Category: Architecture and Urban Design

Ulla Alla15

This year’s Jaan Holt scholarship is awarded to EKA architecture student Ulla Katariina Alla

This year’s Jaan Holt Scholarship will be awarded to Ulla Katariina Alla, a student of architecture and urban planning, for her outstanding ...
Tartu Südalinna kultuurikeskuse asukoha aerofoto Foto Maanus Kullamaa

EKA architecture students are examining the project of the Tartu City Center Cultural Center

The Department of Architecture and Urban Design of the Estonian Academy of Arts will be working on the city of Tartu this spring semester, at the ...
Screenshot 2021-02-08 at 10.51.12

Tour by curator Johan Tali at the City Unfinished exhibition to take place on 13 February.

Join us for a tour of the “City Unfinished” exhibition at the Estonian Museum of Architecture on Saturday, 13 February at 2 pm. The tour will be ...
Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 14.38.51

Insula Nudus. Paljassaare beyond interesting

Urban studies 1st studio has for past years  taking a critical look at both the term and the process of urbanisation. The so-called urban is ...

Exhibition “City Unfinished” opens at the Museum of Architecture

At the Estonian Museum of Architecture, a new exhibition titled ‘City Unfinished. Urban Visions of Tallinn’ invites the audience to explore ...

ELEMENTerial — materialisation of the metagrid

EKA algorithmic timber architecture research group exhibition  19. Jan  – 6. Feb 2021 at EKA Gallery.   The exhibition “ELEMENTerial” looks at ...

Siim Tuksam “Modulated Modularity – from mass customisation to custom mass production” (Dissertationes 33)

Siim Tuksam, PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, curriculum of Architecture and Urban Planning, defended his thesis „Modulated ...

Sille Pihlak “Prototyping Protocols, Protocolling Prototypes: a methodological development of somatic modularity for algorithmic timber architecture in Estonian context” (Dissertationes 32)

Sille Pihlak, PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, curriculum of Architecture and Urban Planning, defended her thesis “Prototyping ...
ann kristiin entson_ töö pilt

Ann Kristiin Entson – 3rd prize in the ERC research competition

Ann Kristiin Entson (EKA, architecture and urban design) won the 3rd prize (700 euros) in the field of Humanities and Arts at the level of the ...

Madli Kaljuste was awarded the EAA Student Award 2020

The Student Award 2020 of the Estonian Association of Architects was awarded to Madli Kaljuste, a master’s thesis in the field of architecture ...