Category: Architecture and Urban Design

TAB 2022_Foto Merilin Kaup


TAB 2022 Schools Exhibition Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2022 Open Call for the International Architecture Schools Exhibition “Handful” ...
2019_20_Eramuvihik_ esikaas

PRIVATE HOUSE. Studio Project 01.–06.2020

You can read the booklet here. During the process of designing the private house, the students were looking for answers to the following ...

Lecturer for Architecture department, Jonathan Woodroffe is one of the winners of BIGSEE Architecture Award 2022

Jonathan Woodreffe (Studio Woodroffe Papa) is one of the winners of the BIGSEE 2022 Architecture Award with his Cloud Valley Hub building. More ...
Esikaas_Kotzebue vihik 13.10

Kotzebue Lab. Studio Project 09.2019–12.2019

You can find the booklet HERE The relocation of the Estonian Academy of Arts to Kalamaja has created a breeding ground for future professionals ...

Graphic (re)presentation & Shelter. Studio project I, 09.2019–12.2019

Read the booklet HERE The aim of the first-year students’ spring term task is to introduce the prerequisites, reasons and possibilities of ...
15_11 EKA Viini kool esikaas

School in Vienna. Studio Project, 02.2019–05.2019

You can find the booklet HERE The 5th semester’s task is to design a new all-day elementary school for roughly 425 children. Recently, new ...
EKA Kalevi jahtklubi esikaas

Yacht Club Kalev. Studio Project V, 09.2018- 01.2019

You can find the booklet HERE The focus of the 5th semester studio project was the historic Yacht Club Kalev main building, built by the project ...

Graphic (re)presentation & Shelter. Studio project I, 09.2017–12.2017

Read the booklet HERE The aim of the study assignments of the first year fall semester is to introduce the prerequisites, reasons and ...
esikaas_Eramuvihik AL16_VEEB

PRIVATE HOUSE. Studio Project 09.–12.2017

You can find the booklet HERE The given course was the first-year students’ first real exposure to restrictions in architecture. The search for ...
Jornas-Toomas Iisak_ pilt

Jaan Holt scholarship 2022 is awarded to EKA architecture student Jornas-Toomas Iisak

This year’s Jaan Holt Scholarship will be awarded to Jornas-Toomas Iisak, a student of architecture and urban planning, for his outstanding and ...