
24.05.2024 — 14.06.2024

With Love and Fortitude

With Love and Fortitude
ARS Project Space & Showroom & Studio 53
Exhibition open: May 25 – June 14, Mon–Sun 12.00–18.00
Opening: Friday, May 24, 18.00

With Love and Fortitude is a joint exhibition by the 1st year MA Contemporary Art students of EKA, taking place in ARS Project Space, Showroom and Studio 53. The exhibition brings together a variety of practices and features works created during the spring semester’s Art Practice module, addressing the following keywords and topics: accumulation, brokenness, canons, contact points, expected randomness, fantasies, forgiving, growing, in-betweenness, indifference, meetings, ordeals, relations, romanticizing, traumas and withering.

With love and fortitude:
Yvette Bathgate
Mihhail Boitsov
Anna Broučková
Chloé Geinoz
Christina Gradtke
Katariina Kesküla
Yuko Kinouchi
Eleftheria Kofidou
Tea Lemberpuu
Sven Mantsik
Jane Muts
Jana Mätas
KitKit Para
Vitor Pascale
Merilin Põldsam
Jake Shepherd
Liza Tsindeliani
Elo Vahtrik
Kristi Vendelin

Technical support:
Dream Team (Johannes Säre)

Thank you:
Maris Karjatse, David Ross, Eve Kask, Kristi Kongi, Camille Laurelli, Marge Monko, Laura Põld, David Ross, Liina Siib, Taavi Talve, Jaan Toomik, Anu Vahtra, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo, Estonian Academy of Arts, ARS Art Factory, Estonian Artists’ Association

More information:
Anu Vahtra & Maris Karjatse
Heads of MA Contemporary Art

Posted by Anu Vahtra — Permalink

With Love and Fortitude

Friday 24 May, 2024 — Friday 14 June, 2024

With Love and Fortitude
ARS Project Space & Showroom & Studio 53
Exhibition open: May 25 – June 14, Mon–Sun 12.00–18.00
Opening: Friday, May 24, 18.00

With Love and Fortitude is a joint exhibition by the 1st year MA Contemporary Art students of EKA, taking place in ARS Project Space, Showroom and Studio 53. The exhibition brings together a variety of practices and features works created during the spring semester’s Art Practice module, addressing the following keywords and topics: accumulation, brokenness, canons, contact points, expected randomness, fantasies, forgiving, growing, in-betweenness, indifference, meetings, ordeals, relations, romanticizing, traumas and withering.

With love and fortitude:
Yvette Bathgate
Mihhail Boitsov
Anna Broučková
Chloé Geinoz
Christina Gradtke
Katariina Kesküla
Yuko Kinouchi
Eleftheria Kofidou
Tea Lemberpuu
Sven Mantsik
Jane Muts
Jana Mätas
KitKit Para
Vitor Pascale
Merilin Põldsam
Jake Shepherd
Liza Tsindeliani
Elo Vahtrik
Kristi Vendelin

Technical support:
Dream Team (Johannes Säre)

Thank you:
Maris Karjatse, David Ross, Eve Kask, Kristi Kongi, Camille Laurelli, Marge Monko, Laura Põld, David Ross, Liina Siib, Taavi Talve, Jaan Toomik, Anu Vahtra, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo, Estonian Academy of Arts, ARS Art Factory, Estonian Artists’ Association

More information:
Anu Vahtra & Maris Karjatse
Heads of MA Contemporary Art

Posted by Anu Vahtra — Permalink

29.05.2024 — 14.06.2024

EKA Grad Show TASE ’24

TASE ‘24
Estonian Academy of Arts Grad Show
Open every day from 12 to 6 pm

TASE is the yearly graduation show of the Estonian Academy of Arts, where the faculties of Architecture, Design, Art Culture and Fine Arts present current master theses and a selection of bachelor theses and portfolios. See the graduation works also on the website tase.artun.ee!


Schedule of the opening of TASE ’24 on Wednesday, May 29:

  • 3 pm doors open at the Estonian Academy of Arts
  • 4 pm opening of TASE ’24 at the graduation show of the Faculties of Architecture and Art Culture at the Estonian Academy of Arts
  • 5.30–6 pm collective procession from the Estonian Academy of Arts to Tallinn Art Hall
  • 6 pm opening of the graduation show of the Faculties of Design and Fine Arts at Tallinn Art Hall
  • 7–11 pm party at Tallinn Art Hall

On the opening day, on May 29, the graduation show is open to visitors from 5–8 pm at the Estonian Academy of Arts and from 5–9 pm at Tallinn Art Hall.



Estonian Academy of Arts
Graduation works of the Faculties of Architecture and Art Culture
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn

Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn Art Hall Gallery, Vent Space
Graduation works of the Faculties of Design and Fine Arts
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Vabaduse väljak 6 & 8, Tallinn

Design and Architecture Gallery
Graduation works of the bachelor students of Digital and Industrial Product Design and the master students of Product Design
29.05.–8.06.24, open Mon–Fri from 12 to 6 pm, Sat–Sun from 12 to 5 pm, free entry
Address: Pärnu mnt 6, Tallinn

Graduation exhibition “Do You Copy?” of the master students of Graphic Design
1.–7.06.24, open every day from 1 to 5 pm, free entry
Address: Niine 8a, Tallinn

Long Leg Gate Tower
Graduation exhibition “ETHEL IS GOD” by Ethel Ütsmüts, bachelor student of Ceramics
30.05.–14.06.2024, open Mon–Fri 10 to 14 pm, free entry
Address: Pikk Jalg 3, Tallinn

Graduation works of the master students of Interaction Design (MIxD)
01.–08.07.2024, open every day from 3 to 8 pm, entry 5€/3€/0€
Address: Rotermanni 14, Tallinn

Põhja pst 2, Tallinn
Graduation exhibition “Where to Belong” by Laura Movits, bachelor student of Interior Architecture
1.–4.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry

Uus Rada Gallery & Raja Building
Graduation works of the master students of Contemporary Art, participants Sandra Ernits, Mara Kirchberg, Sarah Noonan, Siim Preiman
31.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Raja tn 11a, Tallinn



EKA pop-up shop
29.05.–2.06.24 in the lobby of Tallinn Art Hall, open Wed 6–11 pm Thu–Sun 12–6 pm

Theses defences

Guided tours about the graduation works part of Architecture with Gregor Taul at the Estonian Academy of Arts, starting in the lobby:
5.06. at 2 pm in English
5.06. at 4 pm in Estonian

Guided tours at Tallinn Art Hall, start in front of the building on Freedom Square:
8.06. at 1 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in Estonian
8.06. at 3.15 pm by Valeriya Ferschel in Russian
9.06. at 1 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in Estonian
9.06. at 3 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in English
14.06. at 4.30 pm tour about the stories of the building’s past with Kaisa Maasik in Estonian

TASE FILM, curated by Kaur Järve
11.06.2024 at 6 pm at the Estonian Academy of Arts, room A-101, free entry

28.05. at 5 pm opening of the exhibition by the students of Product Design at the Design and Architecture Gallery

30.05. at 4 pm opening of the graduation show of the master students of Contemporary Art at Raja 11a

31.05. at 4 pm opening of graduation exhibition “Where to Belong” by Laura Movits, bachelor student of Interior Architecture

31.05. at 7 pm opening of the graduation show „Do You Copy?“ of the master students of Graphic Design in the project space ETC


Public programme in the Design and Architecture Gallery:

1.06 at 1.30-3 pm workshop “Design quality time” for families in Estonian
1.06. at 12 & 3 pm guided tours in Estonian
2.06. at 12 & 3 pm guided tours in Estonian
8.06. guided tour at 12 pm in Estonian
2.06 at 1.30-3 pm workshop “Experiencing Design” in Estonian



Exhibition “Disruptive Dissonance” by the second year students of the department of Jewellery, Telliskivi 60, Telliskivi Kvartal
23.05.–5.06.24, open Tue–Sun from 12 to 7 pm, free entry
Opening: 22.05. at 6 pm
Participants: Emilia Santaella Barreto, Elisabet Kiverik, Alice Kupri, Lucie Pastyrikova, Liisu Saar, Jekaterina Šehovtsova, Ronja-Marjam Vene


Exhibition “With Love and Fortitude” by the first year master students of Contemporary Art, ARS Project Space, Showroom and Studio 53, ARS Art Factory, Pärnu mnt 154, Tallinn
25.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Opening: 24.05. at 6 pm
Participants: Yvette Bathgate, Mihhail Boitsov, Anna Broučková, Christina Gradtke, Katariina Kesküla, Yuko Kinouchi, Eleftheria Kofidou, Tea Lemberpuu, Sven Mantsik, Jana Mätas, Jane Muts, KitKit Para, Vitor Pascale, Merilin Põldsam, Jake Shepherd, Liza Tsindeliani, Elo Vahtrik, Kristi Vendelin

Screenings of Elle Lepik’s film “Agentic Glass Landscapes 1”, Energy Discovery Centre, Põhja pst 29, Tallinn
30.05.–14.06.24, Mon–Fri 11.15 am & 2.15 pm Sat 11.15 am & 3.15 pm, entry 15€/12€

Craft studies coursework, Kopli 70a, 2nd floor, Krull kvartal, Tallinn
31.05.–9.06.24, open Fri–Sat from 1 to 7 pm or by appointment
Opening: 30.06. at 6 pm
Participants: Sofiya Babiy, Iohan Figueroa, Rait Lõhmus, Juulia Aleksandra Mikson, Katariin Mudist, Maarja Mäemets, Alyona Movko-Mägi, Kati Saarits, Hannah Segerkrantz, Elias Sormane

Exhibition of the master students of Contemporary Art titled “AEGn/a: exhibition in the city centre of Tallinn”, Aegna Island, Tallinn
2.-26.06.24, visiting according to the ferry schedule
Opening: 2.06., guided tours at 11 am & 3 pm
Finissage: 26.06.
Participants: Yvette Bathgate, Chloé Geinoz, Katariina Kesküla, Eleftgeria Irene Kofidou, Jane Muts, Anumai Raska, Jake Shepherd, Melina Unterhauser, Elo Vahtrik
Curator: Keithy Kuuspu

Exhibition “Contemporary Drawing: Worlding in Layers” by the second year students of Fine Arts, NART studio and Narva Kreenholm Manufacturing Company
3.–30.06.24, NART studio open Mon–Fri from 3 to 7 pm Sat–Sun from 1 to 7 pm, Kreenholm can be visited on Saturdays at 1pm as part of a guided tour, free entry
Opening: 2.06. at 1 pm
Participants: August Joost, Maria Kallau, Laura Lillepuu, Triin Mänd, Elise Marie Olesk, Sandra Puusepp, Mia Mai Seppel, Hanna Vinter

Jana Mätas’ solo exhibition, Keskpuur, Keskturg, Keldrimäe 9, Tallinn
3.–23.06.24, open every day from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm, free entry
Opening: 8.06. at 1 pm

Graduation exhibition “Imprints of Being” by the photography students of the EKA Open Academy, EKA Billboard Gallery, Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
4.06.–25.08.24, open 24/7, free
Opening: 4.06. at 6 pm
Participants: Birgit Aitsam, Priit Jaak Sild, Karolin Kaplan, Reelika Helde-Mikkor, Geroli Peedu, Eveli Smitt, Liisi Tali, Grete Tuiken

Exhibition “I Hope You Don’t Mind…” by Rebecca Norman and Elisa Margot Winters, Cafe Ait, Vene 14, Tallinn
10.06.–31.10.24, open every day from 9 am to 7 pm, free entry
Opening: 8.06. at 5 pm

Screening of the graduation works of the Animation department’s bachelor and master students, Kino Sõprus, Vana-Posti 8, Tallinn
15.06.24 from 5 to 7 pm, free entry
Participants: Carlos Santiago Ordoñez Alarcon, Aurelijus Čiupas, Ditiya Ferdous, Naira Hatšaturjan, Kate Jansone, Elise Kruusel, Evridiki Papaiakovou, Inês Machado Sales Grade Pinto, Piret Potter, Kirke Ross, Xingpei Shen, Nicole Tanysh, Laura Andrea Gudiño Sosa, Kelli Tõnurist

Pille-Riin Valk’s artwork “Scent of Moments”, the facade of the Estonian Academy of Arts, Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
Open 24/7, free 




Kaisa Maasik (kaisa.maasik@artun.ee, +372 5396 2524)

Mia Tohver

Creative logisticians of TASE ’24
Vabaduse väljak 6 & 8
Brigit Arop, Johannes Luik

Creative logisticians of TASE ’24
Faculty of Architecture at the Estonian Academy of Arts
Anni Kärmik, Kairi Mändla

Curator of TASE FILM
Kaur Järve

Graphic design
Robin Raspel, Georg-Ander Sild, Ronald Trei

Pärtel Eelmere, Laura Jüristo, Triin Käo, Maarja Pabut, Andres Lõo (contact for press: andres.loo@artun.ee, +372 526 7253)

Technical director
Erik Hõim

Technical team
Katariina Kesküla, Ats Kruusing, Eke Ao Nattan, Reigo Nahksepp, Jake Shepherd, Mattias Jürgen Veller



AkzoNobel, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Artists’ Association, Punch, Tallinn Art Hall, ERASMUS

Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink

EKA Grad Show TASE ’24

Wednesday 29 May, 2024 — Friday 14 June, 2024

TASE ‘24
Estonian Academy of Arts Grad Show
Open every day from 12 to 6 pm

TASE is the yearly graduation show of the Estonian Academy of Arts, where the faculties of Architecture, Design, Art Culture and Fine Arts present current master theses and a selection of bachelor theses and portfolios. See the graduation works also on the website tase.artun.ee!


Schedule of the opening of TASE ’24 on Wednesday, May 29:

  • 3 pm doors open at the Estonian Academy of Arts
  • 4 pm opening of TASE ’24 at the graduation show of the Faculties of Architecture and Art Culture at the Estonian Academy of Arts
  • 5.30–6 pm collective procession from the Estonian Academy of Arts to Tallinn Art Hall
  • 6 pm opening of the graduation show of the Faculties of Design and Fine Arts at Tallinn Art Hall
  • 7–11 pm party at Tallinn Art Hall

On the opening day, on May 29, the graduation show is open to visitors from 5–8 pm at the Estonian Academy of Arts and from 5–9 pm at Tallinn Art Hall.



Estonian Academy of Arts
Graduation works of the Faculties of Architecture and Art Culture
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn

Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn Art Hall Gallery, Vent Space
Graduation works of the Faculties of Design and Fine Arts
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Vabaduse väljak 6 & 8, Tallinn

Design and Architecture Gallery
Graduation works of the bachelor students of Digital and Industrial Product Design and the master students of Product Design
29.05.–8.06.24, open Mon–Fri from 12 to 6 pm, Sat–Sun from 12 to 5 pm, free entry
Address: Pärnu mnt 6, Tallinn

Graduation exhibition “Do You Copy?” of the master students of Graphic Design
1.–7.06.24, open every day from 1 to 5 pm, free entry
Address: Niine 8a, Tallinn

Long Leg Gate Tower
Graduation exhibition “ETHEL IS GOD” by Ethel Ütsmüts, bachelor student of Ceramics
30.05.–14.06.2024, open Mon–Fri 10 to 14 pm, free entry
Address: Pikk Jalg 3, Tallinn

Graduation works of the master students of Interaction Design (MIxD)
01.–08.07.2024, open every day from 3 to 8 pm, entry 5€/3€/0€
Address: Rotermanni 14, Tallinn

Põhja pst 2, Tallinn
Graduation exhibition “Where to Belong” by Laura Movits, bachelor student of Interior Architecture
1.–4.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry

Uus Rada Gallery & Raja Building
Graduation works of the master students of Contemporary Art, participants Sandra Ernits, Mara Kirchberg, Sarah Noonan, Siim Preiman
31.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Raja tn 11a, Tallinn



EKA pop-up shop
29.05.–2.06.24 in the lobby of Tallinn Art Hall, open Wed 6–11 pm Thu–Sun 12–6 pm

Theses defences

Guided tours about the graduation works part of Architecture with Gregor Taul at the Estonian Academy of Arts, starting in the lobby:
5.06. at 2 pm in English
5.06. at 4 pm in Estonian

Guided tours at Tallinn Art Hall, start in front of the building on Freedom Square:
8.06. at 1 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in Estonian
8.06. at 3.15 pm by Valeriya Ferschel in Russian
9.06. at 1 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in Estonian
9.06. at 3 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in English
14.06. at 4.30 pm tour about the stories of the building’s past with Kaisa Maasik in Estonian

TASE FILM, curated by Kaur Järve
11.06.2024 at 6 pm at the Estonian Academy of Arts, room A-101, free entry

28.05. at 5 pm opening of the exhibition by the students of Product Design at the Design and Architecture Gallery

30.05. at 4 pm opening of the graduation show of the master students of Contemporary Art at Raja 11a

31.05. at 4 pm opening of graduation exhibition “Where to Belong” by Laura Movits, bachelor student of Interior Architecture

31.05. at 7 pm opening of the graduation show „Do You Copy?“ of the master students of Graphic Design in the project space ETC


Public programme in the Design and Architecture Gallery:

1.06 at 1.30-3 pm workshop “Design quality time” for families in Estonian
1.06. at 12 & 3 pm guided tours in Estonian
2.06. at 12 & 3 pm guided tours in Estonian
8.06. guided tour at 12 pm in Estonian
2.06 at 1.30-3 pm workshop “Experiencing Design” in Estonian



Exhibition “Disruptive Dissonance” by the second year students of the department of Jewellery, Telliskivi 60, Telliskivi Kvartal
23.05.–5.06.24, open Tue–Sun from 12 to 7 pm, free entry
Opening: 22.05. at 6 pm
Participants: Emilia Santaella Barreto, Elisabet Kiverik, Alice Kupri, Lucie Pastyrikova, Liisu Saar, Jekaterina Šehovtsova, Ronja-Marjam Vene


Exhibition “With Love and Fortitude” by the first year master students of Contemporary Art, ARS Project Space, Showroom and Studio 53, ARS Art Factory, Pärnu mnt 154, Tallinn
25.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Opening: 24.05. at 6 pm
Participants: Yvette Bathgate, Mihhail Boitsov, Anna Broučková, Christina Gradtke, Katariina Kesküla, Yuko Kinouchi, Eleftheria Kofidou, Tea Lemberpuu, Sven Mantsik, Jana Mätas, Jane Muts, KitKit Para, Vitor Pascale, Merilin Põldsam, Jake Shepherd, Liza Tsindeliani, Elo Vahtrik, Kristi Vendelin

Screenings of Elle Lepik’s film “Agentic Glass Landscapes 1”, Energy Discovery Centre, Põhja pst 29, Tallinn
30.05.–14.06.24, Mon–Fri 11.15 am & 2.15 pm Sat 11.15 am & 3.15 pm, entry 15€/12€

Craft studies coursework, Kopli 70a, 2nd floor, Krull kvartal, Tallinn
31.05.–9.06.24, open Fri–Sat from 1 to 7 pm or by appointment
Opening: 30.06. at 6 pm
Participants: Sofiya Babiy, Iohan Figueroa, Rait Lõhmus, Juulia Aleksandra Mikson, Katariin Mudist, Maarja Mäemets, Alyona Movko-Mägi, Kati Saarits, Hannah Segerkrantz, Elias Sormane

Exhibition of the master students of Contemporary Art titled “AEGn/a: exhibition in the city centre of Tallinn”, Aegna Island, Tallinn
2.-26.06.24, visiting according to the ferry schedule
Opening: 2.06., guided tours at 11 am & 3 pm
Finissage: 26.06.
Participants: Yvette Bathgate, Chloé Geinoz, Katariina Kesküla, Eleftgeria Irene Kofidou, Jane Muts, Anumai Raska, Jake Shepherd, Melina Unterhauser, Elo Vahtrik
Curator: Keithy Kuuspu

Exhibition “Contemporary Drawing: Worlding in Layers” by the second year students of Fine Arts, NART studio and Narva Kreenholm Manufacturing Company
3.–30.06.24, NART studio open Mon–Fri from 3 to 7 pm Sat–Sun from 1 to 7 pm, Kreenholm can be visited on Saturdays at 1pm as part of a guided tour, free entry
Opening: 2.06. at 1 pm
Participants: August Joost, Maria Kallau, Laura Lillepuu, Triin Mänd, Elise Marie Olesk, Sandra Puusepp, Mia Mai Seppel, Hanna Vinter

Jana Mätas’ solo exhibition, Keskpuur, Keskturg, Keldrimäe 9, Tallinn
3.–23.06.24, open every day from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm, free entry
Opening: 8.06. at 1 pm

Graduation exhibition “Imprints of Being” by the photography students of the EKA Open Academy, EKA Billboard Gallery, Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
4.06.–25.08.24, open 24/7, free
Opening: 4.06. at 6 pm
Participants: Birgit Aitsam, Priit Jaak Sild, Karolin Kaplan, Reelika Helde-Mikkor, Geroli Peedu, Eveli Smitt, Liisi Tali, Grete Tuiken

Exhibition “I Hope You Don’t Mind…” by Rebecca Norman and Elisa Margot Winters, Cafe Ait, Vene 14, Tallinn
10.06.–31.10.24, open every day from 9 am to 7 pm, free entry
Opening: 8.06. at 5 pm

Screening of the graduation works of the Animation department’s bachelor and master students, Kino Sõprus, Vana-Posti 8, Tallinn
15.06.24 from 5 to 7 pm, free entry
Participants: Carlos Santiago Ordoñez Alarcon, Aurelijus Čiupas, Ditiya Ferdous, Naira Hatšaturjan, Kate Jansone, Elise Kruusel, Evridiki Papaiakovou, Inês Machado Sales Grade Pinto, Piret Potter, Kirke Ross, Xingpei Shen, Nicole Tanysh, Laura Andrea Gudiño Sosa, Kelli Tõnurist

Pille-Riin Valk’s artwork “Scent of Moments”, the facade of the Estonian Academy of Arts, Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
Open 24/7, free 




Kaisa Maasik (kaisa.maasik@artun.ee, +372 5396 2524)

Mia Tohver

Creative logisticians of TASE ’24
Vabaduse väljak 6 & 8
Brigit Arop, Johannes Luik

Creative logisticians of TASE ’24
Faculty of Architecture at the Estonian Academy of Arts
Anni Kärmik, Kairi Mändla

Curator of TASE FILM
Kaur Järve

Graphic design
Robin Raspel, Georg-Ander Sild, Ronald Trei

Pärtel Eelmere, Laura Jüristo, Triin Käo, Maarja Pabut, Andres Lõo (contact for press: andres.loo@artun.ee, +372 526 7253)

Technical director
Erik Hõim

Technical team
Katariina Kesküla, Ats Kruusing, Eke Ao Nattan, Reigo Nahksepp, Jake Shepherd, Mattias Jürgen Veller



AkzoNobel, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Artists’ Association, Punch, Tallinn Art Hall, ERASMUS

Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink

17.05.2024 — 19.05.2024

“Plato’s Tent” and “Not Here and Not Quite There” at ARS

“Plato’s Tent” and “Not Here and Not Quite There” joint exhibition at ARS Art Factory 

ARS Art Factory Studio 53/98 17.05-19.05.2024 

Open Fri-Sun from 12:00 to 20:00 

Opening at 18:00 on 17th of May 

Animation and New Media students have listened, recorded, cut, transformed, visualized and installed sounds in Studio 53 and 98 in ARS Art Factory, officially opening the exhibition to the public at 18:00 on 17th of May. Works from 24 artists range from immersive audiovisual installations to delicate listening experiences, drawing inspiration from a diverse array of sources, including wildlife, mycelium growth, football stadium crowds, refracted glass, environmental shifts, squeaky toys, and technological intricacies. 

The works are presented in a joint exhibition made of two parts: the Animation MA’s alcove of abstracted visions “Plato’s Tent” (Studio 53), showing works that combine animation and sound, and the installations working with sites and “Not Here and Not Quite There” (Studio 98), featuring installations that explore sites and sounds from the New Media Sound Art 

studies module. The exhibition will be open for only three days, with extended viewing hours. 

The exhibition stems from two parallel courses focused on sound studies at EKA: ‘Sound Design’ at the Animation Department supervised by Bruno Quast and ‘Sound Art & Spatial Sound Experiments’ supervised by Sten Saarits, which is part of the Sound Art Connected Studies programme at New Media Arts. 

Artists: Ako Allik, Julia Virkki, Melina Unterhauser, Meret Stockhecker, Nils Geffre, Ott Kattel, Yiyang Sun, Chia-Hui Lei, Christopher Stephen Galinos, Leo Mourey, Lukas Wind, Melissa Noack, Shunyuan Yao, Valerie Sarle, Vilmos Peter, Lyza Karoly Jarvis Graphic design: Christopher Stephen Galinos 

The Exhibition is kindly supported by the Estonian Academy of Arts and the Estonian Artists’ Association for their support. 

Free admission 

ARS: https://www.arsfactory.ee/ 

EKA Animation: https://www.artun.ee/en/curricula/animation/ 

EKA New Media: https://www.artun.ee/en/curricula/new-media/ 

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

“Plato’s Tent” and “Not Here and Not Quite There” at ARS

Friday 17 May, 2024 — Sunday 19 May, 2024

“Plato’s Tent” and “Not Here and Not Quite There” joint exhibition at ARS Art Factory 

ARS Art Factory Studio 53/98 17.05-19.05.2024 

Open Fri-Sun from 12:00 to 20:00 

Opening at 18:00 on 17th of May 

Animation and New Media students have listened, recorded, cut, transformed, visualized and installed sounds in Studio 53 and 98 in ARS Art Factory, officially opening the exhibition to the public at 18:00 on 17th of May. Works from 24 artists range from immersive audiovisual installations to delicate listening experiences, drawing inspiration from a diverse array of sources, including wildlife, mycelium growth, football stadium crowds, refracted glass, environmental shifts, squeaky toys, and technological intricacies. 

The works are presented in a joint exhibition made of two parts: the Animation MA’s alcove of abstracted visions “Plato’s Tent” (Studio 53), showing works that combine animation and sound, and the installations working with sites and “Not Here and Not Quite There” (Studio 98), featuring installations that explore sites and sounds from the New Media Sound Art 

studies module. The exhibition will be open for only three days, with extended viewing hours. 

The exhibition stems from two parallel courses focused on sound studies at EKA: ‘Sound Design’ at the Animation Department supervised by Bruno Quast and ‘Sound Art & Spatial Sound Experiments’ supervised by Sten Saarits, which is part of the Sound Art Connected Studies programme at New Media Arts. 

Artists: Ako Allik, Julia Virkki, Melina Unterhauser, Meret Stockhecker, Nils Geffre, Ott Kattel, Yiyang Sun, Chia-Hui Lei, Christopher Stephen Galinos, Leo Mourey, Lukas Wind, Melissa Noack, Shunyuan Yao, Valerie Sarle, Vilmos Peter, Lyza Karoly Jarvis Graphic design: Christopher Stephen Galinos 

The Exhibition is kindly supported by the Estonian Academy of Arts and the Estonian Artists’ Association for their support. 

Free admission 

ARS: https://www.arsfactory.ee/ 

EKA Animation: https://www.artun.ee/en/curricula/animation/ 

EKA New Media: https://www.artun.ee/en/curricula/new-media/ 

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

18.05.2024 — 19.05.2024

Invitation to Fair Enough (Art) Book Fair

We warmly welcome you to visit the Fair Enough (Art) Book Fair, happening for the first time on 18 – 19 of May in Tallinn!

Come by to buy a book, meet interesting publishers, listen to a talk and hang out with nice people! We will be presenting and selling publications made by over 30 different artists and publishers around the world. In addition there will be a public program consisting of talks, publication launches, radio and music!

The book fair is located at ETC. (Niine 8a) and is open between 11.00–16.00 on Saturday and 11.00–15.00 on Sunday.

Follow us on Instagram to get up-to-date information about our program @fairenough_bookfair

Fair Enough (Art) Book Fair is kindly sponsored by Cultural Endowment of Estonia and Põhjala Brewery.

Hope to see you soon,

Agnes Isabelle & Linnea from Fair Enough Book Fair

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Invitation to Fair Enough (Art) Book Fair

Saturday 18 May, 2024 — Sunday 19 May, 2024

We warmly welcome you to visit the Fair Enough (Art) Book Fair, happening for the first time on 18 – 19 of May in Tallinn!

Come by to buy a book, meet interesting publishers, listen to a talk and hang out with nice people! We will be presenting and selling publications made by over 30 different artists and publishers around the world. In addition there will be a public program consisting of talks, publication launches, radio and music!

The book fair is located at ETC. (Niine 8a) and is open between 11.00–16.00 on Saturday and 11.00–15.00 on Sunday.

Follow us on Instagram to get up-to-date information about our program @fairenough_bookfair

Fair Enough (Art) Book Fair is kindly sponsored by Cultural Endowment of Estonia and Põhjala Brewery.

Hope to see you soon,

Agnes Isabelle & Linnea from Fair Enough Book Fair

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

16.05.2024 — 17.06.2024

“Noise” – EKA Glass and Ceramics Departement Joint Exhibition

“NOISE” – A joint exhibition from students of The Estonian Academy of Arts in the  Ceramics and Glass department will take place at MUBA (Tallinn Music and Ballet School) on the 3rd floor, from May 15th to June 17th, 2024, 09:00-18:00.

The exhibition opening will be on Wednesday, May 15th, at 17:00.

While noise may initially repel us, we invite you to get a little closer instead. We encourage you to create a kind of bond with all kinds of noise, to at least try to get to know it – perhaps there’s a detail that surprises you or quite the opposite. We invite you directly into the heart of noise, into its spell…

Participating artists:

Kaja Knowers, Elisabeth Tõnne, Anna-Liisa Villmann, Johanna Hint, Keily Kerem, Karl Markus Gauk

Thanks to:

Tallinn Music and Ballet School, Estonian Academy of Arts, Punch Club, Printon Printing House, Reval Confectionery

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

“Noise” – EKA Glass and Ceramics Departement Joint Exhibition

Thursday 16 May, 2024 — Monday 17 June, 2024

“NOISE” – A joint exhibition from students of The Estonian Academy of Arts in the  Ceramics and Glass department will take place at MUBA (Tallinn Music and Ballet School) on the 3rd floor, from May 15th to June 17th, 2024, 09:00-18:00.

The exhibition opening will be on Wednesday, May 15th, at 17:00.

While noise may initially repel us, we invite you to get a little closer instead. We encourage you to create a kind of bond with all kinds of noise, to at least try to get to know it – perhaps there’s a detail that surprises you or quite the opposite. We invite you directly into the heart of noise, into its spell…

Participating artists:

Kaja Knowers, Elisabeth Tõnne, Anna-Liisa Villmann, Johanna Hint, Keily Kerem, Karl Markus Gauk

Thanks to:

Tallinn Music and Ballet School, Estonian Academy of Arts, Punch Club, Printon Printing House, Reval Confectionery

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

14.05.2024 — 16.05.2024

DD/MM/YYYY at Krulli Mehhaanikatsehh

Léan Hötzel, Nils Geffre, Louisa Seidl, Tomasz Jarosz, Anna Broučková, Lucille Gonzalez, Katariina Kesküla, Halyna Yaroshenko, Clara-Marlen Wilke, Charlotte Gisèle Chapuis, Martí Castillo, Marína Gerða Bjarnadóttir, Asmus Soodla

Opening: 14.05.2024 18:00

Open: 15.05–16.05.2024 10:00 – 18:00

That old village, the sun in August, a European desert. A flock of birds moving South. Nobody’s around, except the warm noise of bugs, sunshine, and water, pool water, pool water really far away.

Splashes, wetting the sandstone. The warm limestone of the house, the coldness of the granite kitchen countertop. Splashes of memories come from time to time. I guess it’s part of running away, or just running. Poor Doe is still afraid.

The train was still at high speed when it suddenly stopped. You can go by train from Beijing to Madrid. Doe was just going back home. Europe is a good place to be a nomad, like the Tartars that helped Beuys in Crimea. Doe wished to be buried, like Beuys, at least for a few days.

Doe looked through the window. It was dark outside, train rails, the horizon really far, and the first green traces in the wheat fields. Doe thought about the suburbs, the small window in the bedroom, blocks as far as the eye can see. Why did the train stop?  Doe woke up from the seat, and the train was empty. Almost, not really, but Doe remembers the train being empty.  The doors opened when Doe started to walk. A cold breeze entered the train. Some pages of the book Doe left behind on the seat started to move. Doe remembers it was a green-covered book. Doe couldn’t give me more details.


Curators: Léan Hötzel, Clio Pavlidis Andersson

Exhibition manager: Katariina Kesküla, Joost Jansohn

Exhibition writer: Martí Castillo; translation into Estonian by Triinu Ojala + Emma Johanson

Exhibition designer: Lin Puype, Martí Castillo, Emma Johansohn, Asmus Soodla

Communication: Emilia Santaella, Lucille Gonzalez 

Internal communication: Louisa Seidl

Photodocumentation Exhibition: Clio Pavlidis Andersson, Diána Rakonczai, Tomasz Jarosz

Graphic designer: Charlotte Gisèle Chapuis, Joost Jansohn

Venue liaison: Laura De Jaeger

Publics: Clara

Co-producers: Tobias Laborie


We’d like to thank everybody who took part in realising this exhibition. Without their help this wonderful event would not have been possible. Special thanks to Laura De Jaeger, who initiated this whole project. She energised us with her weekly input and helped everyone find their specific role. We also want to thank our guest artists, Alex Webber and Siebert Mispelon, for their fun and interesting exercises. Moreover we want to thank the international department of EKA and Erasmus+ for their financial support. We are grateful to Krulli for supporting us with this space. And last but not least we want to thank everyone who came to our exhibition.

The exhibition is supported by Erasmus+ and the International office of the Estonian Academy of Arts.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

DD/MM/YYYY at Krulli Mehhaanikatsehh

Tuesday 14 May, 2024 — Thursday 16 May, 2024

Léan Hötzel, Nils Geffre, Louisa Seidl, Tomasz Jarosz, Anna Broučková, Lucille Gonzalez, Katariina Kesküla, Halyna Yaroshenko, Clara-Marlen Wilke, Charlotte Gisèle Chapuis, Martí Castillo, Marína Gerða Bjarnadóttir, Asmus Soodla

Opening: 14.05.2024 18:00

Open: 15.05–16.05.2024 10:00 – 18:00

That old village, the sun in August, a European desert. A flock of birds moving South. Nobody’s around, except the warm noise of bugs, sunshine, and water, pool water, pool water really far away.

Splashes, wetting the sandstone. The warm limestone of the house, the coldness of the granite kitchen countertop. Splashes of memories come from time to time. I guess it’s part of running away, or just running. Poor Doe is still afraid.

The train was still at high speed when it suddenly stopped. You can go by train from Beijing to Madrid. Doe was just going back home. Europe is a good place to be a nomad, like the Tartars that helped Beuys in Crimea. Doe wished to be buried, like Beuys, at least for a few days.

Doe looked through the window. It was dark outside, train rails, the horizon really far, and the first green traces in the wheat fields. Doe thought about the suburbs, the small window in the bedroom, blocks as far as the eye can see. Why did the train stop?  Doe woke up from the seat, and the train was empty. Almost, not really, but Doe remembers the train being empty.  The doors opened when Doe started to walk. A cold breeze entered the train. Some pages of the book Doe left behind on the seat started to move. Doe remembers it was a green-covered book. Doe couldn’t give me more details.


Curators: Léan Hötzel, Clio Pavlidis Andersson

Exhibition manager: Katariina Kesküla, Joost Jansohn

Exhibition writer: Martí Castillo; translation into Estonian by Triinu Ojala + Emma Johanson

Exhibition designer: Lin Puype, Martí Castillo, Emma Johansohn, Asmus Soodla

Communication: Emilia Santaella, Lucille Gonzalez 

Internal communication: Louisa Seidl

Photodocumentation Exhibition: Clio Pavlidis Andersson, Diána Rakonczai, Tomasz Jarosz

Graphic designer: Charlotte Gisèle Chapuis, Joost Jansohn

Venue liaison: Laura De Jaeger

Publics: Clara

Co-producers: Tobias Laborie


We’d like to thank everybody who took part in realising this exhibition. Without their help this wonderful event would not have been possible. Special thanks to Laura De Jaeger, who initiated this whole project. She energised us with her weekly input and helped everyone find their specific role. We also want to thank our guest artists, Alex Webber and Siebert Mispelon, for their fun and interesting exercises. Moreover we want to thank the international department of EKA and Erasmus+ for their financial support. We are grateful to Krulli for supporting us with this space. And last but not least we want to thank everyone who came to our exhibition.

The exhibition is supported by Erasmus+ and the International office of the Estonian Academy of Arts.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


Screening: “Kaarel Kurismaa. Beyond the Limits of Timelessness”

Kaarel Kurismaa. Beyond the Limits of Timelessness
59 min
Estonia 2024

A documentary about the Estonian artist Kaarel Kurismaa shows the viewer an insight into the world of artists.

Kaarel Kurismaa laid the foundations for Estonian kinetic and sound art. He is a highly versatile artist whose creative energy is divided between painting, sound, installation, monumental art, and film. Kaarel has changed his creative direction several times; he has explored different artistic styles. 

On the crest of the avant-garde wave of the 1970s, he created several important sound and kinetic objects in Estonian art history. From the mid-1970s, Kurismaa worked as an artist, director, and cinematographer at Eesti Joonisfilm and Nukufilm. In the 1980s, Kurismaa became more interested in making space and monumental art. He created a number of remarkable public space objects that synthesised the key elements of his work – sound and movement. Only one of these objects has survived to this day – the Tallinn tram.

The 1990s marked another turning point in Kurismaa’s work. Sound objects inspired by pop art aesthetics were replaced by contemporary site-specific space and sound installations.

The film features friends and colleagues of Kaarel Kurismaa: Tiit Pääsuke, Tamara Luuk, Olga Temnikova, Ragne Soosalu, Sirje Helme, Andres Kurg and Kiwa, who share their experiences and talk about their collaboration with the artist. We can see unique archival footage and private archive photographs, get a glimpse of the work of various artists, and follow the process of creating art. 

Director: Aljona Suržikova

Producer: Sergei Trofimov


Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Screening: “Kaarel Kurismaa. Beyond the Limits of Timelessness”

Monday 13 May, 2024

Kaarel Kurismaa. Beyond the Limits of Timelessness
59 min
Estonia 2024

A documentary about the Estonian artist Kaarel Kurismaa shows the viewer an insight into the world of artists.

Kaarel Kurismaa laid the foundations for Estonian kinetic and sound art. He is a highly versatile artist whose creative energy is divided between painting, sound, installation, monumental art, and film. Kaarel has changed his creative direction several times; he has explored different artistic styles. 

On the crest of the avant-garde wave of the 1970s, he created several important sound and kinetic objects in Estonian art history. From the mid-1970s, Kurismaa worked as an artist, director, and cinematographer at Eesti Joonisfilm and Nukufilm. In the 1980s, Kurismaa became more interested in making space and monumental art. He created a number of remarkable public space objects that synthesised the key elements of his work – sound and movement. Only one of these objects has survived to this day – the Tallinn tram.

The 1990s marked another turning point in Kurismaa’s work. Sound objects inspired by pop art aesthetics were replaced by contemporary site-specific space and sound installations.

The film features friends and colleagues of Kaarel Kurismaa: Tiit Pääsuke, Tamara Luuk, Olga Temnikova, Ragne Soosalu, Sirje Helme, Andres Kurg and Kiwa, who share their experiences and talk about their collaboration with the artist. We can see unique archival footage and private archive photographs, get a glimpse of the work of various artists, and follow the process of creating art. 

Director: Aljona Suržikova

Producer: Sergei Trofimov


Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

07.05.2024 — 21.05.2024

Charlotte Gisele Chapuis and Clio Pavlidis Andersson in Lainurga Gallery

On Tuesday 7.05 at 19:00, the exhibition “Ruhig Dimma” by Charlotte Gisele Chapuis and Clio Pavlidis Andersson will open in Lainurga Gallery.

Location: on the 4th floor in front of the photography department, B-405
Start of the exhibition: 07.05 19:00
End of the exhibition: 21.05

Two artists from two different countries exhibit works from their personal archives, resulting in a blend of intimate portraits and still landscapes. They might have different backgrounds, but their two narratives meet in a longing for home and an appreciation for the connections created around them. “Ruhig Dimma” exhibits intimacy and symbolism, by using close to heart-photographies and found objects complementing the pictures.

Clio Pavlidis Andersson (b. 1998) is currently on exchange at Estonian Academy of Arts and is studying her second year at the BFA programme in photography, at HDK-Valand. Her practice often features family and close friends as central figures, allowing her to delve into the soreness and fragility that inevitably comes with long and deep relationships.

Charlotte Giséle Chapuis (b. 1998) is studying her fourth year at the BFA programme in photography at Folkwang University of Arts and is also currently on exchange at Estonian Academy of Arts. Rooted in closeness and vulnerability, she’s working a lot with her own archive material, trying to find and show patterns that tell an intimate story.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Charlotte Gisele Chapuis and Clio Pavlidis Andersson in Lainurga Gallery

Tuesday 07 May, 2024 — Tuesday 21 May, 2024

On Tuesday 7.05 at 19:00, the exhibition “Ruhig Dimma” by Charlotte Gisele Chapuis and Clio Pavlidis Andersson will open in Lainurga Gallery.

Location: on the 4th floor in front of the photography department, B-405
Start of the exhibition: 07.05 19:00
End of the exhibition: 21.05

Two artists from two different countries exhibit works from their personal archives, resulting in a blend of intimate portraits and still landscapes. They might have different backgrounds, but their two narratives meet in a longing for home and an appreciation for the connections created around them. “Ruhig Dimma” exhibits intimacy and symbolism, by using close to heart-photographies and found objects complementing the pictures.

Clio Pavlidis Andersson (b. 1998) is currently on exchange at Estonian Academy of Arts and is studying her second year at the BFA programme in photography, at HDK-Valand. Her practice often features family and close friends as central figures, allowing her to delve into the soreness and fragility that inevitably comes with long and deep relationships.

Charlotte Giséle Chapuis (b. 1998) is studying her fourth year at the BFA programme in photography at Folkwang University of Arts and is also currently on exchange at Estonian Academy of Arts. Rooted in closeness and vulnerability, she’s working a lot with her own archive material, trying to find and show patterns that tell an intimate story.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


Book Launch & Talk: Maria Kapajeva – A Year-Long Scream

9.05, 18:00, Drakoni Gallery


You are kindly invited to the launch of Maria Kapajeva’s book “a year-log scream”. Kapajeva started writing the book on February 24, 2022 – the day the full-scale war in Ukraine began. The book is written in a personal style and deals with themes of identity, collective and individual responsibility and guilt, language and belonging, feminism, and the stories of some of the Ukrainian refugees that the author encountered during the year.


Kapajeva is joined by special guests, Sveta Grigorjeva, Katrin Hallas and Maarja Kangro who will read poetry and discuss the book.


The book has been published in three languages (Estonian, English and Russian) and can be purchased at the presentation with a special price of €10.


Graphic design: Kersti Heile
Publisher: OPA! www.opapublishing.com

Supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonian and Estonian Academy of Arts

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Book Launch & Talk: Maria Kapajeva – A Year-Long Scream

Thursday 09 May, 2024

9.05, 18:00, Drakoni Gallery


You are kindly invited to the launch of Maria Kapajeva’s book “a year-log scream”. Kapajeva started writing the book on February 24, 2022 – the day the full-scale war in Ukraine began. The book is written in a personal style and deals with themes of identity, collective and individual responsibility and guilt, language and belonging, feminism, and the stories of some of the Ukrainian refugees that the author encountered during the year.


Kapajeva is joined by special guests, Sveta Grigorjeva, Katrin Hallas and Maarja Kangro who will read poetry and discuss the book.


The book has been published in three languages (Estonian, English and Russian) and can be purchased at the presentation with a special price of €10.


Graphic design: Kersti Heile
Publisher: OPA! www.opapublishing.com

Supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonian and Estonian Academy of Arts

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


Unearth it again! Life and Hope in Idaviru


Our group of students studying Urban Studies, Architecture, and Urban Planning warmly invites you to join us on this journey of collectively curated exhibition.

SAVE THE DATE! 3rd OF MAY at 16:00 at the Sea terrace of EKA. The final grading of Urban Studies Urban Models course is tutored by Kristi Grišakov & Keiti Kljavin.


If you dig a new hole in a degraded landscape, you can see the excavated trench. If you open the door of an apartment that has stood empty for years, the room is full of stories. The reference to excavation in the title sums up our task of relating to what has already left, to find in the traces of past activity the material for understanding larger regional changes. 


Five different creative experiments aim to reflect the sense of displacement, longing and disempowerment of a region on the edge of Estonia to resist change. We will look at the districts of Ahtme and Järve and the city of Kiviõli, where the monofunctionality of extractive manufacturing has challenged the response to the housing surplus caused by emigration. Exploring different issues related to (non)material aspects of Ida-Viru County settlements, our projects are based on field analysis and research, market analysis of housing conditions, reinterpretation of individual challenges of adaptation to depopulation. There is always a mist of hope in the air, a bit toxic and perhaps greenwashed, but full of the power of re-launching structural funds and the limits of the social adaptability of the population. 


Students: Marta Bodnar; Ayse Betul Gesen; Mariana Gomes Pedro; Lion Herrmann; Sofia Ignateva; Maria Kazlovskaya; Madita Laura Kümmeringer; Ella Nikulina; Henry Rikk; Piret Saar; Annika Ülejõe; Anneli Virts; Clara-Marlen Wilke.


Posted by Keiti Kljavin — Permalink

Unearth it again! Life and Hope in Idaviru

Friday 03 May, 2024


Our group of students studying Urban Studies, Architecture, and Urban Planning warmly invites you to join us on this journey of collectively curated exhibition.

SAVE THE DATE! 3rd OF MAY at 16:00 at the Sea terrace of EKA. The final grading of Urban Studies Urban Models course is tutored by Kristi Grišakov & Keiti Kljavin.


If you dig a new hole in a degraded landscape, you can see the excavated trench. If you open the door of an apartment that has stood empty for years, the room is full of stories. The reference to excavation in the title sums up our task of relating to what has already left, to find in the traces of past activity the material for understanding larger regional changes. 


Five different creative experiments aim to reflect the sense of displacement, longing and disempowerment of a region on the edge of Estonia to resist change. We will look at the districts of Ahtme and Järve and the city of Kiviõli, where the monofunctionality of extractive manufacturing has challenged the response to the housing surplus caused by emigration. Exploring different issues related to (non)material aspects of Ida-Viru County settlements, our projects are based on field analysis and research, market analysis of housing conditions, reinterpretation of individual challenges of adaptation to depopulation. There is always a mist of hope in the air, a bit toxic and perhaps greenwashed, but full of the power of re-launching structural funds and the limits of the social adaptability of the population. 


Students: Marta Bodnar; Ayse Betul Gesen; Mariana Gomes Pedro; Lion Herrmann; Sofia Ignateva; Maria Kazlovskaya; Madita Laura Kümmeringer; Ella Nikulina; Henry Rikk; Piret Saar; Annika Ülejõe; Anneli Virts; Clara-Marlen Wilke.


Posted by Keiti Kljavin — Permalink