

Open Lecture: Service Design in Small vs Big Companies

On the impact of designers in different organisational structures.

In the second open seminar for, and the first ever for IxDA Tallinn, we invite Ine Marie Vassøy, a Service Design lead from Cisco, to talk about working as a designer in small agencies versus big companies.

Ine is a Service Designer from Norway. She has years of experience working with different agencies, designing services for sectors such as healthcare, telecoms, energy, and finance. She holds an MA in Interaction Design from the Umeå Institute of Design, and has held senior positions in several internationally renown agencies, including Designit in Norway, Fjord and Spotless in London. Currently she is working for Cisco Systems Inc., where she is designing services for the future of collaboration.

Interaction design (IxD) is a theme that has emerged to address the ongoing advancements in technology and the way it relates to people. At we keep a broad view on the field, and cover more areas than what is related to digital technology.

The event is free and open for everyone. Please RSVP on EventBrite:

Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink

Open Lecture: Service Design in Small vs Big Companies

Friday 13 April, 2018

On the impact of designers in different organisational structures.

In the second open seminar for, and the first ever for IxDA Tallinn, we invite Ine Marie Vassøy, a Service Design lead from Cisco, to talk about working as a designer in small agencies versus big companies.

Ine is a Service Designer from Norway. She has years of experience working with different agencies, designing services for sectors such as healthcare, telecoms, energy, and finance. She holds an MA in Interaction Design from the Umeå Institute of Design, and has held senior positions in several internationally renown agencies, including Designit in Norway, Fjord and Spotless in London. Currently she is working for Cisco Systems Inc., where she is designing services for the future of collaboration.

Interaction design (IxD) is a theme that has emerged to address the ongoing advancements in technology and the way it relates to people. At we keep a broad view on the field, and cover more areas than what is related to digital technology.

The event is free and open for everyone. Please RSVP on EventBrite:

Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink

03.05.2018 — 05.04.2018

Invitation from Kosovo: PRISHTINA Architecture & Art Festival (PAAF)


PRISHTINA Architecture & Art Festival (PAAF) with the slogan “The sound of place”, is an event that seeks to link Architecture and other disciplines in the field of Art through Conferences, Exhibitions, Concerts, Exhibitions, Roundtables, Workshops, Films, Instalations, etc..

The cultural diversity of Southeast Europe, the multicultural complexity and interdisciplinary interweaving demonstrates an unprecedented extension of Architecture and Art to this region. Despite the successive conflicts in Europe, on these spaces is articulated a harmonious language both in architecture and art, craftsmanship and culture in general. Relationship between the forms of artistic expression and the cultural diversity linked with the location, will be in the focus of PAAF’18 and festivals that will be held in 2019 and other years in the future.


This year festival is scheduled to take place during 3-5 May 2018 in Prishtina-KOSOVA, besides the professors, experts and assistants, there will be considerable space for young scientists and artists and especially students.


Date: 3-5 May, 2018

Place: Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo, AAB COLLEGE


“The sound of Place”

(Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary approach in Architecture&Arts)


Scientific Conference (Architecture&Art)

Exhibition (Paintings, Photography, etc.)


– “The Best Diploma Project” PAAF’18 (Architecture&Interior Design)

–  “The best Branding design” for PAAF’18 (Visual Communication)

From design to implementation “Kosovar Euro coin”

“Authenticity and modernity in fashion design”

Concert: “Acousmatics-correlation of music and architecture”



In this edition on PAAF’18, is the 4th International Scientific Conference organized at UAAB. This year’s conference is considered very specific because apart from architecture, it also brings together other visual arts (Graphic design, Fashion Design, Interior Design) but also musicology and documentary film. The two facets of PAAF’18 and especially the Conference are MULTI and INTER the discipline of topics from architecture and art but also the connection to a certain territory which is the territory of Southeast Europe. It is expected that the works will have a comprehensive approach by exploring the relationships between the various arts in the midst of their own, especially with architecture. They look like works related to autochthonous houses trying to overlook its typological background. The conference welcomes scientific papers – according to the Thesis Kosova criteria (attached to the end) which be published on Proceedings Book with ISBN, poster presentations and presentations (e.g. PowerPOINT) open for discussion.


Deadlines to be followed:

o Deadline for Submission of Abstracts, April 5, 2018

o Deadline for Submission of Draft Works and Presentations at PowerPOINT, 15 April 2018

o Deadline for submission of final work according to Thesis Kosovo criteria: 15 May 2018


SUBMIT for CONFERENCE: New Full Paper/Poster/Abstract Submissions: 5th March, 2018 2018 (Early Bird deadline)

The attendance on the event for researches should submit the abstract no later than 5th April 2018 at 11:00 o’clock by filling the application provided in the link


SUBMISSION using Email:  and Web page: or


One of the Best Papers will be will be awarded with Certificate for Best Paper of the conference.


Accepted papers of the conference will be published (free of charge) in the printed in Scientific Review “Thesis” ( proceedings with valid International ISBN number.




This edition organize three different competition:

o Best diploma project

o Best branding design

o Best Documentary film


In all categories of competition will be engaged international jury.



The competition “The Best Diploma Project” PAAF’18 is dedicated for the students of Architecture & Interior Design. This competition has 3 categories: MASTER, BACHELOR and Diploma for Secondary School of Architecture and Interior.

Dead line for submission 23rd April, 2018



Since “PAAF” is going to be a yearly festival, we encourage all the Graphic Designers that want to be part of “PAAF 2019” branding, to apply and start competing to win the next year branding contest. In order to apply, the designer should send an request email on: and during the next week we will send all the required info. The winner will be announced on the last day of this year festival.


Documentary film night offers a wide selection of diverse competition and non-competition films. Incorporated into the PAAF’18 festival with a series of sidebar events to promote authenticity and identity audience and professional appreciation for documentary films with priority on Southeast Europe.

Deadline for submission 23rd April, 2018





“Authenticity and Modernity in fashion design”:

“The sound of place” is the title that will embody the fashion design student work presentation at the first edition of the Prishtina Architecture and Arts Festival Application on this topic of costumes with focus on Authenticity and reflection in today fashion design could be done with photos or drawings (Dead line for submission 23rd April, 2018). Final participation should be with model in open show. In this project can participate all students from Southeast countries. The show will be organized by Krenare Rugova (Head of Fashion Design Department) and Albulena Borovci (Project Creative Director).



PAAF’18 will present exhibition of student work on design of Euro coin which is ongoing project in internal competition of students of AABU. During PAAF’18 students will prepare model of winner in proportion 100:1 and present printed designs of all other participants. This intern competition is organized by professor Fitim Aliu.



A concert of acousmatic music performed through the octophonic system of 8 loudspeakers. The programme explores sound materials and the “echoes” of the sounds in space. The auditor, eyes closed, will sense the space and allow the imagination to deploy its spatial sensations. The concert will feature the works of Kosovar composer/professor Donika Rudi in assistance od students of UAAB.


We invite also young composer and students to participate with similar projects in PAAF’18.


SITE SEEING of USA Embassy’s in Prishtina (under construction)

In cooperation with Embassy of USA in Kosovo is organized site seeing of building which is under construction for group up to 10 participants. The interested participants should apply until 1st March 2018. This visit will be facilitated by Professor Adelina Tahiri (



Web address: &



The following “Awards” will be given to the participans which will be selected by the committee among the presented papers/posters/ presented in the Conference and commpetitions.

– Best Paper Award

– The Researcher of the Year Award

– The Young Researcher of the Year Award

– Best Diploma Project (Architecture&Interior Design)

– Best Branding Design of PAAF’19

– Best documentary Film

– Best Costume Design

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

Invitation from Kosovo: PRISHTINA Architecture & Art Festival (PAAF)

Thursday 03 May, 2018 — Thursday 05 April, 2018


PRISHTINA Architecture & Art Festival (PAAF) with the slogan “The sound of place”, is an event that seeks to link Architecture and other disciplines in the field of Art through Conferences, Exhibitions, Concerts, Exhibitions, Roundtables, Workshops, Films, Instalations, etc..

The cultural diversity of Southeast Europe, the multicultural complexity and interdisciplinary interweaving demonstrates an unprecedented extension of Architecture and Art to this region. Despite the successive conflicts in Europe, on these spaces is articulated a harmonious language both in architecture and art, craftsmanship and culture in general. Relationship between the forms of artistic expression and the cultural diversity linked with the location, will be in the focus of PAAF’18 and festivals that will be held in 2019 and other years in the future.


This year festival is scheduled to take place during 3-5 May 2018 in Prishtina-KOSOVA, besides the professors, experts and assistants, there will be considerable space for young scientists and artists and especially students.


Date: 3-5 May, 2018

Place: Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo, AAB COLLEGE


“The sound of Place”

(Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary approach in Architecture&Arts)


Scientific Conference (Architecture&Art)

Exhibition (Paintings, Photography, etc.)


