaa, Mirjam Varik, Lembe Ruben-Kangur, Sandra Puusepp
Wed 15.05. Animation, supervisors Lilli-Krõõt Repnau, Lucija Mrzljak, Anu-Laura Tuttelberg
Thu 16.05. Scenography, supervisors Liina Keevallik, Mark Raidpere
Fri 17.05. Scenography, supervisors Renzo Alexander Van Steenbergen
Sat 18.05. Drawing, supervisor Lilli-Krõõt Repnau
Sun 19.05. the gallery is closed

Mon 20.05. Printmaking, supervisors Eve Kask, Viktor Gurov, Erik Alalooga, Eve Kaaret, Monica Langwe

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

12.03.2024 — 23.04.2024

Weekly yoga at EKA Gallery

Weekly yoga conducted by Maarja Mäemets (Sandcastle Yoga) will start in the EKA Gallery from Tuesday, March 12.

The yoga classes will take place every Tuesday starting at 6.30 pm, the duration is 60 minutes. Everyone is welcome to participate, bring your friend along! If possible, bring your own yoga mat or use the on-site mats.

Participation fee:
Free for EKA students (Please bring your student card or ISIC card to prove your status)
All others 5 euros per turn (Transfer the amount to the current account no later than the Monday before yoga: Maarja Mäemets EE167700771002500633 Note: Sandcastle Yoga)

The number of places is limited, so please register here:

Yoga classes in March:
Tuesday, March 12 from 6.30–7.30 pm
Tuesday, March 19 from 6.30–7.30 pm
Tuesday, March 26 from 6.30–7.30 pm

Yoga classes in April:
Tuesday, April 2 from 6.30–7.30 pm
Tuesday, April 9 from 6.30–7.30 pm
Tuesday, April 16 from 6.30–7.30 pm
Tuesday, April 23 from 6.30–7.30 pm

Additional information: maarja.maemets@artun.ee
The yoga classes are supported by the EKA Student Council.
Posted by EKA galerii — Permalink

Weekly yoga at EKA Gallery

Tuesday 12 March, 2024 — Tuesday 23 April, 2024

Weekly yoga conducted by Maarja Mäemets (Sandcastle Yoga) will start in the EKA Gallery from Tuesday, March 12.

The yoga classes will take place every Tuesday starting at 6.30 pm, the duration is 60 minutes. Everyone is welcome to participate, bring your friend along! If possible, bring your own yoga mat or use the on-site mats.

Participation fee:
Free for EKA students (Please bring your student card or ISIC card to prove your status)
All others 5 euros per turn (Transfer the amount to the current account no later than the Monday before yoga: Maarja Mäemets EE167700771002500633 Note: Sandcastle Yoga)

The number of places is limited, so please register here:

Yoga classes in March:
Tuesday, March 12 from 6.30–7.30 pm
Tuesday, March 19 from 6.30–7.30 pm
Tuesday, March 26 from 6.30–7.30 pm

Yoga classes in April:
Tuesday, April 2 from 6.30–7.30 pm
Tuesday, April 9 from 6.30–7.30 pm
Tuesday, April 16 from 6.30–7.30 pm
Tuesday, April 23 from 6.30–7.30 pm

Additional information: maarja.maemets@artun.ee
The yoga classes are supported by the EKA Student Council.
Posted by EKA galerii — Permalink

04.04.2024 — 26.04.2024

“EKA in Kenya. Implementing the Upmade System” at EKA Gallery 5.–26.04.2024

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“EKA in Kenya. Implementing the Upmade System”
EKA Gallery 5.–26.04.2024
Open Tue–Sun 12–6 pm, free entry
Opening: 4.04.2024 at 6 pm

Supervisors: Reet Aus, Maria Pukk
Participants: Marta Konovalov, Susanna-Belinda Kõgel, Eva-Liis Lidenburg, Kaisa Moora, Anu Muiste, Doreen Mägi, Maria Rojko Nisu, Eva Reiska, Katrin Lepa-Ruben, Lisandra Türkson, Maris Vahter

The exhibition “EKA in Kenya. Implementing the Upmade System” focuses on the effort to reduce and recycle waste from the textile industry. The students of circular design of the Estonian Academy of Arts spent the month of February in 2024 in Kenya, in the city of Eldoret. On site, they learned about the production at the Rivatex factory, followed the product development process, performed analyzes and applied upcycling principles. Twelve different product concepts created by students will be displayed in EKA Gallery, including accessories, clothes, lampshades and a modular tent.

The international project “Transferring Upmade Know-How to Kenya” is part of a longer cooperation between Moi University and DiMa, the Sustainable Design and Materials Lab at the Estonian Academy of Arts. DiMa has contributed to reducing the environmental impact of the fashion and textile industry through various international projects. The aim of the project is to increase the circulation of Kenya’s textile industry by introducing the UPMADE method at the Rivatex factory. The approach enables the recycling of textile waste generated during manufacturing, thus supporting more environmentally friendly production.

The project has been made in cooperation with the Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Center (SEI Tallinn) and Moi University, with the support of the Erasmus+ study mobility program and the Environmental Investment Centre (KIK).

Opening drinks from Punch Club.

More info:
Transferring Upmade Know-How to Kenya

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

“EKA in Kenya. Implementing the Upmade System” at EKA Gallery 5.–26.04.2024

Thursday 04 April, 2024 — Friday 26 April, 2024

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“EKA in Kenya. Implementing the Upmade System”
EKA Gallery 5.–26.04.2024
Open Tue–Sun 12–6 pm, free entry
Opening: 4.04.2024 at 6 pm

Supervisors: Reet Aus, Maria Pukk
Participants: Marta Konovalov, Susanna-Belinda Kõgel, Eva-Liis Lidenburg, Kaisa Moora, Anu Muiste, Doreen Mägi, Maria Rojko Nisu, Eva Reiska, Katrin Lepa-Ruben, Lisandra Türkson, Maris Vahter

The exhibition “EKA in Kenya. Implementing the Upmade System” focuses on the effort to reduce and recycle waste from the textile industry. The students of circular design of the Estonian Academy of Arts spent the month of February in 2024 in Kenya, in the city of Eldoret. On site, they learned about the production at the Rivatex factory, followed the product development process, performed analyzes and applied upcycling principles. Twelve different product concepts created by students will be displayed in EKA Gallery, including accessories, clothes, lampshades and a modular tent.

The international project “Transferring Upmade Know-How to Kenya” is part of a longer cooperation between Moi University and DiMa, the Sustainable Design and Materials Lab at the Estonian Academy of Arts. DiMa has contributed to reducing the environmental impact of the fashion and textile industry through various international projects. The aim of the project is to increase the circulation of Kenya’s textile industry by introducing the UPMADE method at the Rivatex factory. The approach enables the recycling of textile waste generated during manufacturing, thus supporting more environmentally friendly production.

The project has been made in cooperation with the Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Center (SEI Tallinn) and Moi University, with the support of the Erasmus+ study mobility program and the Environmental Investment Centre (KIK).

Opening drinks from Punch Club.

More info:
Transferring Upmade Know-How to Kenya

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

22.03.2024 — 02.06.2024

Cloe Jancis & Ann Pajuväli “beginners” at EKA Billboard Gallery 22.03.–02.06.2024

Cloe Jancis & Ann Pajuväli
EKA Billboard Gallery 22.03.–02.06.2024
Open 24/7, free
Opening: 22.03.2024 at 6 pm

A beginner’s mindset means letting go of assumptions, expertise, or preconceived notions that might cloud our perception or limit our understanding. In this state, we cultivate curiosity, humility and willingness to learn, even with prior knowledge and experience on the subject. It means embracing a sense of astonishment and discovery by trying things for the first time, which can lead to new perspectives and foster creativity and personal growth.

The artists emphasise that the exhibition is about growing out of the ways of representation they have become accustomed to: “We are in a phase of transition – it is not clear-cut, but it is lively and honest. Going through it means letting go (of former habits) and trusting that work teaches the doer. At the exhibition, we share parallel quests that may have a result, but not necessarily. This is a stopover, one possible version; unfinished thoughts, half-baked ideas, new beginnings and loose ends. The most honest expression of the current situation.

Opening drinks from Punch Drinks.

