Category: Architecture and Urban Design


Biocomputation and Urban Protocols in Tallinn. Elective Course, 2016/2017

Find the booklet here. The course aims to provide students with a material and operational framework to deal with change and transformation, the ...

State Houses of Jõhvi and Haapsalu. Studio Project V, 2016/2017

Find the booklet here. The course was focussed on the architectural draft project of a complex large-scale public building (>10,000m²). The ...

[organized chaos]3. 3DL Studio: Form Study 3, 2016/2017

Find the booklet here. The sculpture park at Richard Sagrits Museum in Karepa, Lääne-Viru county is waiting for a new sculpture: a wooden ...

Private House. Studio Project III, 2016/2017

Find the booklet here. The aim of the fall term project PRIVATE HOUSE for the second-year students of architecture and interior architecture was: ...

Model Studio. Workshop, 2016/2017

Find the booklet here. In many ways, the studio may be considered a logical continuation of the course work completed in the previous term. ...

Graphic (re)presentation. Studio Project I, 2016/2017

Find the booklet here. The aim of the course is to develop manual and visual thinking skills. To see and represent elements of the world as they ...

Apartment Building. Studio Project VIII, 2015/2016

You can find the booklet here. The study assignment of term 8 was not to focus on a single family but to create a model for living for a wider ...

Urban Planning Project. Studio Project VII

Find the booklet here. During their fourth year of studies, students focus on the topic of living. It constitutes the most extensive spatial ...

Pauses on Postitee. 3DL Studio

Find the booklet here. 3DL Problematics of Experimental Architecture The aim of the course was to study the topic related to the creation and ...
Soojuse katedraal Tootsis_15-16_WEB_Page_01

The Cathedral of Heat in Tootsi. Studio Project VI, 2015/2016

Find the booklet here. During the spring term, third-year students deal with public buildings. This time, the work was based on the concept of ...