Category: Architecture and Urban Design

Johan Tali_foto Vahur Puik

​​5 questions to Johan Tali about the Architecture Open Lectures of spring semester 2022

The series of open lectures of the Faculty of Architecture revolves around similarities this spring – young architects from Latvia and ...

RUMMU MUSIC CENTER. Studio Project IV, 01.-05. 2017

You can find the booklet HERE Studio project for the design of a public building for students of architecture and urban planning: Rummu ...

Sille Pihlak and Ulla Alla successful in competition of research papers

On December 15, the best student research papers of 2021 were awarded at the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Two works in the field of humanities ...

Eneli Kleemann received an RKAS scholarship

For 11 years, Riigi Kinnisvara has supported successful bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students in the field of real estate and ...
Inside Pattern Building

Mustermajad 369 at Accelerate Estonia

The Mustermajad 369 platform, created at the Faculty of Architecture of EKA, became an Accelerate Estonia green revolution project! In the course ...

The Unfinished City research team publishes a book on Tallinn’s urban visions

On November 3 at 3 pm, the results of the three-year Unfinished City research project will be presented in the form of a thorough 400-page ...
Screenshot 2021-10-13 at 15.34.41

Garage48 Wood is back! It’s time to hack the wood industry, sign up now!

Garage48 in collaboration with TSENTER and EKA are inviting everyone to join us for Garage48 Future of Wood 2021 from the 26th to the 28th of ...

The afterlife of high voltage masts in Putukaväil

The innovation-oriented cooperation project “Giving high-voltage line masts of Putukaväil a new form and function: experimental form tests in the ...

Garage48 Digital Construction 2021 hackathon in EKA

Digital Construction 2021 will take place on September 24-26th for the third time to team up to build a 48-hour prototyping platform for the ...

City Unfinished

We are all users of the city to a greater or lesser extent. As residents, working or studying, as entrepreneurs, as visitors. We have more and ...