More info:

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

Cloe Jancis & Ann Pajuväli “beginners” at EKA Billboard Gallery 22.03.–02.06.2024

Friday 22 March, 2024 — Sunday 02 June, 2024

Cloe Jancis & Ann Pajuväli
EKA Billboard Gallery 22.03.–02.06.2024
Open 24/7, free
Opening: 22.03.2024 at 6 pm

A beginner’s mindset means letting go of assumptions, expertise, or preconceived notions that might cloud our perception or limit our understanding. In this state, we cultivate curiosity, humility and willingness to learn, even with prior knowledge and experience on the subject. It means embracing a sense of astonishment and discovery by trying things for the first time, which can lead to new perspectives and foster creativity and personal growth.

The artists emphasise that the exhibition is about growing out of the ways of representation they have become accustomed to: “We are in a phase of transition – it is not clear-cut, but it is lively and honest. Going through it means letting go (of former habits) and trusting that work teaches the doer. At the exhibition, we share parallel quests that may have a result, but not necessarily. This is a stopover, one possible version; unfinished thoughts, half-baked ideas, new beginnings and loose ends. The most honest expression of the current situation.

Opening drinks from Punch Drinks.

More info:

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink


Book launch: Andres Alver “About Architecture”

The book “About Architecture” by architect and professor Andres Alver has been published.

The book presentation will take place on February 29, 2024 at 6 pm in the EKA Gallery.

The book is introduced by the author Andres Alver. EKA Rector Mart Kalm, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Sille Pihlak and President of the Estonian Association of Architects Andro Mänd will speak.

Andres Alver, who recently celebrated his 70th birthday, has taught several generations of architects at the EKA Faculty of Architecture since 1985.

The book is on sale at the presentation.

The book has parallel texts in Estonian and English.

Editor: Triin Ojari

Language editor: Aime Kons

Translators: Refiner Translations OÜ

Design: Tiina Alver

Printing house: Omaraamat

ISBN 978-9916-4-2204-5

The publication was supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and the Estonian Academy of Arts.

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink

Book launch: Andres Alver “About Architecture”

Thursday 29 February, 2024

The book “About Architecture” by architect and professor Andres Alver has been published.

The book presentation will take place on February 29, 2024 at 6 pm in the EKA Gallery.

The book is introduced by the author Andres Alver. EKA Rector Mart Kalm, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Sille Pihlak and President of the Estonian Association of Architects Andro Mänd will speak.

Andres Alver, who recently celebrated his 70th birthday, has taught several generations of architects at the EKA Faculty of Architecture since 1985.

The book is on sale at the presentation.

The book has parallel texts in Estonian and English.

Editor: Triin Ojari

Language editor: Aime Kons

Translators: Refiner Translations OÜ

Design: Tiina Alver

Printing house: Omaraamat

ISBN 978-9916-4-2204-5

The publication was supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and the Estonian Academy of Arts.

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink

07.03.2024 — 31.03.2024

“Gentle Gestures of Self” at EKA Gallery 7.–31.03.2024

Opening: 7.03. at 6 pm

Participating artists: Andre Joosep Arming, Annamaari Hyttinen, Cloe Jancis, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar, Taavi Rekkaro, Johanna Saikkonen, Marleen Suvi, Elo Vahtrik
Curator: Kaisa Maasik

The group exhibition “Gentle Gestures of Self” brings together a selection of contemporary self-portraits. The paintings and photographs primarily depict the faces and hands of the artists, pointing at the emotions brought out by their facial expressions and gestures.

Culturally, hands are attributed with a great expressive power: in addition to conveying mood, depicting hands in specific positions can communicate deep feelings and meanings. Anthropologist Ethel J. Alpenfels has said: “Hands point or lead or command; hands cry out in agony or lie quietly sleeping; hands have moods, character, and, in a wider sense, their own particular beauty.”

The exhibition stems from a curatorial perspective focusing on relationships, inner experiences and moods. It approaches hands’ special ability and vulnerability to convey all emotions, even those that people have learned to control in facial expressions.

Opening drinks from Põhjala Brewery.