– “The Best Diploma Project” PAAF’18 (Architecture&Interior Design)

–  “The best Branding design” for PAAF’18 (Visual Communication)

From design to implementation “Kosovar Euro coin”

“Authenticity and modernity in fashion design”

Concert: “Acousmatics-correlation of music and architecture”



In this edition on PAAF’18, is the 4th International Scientific Conference organized at UAAB. This year’s conference is considered very specific because apart from architecture, it also brings together other visual arts (Graphic design, Fashion Design, Interior Design) but also musicology and documentary film. The two facets of PAAF’18 and especially the Conference are MULTI and INTER the discipline of topics from architecture and art but also the connection to a certain territory which is the territory of Southeast Europe. It is expected that the works will have a comprehensive approach by exploring the relationships between the various arts in the midst of their own, especially with architecture. They look like works related to autochthonous houses trying to overlook its typological background. The conference welcomes scientific papers – according to the Thesis Kosova criteria (attached to the end) which be published on Proceedings Book with ISBN, poster presentations and presentations (e.g. PowerPOINT) open for discussion.


Deadlines to be followed:

o Deadline for Submission of Abstracts, April 5, 2018

o Deadline for Submission of Draft Works and Presentations at PowerPOINT, 15 April 2018

o Deadline for submission of final work according to Thesis Kosovo criteria: 15 May 2018


SUBMIT for CONFERENCE: New Full Paper/Poster/Abstract Submissions: 5th March, 2018 2018 (Early Bird deadline)

The attendance on the event for researches should submit the abstract no later than 5th April 2018 at 11:00 o’clock by filling the application provided in the link


SUBMISSION using Email:  and Web page: or


One of the Best Papers will be will be awarded with Certificate for Best Paper of the conference.


Accepted papers of the conference will be published (free of charge) in the printed in Scientific Review “Thesis” ( proceedings with valid International ISBN number.




This edition organize three different competition:

o Best diploma project

o Best branding design

o Best Documentary film


In all categories of competition will be engaged international jury.



The competition “The Best Diploma Project” PAAF’18 is dedicated for the students of Architecture & Interior Design. This competition has 3 categories: MASTER, BACHELOR and Diploma for Secondary School of Architecture and Interior.

Dead line for submission 23rd April, 2018



Since “PAAF” is going to be a yearly festival, we encourage all the Graphic Designers that want to be part of “PAAF 2019” branding, to apply and start competing to win the next year branding contest. In order to apply, the designer should send an request email on: and during the next week we will send all the required info. The winner will be announced on the last day of this year festival.


Documentary film night offers a wide selection of diverse competition and non-competition films. Incorporated into the PAAF’18 festival with a series of sidebar events to promote authenticity and identity audience and professional appreciation for documentary films with priority on Southeast Europe.

Deadline for submission 23rd April, 2018





“Authenticity and Modernity in fashion design”:

“The sound of place” is the title that will embody the fashion design student work presentation at the first edition of the Prishtina Architecture and Arts Festival Application on this topic of costumes with focus on Authenticity and reflection in today fashion design could be done with photos or drawings (Dead line for submission 23rd April, 2018). Final participation should be with model in open show. In this project can participate all students from Southeast countries. The show will be organized by Krenare Rugova (Head of Fashion Design Department) and Albulena Borovci (Project Creative Director).



PAAF’18 will present exhibition of student work on design of Euro coin which is ongoing project in internal competition of students of AABU. During PAAF’18 students will prepare model of winner in proportion 100:1 and present printed designs of all other participants. This intern competition is organized by professor Fitim Aliu.



A concert of acousmatic music performed through the octophonic system of 8 loudspeakers. The programme explores sound materials and the “echoes” of the sounds in space. The auditor, eyes closed, will sense the space and allow the imagination to deploy its spatial sensations. The concert will feature the works of Kosovar composer/professor Donika Rudi in assistance od students of UAAB.


We invite also young composer and students to participate with similar projects in PAAF’18.


SITE SEEING of USA Embassy’s in Prishtina (under construction)

In cooperation with Embassy of USA in Kosovo is organized site seeing of building which is under construction for group up to 10 participants. The interested participants should apply until 1st March 2018. This visit will be facilitated by Professor Adelina Tahiri (



Web address: &



The following “Awards” will be given to the participans which will be selected by the committee among the presented papers/posters/ presented in the Conference and commpetitions.

– Best Paper Award

– The Researcher of the Year Award

– The Young Researcher of the Year Award

– Best Diploma Project (Architecture&Interior Design)

– Best Branding Design of PAAF’19

– Best documentary Film

– Best Costume Design

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink


Screen Tests for Köler Prize 2018

Premiere at cinema Sõprus
Monday, 2nd of April, 6.30 pm
Free entrance!

The film “Screen Tests for Köler Prize 2018” accompanies the 7th Köler Prize exhibition of the nominees at EKKM, open during 31.03.–20.05.2018.

Idea: EKKM & Nora Särak
Cinematographer: Nora Särak
Editing: Raul Tõnurist, Epp Kubu, Nora Särak
Sound recording: Antti Mäss, Dmitry Natalevich, Siim Skepast, Tanel Kadalipp
Sound design: Jevgeni Berezovski
Colour correction: Epp Kubu
Graphic design: Ott Kagovere

Thank you:
Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Culture, AS Smarten Logistics, family Kruuse, Baltic Film and Media School, Estonian Artists’ Association, Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center, Tõnu Talpsep

Köler Prize is an art award established in 2011 by the Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM). Its main objective throughout the years has been to give recognition to important artists and art collectives that are active in Estonia and to popularise contemporary art in general. Five artists or art collectives of Estonian origin or who reside permanently in Estonia are nominated for the Köler Prize on the basis of their creative work over the past three years.

More information:
+372 53305449

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

Screen Tests for Köler Prize 2018

Monday 02 April, 2018

Premiere at cinema Sõprus
Monday, 2nd of April, 6.30 pm
Free entrance!

The film “Screen Tests for Köler Prize 2018” accompanies the 7th Köler Prize exhibition of the nominees at EKKM, open during 31.03.–20.05.2018.

Idea: EKKM & Nora Särak
Cinematographer: Nora Särak
Editing: Raul Tõnurist, Epp Kubu, Nora Särak
Sound recording: Antti Mäss, Dmitry Natalevich, Siim Skepast, Tanel Kadalipp
Sound design: Jevgeni Berezovski
Colour correction: Epp Kubu
Graphic design: Ott Kagovere

Thank you:
Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Culture, AS Smarten Logistics, family Kruuse, Baltic Film and Media School, Estonian Artists’ Association, Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center, Tõnu Talpsep

Köler Prize is an art award established in 2011 by the Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM). Its main objective throughout the years has been to give recognition to important artists and art collectives that are active in Estonia and to popularise contemporary art in general. Five artists or art collectives of Estonian origin or who reside permanently in Estonia are nominated for the Köler Prize on the basis of their creative work over the past three years.

More information:
+372 53305449

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink


Open lecture “Surveillance Capitalism” by Varvara & Mar


Varvara & Mar. Surveillance Capitalism

19 February at 5 pm, graphic art department, Lembitu 10B, room 144

On Monday, 19 February at 5 pm there will be an open lecture by Varvara & Mar. During the lecture Varvara & Mar will explore the influences of technological age on society and how it resonates in their artistic practice.

The notion of surveillance capitalism is borrowed from Shoshana Zuboff, who underlines ongoing and expanding monetisation of big data. In her word this is a new form of information capitalism aims to predict and modify human behaviour as a means to produce revenue and market control.

The lecture will take place at EKA Lembitu 10B building in room no 144.

Varvara & Mar. The Big Other. 360-degree video, VR (virtual reality). 2017-2018.

Varvara & Mar is an artist duo formed by Varvara Guljajeva and Mar Canet in 2009. Often duo’s work is inspired by the digital age. In their practice they confront social changes and impact of technological era. In addition to that, Varvara & Mar are fascinated by kinetics and participation, which are integral parts of their work.

Artist duo has exhibited their art pieces in a number of international shows and festivals. In 2014 duo has been commission by Google and Barbican for creating a new art piece for Digital Revolution exhibition. In 2015 their public art proposal for Green Square Library and Plaza in Sydney was nominated for the final stage. This year they have completed public art commission in Tallinn and have won 2nd and 3rd prizes for public art in Estonia. Varvara & Mar has exhibited at MAD in New York, FACT in Liverpool, Santa Monica in Barcelona, Barbican in London, Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens, Ars Electronica museum in Linz, Maribor City Gallery in Slovenia, etc.

Varvara (born in Tartu, Estonia), gained her bachelor’s degree in IT from Estonian IT College, master’s degree in digital media from ISNM in Germany and currently is a PhD candidate at the Estonian Academy of Arts in the department of Art and Design.

Mar (born in Barcelona) has two degrees: in art and design from ESDI in Barcelona and in computer game development from University Central Lancashire in UK. He also has gain a master’s degree from Interface Cultures at the University of Art and Design Linz. In addition to that, Mar is a co-founder of Derivart and Lummo.

More info:

EKA vabade kunstide teaduskonna 2017/2018 kevadsemestri Seminari sari alapealkirjaga „SFÄÄRID“ hõlmab kümmekond loengut ja kunstnikuvestlust erinevatest valdkondadest. Seminari sari on vabaaine, mis annab 3 ainepunkti. Registreerimine toimub kohapeal.

Seminar series SPHERES in the spring semester 2017/2018 consists of 11 lectures and talks from different fields. Seminar series is a free elective that gives 3 ECTS.

You are warmly welcome!


Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

Open lecture “Surveillance Capitalism” by Varvara & Mar

Monday 19 February, 2018


Varvara & Mar. Surveillance Capitalism

19 February at 5 pm, graphic art department, Lembitu 10B, room 144

On Monday, 19 February at 5 pm there will be an open lecture by Varvara & Mar. During the lecture Varvara & Mar will explore the influences of technological age on society and how it resonates in their artistic practice.

The notion of surveillance capitalism is borrowed from Shoshana Zuboff, who underlines ongoing and expanding monetisation of big data. In her word this is a new form of information capitalism aims to predict and modify human behaviour as a means to produce revenue and market control.

The lecture will take place at EKA Lembitu 10B building in room no 144.

Varvara & Mar. The Big Other. 360-degree video, VR (virtual reality). 2017-2018.

Varvara & Mar is an artist duo formed by Varvara Guljajeva and Mar Canet in 2009. Often duo’s work is inspired by the digital age. In their practice they confront social changes and impact of technological era. In addition to that, Varvara & Mar are fascinated by kinetics and participation, which are integral parts of their work.

Artist duo has exhibited their art pieces in a number of international shows and festivals. In 2014 duo has been commission by Google and Barbican for creating a new art piece for Digital Revolution exhibition. In 2015 their public art proposal for Green Square Library and Plaza in Sydney was nominated for the final stage. This year they have completed public art commission in Tallinn and have won 2nd and 3rd prizes for public art in Estonia. Varvara & Mar has exhibited at MAD in New York, FACT in Liverpool, Santa Monica in Barcelona, Barbican in London, Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens, Ars Electronica museum in Linz, Maribor City Gallery in Slovenia, etc.

Varvara (born in Tartu, Estonia), gained her bachelor’s degree in IT from Estonian IT College, master’s degree in digital media from ISNM in Germany and currently is a PhD candidate at the Estonian Academy of Arts in the department of Art and Design.

Mar (born in Barcelona) has two degrees: in art and design from ESDI in Barcelona and in computer game development from University Central Lancashire in UK. He also has gain a master’s degree from Interface Cultures at the University of Art and Design Linz. In addition to that, Mar is a co-founder of Derivart and Lummo.

More info:

EKA vabade kunstide teaduskonna 2017/2018 kevadsemestri Seminari sari alapealkirjaga „SFÄÄRID“ hõlmab kümmekond loengut ja kunstnikuvestlust erinevatest valdkondadest. Seminari sari on vabaaine, mis annab 3 ainepunkti. Registreerimine toimub kohapeal.

Seminar series SPHERES in the spring semester 2017/2018 consists of 11 lectures and talks from different fields. Seminar series is a free elective that gives 3 ECTS.

You are warmly welcome!


Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink


Architecture Open Lecture: Ulrika Karlsson

The second lecturer of the Open Lecture Series this spring semester will be Ulrika Karlsson, stepping on the stage of Kanuti Gildi Saal (Pikk 20, Tallinn) on 22nd of February at 6 pm. Her lecture is titled “Rustic Figurations and Aesthetics Of the Fall”.

Ulrika Karlsson is an architect and founding member servo stockholm and of the newly started architectural design collaborative Brrum. She is a professor of architecture at KTH School of Architecture, with a focus on digital methods and tools. Karlsson is also a professor at Konstfack – University College of Arts, Craft and Design. She has been a visiting faculty at Bartlett, UCL, London, teaching Urban Design. Karlsson has also taught at UCLA’s Department of Architecture and Urban Design. She received her Architecture degree from Columbia University and Landscape Architecture degree from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Karlsson has lectured and exhibited internationally and contributed to numerous journals including Perspecta, Via, Arkitektur and AD. She has exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale, the Centre Pompidou, ArkDes, SFMoMA, the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, the Wexner Center for the Arts, MoMA/QNS, Artists Space, the MAK Center for Art and Architecture, and the Storefront for Art and Architecture. servo’s work is part of the permanent collections of SFMoMA and the FRAC Centre.

Engaging a playful use of technology and material experimentation, her practice has a specific interest in the role of architectural representations and their translations, where we sometimes encounter the conflation of material and information. A current project with Brrum includes “And or not”, a proposal for a public artwork for the planned new park, Norrastationsparen in Hagastaden, Stockholm, which will be finished 2021.

The Open Lecture Series brings to Tallinn a number of exciting architects, urban planners, academics from across the world. All Open Lectures are free of charge, in English, take place every fortnight, and are open to everyone – for both students and professionals of the field, general audience and students considering architecture for their further studies.

