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Category: Faculty of Fine Arts
GALLERY: TASE ’22 Graduation Show
On May 27, the Estonian Academy of Arts’ Graduation Show TASE ’22 opened, the focus of which is an exhibition of graduation works. Along with ...
Order of the White Star to Marge Monko and Hilkka Hiiop
On the eve of the anniversary of the Republic, Estonian artists will be recognized with decorations. Marge Monko, an internationally successful ...
Fine Arts’ Evaluation Marathon, Day 1: Gallery
The Evaluation Marathon (Hindamismaraton) 2021 of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Estonian Academy of Arts has started in the EKA Gallery. The ...
Dear student, a grand ambitious cooperation project is waiting for you!
Come on, let’s make mobility more convenient! EKA will start mapping in autumn how the university interacts with Erasmus students as part of the ...
Fashion SEEDS is a project led by world leading institutions in Fashion Education spanning over the course of three years. It seeks to develop a ...
EKA’s success in Nordplus Higher Education Programme for 2019/20
EKA was successful in applying for projects, mobility and networking in Nordplus Higher Education Programme for 2019/20 with three main networks: ...
Intensive seminar in art history with Anthony Gardner
Intensive seminar in art history with Anthony Gardner “Exhibition Histories and Post-Socialism” Date and time: September: 24-27, at 15.00-18.00 ...
Meaning-making in Digital Art, Games, and Artistic Research
The research project focuses on theoretical and practical questions about digital art, games, artistic research, and hybrid art practices. The ...
New publication: The State Is Not a Work of Art
Lugemik published a new book “The State is not a Work of Art,” designed by Indrek Sirkel, on the occasion of the major exhibition at ...