EKA Gallery
Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
Open Tue–Sun 12–18, free entry

More info:

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

“Gentle Gestures of Self” at EKA Gallery 7.–31.03.2024

Thursday 07 March, 2024 — Sunday 31 March, 2024

Opening: 7.03. at 6 pm

Participating artists: Andre Joosep Arming, Annamaari Hyttinen, Cloe Jancis, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar, Taavi Rekkaro, Johanna Saikkonen, Marleen Suvi, Elo Vahtrik
Curator: Kaisa Maasik

The group exhibition “Gentle Gestures of Self” brings together a selection of contemporary self-portraits. The paintings and photographs primarily depict the faces and hands of the artists, pointing at the emotions brought out by their facial expressions and gestures.

Culturally, hands are attributed with a great expressive power: in addition to conveying mood, depicting hands in specific positions can communicate deep feelings and meanings. Anthropologist Ethel J. Alpenfels has said: “Hands point or lead or command; hands cry out in agony or lie quietly sleeping; hands have moods, character, and, in a wider sense, their own particular beauty.”

The exhibition stems from a curatorial perspective focusing on relationships, inner experiences and moods. It approaches hands’ special ability and vulnerability to convey all emotions, even those that people have learned to control in facial expressions.

Opening drinks from Põhjala Brewery.

EKA Gallery
Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
Open Tue–Sun 12–18, free entry

More info:

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

19.02.2024 — 24.02.2024

Durational performance “The Embassy of Utopia” at EKA Gallery 19.–24.02.2024

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“The Embassy of Utopia: Happiness for Everybody, Free of Charge, and May No One Be Left Behind!*”
EKA Gallery

Open Mon–Fri 12–9 pm & Sat 5–11 pm (part of the reception), free entry

The Institute of Meetings & Non-Meetings opens the Embassy of Utopia at the EKA Gallery on February 19th. On the final evening of the performative installation, February 24th, one hour after President Alar Karis steps up to the lectern at the Estonia Theatre to deliver Estonia’s most anticipated speech of the year, the Embassy of Utopia will present the year’s most unexpected speech.

The speech will not be written by artificial intelligence or a freelance poet. It will be written by those who gather at the Embassy, those seeking poetic refuge.

“We have dealt with speeches in the Institute’s and Paide Theatre’s previous projects and confirmed that the core of a good speech is a clear message. But the world is not clear, and it seems that every speech, aiming to bring clarity, spreads confusion. Therefore, we decided it was time to turn our backs on clarity and create a speech that acknowledges confusion,” says one of the participating artists, Jan Teevet.

“One might ask, what distinguishes the Embassy of Utopia’s speech from any much-maligned internet forum. The answer can be found in the phenomenon of meeting. From Monday to Friday, when the Embassy’s doors at the Estonian Academy of Arts are open to all passersby, dozens of groups will meet there, not aiming for a mediocre compromise, but to build bold connections between views, crises, and solutions that frame their personal realities today,” adds the Institute’s dramaturge, Oliver Issak.

“A clear message, a clear tax system, a clear line between good and evil — we often think that clarity takes care of everything and everyone on its own, not noticing that clarity can often be uncaring. Clear messages are easier to receive and categorize, but how to organise a reception for doubts?” asks sociologist and artist-researcher Margaret Tilk.

The Embassy of Utopia is open from February 19th–23rd from 12–9 pm and culminates in the Embassy of Utopia’s reception on February 24th at 5 pm.

Entry to the Embassy is free for all, and everyone is free to decide whether it is an exhibition, a theatre production, a workshop, a meeting, a political-poetic consecration, a deep hangout, a minimalist opera, or something else entirely. One may also choose not to decide.

The Embassy of Utopia’s daily life and nightly fiction are created and organised by Oliver Issak, Kairi Mändla, Jan Teevet, Taavi Teevet, and Margaret Tilk.

“The Embassy of Utopia: Happiness for everybody, free of charge, and may no one be left behind!” is the fourth event in the series of actions created by the Institute of Meetings and Non-Meetings. The doors of the Embassy of Utopia first opened in May 2023 at the invitation of the international literature festival Prima Vista and the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024, with the subtitle “Longing for a different reality”, and from September, the Embassy of Utopia’s radio action goes live on Klassikaraadio on the last Sunday of every month. On December 31st, 2023, a 5-hour New Year’s Eve special was broadcasted on Klassikaraadio’s wavelength, “Embassy of Utopia: A Thousand Toasts to the Future”.

The Embassy of Utopia is a sanctuary for positive uncertainty, bold thought, and untamable imagination.

* The title is based on the novel “Roadside Picnic” by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.

The project is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Drinks at the reception provided by Põhjala Brewery.

More info:
Jan Teevet jan@instituut.art
Oliver Issak oliver@instituut.art
Margaret Tilk marga.tilk@gmail.com

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

Durational performance “The Embassy of Utopia” at EKA Gallery 19.–24.02.2024

Monday 19 February, 2024 — Saturday 24 February, 2024

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“The Embassy of Utopia: Happiness for Everybody, Free of Charge, and May No One Be Left Behind!*”
EKA Gallery

Open Mon–Fri 12–9 pm & Sat 5–11 pm (part of the reception), free entry

The Institute of Meetings & Non-Meetings opens the Embassy of Utopia at the EKA Gallery on February 19th. On the final evening of the performative installation, February 24th, one hour after President Alar Karis steps up to the lectern at the Estonia Theatre to deliver Estonia’s most anticipated speech of the year, the Embassy of Utopia will present the year’s most unexpected speech.

The speech will not be written by artificial intelligence or a freelance poet. It will be written by those who gather at the Embassy, those seeking poetic refuge.

“We have dealt with speeches in the Institute’s and Paide Theatre’s previous projects and confirmed that the core of a good speech is a clear message. But the world is not clear, and it seems that every speech, aiming to bring clarity, spreads confusion. Therefore, we decided it was time to turn our backs on clarity and create a speech that acknowledges confusion,” says one of the participating artists, Jan Teevet.

“One might ask, what distinguishes the Embassy of Utopia’s speech from any much-maligned internet forum. The answer can be found in the phenomenon of meeting. From Monday to Friday, when the Embassy’s doors at the Estonian Academy of Arts are open to all passersby, dozens of groups will meet there, not aiming for a mediocre compromise, but to build bold connections between views, crises, and solutions that frame their personal realities today,” adds the Institute’s dramaturge, Oliver Issak.

“A clear message, a clear tax system, a clear line between good and evil — we often think that clarity takes care of everything and everyone on its own, not noticing that clarity can often be uncaring. Clear messages are easier to receive and categorize, but how to organise a reception for doubts?” asks sociologist and artist-researcher Margaret Tilk.

The Embassy of Utopia is open from February 19th–23rd from 12–9 pm and culminates in the Embassy of Utopia’s reception on February 24th at 5 pm.

Entry to the Embassy is free for all, and everyone is free to decide whether it is an exhibition, a theatre production, a workshop, a meeting, a political-poetic consecration, a deep hangout, a minimalist opera, or something else entirely. One may also choose not to decide.

The Embassy of Utopia’s daily life and nightly fiction are created and organised by Oliver Issak, Kairi Mändla, Jan Teevet, Taavi Teevet, and Margaret Tilk.

“The Embassy of Utopia: Happiness for everybody, free of charge, and may no one be left behind!” is the fourth event in the series of actions created by the Institute of Meetings and Non-Meetings. The doors of the Embassy of Utopia first opened in May 2023 at the invitation of the international literature festival Prima Vista and the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024, with the subtitle “Longing for a different reality”, and from September, the Embassy of Utopia’s radio action goes live on Klassikaraadio on the last Sunday of every month. On December 31st, 2023, a 5-hour New Year’s Eve special was broadcasted on Klassikaraadio’s wavelength, “Embassy of Utopia: A Thousand Toasts to the Future”.

The Embassy of Utopia is a sanctuary for positive uncertainty, bold thought, and untamable imagination.

* The title is based on the novel “Roadside Picnic” by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.

The project is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Drinks at the reception provided by Põhjala Brewery.

More info:
Jan Teevet jan@instituut.art
Oliver Issak oliver@instituut.art
Margaret Tilk marga.tilk@gmail.com

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink