Category: Architecture and Urban Design


Open Architecture Lecture: Kadambari Baxi

A series of open architectural lectures will be held this 2023 spring under the title “Triggers of Architecture”. The theme brings architects and theoreticians to Tallinn, who analyze the root causes of architecture and the means of making it.

On May 25 at 6 p.m., Kadambari Baxi will explore the connections between architecture and activism, geopolitics, and propaganda with the lecture “Building Activism: A New Agenda for Architecture”.


She will share her collaborative projects where concerns for human rights and climate futures spur different forms of architectural activism. Examining migrant labor exploitation on construction sites, reproductive rights politics, transnational air pollution and climate resilience, she links architecture to geopolitics and advocacy. The lecture discusses how local building sites expand unequal global processes; climate models reconstruct transnational air pollution to depict new zones of toxic responsibility; a plant-installation advocates for abortion rights, and a stalled climate resilience construction evokes imminent climate futures. Collectively, these projects aim to outline a new agenda for activism in architecture.

Kadambari Baxi, architect and educator based in New York, works collaboratively forming interdisciplinary partnerships on project basis. Her design, research and media projects circulate widely in international forums. As Professor of Practice in the Undergraduate Architecture Department at Barnard College, Columbia University, she teaches design studios and environmental visualization seminars. Recent advocacy includes cofounding the group “Who Builds Your Architecture?” and serving on the advisory board of “The Architecture Lobby.”



Within the framework of a series of open lectures, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA presents a dozen unique practitioners and valued theorists in the field in Tallinn every academic year.

The lectures are intended for all disciplines, not only for students and professionals in the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English and free of charge.

The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Curated by Andres Ojari.

Event in Facebook


Additional information:

Tiina Tammet


Tel. +372 642 0071


Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink

Open Architecture Lecture: Kadambari Baxi

Thursday 25 May, 2023

A series of open architectural lectures will be held this 2023 spring under the title “Triggers of Architecture”. The theme brings architects and theoreticians to Tallinn, who analyze the root causes of architecture and the means of making it.

On May 25 at 6 p.m., Kadambari Baxi will explore the connections between architecture and activism, geopolitics, and propaganda with the lecture “Building Activism: A New Agenda for Architecture”.


She will share her collaborative projects where concerns for human rights and climate futures spur different forms of architectural activism. Examining migrant labor exploitation on construction sites, reproductive rights politics, transnational air pollution and climate resilience, she links architecture to geopolitics and advocacy. The lecture discusses how local building sites expand unequal global processes; climate models reconstruct transnational air pollution to depict new zones of toxic responsibility; a plant-installation advocates for abortion rights, and a stalled climate resilience construction evokes imminent climate futures. Collectively, these projects aim to outline a new agenda for activism in architecture.

Kadambari Baxi, architect and educator based in New York, works collaboratively forming interdisciplinary partnerships on project basis. Her design, research and media projects circulate widely in international forums. As Professor of Practice in the Undergraduate Architecture Department at Barnard College, Columbia University, she teaches design studios and environmental visualization seminars. Recent advocacy includes cofounding the group “Who Builds Your Architecture?” and serving on the advisory board of “The Architecture Lobby.”



Within the framework of a series of open lectures, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA presents a dozen unique practitioners and valued theorists in the field in Tallinn every academic year.

The lectures are intended for all disciplines, not only for students and professionals in the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English and free of charge.

The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Curated by Andres Ojari.

Event in Facebook


Additional information:

Tiina Tammet


Tel. +372 642 0071


Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink


Public architecture lecture: Klaske Havik

A series of open architectural lectures will be held this 2023 spring under the title “Triggers of Architecture”. The theme brings architects and theoreticians to Tallinn, who analyze the root causes of architecture and the means of making it.

On May 4, at 6 pm, Klaske Havik will analyze the connections between literature and architecture with the lecture “Between the lines. Poetic imagination in architecture”. Creative imagination is one of the most important tools of every creator, including an architect. Using examples, Klaske Havik examines how poetic imagination works, how some key thinkers and architects conceptualize it.


Klaske Havik is an architect, scholar and writer. She is professor of Architecture at TU Delft, holding the chair of Methods of Analysis and Imagination. Advocating a literary approach to architecture to address societal issues, Havik published, among many other edited books and articles, Urban Literacy. Reading and Writing Architecture (2014). She was editor of architecture journals de Architect and OASE, and initiated the Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature. Havik’s literary work appeared in poetry collections and literary magazines.  She is Chair of the EU COST Action Writing Urban Places. New Narratives for the European City – an international and interdisciplinary network that seeks for more socially inclusive and locally specific urban places through the investigation of local narratives. In Estonia, Klaske has written for Maja and Ehituskunst, and been part of the thesis board at EKA.


Within the framework of a series of open lectures, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA presents a dozen unique practitioners and valued theorists in the field in Tallinn every academic year.

The lectures are intended for all disciplines, not only for students and professionals in the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge.


The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.


Curated by Andres Ojari


Additional information:

Tiina Tammet


Tel. +372 642 0071

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink

Public architecture lecture: Klaske Havik

Thursday 04 May, 2023

A series of open architectural lectures will be held this 2023 spring under the title “Triggers of Architecture”. The theme brings architects and theoreticians to Tallinn, who analyze the root causes of architecture and the means of making it.

On May 4, at 6 pm, Klaske Havik will analyze the connections between literature and architecture with the lecture “Between the lines. Poetic imagination in architecture”. Creative imagination is one of the most important tools of every creator, including an architect. Using examples, Klaske Havik examines how poetic imagination works, how some key thinkers and architects conceptualize it.


Klaske Havik is an architect, scholar and writer. She is professor of Architecture at TU Delft, holding the chair of Methods of Analysis and Imagination. Advocating a literary approach to architecture to address societal issues, Havik published, among many other edited books and articles, Urban Literacy. Reading and Writing Architecture (2014). She was editor of architecture journals de Architect and OASE, and initiated the Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature. Havik’s literary work appeared in poetry collections and literary magazines.  She is Chair of the EU COST Action Writing Urban Places. New Narratives for the European City – an international and interdisciplinary network that seeks for more socially inclusive and locally specific urban places through the investigation of local narratives. In Estonia, Klaske has written for Maja and Ehituskunst, and been part of the thesis board at EKA.


Within the framework of a series of open lectures, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA presents a dozen unique practitioners and valued theorists in the field in Tallinn every academic year.

The lectures are intended for all disciplines, not only for students and professionals in the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge.


The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.


Curated by Andres Ojari


Additional information:

Tiina Tammet


Tel. +372 642 0071

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink


Open architecture lecture: Pascal Bronner

A series of open architectural lectures will be held this 2023 spring under the title “Triggers of Architecture”. The theme brings architects and theoreticians to Tallinn, who analyze the root causes of architecture and the means of making it.

On April 13, 6 pm, Pascal Bronner will take the main hall stage with a lecture “57 Milligrams of Graphite”.

In this lecture he will take us to the journey through his work to date and provide an overview of his research into the ‘Droame’ – a composite realm that connects the physicality of drawing to the different forms of cerebral musings that the process uncovers. “In an effort to construct real spaces made entirely of graphite on paper, I investigate the seductiveness of this metaphysical world alongside its physical manifestation – both of which exist in a borderland between the miniaturised space on the drawing board and in the mind. I have begun to survey and capture these graphite landscapes in microscopic detail through the construction and assembly of various devices.” – Bronner describes his working process.

Pascal Bronner is a senior lecturer in architecture at the University of Greenwich. He was born in Malaysia, grew up in Germany and moved to the UK in 2000 where he still lives and works today. In London, he studied fine art at Central St. Martins, and architecture at the Bartlett, UCL. Pascal was awarded the RIBA Bronze Medal Commendation and the Serjeant Award for Excellence in Drawing at Part 2. He was also a recipient of the Fitzroy Robinson Drawing Prize and the Banister Fletcher Medal. Pascal is a co-founder of FleaFollyArchitects, and is currently undertaking a PHD at RMIT, where he examines and dissects his perpetual drawing practice.


Within the framework of a series of open lectures, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA presents a dozen unique practitioners and valued theorists in the field in Tallinn every academic year.

The lectures are intended for all disciplines, not only for students and professionals in the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge.


The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Curated by Andres Ojari


Additional information:

Tiina Tammet


Tel. +372 642 0071

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink

Open architecture lecture: Pascal Bronner

Thursday 13 April, 2023

A series of open architectural lectures will be held this 2023 spring under the title “Triggers of Architecture”. The theme brings architects and theoreticians to Tallinn, who analyze the root causes of architecture and the means of making it.

On April 13, 6 pm, Pascal Bronner will take the main hall stage with a lecture “57 Milligrams of Graphite”.

In this lecture he will take us to the journey through his work to date and provide an overview of his research into the ‘Droame’ – a composite realm that connects the physicality of drawing to the different forms of cerebral musings that the process uncovers. “In an effort to construct real spaces made entirely of graphite on paper, I investigate the seductiveness of this metaphysical world alongside its physical manifestation – both of which exist in a borderland between the miniaturised space on the drawing board and in the mind. I have begun to survey and capture these graphite landscapes in microscopic detail through the construction and assembly of various devices.” – Bronner describes his working process.

Pascal Bronner is a senior lecturer in architecture at the University of Greenwich. He was born in Malaysia, grew up in Germany and moved to the UK in 2000 where he still lives and works today. In London, he studied fine art at Central St. Martins, and architecture at the Bartlett, UCL. Pascal was awarded the RIBA Bronze Medal Commendation and the Serjeant Award for Excellence in Drawing at Part 2. He was also a recipient of the Fitzroy Robinson Drawing Prize and the Banister Fletcher Medal. Pascal is a co-founder of FleaFollyArchitects, and is currently undertaking a PHD at RMIT, where he examines and dissects his perpetual drawing practice.


Within the framework of a series of open lectures, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA presents a dozen unique practitioners and valued theorists in the field in Tallinn every academic year.

The lectures are intended for all disciplines, not only for students and professionals in the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge.


The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Curated by Andres Ojari


Additional information:

Tiina Tammet


Tel. +372 642 0071

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink


Public architecture lecture: Marcel Smets

On March 9 at 6 pm, Marcel Smets will give the first lecture of the lecture series – The modern landscape of infrastructure.

As primary public investments in our societies are devoted to infrastructure, we need to consider roads, canals, railways, trams, cycle paths, etc., not merely as means of transport but rather as prime urban/ public spaces. For this reason, the lecture intends to sketch out how infrastructure design initially transformed from an architectural to an engineering project, and to clarify why this evolution is reversed today. Reviewing significant projects worldwide of recently implemented projects in transport infrastructure, it advances four important paradigms that dominate the landscape of infrastructure design today: 1. hiding its presence; 2. beautifying its form; 3. appreciating it as vehicle for urban improvement; 4. deploying it as the driving force for urbanization.

On Friday, March 10, at 11:30 am, will be Marcel Smets’ book “Foundations of Urban Design” (2022) launch and an open seminar with 4th-year architecture and urban planning students on the 4th floor of the atrium (A400) in EKA.

Everyone is welcome!


Marcel Smets is an architect and urbanist and emeritus professor of urban design at the University of Leuven. As academic, he taught urban design at the University of Leuven (B) and Harvard GSD. As urbanist, he was the head designer for certain important conversions: the Leuven Railway Station area, the Isle of Nantes, three complex nodes of the Antwerp Ring coverage project – and he directed fundamental projects for Brussels, Rouen, Genoa, Oporto, Conegliano. As scholar he published many articles (Archis, Casabella, Lotus, Planning Perspectives, Storia Urbana, Topos, Urbanisme and Urbanistica Etc.) and books: most recently The Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructure (2010–2016, with K. Shannon) and Foundations of Urban Design (2022). As public servant, he acted as spatial Advisor for the City of Leuven (1995–2001) and as Flemish State Architect (2005–2010).

Within the framework of a series of open lectures, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA presents a dozen unique practitioners and valued theorists in the field in Tallinn every academic year.

The lectures are intended for all disciplines, not only for students and professionals in the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge.


The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.


Curated by Andres Ojari

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink

Public architecture lecture: Marcel Smets

Thursday 09 March, 2023

On March 9 at 6 pm, Marcel Smets will give the first lecture of the lecture series – The modern landscape of infrastructure.

As primary public investments in our societies are devoted to infrastructure, we need to consider roads, canals, railways, trams, cycle paths, etc., not merely as means of transport but rather as prime urban/ public spaces. For this reason, the lecture intends to sketch out how infrastructure design initially transformed from an architectural to an engineering project, and to clarify why this evolution is reversed today. Reviewing significant projects worldwide of recently implemented projects in transport infrastructure, it advances four important paradigms that dominate the landscape of infrastructure design today: 1. hiding its presence; 2. beautifying its form; 3. appreciating it as vehicle for urban improvement; 4. deploying it as the driving force for urbanization.

On Friday, March 10, at 11:30 am, will be Marcel Smets’ book “Foundations of Urban Design” (2022) launch and an open seminar with 4th-year architecture and urban planning students on the 4th floor of the atrium (A400) in EKA.

Everyone is welcome!


Marcel Smets is an architect and urbanist and emeritus professor of urban design at the University of Leuven. As academic, he taught urban design at the University of Leuven (B) and Harvard GSD. As urbanist, he was the head designer for certain important conversions: the Leuven Railway Station area, the Isle of Nantes, three complex nodes of the Antwerp Ring coverage project – and he directed fundamental projects for Brussels, Rouen, Genoa, Oporto, Conegliano. As scholar he published many articles (Archis, Casabella, Lotus, Planning Perspectives, Storia Urbana, Topos, Urbanisme and Urbanistica Etc.) and books: most recently The Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructure (2010–2016, with K. Shannon) and Foundations of Urban Design (2022). As public servant, he acted as spatial Advisor for the City of Leuven (1995–2001) and as Flemish State Architect (2005–2010).

Within the framework of a series of open lectures, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA presents a dozen unique practitioners and valued theorists in the field in Tallinn every academic year.

The lectures are intended for all disciplines, not only for students and professionals in the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge.


The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.


Curated by Andres Ojari

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink


Open lecture: Thomas Eschenbach: ACT Facades

Thomas Eschenbach, development director of Priedemann Facade-Lab GmbH, will hold an open architecture lecture on energy-efficient facades in the EKA hall on March 9 at 4:00 pm.

The presentation of an engineer with 25 years of experience in the facade industry “Active Cavity Transition (ACT) Facade – transparency made energy-efficient” deals with effective solutions for modern building facades in all aspects. The architectural features of the facades, space efficiency, energy load, construction efficiency, lighting and temperature effects, as well as renovation solutions that a modern architect faces when designing, are under consideration.


ACT technology combines the advantages of traditional heat-retaining facades made of aluminum profiles with modern lighting, air exchange and temperature solutions in a new system that reduces investments and costs.

Priedemann Fasade-LAB is a competence center that participates in the development of non-traditional technologies and, together with research institutions and professional associations, guides the future of facade construction in practice.


The lecture is intended for architecture students and professionals. The lecture takes place in the large auditorium of EKA, is in English, free of charge and open to all interested parties.

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink

Open lecture: Thomas Eschenbach: ACT Facades

Thursday 09 March, 2023

Thomas Eschenbach, development director of Priedemann Facade-Lab GmbH, will hold an open architecture lecture on energy-efficient facades in the EKA hall on March 9 at 4:00 pm.

The presentation of an engineer with 25 years of experience in the facade industry “Active Cavity Transition (ACT) Facade – transparency made energy-efficient” deals with effective solutions for modern building facades in all aspects. The architectural features of the facades, space efficiency, energy load, construction efficiency, lighting and temperature effects, as well as renovation solutions that a modern architect faces when designing, are under consideration.


ACT technology combines the advantages of traditional heat-retaining facades made of aluminum profiles with modern lighting, air exchange and temperature solutions in a new system that reduces investments and costs.

Priedemann Fasade-LAB is a competence center that participates in the development of non-traditional technologies and, together with research institutions and professional associations, guides the future of facade construction in practice.


The lecture is intended for architecture students and professionals. The lecture takes place in the large auditorium of EKA, is in English, free of charge and open to all interested parties.

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink


Online info session: doctoral studies at EKA

EKA Doctoral School is hosting an online info session about doctoral studies at EKA on February 8, 2023, at 15:00 EET (local Estonian time) . 

Info session provides a good opportunity to hear more about doctoral studies at EKA, available programmes, admission requirements and procedure, etc; also meet and ask questions directly from people behind the Doctoral School and the programmes. The info session will be hosted online over Zoom.


The Estonian Academy of Arts offers following PhD level programmes for international applicants:

Admission period for international PhD applicants for 2023/2024 starts on February 1st, 2023. Deadline for submitting application is March 31st, 2023.

Admission requirements for PhD programmes can be found HERE.


More information:
Irene Hütsi
Doctoral School coordinator

Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink

Online info session: doctoral studies at EKA

Wednesday 08 February, 2023

EKA Doctoral School is hosting an online info session about doctoral studies at EKA on February 8, 2023, at 15:00 EET (local Estonian time) . 

Info session provides a good opportunity to hear more about doctoral studies at EKA, available programmes, admission requirements and procedure, etc; also meet and ask questions directly from people behind the Doctoral School and the programmes. The info session will be hosted online over Zoom.


The Estonian Academy of Arts offers following PhD level programmes for international applicants:

Admission period for international PhD applicants for 2023/2024 starts on February 1st, 2023. Deadline for submitting application is March 31st, 2023.

Admission requirements for PhD programmes can be found HERE.


More information:
Irene Hütsi
Doctoral School coordinator

Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink


art and the city

“Art and the City” – a live action play in Telliskivi Creative City – is inviting you to come and enquire what art and creativity do in a modern capitalist city. How is creativity and art used to make cities of today, who is the creative class and how can one enter the creative city? 

Urban studies and architecture students of EKA address the questions revolving around the role of creativity in a city via an immersive role play, inviting the player to see Telliskivi Creative City through seven different characters’ eyes. How would a retired worker of the former factory see the place today, when the citadelle of a secret factory with its monotonous work has been opened up into a diverse creative village with no walls around? How is it to be an artist in a gallery that doesn’t any more represent the value of art space as a critical force or antithesis but rather acts as a tiny particle in a greater creative soup? Or how could a young designer who recently moved to Estonia enter the area as a creative workforce, not merely a consumer? Etc, etc.


If you’re ready to play, meet us in Telliskivi on Sunday, 18. December between 12 and 3 PM. Come and win with us: there will be wonderful prizes for the best players! 

Posted by Keiti Kljavin — Permalink

art and the city

Sunday 18 December, 2022

“Art and the City” – a live action play in Telliskivi Creative City – is inviting you to come and enquire what art and creativity do in a modern capitalist city. How is creativity and art used to make cities of today, who is the creative class and how can one enter the creative city? 

Urban studies and architecture students of EKA address the questions revolving around the role of creativity in a city via an immersive role play, inviting the player to see Telliskivi Creative City through seven different characters’ eyes. How would a retired worker of the former factory see the place today, when the citadelle of a secret factory with its monotonous work has been opened up into a diverse creative village with no walls around? How is it to be an artist in a gallery that doesn’t any more represent the value of art space as a critical force or antithesis but rather acts as a tiny particle in a greater creative soup? Or how could a young designer who recently moved to Estonia enter the area as a creative workforce, not merely a consumer? Etc, etc.


If you’re ready to play, meet us in Telliskivi on Sunday, 18. December between 12 and 3 PM. Come and win with us: there will be wonderful prizes for the best players! 

Posted by Keiti Kljavin — Permalink


Open Architecture Lecture: Bika Rebek

Bika Rebek (Some Place Studio): Between Worlds

We are focusing on Berlin. What is being done in this city, which architecture offices operate in Berlin, what is being built and what is being thought about: the series of open architecture lectures of the EKA Faculty of Architecture will travel to the capital of Germany and one of the most colourful metropolises in Europe this fall, with architects from Berlin as guests.


On November 3, architect, educator and curator Bika Rebek, head and co-founder of the architecture studio Some Place Studio, will be making sense of Berlin in the EKA hall. The studio is engaged in the creation of sustainable spaces for diverse communities. Rebek’s work is defined by an expansive interest in contemporary issues of equity, sustainability and technology through the lens of architectural discourse. Some Place Studio operates mainly in Berlin, but also brings globally together architects, designers and strategists from around the world.


Warum Berlin?

According to the curator of the lecture program, Johan Tali, Berlin is loaded. On the one hand, due to its tragic past, the wounds of which have to be dealt with in the urban space until now. On the other hand, hundreds of communities with different cultures gather in Berlin, and the result is one of the largest cultural compotes in Europe.


The open lectures are intended for students and professionals of all disciplines – not just the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge and open to all interested parties.

Every academic year, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA brings to the audience in Tallinn about a dozen unique practitioners and valued theoreticians of the field. You can watch previous years’ lectures on YouTube and


The lecture series is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Curator: Johan Tali

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink

Open Architecture Lecture: Bika Rebek

Thursday 03 November, 2022

Bika Rebek (Some Place Studio): Between Worlds

We are focusing on Berlin. What is being done in this city, which architecture offices operate in Berlin, what is being built and what is being thought about: the series of open architecture lectures of the EKA Faculty of Architecture will travel to the capital of Germany and one of the most colourful metropolises in Europe this fall, with architects from Berlin as guests.


On November 3, architect, educator and curator Bika Rebek, head and co-founder of the architecture studio Some Place Studio, will be making sense of Berlin in the EKA hall. The studio is engaged in the creation of sustainable spaces for diverse communities. Rebek’s work is defined by an expansive interest in contemporary issues of equity, sustainability and technology through the lens of architectural discourse. Some Place Studio operates mainly in Berlin, but also brings globally together architects, designers and strategists from around the world.


Warum Berlin?

According to the curator of the lecture program, Johan Tali, Berlin is loaded. On the one hand, due to its tragic past, the wounds of which have to be dealt with in the urban space until now. On the other hand, hundreds of communities with different cultures gather in Berlin, and the result is one of the largest cultural compotes in Europe.


The open lectures are intended for students and professionals of all disciplines – not just the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge and open to all interested parties.

Every academic year, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA brings to the audience in Tallinn about a dozen unique practitioners and valued theoreticians of the field. You can watch previous years’ lectures on YouTube and


The lecture series is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Curator: Johan Tali

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink


Open lecture of architecture: Marvin Bratke, Berlin

Warum Berlin?

We continue digging into Berlin’s architectural landscape. What is being done in this city, which architecture offices operate in Berlin, what is being built and what is being thought about: the series of open architecture lectures of the EKA Faculty of Architecture will travel to the capital of Germany and one of the most colourful metropolises in Europe this fall, with architects from Berlin as guests.

According to the curator of the lecture program, Johan Tali, Berlin is loaded. On the one hand, due to its tragic past, the wounds of which have to be dealt with in the urban space until now. On the other hand, hundreds of communities with different cultures gather in Berlin, and the result is one of the largest cultural compotes in Europe.

On October 13, architect, entrepreneur and spatial innovation studio Urban Beta and co-founder of the architectural firm Bart // Bratke Marvin Bratke will be on stage with a lecture “Circular Futures. Architecture for a Post-Growth Society”.

Bart // Bratke is a research and architecture studio based in London and Berlin, founded to create visions of future mobility and architectural research touchpoints. They realize their multidisciplinary and functional concepts in planning versatile spaces of the future. Urban Beta offers technological solutions for carbon-negative modular system buildings included in the circular economy.

The open lectures are intended for students and professionals of all disciplines – not just the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge and open to all interested parties.

Every academic year, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA brings to the audience in Tallinn about a dozen unique practitioners and valued theoreticians of the field. You can watch previous years’ lectures on YouTube and

The lecture series is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Curator: Johan Tali

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Open lecture of architecture: Marvin Bratke, Berlin

Thursday 13 October, 2022

Warum Berlin?

We continue digging into Berlin’s architectural landscape. What is being done in this city, which architecture offices operate in Berlin, what is being built and what is being thought about: the series of open architecture lectures of the EKA Faculty of Architecture will travel to the capital of Germany and one of the most colourful metropolises in Europe this fall, with architects from Berlin as guests.

According to the curator of the lecture program, Johan Tali, Berlin is loaded. On the one hand, due to its tragic past, the wounds of which have to be dealt with in the urban space until now. On the other hand, hundreds of communities with different cultures gather in Berlin, and the result is one of the largest cultural compotes in Europe.

On October 13, architect, entrepreneur and spatial innovation studio Urban Beta and co-founder of the architectural firm Bart // Bratke Marvin Bratke will be on stage with a lecture “Circular Futures. Architecture for a Post-Growth Society”.

Bart // Bratke is a research and architecture studio based in London and Berlin, founded to create visions of future mobility and architectural research touchpoints. They realize their multidisciplinary and functional concepts in planning versatile spaces of the future. Urban Beta offers technological solutions for carbon-negative modular system buildings included in the circular economy.

The open lectures are intended for students and professionals of all disciplines – not just the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge and open to all interested parties.

Every academic year, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA brings to the audience in Tallinn about a dozen unique practitioners and valued theoreticians of the field. You can watch previous years’ lectures on YouTube and

The lecture series is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Curator: Johan Tali

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


Open Architecture Lecture: WARUM BERLIN? Why Berlin?

On September 29, Jan Edler from the architecture studio realities:united will be on the EKA main hall stage in Tallinn with the lecture “Potential Driven Design”. Brothers Jan and Tim Edle – co-founders of the transdisciplinary art group “Kunst und Technik” (1997–2000) originally operating in Berlin – created the art and architecture studio realities:united in 2000. The studio has gained international recognition with art and hybrid art installations on an architectural and urban scale.   

The Open Lecture Series of the EKA Architecture Faculty will explore Berlin this fall. Johan Tali, the curator of the autumn programme considers Berlin one of the most exciting multicultural metropolises in Europe, a city that has many similarities – both in terms of history and modernity – with the cities of Estonia: “Berlin is loaded. On the one hand, due to its tragic past, the wounds of which have to be actively dealt with in the urban space. On the other hand, due to the hundreds of communities with different cultures gathering in Berlin, and the result is one of the largest culturally diverse hotspots in Europe.”

According to Tali, transnational Berlin can be seen as one of the prototypes of an urbanized society of the future, where a bohemian meets a techno-utopian or an eco-warrior. Berlin is constantly changing, and its architecture firms and practitioners play an important role in steering this change, constantly redefining what we consider important in the urban environment. From September to December, a total of five architects based in Berlin will be on stage in the EKA hall.

The open lectures are intended for students and professionals of all disciplines, not just the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge and open to all interested parties.

Within the framework of a series of open lectures, the Department of Architecture and Urban Design of EKA brings to the audience in Tallinn every academic year about a dozen unique practitioners and valued theoreticians of the field. You can watch lectures from previous years on YouTube.

The lecture series is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Curator: Johan Tali

More info:
Tiina Tammet
+372 642 0071

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Open Architecture Lecture: WARUM BERLIN? Why Berlin?

Thursday 29 September, 2022

On September 29, Jan Edler from the architecture studio realities:united will be on the EKA main hall stage in Tallinn with the lecture “Potential Driven Design”. Brothers Jan and Tim Edle – co-founders of the transdisciplinary art group “Kunst und Technik” (1997–2000) originally operating in Berlin – created the art and architecture studio realities:united in 2000. The studio has gained international recognition with art and hybrid art installations on an architectural and urban scale.   

The Open Lecture Series of the EKA Architecture Faculty will explore Berlin this fall. Johan Tali, the curator of the autumn programme considers Berlin one of the most exciting multicultural metropolises in Europe, a city that has many similarities – both in terms of history and modernity – with the cities of Estonia: “Berlin is loaded. On the one hand, due to its tragic past, the wounds of which have to be actively dealt with in the urban space. On the other hand, due to the hundreds of communities with different cultures gathering in Berlin, and the result is one of the largest culturally diverse hotspots in Europe.”

According to Tali, transnational Berlin can be seen as one of the prototypes of an urbanized society of the future, where a bohemian meets a techno-utopian or an eco-warrior. Berlin is constantly changing, and its architecture firms and practitioners play an important role in steering this change, constantly redefining what we consider important in the urban environment. From September to December, a total of five architects based in Berlin will be on stage in the EKA hall.

The open lectures are intended for students and professionals of all disciplines, not just the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English, free of charge and open to all interested parties.

Within the framework of a series of open lectures, the Department of Architecture and Urban Design of EKA brings to the audience in Tallinn every academic year about a dozen unique practitioners and valued theoreticians of the field. You can watch lectures from previous years on YouTube.

The lecture series is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Curator: Johan Tali

More info:
Tiina Tammet
+372 642 0071

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink