


Each year, the Estonian Academy of Arts Research and Development Office, in conjunction with the Tallinn Strategic Management Office, holds an applied research and development projects competition to motivate the Academy’s members to apply to a greater extent the results of their academic and research work in the public, business and third sectors; to increase the quality and extent of knowledge services provided by the Academy to society and businesses and to raise public awareness of the application of the Academy’s know-how in the economy and society.

The author(s) of the best project are awarded 1000€. If numerous outstanding works are submitted for the competition, additional work(s) will be awarded.

The competition is open BOTH for EKA’s students, whose course or graduation project has reached the stage of developing an applied output, i.e. the results of the work can be applied in businesses or other organisations, AND the applied research or projects by all EKA´s employees and researchers.

The works must be completed between 01.09.2023–31.08.2024.
To submit a project to the competition a completed form together with additional materials must be sent to no later than 15 September 2024. The e-mail addresses of all authors of the work must be included among the e-mail recipients.

See last year’s winners HERE.

Materials for applying:

Procedure for Competition of Applied Research and Development Works

Submission form

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink


Sunday 15 September, 2024

Each year, the Estonian Academy of Arts Research and Development Office, in conjunction with the Tallinn Strategic Management Office, holds an applied research and development projects competition to motivate the Academy’s members to apply to a greater extent the results of their academic and research work in the public, business and third sectors; to increase the quality and extent of knowledge services provided by the Academy to society and businesses and to raise public awareness of the application of the Academy’s know-how in the economy and society.

The author(s) of the best project are awarded 1000€. If numerous outstanding works are submitted for the competition, additional work(s) will be awarded.

The competition is open BOTH for EKA’s students, whose course or graduation project has reached the stage of developing an applied output, i.e. the results of the work can be applied in businesses or other organisations, AND the applied research or projects by all EKA´s employees and researchers.

The works must be completed between 01.09.2023–31.08.2024.
To submit a project to the competition a completed form together with additional materials must be sent to no later than 15 September 2024. The e-mail addresses of all authors of the work must be included among the e-mail recipients.

See last year’s winners HERE.

Materials for applying:

Procedure for Competition of Applied Research and Development Works

Submission form

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink


Online info session: doctoral studies at EKA

EKA Doctoral School is hosting an online info session about doctoral studies at EKA on February 8, 2023, at 15:00 EET (local Estonian time) . 

Info session provides a good opportunity to hear more about doctoral studies at EKA, available programmes, admission requirements and procedure, etc; also meet and ask questions directly from people behind the Doctoral School and the programmes. The info session will be hosted online over Zoom.


The Estonian Academy of Arts offers following PhD level programmes for international applicants:

Admission period for international PhD applicants for 2023/2024 starts on February 1st, 2023. Deadline for submitting application is March 31st, 2023.

Admission requirements for PhD programmes can be found HERE.


More information:
Irene Hütsi
Doctoral School coordinator

Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink

Online info session: doctoral studies at EKA

Wednesday 08 February, 2023

EKA Doctoral School is hosting an online info session about doctoral studies at EKA on February 8, 2023, at 15:00 EET (local Estonian time) . 

Info session provides a good opportunity to hear more about doctoral studies at EKA, available programmes, admission requirements and procedure, etc; also meet and ask questions directly from people behind the Doctoral School and the programmes. The info session will be hosted online over Zoom.


The Estonian Academy of Arts offers following PhD level programmes for international applicants:

Admission period for international PhD applicants for 2023/2024 starts on February 1st, 2023. Deadline for submitting application is March 31st, 2023.

Admission requirements for PhD programmes can be found HERE.


