

Estonian Academy of Arts invites to the showing of student films – TASE FILM. The festival is going to take place on June 12 at 6 PM at EKA assembly hall.

The film festival is divided into two parts: the first one focuses on the films made in the cooperation of EKA and BFM students, where the main focus is on the importance of scenography in film. The second part of screening focuses on short films made by students and tries to discover if short films can be seen as portraits, or as a poem, carrying the unique voice and message within them. The program is curated by Mariliis Elizabeth Holzmann.

More information: mariliis.holzmann@artun.ee

Free entry!

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink


Wednesday 12 June, 2019

Estonian Academy of Arts invites to the showing of student films – TASE FILM. The festival is going to take place on June 12 at 6 PM at EKA assembly hall.

The film festival is divided into two parts: the first one focuses on the films made in the cooperation of EKA and BFM students, where the main focus is on the importance of scenography in film. The second part of screening focuses on short films made by students and tries to discover if short films can be seen as portraits, or as a poem, carrying the unique voice and message within them. The program is curated by Mariliis Elizabeth Holzmann.

More information: mariliis.holzmann@artun.ee

Free entry!

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

06.06.2019 — 07.06.2019

Call for the Portfolio Café is open!

Apply until 27.05.

In the framework of TASE ’19, graduate students from the Faculty of Design and Fine Arts once again have the opportunity to get feedback from an international group of experts. At the Portfolio Café, based on a series of one-on-one meetings, students can receive comments and advice on their already finished works and also projects still in progress. Those meetings are a great chance to improve one’s presentation skills, and can also a lead to new contacts and possible future collaborations.

The experts attending this year’s event are:









Applying and more information HERE:



The seats are limited! In case of a large number of applicants, a selection will be made by a committee faculty of members.

The MA graduates of the Faculty of Design and Fine Arts have a priority in applying.

In addition to the portfolio, it is also possible to present works exhibited at the graduation show.

The Portfolio Café meetings are mainly in English.

Portfolio Café is supported by the European Union European Regional Development Fund, the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Goethe-Institut Estland and Erasmus +.


Kulla Laas ja Cloe Jancis
EKA fotograafia osakond

Tel. 616 4200, 5805 0009

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

Call for the Portfolio Café is open!

Thursday 06 June, 2019 — Friday 07 June, 2019

Apply until 27.05.

In the framework of TASE ’19, graduate students from the Faculty of Design and Fine Arts once again have the opportunity to get feedback from an international group of experts. At the Portfolio Café, based on a series of one-on-one meetings, students can receive comments and advice on their already finished works and also projects still in progress. Those meetings are a great chance to improve one’s presentation skills, and can also a lead to new contacts and possible future collaborations.

The experts attending this year’s event are:









Applying and more information HERE:



The seats are limited! In case of a large number of applicants, a selection will be made by a committee faculty of members.

The MA graduates of the Faculty of Design and Fine Arts have a priority in applying.

In addition to the portfolio, it is also possible to present works exhibited at the graduation show.

The Portfolio Café meetings are mainly in English.

Portfolio Café is supported by the European Union European Regional Development Fund, the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Goethe-Institut Estland and Erasmus +.


Kulla Laas ja Cloe Jancis
EKA fotograafia osakond

Tel. 616 4200, 5805 0009

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

30.05.2018 — 13.06.2018

TASE ’18

TASE is the annual spring graduation show of the Estonian Academy of Arts, with this year’s main exhibition taking place at the Faculty of Fine Arts building at Lembitu 10. The exhibition will open on 30 May at 17:00 and the final projects will remain on view until 13 June.

The exhibition can be considered a farewell ceremony to the temporary spaces EKA has been working on since its main academic building at Tartu mnt. 1 was demolished eight years ago. The Lembitu 10 building has hosted EKA’s academic and creative activities over the past four years and, with the TASE ’18 exhibition, students will have a chance, as a symbolic gesture, to show their final projects in a space that EKA will leave behind when it moves to the new building this summer.

The exhibition will feature the final projects of fine arts, architecture, design and art and culture master’s students with the additional final works of fine arts bachelor’s students.


Main organiser: Keiu Krikmann

Co-organisers: Fidelia Regina Randmäe, Solveig Jahnke, Mart Vainre, Maarja Pabut, Laura Kuusk, Kelli Turman and Ingela Heinaste

Exhibition design: Ulla Alla, Madli Kaljuste and Margus Tammik

Graphic design: Martina Gofman, Johanna Ruukholm, Nathan Tulve; supervisor: Indrek Sirkel


More info www.artun.ee/tase

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

TASE ’18

Wednesday 30 May, 2018 — Wednesday 13 June, 2018

TASE is the annual spring graduation show of the Estonian Academy of Arts, with this year’s main exhibition taking place at the Faculty of Fine Arts building at Lembitu 10. The exhibition will open on 30 May at 17:00 and the final projects will remain on view until 13 June.

The exhibition can be considered a farewell ceremony to the temporary spaces EKA has been working on since its main academic building at Tartu mnt. 1 was demolished eight years ago. The Lembitu 10 building has hosted EKA’s academic and creative activities over the past four years and, with the TASE ’18 exhibition, students will have a chance, as a symbolic gesture, to show their final projects in a space that EKA will leave behind when it moves to the new building this summer.

The exhibition will feature the final projects of fine arts, architecture, design and art and culture master’s students with the additional final works of fine arts bachelor’s students.


Main organiser: Keiu Krikmann

Co-organisers: Fidelia Regina Randmäe, Solveig Jahnke, Mart Vainre, Maarja Pabut, Laura Kuusk, Kelli Turman and Ingela Heinaste

Exhibition design: Ulla Alla, Madli Kaljuste and Margus Tammik

Graphic design: Martina Gofman, Johanna Ruukholm, Nathan Tulve; supervisor: Indrek Sirkel


More info www.artun.ee/tase

Posted by Mart Vainre — Permalink

04.06.2015 — 14.06.2015

TASE ’15 Graduation Works Show

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

TASE ’15 Graduation Works Show

Thursday 04 June, 2015 — Sunday 14 June, 2015

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

03.05.2015 — 05.05.2015

Filthy / Chastity

Artist: Carla Castiajo
Sound: Paul Beaudoin
Where: Bathroom, Lembitu 3, Tallinn
Preliminary review: 3 June at 4 pm
Exhibition: 4 and 5 June, 4–7 pm
The bathroom is an intimate space where we execute contrasting actions and behaviors. We use this private space daily for cleaning ourselves of the impurity that accumulates by washing our bodies, hands and hair. In this space, we face the mirror where our hair can be combed and plaited or remove our unwanted hair. This intimate space is also the place where we expel our filth – our repugnant fluids and excrement.
In my recent works, my attention has focused on exploring the use and significance of human hair as a material in jewellery and art. The work’s purpose is to apply of the often ambiguous features present in hair and its potential to produce different and often opposing/contradictory meanings and reactions.
After washing your hands, you are welcome to touch the objects.
Carla Castiajo has studied and taught jewellery as a medium of expression. She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Konstfack in Stockholm, Sweden and is currently a doctoral student at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. The subject of her research is Hair: Purity or Promiscuity? Exploring Hair as a Material and its Meaning in Jewellery and Art.
She has taught at the BNU in Pakistan, the Oakham School in Britain, the ESAD in Portugal and the EKA in Estonia. Her work has been exhibited internationally.
Paul Beaudoin is an internationally recognized multimedia artist.
Many thanks to Ester Kruuse / Riigi Kinnisvara AS, Prof. Mart Kalm, Tiit Rammul, Virko Kuusk, Risto Tali, Andreas Kivisild, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Academy of Arts and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and with special thank to Prof. Kadri Mälk.

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

Filthy / Chastity

Sunday 03 May, 2015 — Tuesday 05 May, 2015

Artist: Carla Castiajo
Sound: Paul Beaudoin
Where: Bathroom, Lembitu 3, Tallinn
Preliminary review: 3 June at 4 pm
Exhibition: 4 and 5 June, 4–7 pm
The bathroom is an intimate space where we execute contrasting actions and behaviors. We use this private space daily for cleaning ourselves of the impurity that accumulates by washing our bodies, hands and hair. In this space, we face the mirror where our hair can be combed and plaited or remove our unwanted hair. This intimate space is also the place where we expel our filth – our repugnant fluids and excrement.
In my recent works, my attention has focused on exploring the use and significance of human hair as a material in jewellery and art. The work’s purpose is to apply of the often ambiguous features present in hair and its potential to produce different and often opposing/contradictory meanings and reactions.
After washing your hands, you are welcome to touch the objects.
Carla Castiajo has studied and taught jewellery as a medium of expression. She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Konstfack in Stockholm, Sweden and is currently a doctoral student at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. The subject of her research is Hair: Purity or Promiscuity? Exploring Hair as a Material and its Meaning in Jewellery and Art.
She has taught at the BNU in Pakistan, the Oakham School in Britain, the ESAD in Portugal and the EKA in Estonia. Her work has been exhibited internationally.
Paul Beaudoin is an internationally recognized multimedia artist.
Many thanks to Ester Kruuse / Riigi Kinnisvara AS, Prof. Mart Kalm, Tiit Rammul, Virko Kuusk, Risto Tali, Andreas Kivisild, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Academy of Arts and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and with special thank to Prof. Kadri Mälk.

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


ERKI Fashion Show this Saturday

ERKI Fashion Show this Saturday will take place in Noblessner Valukoda, start at 7 pm. Get tickets here: www.erki.artun.ee/2015/et/piletid

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

ERKI Fashion Show this Saturday

Saturday 23 May, 2015

ERKI Fashion Show this Saturday will take place in Noblessner Valukoda, start at 7 pm. Get tickets here: www.erki.artun.ee/2015/et/piletid

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink