Category: Faculty of Architecture

A_Ojari 2

Andres Ojari

Andres Ojari is an architect, professor and head of Architecture and Urban Design Curriculum in Estonian Academy of Arts. Following his ...
Martin Melioranski

Martin Melioranski

Martin Melioranski is an architect whose design praxis ranges from loudspeakers to furniture and from housing blocks to high-rises and ...

Katrin Koov

Katrin Koov works in the architectural office b210, teaches at the Faculty of Architecture of EAA, the School of Architecture and the Tallinn ...

Paco Ulman

Paco Ulman has worked as an architect in several firms (Ars Projekt, AB Kosmos, Arhitektuuriagentuur, Allianss Arhitektid) and in 2013 he ...
alvin järving

Alvin Järving

Alvin Järving graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts with a degree in architecture and urban planning (master’s thesis cum laude) in ...

Renee Puusepp

Renee Puusepp has been a researcher at the Faculty of Architecture since 2013. He is leading the 369 Pattern Building platform development and he ...