Category: Faculty of Design


Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė-Žaltė Lecture: „Pixel generation”

Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė-Žaltė Lecture: „Pixel generation: individual artistic(al) view in Digital Jaquard weaving and collaborations“ 

09.02.2022, 4–5.30 PM in auditorium A501 

Artist,  Assoc. Prof. VAA Kaunas Faculty Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė Žaltė will introduce Textile Department student works and  herself as an artist of the jacquard weaving technology in the context of contemporary art field: the technical one (knowledge how to do this) and the conceptual one (using possibilities providedby the technique to create the desired effect of the work). 

“Textiles have an incredible ability to be alive. What I mean by this is how it communicates a sense of substance, which is intimate to every human being. A fabric can hold both physical (heat, cold, protection) and rational (recall, memory) features. Each of us uses textile everyday in one way or another. Therefore, it is a common material that allows us to combine multiple experiences, collaborations and to understand the individual person.” 

The lectur is open to everyone. 

Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė-Žaltė is invited by the Textile Design Department of EKA.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė-Žaltė Lecture: „Pixel generation”

Monday 07 February, 2022

Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė-Žaltė Lecture: „Pixel generation: individual artistic(al) view in Digital Jaquard weaving and collaborations“ 

09.02.2022, 4–5.30 PM in auditorium A501 

Artist,  Assoc. Prof. VAA Kaunas Faculty Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė Žaltė will introduce Textile Department student works and  herself as an artist of the jacquard weaving technology in the context of contemporary art field: the technical one (knowledge how to do this) and the conceptual one (using possibilities providedby the technique to create the desired effect of the work). 

“Textiles have an incredible ability to be alive. What I mean by this is how it communicates a sense of substance, which is intimate to every human being. A fabric can hold both physical (heat, cold, protection) and rational (recall, memory) features. Each of us uses textile everyday in one way or another. Therefore, it is a common material that allows us to combine multiple experiences, collaborations and to understand the individual person.” 

The lectur is open to everyone. 

Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė-Žaltė is invited by the Textile Design Department of EKA.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


Design students at the “Shadow Council Committee Day”

Students of the Design and Technology Futures curriculum of EKA and TalTech will present the 3,000 utopias created during the autumn semester of Paide Theater on the “Shadow Council Committee Day” starting on Sunday, January 23 at 10.00 am. Guest of the day is Kersti Kaljulaid.

Utopias were designed with locals and people from Paide using a variety of co-design methods. In shaping the future, the problems were approached from different possibilities and four different scenarios were created:
1) how we eat in the future
2) how we plan the city and the community together with the vision
3) how we learn and
4) how we perceive time.


10–11.30 – TalTech and EKA Design and Technology Futures students present the utopia of a small town they have created
11.30-11.45 break
11.45–12.45 Kersti Kaljulaid talks about her experiences with local governments
12.45-13.30 noon
13.30–16 Discussion rounds “Five actions that bring us closer to the utopia of a small town, but which do not require an additional 10 million in the city budget, but the joint contribution of the community”

The course is supervised by Martin Pärn, Francesco Martinez and Ruth-Helene Melioranski.

“Shadow Council Committee Day” is a discussion day on Sunday dedicated to the meeting, during which the shadow commissioners discuss all the topics that reach the city council in Paide. Each committee meeting will be opened by one expert’s insight, followed by a public hearing open to all those present.

More information on Facebook


Leaving calendars and rushing behind, we make room for action and different time rhythms. A system that takes into account and combines different tempos supports an environment where time is a value and its enjoyment is essential.


A concept created to intensify the visions of Paide through interactive experiences


The method of acquiring knowledge for a practical future

What would happen if the traditional upper secondary school system no longer existed and young people could build their own curriculum based on individual characteristics? “Pareng” introduces a vision of the future of the method of acquiring knowledge, in the development of which the young people of Paide participated.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Design students at the “Shadow Council Committee Day”

Sunday 23 January, 2022

Students of the Design and Technology Futures curriculum of EKA and TalTech will present the 3,000 utopias created during the autumn semester of Paide Theater on the “Shadow Council Committee Day” starting on Sunday, January 23 at 10.00 am. Guest of the day is Kersti Kaljulaid.

Utopias were designed with locals and people from Paide using a variety of co-design methods. In shaping the future, the problems were approached from different possibilities and four different scenarios were created:
1) how we eat in the future
2) how we plan the city and the community together with the vision
3) how we learn and
4) how we perceive time.


10–11.30 – TalTech and EKA Design and Technology Futures students present the utopia of a small town they have created
11.30-11.45 break
11.45–12.45 Kersti Kaljulaid talks about her experiences with local governments
12.45-13.30 noon
13.30–16 Discussion rounds “Five actions that bring us closer to the utopia of a small town, but which do not require an additional 10 million in the city budget, but the joint contribution of the community”

The course is supervised by Martin Pärn, Francesco Martinez and Ruth-Helene Melioranski.

“Shadow Council Committee Day” is a discussion day on Sunday dedicated to the meeting, during which the shadow commissioners discuss all the topics that reach the city council in Paide. Each committee meeting will be opened by one expert’s insight, followed by a public hearing open to all those present.

More information on Facebook


Leaving calendars and rushing behind, we make room for action and different time rhythms. A system that takes into account and combines different tempos supports an environment where time is a value and its enjoyment is essential.


A concept created to intensify the visions of Paide through interactive experiences


The method of acquiring knowledge for a practical future

What would happen if the traditional upper secondary school system no longer existed and young people could build their own curriculum based on individual characteristics? “Pareng” introduces a vision of the future of the method of acquiring knowledge, in the development of which the young people of Paide participated.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

08.01.2022 — 15.01.2022

Kuuspu & Saaremäel: body slam / ihu ramm

“Body slam/ihu ramm” is both an exhibition and a performance, a collaboration with Mihkel Maripuu and Tarvo Porroson.

While the installation lives independent during the day, on five selected evenings the performers’ bodies and soundscape activate the space turning the exhibition into a performance.

Two women, uninterested in achieving security neither on stage nor in the social sphere, explore the relationship between material and body, giving fragility a form.

Bodies and clay – simultaneously fragile and strong by nature – are placed in a space of dialogue, where experience recreates itself in interaction, materiality carries a question, and an executed act becomes an artwork. Opportunities arise for collision, accident, and the constant construction and deconstruction of the material. There is a system, there is chance, there is mechanics, there is text and sound in fragments and order. The unexpected produces fragility.

Fragile, fragile, strong. The clay, the human body and the presence of a performer. Resisting weight but not a slam. What remains are only fragile bodies of the two women.

Priemere: 8.1 at 7 pm
Opening of the exhibition on 8.1 at 8.30 pm
Performances: 11.1/12.1/14.1/15.1 at 7 pm
Exhibition is open on 10.1–15.1 at 12–6 pm
@ ARS Art Factory Project Room
Artist talk after the performance: 14.01

Sound by Mihkel Maripuu
Technical solutions by Tarvo Porroson
Graphic design: Cristopher Siniväli
Photos: Gabriela Leopard
Lenght: 60’

The exhibition is for FREE

Buy tickets at Fienta

Body Slam on Facebook

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Kuuspu & Saaremäel: body slam / ihu ramm

Saturday 08 January, 2022 — Saturday 15 January, 2022

“Body slam/ihu ramm” is both an exhibition and a performance, a collaboration with Mihkel Maripuu and Tarvo Porroson.

While the installation lives independent during the day, on five selected evenings the performers’ bodies and soundscape activate the space turning the exhibition into a performance.

Two women, uninterested in achieving security neither on stage nor in the social sphere, explore the relationship between material and body, giving fragility a form.

Bodies and clay – simultaneously fragile and strong by nature – are placed in a space of dialogue, where experience recreates itself in interaction, materiality carries a question, and an executed act becomes an artwork. Opportunities arise for collision, accident, and the constant construction and deconstruction of the material. There is a system, there is chance, there is mechanics, there is text and sound in fragments and order. The unexpected produces fragility.

Fragile, fragile, strong. The clay, the human body and the presence of a performer. Resisting weight but not a slam. What remains are only fragile bodies of the two women.

Priemere: 8.1 at 7 pm
Opening of the exhibition on 8.1 at 8.30 pm
Performances: 11.1/12.1/14.1/15.1 at 7 pm
Exhibition is open on 10.1–15.1 at 12–6 pm
@ ARS Art Factory Project Room
Artist talk after the performance: 14.01

Sound by Mihkel Maripuu
Technical solutions by Tarvo Porroson
Graphic design: Cristopher Siniväli
Photos: Gabriela Leopard
Lenght: 60’

The exhibition is for FREE

Buy tickets at Fienta

Body Slam on Facebook

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


EKA Design Showcase 2022

artun kalender
FB DS 22

The EKA Design Showcase, which is taking place for the fifth year in a row, will once again present the best collaboration projects of EKA students with companies and public sector organizations. The event introducing innovative designs born as a result of collaborative projects will take place at EKA on 12 January.

Concepts, prototypes and final results for innovative products and services will be presented, featuring new developments in the field of design. Students of the Faculty of Design of EKA and Design & Technology Futures (TalTech and EKA joint curriculum) will speak about their collaboration project with companies and organizations such as PERH, ABB, Magnetic MRO, etc.

All enterprises, EKA’s present and future cooperation partners, and enthusiasts of innovative design are kindly invited to attend!

The event will be held in EKA (room A101) but will also be broadcasted on and Facebook.


14.00 Greeting and introduction. Moderator Andres Lõo

14.10 – 14:30 Inspiration speech by digi-evangelist Marten Kaevats

14.30 – 14.45 EKA x PERH. EKA rector Mart Kalm and Agris Peedu, Chairman of the Board, North Estonia Medical Centre

14:45 – 15:50 Presentations of EKA collaboration projects:

  • “Tallinn Signage System” – graphic design students and city of Tallinn
  • “Bringing Private Guardians Closer to the Special Care Services Provided by AS Hoolekandeteenused” – interaction design students and Hoolekandeteenused AS
  • “Sleeping Beauty” – media graphics students and Estonian Society of Hematology, North Estonia Medical Centre, Tartu University Clinic and Tallinn Children’s Hospital

15:50 – 16:05 Coffee break

16.05 – 17.10 Project presentations of the joint curriculum of EKA and TalTech Future of Design and Technology, in collaboration with Environment Agency.

  • “Transitioning to better digital habits” – project dealing with digital pollution
  • “Transitioning to more useful food” – project dealing with food waste in storage
  • “Transitioning to healthier traditions” – project dealing with negative social and environmental effects of our traditional celebrations
  • “Transitioning to more resilient cities” – project dealing with climate change effects that will manifest in the cities
  • “Transitioning to better ecological decisions” – project dealing with how we cope with changing food sources in the future
  • “Transitioning to a better relationship with the outdoors” – project dealing with people spending too much time in the unhealthy indoor environment

17.10 – 17.25 Coffee break

17.25 – 18.25 Presentations of EKA collaboration projects:

  • “ABB alajaamade sobitumine keskkonda” – industrial and digital product design students and ABB AS
  • “Sensory modular carpet” – textile design students with Tallinn Support Center JUKS
  • “Baby cot design for airplane interior” – accessory design students and Magnetic MRO

Presentations are in Estonian and English, without translation.

Additional information:

Karin Kiigemägi
Ettevõtlussuhete koordinaator

The event is funded by European Union Regional Fund

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

EKA Design Showcase 2022

Wednesday 12 January, 2022

artun kalender
FB DS 22

The EKA Design Showcase, which is taking place for the fifth year in a row, will once again present the best collaboration projects of EKA students with companies and public sector organizations. The event introducing innovative designs born as a result of collaborative projects will take place at EKA on 12 January.

Concepts, prototypes and final results for innovative products and services will be presented, featuring new developments in the field of design. Students of the Faculty of Design of EKA and Design & Technology Futures (TalTech and EKA joint curriculum) will speak about their collaboration project with companies and organizations such as PERH, ABB, Magnetic MRO, etc.

All enterprises, EKA’s present and future cooperation partners, and enthusiasts of innovative design are kindly invited to attend!

The event will be held in EKA (room A101) but will also be broadcasted on and Facebook.


14.00 Greeting and introduction. Moderator Andres Lõo

14.10 – 14:30 Inspiration speech by digi-evangelist Marten Kaevats

14.30 – 14.45 EKA x PERH. EKA rector Mart Kalm and Agris Peedu, Chairman of the Board, North Estonia Medical Centre

14:45 – 15:50 Presentations of EKA collaboration projects:

  • “Tallinn Signage System” – graphic design students and city of Tallinn
  • “Bringing Private Guardians Closer to the Special Care Services Provided by AS Hoolekandeteenused” – interaction design students and Hoolekandeteenused AS
  • “Sleeping Beauty” – media graphics students and Estonian Society of Hematology, North Estonia Medical Centre, Tartu University Clinic and Tallinn Children’s Hospital

15:50 – 16:05 Coffee break

16.05 – 17.10 Project presentations of the joint curriculum of EKA and TalTech Future of Design and Technology, in collaboration with Environment Agency.

  • “Transitioning to better digital habits” – project dealing with digital pollution
  • “Transitioning to more useful food” – project dealing with food waste in storage
  • “Transitioning to healthier traditions” – project dealing with negative social and environmental effects of our traditional celebrations
  • “Transitioning to more resilient cities” – project dealing with climate change effects that will manifest in the cities
  • “Transitioning to better ecological decisions” – project dealing with how we cope with changing food sources in the future
  • “Transitioning to a better relationship with the outdoors” – project dealing with people spending too much time in the unhealthy indoor environment

17.10 – 17.25 Coffee break

17.25 – 18.25 Presentations of EKA collaboration projects:

  • “ABB alajaamade sobitumine keskkonda” – industrial and digital product design students and ABB AS
  • “Sensory modular carpet” – textile design students with Tallinn Support Center JUKS
  • “Baby cot design for airplane interior” – accessory design students and Magnetic MRO

Presentations are in Estonian and English, without translation.

Additional information:

Karin Kiigemägi
Ettevõtlussuhete koordinaator

The event is funded by European Union Regional Fund

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

09.12.2021 — 12.12.2021

Exhibition “State of Abstraction”

From Thursday, December 9, the art exhibition “Abstract States” by 2nd year students of EAA Jewellery and Blacksmithing, Glass Art and Ceramics departments will be open at the ARS Project Space. The exhibition is up until December 12, 2021.

The exhibition, which explores a variety of mind-states, invites viewers to take part in a cognitive journey accompanied by impulses from the presence of sound, video and material propositions. “State of Abstraction” features 12 authors, whose works are linked only by the nuances of our time and some subtle cognitive dialogue. The focus is set on the authors’ personally selected and uncurated points of interest – reflections on the indirect and often disregarded side notes of turbulent times.

Participating artists: Anna-Maria Vaino, Annika Luhaäär, Ardo Teesalu, Bianca Toots, Erko Lill, Ethel Ütsmüts, Hugo Toss, Kätriin Reinart, Margus Elizarov, Mari-Ann Maask, Maria Kim, Visa Nurmi

Graphic Design by Bianca Toots, Kätriin Reinart

Supervised by Sten Saarits

The exhibition is open for 4 days: 9–12 December at 1 pm–6 pm

Supported by Estonian Artists’ Association, Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Design

Rohkem infot ARSis toimuva kohta:

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Exhibition “State of Abstraction”

Thursday 09 December, 2021 — Sunday 12 December, 2021

From Thursday, December 9, the art exhibition “Abstract States” by 2nd year students of EAA Jewellery and Blacksmithing, Glass Art and Ceramics departments will be open at the ARS Project Space. The exhibition is up until December 12, 2021.

The exhibition, which explores a variety of mind-states, invites viewers to take part in a cognitive journey accompanied by impulses from the presence of sound, video and material propositions. “State of Abstraction” features 12 authors, whose works are linked only by the nuances of our time and some subtle cognitive dialogue. The focus is set on the authors’ personally selected and uncurated points of interest – reflections on the indirect and often disregarded side notes of turbulent times.

Participating artists: Anna-Maria Vaino, Annika Luhaäär, Ardo Teesalu, Bianca Toots, Erko Lill, Ethel Ütsmüts, Hugo Toss, Kätriin Reinart, Margus Elizarov, Mari-Ann Maask, Maria Kim, Visa Nurmi

Graphic Design by Bianca Toots, Kätriin Reinart

Supervised by Sten Saarits

The exhibition is open for 4 days: 9–12 December at 1 pm–6 pm

Supported by Estonian Artists’ Association, Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Design

Rohkem infot ARSis toimuva kohta:

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink



At the last GD Lunch of this semester Graphic Design MA 1st year students will talk about their work and projects so far. GD Lunch is on Monday, 29 November at 4PM on Zoom. Please join us here:

Presentations by Carlo Canún (MX), Rita Davis (BR), Mark Foss (US), Michael Fowler (CA), Oliver Long (UK), Alexandra Margetic (AU), Gréta Þorkelsdóttir (IS), Patrick Zavadskis (EE), and Miriam Humm (DE).

Presentations will be in English. Everyone is welcome to join!

Posted by Sandra Nuut — Permalink


Monday 29 November, 2021

At the last GD Lunch of this semester Graphic Design MA 1st year students will talk about their work and projects so far. GD Lunch is on Monday, 29 November at 4PM on Zoom. Please join us here:

Presentations by Carlo Canún (MX), Rita Davis (BR), Mark Foss (US), Michael Fowler (CA), Oliver Long (UK), Alexandra Margetic (AU), Gréta Þorkelsdóttir (IS), Patrick Zavadskis (EE), and Miriam Humm (DE).

Presentations will be in English. Everyone is welcome to join!

Posted by Sandra Nuut — Permalink


MA in Graphic Design, Online Open House

MA in Graphic Design, Online Open House
Wednesday, 8 December 2021, 17:00–18:00 EET (local Estonian time)

We invite prospective students to join the Master of Arts in Graphic Design at the Estonian Academy of Arts for our Open House on Wednesday, 8 December 2021, 17:00–18:00h EET. This will be an opportunity to hear more about the program, to meet and to ask questions directly from the faculty and students.

**Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the open house will be hosted online over zoom. If you would like to attend, please register online through the form below. A link to attend will be e-mailed the day of the event.**

Please register through our online form:

Posted by Sandra Nuut — Permalink

MA in Graphic Design, Online Open House

Wednesday 08 December, 2021

MA in Graphic Design, Online Open House
Wednesday, 8 December 2021, 17:00–18:00 EET (local Estonian time)

We invite prospective students to join the Master of Arts in Graphic Design at the Estonian Academy of Arts for our Open House on Wednesday, 8 December 2021, 17:00–18:00h EET. This will be an opportunity to hear more about the program, to meet and to ask questions directly from the faculty and students.

**Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the open house will be hosted online over zoom. If you would like to attend, please register online through the form below. A link to attend will be e-mailed the day of the event.**

Please register through our online form:

Posted by Sandra Nuut — Permalink

19.11.2021 — 10.01.2022

Slippers Illustrated by Children Exhibited at Nautica

An exhibition of slippers illustrated by  the children from Tallinn Children’s Home awaits visitors at the Nautica Shopping Center

Nautica Center opened an exhibition of illustrated slippers made by the children from Tallinn Children’s Home. Painted slippers were made in cooperation with the Accessories and Bookbinding Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts and the shoes were provided by Võru footwear manufacturer OmaKing.

The slippers illustrated by children of Tallinn Children’s Home were made in cooperation with OmaKing as a continuation of a workshop organized within a joint project of the Accessories and Bookbinding Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) and Tallinn Children’s Home. The children were given a task of designing slippers according to their vision so that they could express themselves through art.

Teana Baskirtseva, a representative of the Nautica Center, said: “It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to hold such positive exhibitions at our center. We try to help the local community as much as we can, and inspired by this project, we decided that the Nautica Center will support the children of the Tallinn Children’s Home with drawing supplies and a Christmas donation.”

The exhibition features a total of 32 pairs of slippers designed by children participating in the project aged 7-17.

The exhibition of slippers made by Tallinn Children’s Home children is open at the Nautica Shopping Center from November 18 to January 10 on the second floor.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Slippers Illustrated by Children Exhibited at Nautica

Friday 19 November, 2021 — Monday 10 January, 2022

An exhibition of slippers illustrated by  the children from Tallinn Children’s Home awaits visitors at the Nautica Shopping Center

Nautica Center opened an exhibition of illustrated slippers made by the children from Tallinn Children’s Home. Painted slippers were made in cooperation with the Accessories and Bookbinding Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts and the shoes were provided by Võru footwear manufacturer OmaKing.

The slippers illustrated by children of Tallinn Children’s Home were made in cooperation with OmaKing as a continuation of a workshop organized within a joint project of the Accessories and Bookbinding Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) and Tallinn Children’s Home. The children were given a task of designing slippers according to their vision so that they could express themselves through art.

Teana Baskirtseva, a representative of the Nautica Center, said: “It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to hold such positive exhibitions at our center. We try to help the local community as much as we can, and inspired by this project, we decided that the Nautica Center will support the children of the Tallinn Children’s Home with drawing supplies and a Christmas donation.”

The exhibition features a total of 32 pairs of slippers designed by children participating in the project aged 7-17.

The exhibition of slippers made by Tallinn Children’s Home children is open at the Nautica Shopping Center from November 18 to January 10 on the second floor.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink



Department of Graphic Design’s GD Lunch series is back and the first presentation will be by graphic designer Maria Muuk on Monday, 1 November at 16:00 on Zoom. Please join us here. Zoom ID: 940 6079 6104

Maria is going to talk about the graphic design process of the exhibition “Art is Design is Art” (Kumu Art Museum, 07.05.–03.10.2021), which showcased Estonian late Soviet unique design objects and poster design. It’s an interesting case study of a commissioned exhibition identity with a lot of designer’s input, as well as a glimpse into the rabbit hole of the recent yet forgotten history and craftsmanship of manual graphic designing tools, which the 1980s Soviet poster artists and their printers mastered in inspiring socialist unison.

Posted by Sandra Nuut — Permalink


Monday 01 November, 2021

Department of Graphic Design’s GD Lunch series is back and the first presentation will be by graphic designer Maria Muuk on Monday, 1 November at 16:00 on Zoom. Please join us here. Zoom ID: 940 6079 6104

Maria is going to talk about the graphic design process of the exhibition “Art is Design is Art” (Kumu Art Museum, 07.05.–03.10.2021), which showcased Estonian late Soviet unique design objects and poster design. It’s an interesting case study of a commissioned exhibition identity with a lot of designer’s input, as well as a glimpse into the rabbit hole of the recent yet forgotten history and craftsmanship of manual graphic designing tools, which the 1980s Soviet poster artists and their printers mastered in inspiring socialist unison.

Posted by Sandra Nuut — Permalink

16.10.2021 — 13.03.2022

Kristiina Uslar in National Glass Centre Glass Prize Exhibition

Glass artist, Kristiina Uslar, associate professor at EKA glass department, is participating in the National Glass Center Glass Prize. 

From 16 October 2021 to 13 March 2022, the Glass Prize, an exhibition organized by the International Glass Center (NGC), will take place in Sunderland, England.

The exhibition will feature 40 artists selected by a jury of Sandra Blach (Glasmuseet Ebeltoft), Reino Liefkes (Victoria and Albert Museum) ja Julia Stephenson (National Glass Center). 

NGC Glass Prize is a European glass prize delivered by the National Glass Centre which features the work of over 40 artists who work in Europe. The selected artworks on display were selected by a panel of judges including Sandra Blach, from Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Reino Liefkes, from the Victoria and Albert Museum and Julia Stephenson from National Glass Centre. Supported by the Weston Culture Fund, the exhibition includes work by artists from England, Scotland, Wales, France, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Italy, Romania, The Netherlands, The Czech Republic, Estonia and Belgium. It showcases techniques and approaches including using found and mixed media, casting, hot glass, kiln forming, engraving, neon, pâte de verre, and video. The exhibition includes artists working at all career stages from internationally acknowledged masters to relative newcomers.

NGC Glass Prize on the web

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Kristiina Uslar in National Glass Centre Glass Prize Exhibition

Saturday 16 October, 2021 — Sunday 13 March, 2022

Glass artist, Kristiina Uslar, associate professor at EKA glass department, is participating in the National Glass Center Glass Prize. 

From 16 October 2021 to 13 March 2022, the Glass Prize, an exhibition organized by the International Glass Center (NGC), will take place in Sunderland, England.

The exhibition will feature 40 artists selected by a jury of Sandra Blach (Glasmuseet Ebeltoft), Reino Liefkes (Victoria and Albert Museum) ja Julia Stephenson (National Glass Center). 

NGC Glass Prize is a European glass prize delivered by the National Glass Centre which features the work of over 40 artists who work in Europe. The selected artworks on display were selected by a panel of judges including Sandra Blach, from Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Reino Liefkes, from the Victoria and Albert Museum and Julia Stephenson from National Glass Centre. Supported by the Weston Culture Fund, the exhibition includes work by artists from England, Scotland, Wales, France, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Italy, Romania, The Netherlands, The Czech Republic, Estonia and Belgium. It showcases techniques and approaches including using found and mixed media, casting, hot glass, kiln forming, engraving, neon, pâte de verre, and video. The exhibition includes artists working at all career stages from internationally acknowledged masters to relative newcomers.

NGC Glass Prize on the web

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink