Category: Institute of Art History and Visual Culture


Third Estonian art historians’ joint MA seminar in Purdi

On 9th–10th January 2023 a seminar bringing together MA students from Estonian universities who work on art history, visual culture, curating, ...

Learning art/design/architecture in 2045 would feel like…?

Dear students/teachers/academics in EKA – what will teaching/learning look like in 2045? Come to participate in labs that ponder ...
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Estonian MA students in visual culture and its preservation regathered for a joint seminar

A transdisciplinary seminar bringing together MA students from Estonian universities dealing with art history, visual culture, curating, ...

Dear student, a grand ambitious cooperation project is waiting for you!

Come on, let’s make mobility more convenient! EKA will start mapping in autumn how the university interacts with Erasmus students as part of the ...
Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi

“Studies on Art and Architecture” 2020, ed 29/3-4 is out

The recent issue of Studies on Art and Architecture explores the pictorial experience. The special issue „Depiction: Contemporary Studies on ...
Port_Tõnismäe keskus

Editing and publishing The History of Estonian Urban Planning vol. 2 (1918–2020)

“The History of Estonian Urban Design 1918-2020” provides an overview of urban planning in the 20th and early 21st centuries through ...

Style and Meaning: Disciplinary Conversions in Estonian Art History (EKA Research Grant, 2021–2022)

The purpose of the project is to concentrate on the critical concepts in Estonian art history, their role in the vocabulary and meaning making ...

Ingrid Ruudi “Spaces of the Interregnum. Transformations in Estonian Architecture and Art, 1986–1994” (Dissertationes 31)

Ingrid Ruudi, PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, curriculum of Art History and Visual Culture, defended her thesis Spaces of the ...

Kristina Jõekalda “German Monuments in the Baltic Heimat? A Historiography of Heritage in the “Long Nineteenth Century”” (Dissertationes 30)

Kristina Jõekalda defended her thesis “German Monuments in the Baltic Heimat? A Historiography of Heritage in the “Long Nineteenth ...
David Vseviov2

David Vseviov named professor emeritus

On May 19th, the Senate of the Estonian Academy of Arts named professor David Vseviov professor emeritus, effective from September 1st, 2020. ...