The architecture and urban planning department of the Estonian Academy of Arts has been curating the Open Lectures on Architecture series since 2012 – each year, a dozen architects, urbanists, both practicing as well as academics, introduce their work and field of research to the audience in Tallinn. All lectures are in English, free and open to all interested, drawing an audience of students as well as professionals and academics from the fields of architecture, design, engineering but also fine arts. The series is funded by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Curators: Sille Pihlak, Siim Tuksam

Posted by Triin Männik — Permalink

Architecture Open Lecture: Ulrika Karlsson

Thursday 22 February, 2018

The second lecturer of the Open Lecture Series this spring semester will be Ulrika Karlsson, stepping on the stage of Kanuti Gildi Saal (Pikk 20, Tallinn) on 22nd of February at 6 pm. Her lecture is titled “Rustic Figurations and Aesthetics Of the Fall”.

Ulrika Karlsson is an architect and founding member servo stockholm and of the newly started architectural design collaborative Brrum. She is a professor of architecture at KTH School of Architecture, with a focus on digital methods and tools. Karlsson is also a professor at Konstfack – University College of Arts, Craft and Design. She has been a visiting faculty at Bartlett, UCL, London, teaching Urban Design. Karlsson has also taught at UCLA’s Department of Architecture and Urban Design. She received her Architecture degree from Columbia University and Landscape Architecture degree from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Karlsson has lectured and exhibited internationally and contributed to numerous journals including Perspecta, Via, Arkitektur and AD. She has exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale, the Centre Pompidou, ArkDes, SFMoMA, the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, the Wexner Center for the Arts, MoMA/QNS, Artists Space, the MAK Center for Art and Architecture, and the Storefront for Art and Architecture. servo’s work is part of the permanent collections of SFMoMA and the FRAC Centre.

Engaging a playful use of technology and material experimentation, her practice has a specific interest in the role of architectural representations and their translations, where we sometimes encounter the conflation of material and information. A current project with Brrum includes “And or not”, a proposal for a public artwork for the planned new park, Norrastationsparen in Hagastaden, Stockholm, which will be finished 2021.

The Open Lecture Series brings to Tallinn a number of exciting architects, urban planners, academics from across the world. All Open Lectures are free of charge, in English, take place every fortnight, and are open to everyone – for both students and professionals of the field, general audience and students considering architecture for their further studies.

The architecture and urban planning department of the Estonian Academy of Arts has been curating the Open Lectures on Architecture series since 2012 – each year, a dozen architects, urbanists, both practicing as well as academics, introduce their work and field of research to the audience in Tallinn. All lectures are in English, free and open to all interested, drawing an audience of students as well as professionals and academics from the fields of architecture, design, engineering but also fine arts. The series is funded by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Curators: Sille Pihlak, Siim Tuksam

Posted by Triin Männik — Permalink


Interior Architecture dept Morning Coffee event vol 4

1st of February Thursday, will start bright and early at 9AM with the next Morning Coffee event, where students and graduates from our department will come and share their experiences from studying, working or doing an apprenticeship somewhere else in the world – through the spectrum of space and spatial design. On the stage this time: experiences and views of the world, learning and spatial design: Amr Gamal Mohamed Aladl Elshaaer from EGYPT and Ahmad Hussein from JORDAN!

Also: this Morning Coffee event will be in English, spread the news so it reaches every EKA Erasmus student!

This event is perfect for students and those wanting to become a student, but also tutors; our Nunne St door is also open to anyone from other EKA departments or other schools. The interior architecture department Morning Coffee events take place every first Thursday of the month. The event is worthy of its name: there will most definitely also be coffee – and upon occasion, there has been also delicious cake (for the cake, you might want to bring a tiny bit of cash)

Set your alarm clocks, join us!

Location: Interior Architecture department, Nunne 16, Tallinn

Facebook event:

Posted by Triin Männik — Permalink

Interior Architecture dept Morning Coffee event vol 4

Thursday 01 February, 2018

1st of February Thursday, will start bright and early at 9AM with the next Morning Coffee event, where students and graduates from our department will come and share their experiences from studying, working or doing an apprenticeship somewhere else in the world – through the spectrum of space and spatial design. On the stage this time: experiences and views of the world, learning and spatial design: Amr Gamal Mohamed Aladl Elshaaer from EGYPT and Ahmad Hussein from JORDAN!

Also: this Morning Coffee event will be in English, spread the news so it reaches every EKA Erasmus student!

This event is perfect for students and those wanting to become a student, but also tutors; our Nunne St door is also open to anyone from other EKA departments or other schools. The interior architecture department Morning Coffee events take place every first Thursday of the month. The event is worthy of its name: there will most definitely also be coffee – and upon occasion, there has been also delicious cake (for the cake, you might want to bring a tiny bit of cash)

Set your alarm clocks, join us!

Location: Interior Architecture department, Nunne 16, Tallinn

Facebook event:

Posted by Triin Männik — Permalink


Open Lecture Series: Yael Raisner on the troubled relationship of Architecture and Beauty

The first lecturer of the Open Lecture Series this spring semester will be Yael Reisner, stepping on the stage of Kanuti Gildi Saal (Pikk 20, Tallinn) on 8th of February at 6 pm. Her lecture is titled “Beauty Does Matter – The Cultural Bias, The Enigma and The Timely Pursuit of New Beauties in Architecture”.

In 2010, Reisner – with design writer Fleur Watson – published a book of interviews with more than a dozen architects, titled “Architecture and Beauty, Conversation With Architects About A Troubled Relationship”. In the book, Reisner talked with the architects about their relationship to beauty, the relationship of architecture and beauty being one that whole generations of architects have tried to avoid. The questions of architecture and aesthetics, or more widely culture and aesthetics were also explored in Reisner’s PhD (RMIT, 2009) and will be the focus of her lecture in Tallinn. Why don’t architects like to talk about beauty?

Born in Tel Aviv, Reisner has lived in London since 1990. She has a PhD in architecture (by design) from RMIT Melbourne, Australia, a Diploma from the Architectural Association in London (including RIBA part 1 and part 2, and a BSc in Biology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In 2004, she founded the Yael Reisner Studio, an architectural research-lead practice.

Event on Facebook
More about Yael Reisner:

The Open Lecture Series brings to Tallinn a number of exciting architects, urban planners, academics from across the world. All Open Lectures are free of charge, in English, take place every fortnight, and are open to everyone – for both students and professionals of the field, general audience and students considering architecture for their further studies.

The architecture and urban planning department of the Estonian Academy of Arts has been curating the Open Lectures on Architecture series since 2012 – each year, a dozen architects, urbanists, both practicing as well as academics, introduce their work and field of research to the audience in Tallinn. All lectures are in English, free and open to all interested, drawing an audience of students as well as professionals and academics from the fields of architecture, design, engineering but also fine arts. The series is funded by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Curators: Sille Pihlak, Siim Tuksam

More info:
Pille Epner
+372 642 0071

Posted by Triin Männik — Permalink

Open Lecture Series: Yael Raisner on the troubled relationship of Architecture and Beauty

Thursday 08 February, 2018

The first lecturer of the Open Lecture Series this spring semester will be Yael Reisner, stepping on the stage of Kanuti Gildi Saal (Pikk 20, Tallinn) on 8th of February at 6 pm. Her lecture is titled “Beauty Does Matter – The Cultural Bias, The Enigma and The Timely Pursuit of New Beauties in Architecture”.

In 2010, Reisner – with design writer Fleur Watson – published a book of interviews with more than a dozen architects, titled “Architecture and Beauty, Conversation With Architects About A Troubled Relationship”. In the book, Reisner talked with the architects about their relationship to beauty, the relationship of architecture and beauty being one that whole generations of architects have tried to avoid. The questions of architecture and aesthetics, or more widely culture and aesthetics were also explored in Reisner’s PhD (RMIT, 2009) and will be the focus of her lecture in Tallinn. Why don’t architects like to talk about beauty?

Born in Tel Aviv, Reisner has lived in London since 1990. She has a PhD in architecture (by design) from RMIT Melbourne, Australia, a Diploma from the Architectural Association in London (including RIBA part 1 and part 2, and a BSc in Biology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In 2004, she founded the Yael Reisner Studio, an architectural research-lead practice.

Event on Facebook
More about Yael Reisner:

The Open Lecture Series brings to Tallinn a number of exciting architects, urban planners, academics from across the world. All Open Lectures are free of charge, in English, take place every fortnight, and are open to everyone – for both students and professionals of the field, general audience and students considering architecture for their further studies.

The architecture and urban planning department of the Estonian Academy of Arts has been curating the Open Lectures on Architecture series since 2012 – each year, a dozen architects, urbanists, both practicing as well as academics, introduce their work and field of research to the audience in Tallinn. All lectures are in English, free and open to all interested, drawing an audience of students as well as professionals and academics from the fields of architecture, design, engineering but also fine arts. The series is funded by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Curators: Sille Pihlak, Siim Tuksam

More info:
Pille Epner
+372 642 0071

Posted by Triin Männik — Permalink


Opening of TREPP tower


The second-years students of the interior architecture department are pleased and proud to announce that TREPP, the new viewing tower in Tuhu bog, built in co-operation with RMK, has now been completed! The opening ceremony will take place in Tuhu bog on Saturday, 9th December from 2 pm to 4 pm.


You are welcome to arrange your own travel or join us on the Estonian Academy of Arts bus (THE BUS IS NOW FULLY BOOKED)

We’d love for you to join us!

Got a question?

Please write to Kirke from the TREPP team:

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

Opening of TREPP tower

Saturday 09 December, 2017


The second-years students of the interior architecture department are pleased and proud to announce that TREPP, the new viewing tower in Tuhu bog, built in co-operation with RMK, has now been completed! The opening ceremony will take place in Tuhu bog on Saturday, 9th December from 2 pm to 4 pm.


You are welcome to arrange your own travel or join us on the Estonian Academy of Arts bus (THE BUS IS NOW FULLY BOOKED)

We’d love for you to join us!

Got a question?

Please write to Kirke from the TREPP team:

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

25.09.2017 — 29.09.2017

Project “Brilliant Estonian item”

“Brilliant Estonian item” is a collaboration project between product-, textile- and leather design specialisations in the faculty of design at Estonian Academy of Arts. The project focuses on searching elements and narratives to characterize Estonia to combine those into widely recognisable and thoughtful small objects – Estonian items.

The aim of this project is to gather inspiration from local cultural surrounding and assemble it into product prototypes with (applied) art value – outcome will be products, accessories, small installations etc. Articles which by telling a story about our past, present and future, are suitable gift for ourselves and to our foreign guests.

Read more about the projects:

It is possible to learn more about the products on XII Tallinn Design Festival, 25.09.–01.10. in Noblessneri Valukoda (Tööstuse 48)
Official opening of the exhibition is on Thursday 28.09. at 17.00-18.00. You are welcome!

Project “Brilliant Estonian Object” is supported by EV100 and it is part of EV100 official art program „Sada kunstimaastikku“

Posted by Tiina Pärtel — Permalink

Project “Brilliant Estonian item”

Monday 25 September, 2017 — Friday 29 September, 2017

“Brilliant Estonian item” is a collaboration project between product-, textile- and leather design specialisations in the faculty of design at Estonian Academy of Arts. The project focuses on searching elements and narratives to characterize Estonia to combine those into widely recognisable and thoughtful small objects – Estonian items.

The aim of this project is to gather inspiration from local cultural surrounding and assemble it into product prototypes with (applied) art value – outcome will be products, accessories, small installations etc. Articles which by telling a story about our past, present and future, are suitable gift for ourselves and to our foreign guests.

Read more about the projects:

It is possible to learn more about the products on XII Tallinn Design Festival, 25.09.–01.10. in Noblessneri Valukoda (Tööstuse 48)
Official opening of the exhibition is on Thursday 28.09. at 17.00-18.00. You are welcome!

Project “Brilliant Estonian Object” is supported by EV100 and it is part of EV100 official art program „Sada kunstimaastikku“

Posted by Tiina Pärtel — Permalink

25.09.2017 — 29.09.2017

Project “Brilliant Estonian Item” – students designed

“Brilliant Estonian item” is a collaboration project between product-, textile- and leather design specialisations in the faculty of design at Estonian Academy of Arts. The project focuses on searching elements and narratives to characterize Estonia to combine those into widely recognisable and thoughtful small objects – Estonian items.

The aim of this project is to gather inspiration from local cultural surrounding and assemble it into product prototypes with (applied) art value – outcome will be products, accessories, small installations etc. Articles which by telling a story about our past, present and future, are suitable gift for ourselves and to our foreign guests.

Read more about the projects:

It is possible to learn more about the products on XII Tallinn Design Festival, 25.09.–01.10. in Noblessneri Valukoda (Tööstuse 48)
Official opening of the exhibition is on Thursday 28.09. at 17.00-18.00. You are welcome!

Project “Brilliant Estonian Object” is supported by EV100 and it is part of EV100 official art program „Sada kunstimaastikku“

Posted by Tiina Pärtel — Permalink

Project “Brilliant Estonian Item” – students designed

Monday 25 September, 2017 — Friday 29 September, 2017

“Brilliant Estonian item” is a collaboration project between product-, textile- and leather design specialisations in the faculty of design at Estonian Academy of Arts. The project focuses on searching elements and narratives to characterize Estonia to combine those into widely recognisable and thoughtful small objects – Estonian items.

The aim of this project is to gather inspiration from local cultural surrounding and assemble it into product prototypes with (applied) art value – outcome will be products, accessories, small installations etc. Articles which by telling a story about our past, present and future, are suitable gift for ourselves and to our foreign guests.

Read more about the projects:

It is possible to learn more about the products on XII Tallinn Design Festival, 25.09.–01.10. in Noblessneri Valukoda (Tööstuse 48)
Official opening of the exhibition is on Thursday 28.09. at 17.00-18.00. You are welcome!

Project “Brilliant Estonian Object” is supported by EV100 and it is part of EV100 official art program „Sada kunstimaastikku“

Posted by Tiina Pärtel — Permalink