Category: Architecture publications

EKA Kalevi jahtklubi esikaas

Yacht Club Kalev. Studio Project V, 09.2018- 01.2019

You can find the booklet HERE The focus of the 5th semester studio project was the historic Yacht Club Kalev main building, built by the project ...

Graphic (re)presentation & Shelter. Studio project I, 09.2017–12.2017

Read the booklet HERE The aim of the study assignments of the first year fall semester is to introduce the prerequisites, reasons and ...
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PRIVATE HOUSE. Studio Project 09.–12.2017

You can find the booklet HERE The given course was the first-year students’ first real exposure to restrictions in architecture. The search for ...

RUMMU MUSIC CENTER. Studio Project IV, 01.-05. 2017

You can find the booklet HERE Studio project for the design of a public building for students of architecture and urban planning: Rummu ...

The Unfinished City research team publishes a book on Tallinn’s urban visions

On November 3 at 3 pm, the results of the three-year Unfinished City research project will be presented in the form of a thorough 400-page ...

Private House. Studio Project II, 2017/2018

You can read the booklet here. The course began with a lecture followed by smaller tasks to lead students to contemplating on the essence of a ...

Shelter. Studio Project II, 2016/2017

You can read the booklet here. The aim of the first-year students’ spring term task is to introduce the prerequisites, reasons and ...
Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 14.38.51

Insula Nudus. Paljassaare beyond interesting

Urban studies 1st studio has for past years  taking a critical look at both the term and the process of urbanisation. The so-called urban is ...

T4 – Tallinn Timber Tower Terminal. Studio Project, 2019/2020

Find the booklet here „T4 – Tallinn Timber Tower Terminal“ Building Parts spring semester 2020 investigated the potential of sustainable ...

Proceedings: Space and Digital Reality

Estonian Academy of Arts hosted the international conference Space and Digital Reality within the framework of Tallinn Architecture Biennale – ...