More information:
Irene Hütsi
Doctoral School coordinator

Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink


ERKI Fashion Show 2021

It is the time when a person can escape from the uncertainty and the surrounding panic by just using his/her imagination. ERKI Fashion Show, which is this year held for the 34th time, is the place where once a year everybody can forget themselves and their worries.
This year’s ERKI Fashion Show will be held at Patarei Sea Fortress, one of the most popular places this summer. What makes ERKI Show special this year is the fact that this is the first time when we exhibit the collections on two different floors. And we are also continuing with our fresh tradition of having seperate show cases for each of the collection. All the collections can be viewed between 6pm—8:30pm. Followed by awarding and going smoothly over to ERKI Afterparty!
17:00 – doors opening
18:00 – the beginning of the show
20:30 – awarding
21:00 – afterparty
You can get to ERKI Fashion Shows destination by TUUL scooter, bus nr 73 (Lennusadam bus stop), by taxi, on foot or by car (EuroPark: Merekindluse parkla).
More information:
Cristopher Siniväli
ERKI Moeshow peakorraldaja / ERKI Fashion Show Head Organizer
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia / Estonian Academy of Arts
Põhja pst 7
10412 Tallinn, Estonia
+372 53076016
Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink

ERKI Fashion Show 2021

Saturday 28 August, 2021

It is the time when a person can escape from the uncertainty and the surrounding panic by just using his/her imagination. ERKI Fashion Show, which is this year held for the 34th time, is the place where once a year everybody can forget themselves and their worries.
This year’s ERKI Fashion Show will be held at Patarei Sea Fortress, one of the most popular places this summer. What makes ERKI Show special this year is the fact that this is the first time when we exhibit the collections on two different floors. And we are also continuing with our fresh tradition of having seperate show cases for each of the collection. All the collections can be viewed between 6pm—8:30pm. Followed by awarding and going smoothly over to ERKI Afterparty!
17:00 – doors opening
18:00 – the beginning of the show
20:30 – awarding
21:00 – afterparty
You can get to ERKI Fashion Shows destination by TUUL scooter, bus nr 73 (Lennusadam bus stop), by taxi, on foot or by car (EuroPark: Merekindluse parkla).
More information:
Cristopher Siniväli
ERKI Moeshow peakorraldaja / ERKI Fashion Show Head Organizer
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia / Estonian Academy of Arts
Põhja pst 7
10412 Tallinn, Estonia
+372 53076016
Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink



A lifetime opportunity for young and emerging artists
It’s on! International visibility, freedom of expression, no glass ceilings – MArteLive is about to change the future of art.

Supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, this new contest-festival will enable thousands of young European artists to showcase their talent, win prizes and network with fellow artists and high profile professionals.

MArtelive represents a truly exceptional chance to live an unforgettable experience: selected artists will perform in Online and Livestream Auditions, take part in Semifinal Shows and Art Residencies in different European countries, and be crowned in the great Final Show in Rome, Italy.

A total overview of the world of art MArteLive is open to a wide range of artists, featuring 16 Artistic Disciplines: Music, Dj and Producer, Theater, Dance, Contemporary Circus, Literature, Painting and Drawing, Sculpture, Photography, Digital Illustration, Street-Art, Fashion Design, Handicraft, Short Film, Music Video, Video Art.

The Contest
The MArteLive Contest is open to artists between 18 to 35, European residents or citizens. It follows a 4-step process of selection, running both online and live.

STEP 1 – CALL FOR ARTISTS ( opening on February 5th 2021) Participants apply on .

MArtelive selects the 10 best artists for each Artistic Discipline that will perform online in livestream audition events. Artists are evaluated by both qualified juries and the audience.

Spectacular live events where the 3 best artists, for each of the 16 Artistic Disciplines, perform all together: a unique experience for both the artists and the audience. Semifinal Shows will be in Vilnius (Lithuania), Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Krakow (Poland). The winners from each Area get a cash prize and fly to Rome for the European Final Show.

STEP 4 – EUROPEAN FINAL SHOW (December 2021)
An unforgettable show, where the best of European talents perform together to really wow the audience. The show is held during the prestigious MArteLive Biennial , a high-impact event spread through 60 locations in Rome, with an audience of 50,000 people.

Art Residencies MArtelive is much more than a contest. Semifinal winners and other selected artists can take part in 1-week Art Residencies in Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The artists live together and create unique multidisciplinary performances, that will be showcased in special events in the Art Residency location and on the MArteLive Biennial Festival in Rome, Italy. Best moments of the experience and “making of” will be shared on MArteLive social media and website, giving the artists a platform to directly connect with the audience.

The dream goes on

This first MArtelive European edition takes place after 20 years of experience in Italy , where MArtelive has already helped thousands of youngsters express their artistic views and gain international exposure. Thanks to this background, MArteLive proves that creativity has no limits: the energy of the festival vibrates across styles and ways of expression, creating a unique space for connections.

Apply and read the regulation on !

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


Friday 09 April, 2021

A lifetime opportunity for young and emerging artists
It’s on! International visibility, freedom of expression, no glass ceilings – MArteLive is about to change the future of art.

Supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, this new contest-festival will enable thousands of young European artists to showcase their talent, win prizes and network with fellow artists and high profile professionals.

MArtelive represents a truly exceptional chance to live an unforgettable experience: selected artists will perform in Online and Livestream Auditions, take part in Semifinal Shows and Art Residencies in different European countries, and be crowned in the great Final Show in Rome, Italy.

A total overview of the world of art MArteLive is open to a wide range of artists, featuring 16 Artistic Disciplines: Music, Dj and Producer, Theater, Dance, Contemporary Circus, Literature, Painting and Drawing, Sculpture, Photography, Digital Illustration, Street-Art, Fashion Design, Handicraft, Short Film, Music Video, Video Art.

The Contest
The MArteLive Contest is open to artists between 18 to 35, European residents or citizens. It follows a 4-step process of selection, running both online and live.

STEP 1 – CALL FOR ARTISTS ( opening on February 5th 2021) Participants apply on .

MArtelive selects the 10 best artists for each Artistic Discipline that will perform online in livestream audition events. Artists are evaluated by both qualified juries and the audience.

Spectacular live events where the 3 best artists, for each of the 16 Artistic Disciplines, perform all together: a unique experience for both the artists and the audience. Semifinal Shows will be in Vilnius (Lithuania), Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Krakow (Poland). The winners from each Area get a cash prize and fly to Rome for the European Final Show.

STEP 4 – EUROPEAN FINAL SHOW (December 2021)
An unforgettable show, where the best of European talents perform together to really wow the audience. The show is held during the prestigious MArteLive Biennial , a high-impact event spread through 60 locations in Rome, with an audience of 50,000 people.

Art Residencies MArtelive is much more than a contest. Semifinal winners and other selected artists can take part in 1-week Art Residencies in Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The artists live together and create unique multidisciplinary performances, that will be showcased in special events in the Art Residency location and on the MArteLive Biennial Festival in Rome, Italy. Best moments of the experience and “making of” will be shared on MArteLive social media and website, giving the artists a platform to directly connect with the audience.

The dream goes on

This first MArtelive European edition takes place after 20 years of experience in Italy , where MArtelive has already helped thousands of youngsters express their artistic views and gain international exposure. Thanks to this background, MArteLive proves that creativity has no limits: the energy of the festival vibrates across styles and ways of expression, creating a unique space for connections.

Apply and read the regulation on !

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


NEW DEADLINE 14.09! Competition of applied research and development projects of EKA

Each year, the Estonian Academy of Arts Research and Development Office, in conjunction with the Tallinn City Enterprise Department, holds an applied research and development projects competition to motivate the Academy’s members to apply their academic and research activity in the public and business sectors and to highlight successful collaborative projects.
This year the competition welcomes research and development projects and students’ graduation works with a clear applied output – projects benefitting a company or an institution or with potential to better social well-being in a broader sense.
The works must be completed between 01.09.2019–31.08.2020.
The author(s) of the best project are awarded 1000€, the author(s) of the second best work a prize of 800€.

To submit a project to the competition a completed form together with additional materials must be sent to no later than 14 September 2020. The e-mail addresses of all authors of the work must be included among the e-mail recipients.

More info

Posted by Irene Hütsi — Permalink

NEW DEADLINE 14.09! Competition of applied research and development projects of EKA

Monday 14 September, 2020

Each year, the Estonian Academy of Arts Research and Development Office, in conjunction with the Tallinn City Enterprise Department, holds an applied research and development projects competition to motivate the Academy’s members to apply their academic and research activity in the public and business sectors and to highlight successful collaborative projects.
This year the competition welcomes research and development projects and students’ graduation works with a clear applied output – projects benefitting a company or an institution or with potential to better social well-being in a broader sense.
The works must be completed between 01.09.2019–31.08.2020.
The author(s) of the best project are awarded 1000€, the author(s) of the second best work a prize of 800€.

To submit a project to the competition a completed form together with additional materials must be sent to no later than 14 September 2020. The e-mail addresses of all authors of the work must be included among the e-mail recipients.

More info

Posted by Irene Hütsi — Permalink

19.08.2020 — 21.08.2020


Portfoliocafe 2020 v

Portfolio Café is structured around one-on-one meetings that take place between local and international Fine Arts and Design professionals and graduate students of the Estonian Academy of Arts. Each meeting takes place about 50 minutes. During Portfolio Café sessions students introduce themselves and their work, and expert answer questions, provide recommendations, share contacts, etc. After the first scheduled conversation student moves on to the next selected expert they have signed up for.
All Portfolio Café meetings are in English.

Portfolio Café is a collaborative project between the Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Design.

Portfolio Café invites all graduates from BA and MA levels to participate. Also, for the first time there are places available for EKA alumni and graduates from other Estonian higher education institutions.

To participate in the contest, please register here.
Registration is possible until 10.08.2020.

Posted by Madis Luik — Permalink


Wednesday 19 August, 2020 — Friday 21 August, 2020

Portfoliocafe 2020 v

Portfolio Café is structured around one-on-one meetings that take place between local and international Fine Arts and Design professionals and graduate students of the Estonian Academy of Arts. Each meeting takes place about 50 minutes. During Portfolio Café sessions students introduce themselves and their work, and expert answer questions, provide recommendations, share contacts, etc. After the first scheduled conversation student moves on to the next selected expert they have signed up for.
All Portfolio Café meetings are in English.

Portfolio Café is a collaborative project between the Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Design.

Portfolio Café invites all graduates from BA and MA levels to participate. Also, for the first time there are places available for EKA alumni and graduates from other Estonian higher education institutions.

To participate in the contest, please register here.
Registration is possible until 10.08.2020.

Posted by Madis Luik — Permalink


Deadline for ERASMUS+ exchange studies and training for 2020/2021

Apply for Erasmus+ exchange studies or training in 2020/2021! Application deadline at EKA is 1st of March 2020.

We encourage all EKA students to study abroad or carry out training during one or two semesters.

Info about how to apply on website:

Check the list of partner universities, prepare your portfolio and motivation letter.

Info meeting on February 13 at 15.00, room A403.

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

Deadline for ERASMUS+ exchange studies and training for 2020/2021

Sunday 01 March, 2020

Apply for Erasmus+ exchange studies or training in 2020/2021! Application deadline at EKA is 1st of March 2020.

We encourage all EKA students to study abroad or carry out training during one or two semesters.

Info about how to apply on website:

Check the list of partner universities, prepare your portfolio and motivation letter.

Info meeting on February 13 at 15.00, room A403.

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

04.02.2015 — 15.03.2015



The European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) is pleased to announce the 7th ELIA NEU/NOW Festival 2015 and is inviting proposals for projects.
Nominations of projects can be submitted via the NEU/NOW Nomination Tool at
The deadline for nominations is 15 March 2015.
The ELIA NEU/NOW Festival is an innovative international platform and showcase for talented graduating students and recent graduates (within one year of graduation) – of Higher Arts Education Institutions and Universities across Europe and beyond – to present themselves to a wide international audience.
From the nominated projects, a maximum of 150 projects across all categories will be presented online at, which is widely accessible to arts professionals and the public.

A selection of projects will be presented in the ELIA NEU/NOW LIVE Festival 2015 that will take place 09-13 September 2015 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The ELIA NEU/NOW online Festival is open to arts students in their final year of study and recent graduates (within one year of graduation) of Higher Arts Education Institutions across Europe and beyond, which are ELIA members, ELIA associate members or ELIA non-European members.

The call for entry to this competition is also open to members of the following partner networks:
+ AEC-European Association of Conservatories
+ CILECT-International Association of Film and Television Schools
+ Cumulus

For more information, please visit the NEU/NOW Activity Pageon the ELIA Website

Want to know more about NEU/NOW?
Watch the trailer of the 2013 LIVE edition in Amsterdam:

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


Wednesday 04 February, 2015 — Sunday 15 March, 2015


The European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) is pleased to announce the 7th ELIA NEU/NOW Festival 2015 and is inviting proposals for projects.
Nominations of projects can be submitted via the NEU/NOW Nomination Tool at
The deadline for nominations is 15 March 2015.
The ELIA NEU/NOW Festival is an innovative international platform and showcase for talented graduating students and recent graduates (within one year of graduation) – of Higher Arts Education Institutions and Universities across Europe and beyond – to present themselves to a wide international audience.
From the nominated projects, a maximum of 150 projects across all categories will be presented online at, which is widely accessible to arts professionals and the public.

A selection of projects will be presented in the ELIA NEU/NOW LIVE Festival 2015 that will take place 09-13 September 2015 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The ELIA NEU/NOW online Festival is open to arts students in their final year of study and recent graduates (within one year of graduation) of Higher Arts Education Institutions across Europe and beyond, which are ELIA members, ELIA associate members or ELIA non-European members.

The call for entry to this competition is also open to members of the following partner networks:
+ AEC-European Association of Conservatories
+ CILECT-International Association of Film and Television Schools
+ Cumulus

For more information, please visit the NEU/NOW Activity Pageon the ELIA Website

Want to know more about NEU/NOW?
Watch the trailer of the 2013 LIVE edition in Amsterdam:

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


Information Session on Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships

Information Session on Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships
Date: Friday, January 30, 2015
Time: 17:00
Place: National Library of Estonia „Small Conference Hall“ (Tõnismägi 2, Tallinn)
Learn more about Japan’s MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Scholarships!
You are welcome to attend this info session to find out scholarship opportunities for undergraduate and research students in Japan and get answers to your questions. A MEXT scholarship returnee will share her experiences of study and life in Japan.
Free admission

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

Information Session on Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships

Friday 30 January, 2015

Information Session on Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships
Date: Friday, January 30, 2015
Time: 17:00
Place: National Library of Estonia „Small Conference Hall“ (Tõnismägi 2, Tallinn)
Learn more about Japan’s MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Scholarships!
You are welcome to attend this info session to find out scholarship opportunities for undergraduate and research students in Japan and get answers to your questions. A MEXT scholarship returnee will share her experiences of study and life in Japan.
Free admission

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

29.01.2015 — 20.02.2015

Scholarship for special needs students – application deadline February 20th

You may apply for a scholarship if you have special needs in case you have informed the university of them prior to the application process. You may find the information in English here

Electronic applications should be filled out by February 20th here:

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

Scholarship for special needs students – application deadline February 20th

Thursday 29 January, 2015 — Friday 20 February, 2015

You may apply for a scholarship if you have special needs in case you have informed the university of them prior to the application process. You may find the information in English here

Electronic applications should be filled out by February 20th here:

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink