Category: Faculty of Architecture


“Unfinished City” research team is awarded annual Estonian national culture prize

Last week, the Estonian government announced this year’s national laureates of the Culture and Sports Awards, which included the core team ...
Luca1_Isolation Cinnamon

Urban Studies Drawing workshop by Flo Kasearu

its like going on a holiday with a paper and a charcoal the bigger paper the better and charcoal the bigger charcoal the better as drawing is ...

RUMMU MUSIC CENTER. Studio Project IV, 01.-05. 2017

You can find the booklet HERE Studio project for the design of a public building for students of architecture and urban planning: Rummu ...
2021-12-18 EKA_Urbanistika_Paljassaares-82

Urban Studies Urbanisation studio “Paljassaare through time capsules”

Looking back to first semester of Urban Studies. “Paljassaare through time capsules”, 18.12.2021, a public exhibition-expedition and ...

Urban Studies Estonia Diagonal 2021

Estonia Diagonal trip is based on an hypothesis that Tallinn is a force that drives the continuous “hinderlandisation” of its surrounding areas ...

Sille Pihlak and Ulla Alla successful in competition of research papers

On December 15, the best student research papers of 2021 were awarded at the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Two works in the field of humanities ...

Eneli Kleemann received an RKAS scholarship

For 11 years, Riigi Kinnisvara has supported successful bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students in the field of real estate and ...

… through time capsules

Paljassaare time capsules: hiding, making, stalking, digging, hopping, skipping, crawling, barking, hawking, hoping, expecting, lingering, ...

“Fitness and the City” final evaluation

Please join us on the 7th of December, 15.00 for the final evaluation of the “Fitness and the City” research studio course. The evaluation takes ...

Master studio. From sacred space to generous space

Master students in interior architecture have just completed a 10-day master’s studio under the direction of interior designer Tom ...