Category: Architecture and Urban Design


Huge congratulations to Nina Stener Jørgensen for receiving her PhD!

Huge congratulations to Nina Stener Jørgensen for receiving her PhD! On 17th June Nina Stener Jørgensen, a PhD candidate of the Estonian Academy ...
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Bastion belt. Landscape Architecture Studio project 10.2021–12.2021

Find the booklet HERE. The Bastion belt surrounding Tallinn’s Old Town is an area, which has been recognized as a potential ...
Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 14.12.25

EKA Arh Conference: OPEN CALL for Abstracts

EKA Arh CONFERENCE 2024 Building Systems 10 October 2024 Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture, Põhja pst 7, Tallinn, Estonia CALL FOR ...

Successful NBAA Meeting at Aalto

Successful NBAA Meeting at Aalto with Participation by Dean of Architecture Sille Pihlak On April 18th and 19th, a networking meeting focused on ...

Joint Narva architecture workshop with students of EKA and Innsbruck University

In the first week of April, students from the University of Innsbruck visited the Faculty of Architecture of EKA, who got an overview of EKA’s ...

2024 year’s J. Holt scholarship for Diana Drobot

This year’s Jaan Holt Scholarship will be awarded to Diana Drobot, a student of architecture and urban planning, for her outstanding and ...
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Andres Alver book “About Architecture”

The book “About Architecture” by architect and professor Andres Alver has been published. The book presentation will take place on ...

Student chairs in Võru Suhvli

The Southeast Estonia Innovation Center opened the Suhvli discovery center dedicated to the former Võru furniture factory and the wood industry ...

5.0ROBOTICS CNC instruction

EKA Wood and Modelling Workshop hosted on February 15. 2024 a workshop from 5.0 Robotics on their CNC milling machine, instructed by Carlo ...
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Study of outdoor education in Estonian schools

In 2023, the landscape studio of the Faculty of Architecture of EKA studied the situation of outdoor education in Estonian schools. The purpose ...