Category: Photography


“Displaced Time” book presentation in Lugemik

The presentation of the book “Displaced Time” on February 11 at 6 pm in Lugemik book shop. 

Compiled by Aap Tepper and Annika Toots
Graphic design: Kert Viiart and Carl-Robert Kagge
Publisher: National Archives of Estonia

The book “Displaced Time” deals with the dark potential of archives, focusing on the restricted collections and classified archival materials that existed during the Soviet period. The book is based on Aap Tepper’s exhibition project “Displaced Time: 10 Photographs from Restricted Collections”, which was held at the Film Archives of the National Archives in 2018, and used nature and landscape photography to reveal how the Soviet authorities used archives as a repressive mechanism.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

“Displaced Time” book presentation in Lugemik

Friday 11 February, 2022

The presentation of the book “Displaced Time” on February 11 at 6 pm in Lugemik book shop. 

Compiled by Aap Tepper and Annika Toots
Graphic design: Kert Viiart and Carl-Robert Kagge
Publisher: National Archives of Estonia

The book “Displaced Time” deals with the dark potential of archives, focusing on the restricted collections and classified archival materials that existed during the Soviet period. The book is based on Aap Tepper’s exhibition project “Displaced Time: 10 Photographs from Restricted Collections”, which was held at the Film Archives of the National Archives in 2018, and used nature and landscape photography to reveal how the Soviet authorities used archives as a repressive mechanism.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

15.09.2021 — 24.10.2021

Joosep Kivimäe in the Showcase Gallery

Joosep Kivimäe’s solo exhibition “I Love You” will be open in the Showcase Gallery of EKA’s department of photography from September 15, 2021. The exhibition is  a part of the satellite programme of Tallinn Photomonth 2021.

The Showcase Gallery is located on the facade wall of the Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM), Rumbi Str 3 / Põhja pst. 35, Tallinn).

In his artistic practice, Joosep Kivimäe contemplates mainly the structures and hot spots of contemporary consumer society. He is also intrigued by the vague borders between public and private infosphere in the context of the present era of information.

The artist comments on his present exhibition as follows:
“The ephemeral beauty of cut flowers is preceded by a long and exhaustive period of growth and fertilizing after which the flowers are transported to various locations within thousands of kilometers. COVID has provided a good chance to look at the underlying structures of our society. Instead of trying to return to “normal” life, one should redefine the concept of normality. The present day should be used as a fertile ground for replanting ideas and visions for the future as well as for rooting out obsolete negative habits and beliefs.”

Joosep Kivimäe (b. 1994) is a photographer who lives and works in Tallinn. Kivimäe is currently obtaining his BA degree in the department of photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts. In 2020, Joosep Kivimäe participated in the Noorderlicht International Photo Festival in the Netherlands with his artwork “Umbrella of Illusion”. The same year he
participated in the extensive art project “Isolation Dialogues” (visual dialogue with photographer Rait Tuulas) held by the Estonian Museum of Photography. Kivimäe’s artwork
has been exhibited in several exhibitions, including “Lõuna” (“South”) on the display window of the former Võru Shopping Mall (2020); jubilee exhibition of the Estonian cultural weekly
newspaper SIRP “Hulgad”; held in the tunnel of Tallinn Baltic Railway Station (2020), and exhibition “Still Life”; held in the EKA Billboard Gallery (2021).

The Showcase Gallery can be viewed 24/7 and has wheelchair access.

More information:
Maris Karjatse
Co-ordinator of the Showcase Gallery
Department of Photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Joosep Kivimäe in the Showcase Gallery

Wednesday 15 September, 2021 — Sunday 24 October, 2021

Joosep Kivimäe’s solo exhibition “I Love You” will be open in the Showcase Gallery of EKA’s department of photography from September 15, 2021. The exhibition is  a part of the satellite programme of Tallinn Photomonth 2021.

The Showcase Gallery is located on the facade wall of the Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM), Rumbi Str 3 / Põhja pst. 35, Tallinn).

In his artistic practice, Joosep Kivimäe contemplates mainly the structures and hot spots of contemporary consumer society. He is also intrigued by the vague borders between public and private infosphere in the context of the present era of information.

The artist comments on his present exhibition as follows:
“The ephemeral beauty of cut flowers is preceded by a long and exhaustive period of growth and fertilizing after which the flowers are transported to various locations within thousands of kilometers. COVID has provided a good chance to look at the underlying structures of our society. Instead of trying to return to “normal” life, one should redefine the concept of normality. The present day should be used as a fertile ground for replanting ideas and visions for the future as well as for rooting out obsolete negative habits and beliefs.”

Joosep Kivimäe (b. 1994) is a photographer who lives and works in Tallinn. Kivimäe is currently obtaining his BA degree in the department of photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts. In 2020, Joosep Kivimäe participated in the Noorderlicht International Photo Festival in the Netherlands with his artwork “Umbrella of Illusion”. The same year he
participated in the extensive art project “Isolation Dialogues” (visual dialogue with photographer Rait Tuulas) held by the Estonian Museum of Photography. Kivimäe’s artwork
has been exhibited in several exhibitions, including “Lõuna” (“South”) on the display window of the former Võru Shopping Mall (2020); jubilee exhibition of the Estonian cultural weekly
newspaper SIRP “Hulgad”; held in the tunnel of Tallinn Baltic Railway Station (2020), and exhibition “Still Life”; held in the EKA Billboard Gallery (2021).

The Showcase Gallery can be viewed 24/7 and has wheelchair access.

More information:
Maris Karjatse
Co-ordinator of the Showcase Gallery
Department of Photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

02.09.2021 — 05.09.2021

EKA Artists at Art Fair Foto Tallinn 2021

Amongst the many well-known international photo artists at Art Fair Foto Tallinn, organized by the EKA photography department born Estonian Photographic Artists’ Association and the Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center, EKA Young Artist Prize winner Sten Eltermaa, EKA photography alumni Sigrid Viir, Paul Kuimet, Kristina Õllek, Krista Mölder and Cloe Jancis are exhibiting.

Art fair Foto Tallinn 2021 takes place from September 2nd to 5th at Kai Art Center. The fair is  dedicated to introducing a wide range of contemporary photography, and its 10th edition will feature the latest works by 37 Estonian and international participants. The fair welcomes artists and galleries from 12 different countries across the world. 

As the opening event of the 6th Tallinn Photomonth Biennial, Foto Tallinn offers exhibiting artists, galleries and project spaces an opportunity to introduce their works to a diverse audience and grow their network of professional contacts.

Foto Tallinn’s diverse programme includes book launches, artist talks, panel discussions, webinars, and curated tours of the fair. The program can be found here. The list of artists, gallerists and project spaces taking part in the fair can be found here.

Foto Tallinn is open Thursday to Saturday from 11am to 8pm and Sunday from 11am to 6pm. The fair tickets are available on-site or can be bought in advance here.

Foto Tallinn 2021 is curated by Isabella van Marle: “At Foto Tallinn 2021 we will present work by galleries and many emerging artists with different backgrounds, and practices. Participating artists are adopting multidisciplinary approaches, experimenting with the materiality of the medium and work amongst others with computer vision photogrammetry, installation and sound.”

Visiting Foto Tallinn is a great way to discover contemporary photography and meet artists and gallerists who will be present during the fair days. The fair also offers an opportunity to learn more about collecting (photographic) art. The Foto Tallinn team will be available to advise visitors in their selection.

Foto Tallinn 2021 is organized by the Estonian Union of Photography Artists and the Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center.

 A selection of press images can be found here.

* We kindly ask all visitors of Foto Tallinn 2021 over the age of 18 to present a COVID-19 certificate (proof of vaccination, proof of having recovered from COVID-19 in the past 180 days, or proof of a recent negative test) and your ID to participate in the event. There is no rapid testing on-site. Please note that if you do not present a COVID-19 certificate, you will not be allowed to participate in the event and your ticket will not be reimbursed.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

EKA Artists at Art Fair Foto Tallinn 2021

Thursday 02 September, 2021 — Sunday 05 September, 2021

Amongst the many well-known international photo artists at Art Fair Foto Tallinn, organized by the EKA photography department born Estonian Photographic Artists’ Association and the Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center, EKA Young Artist Prize winner Sten Eltermaa, EKA photography alumni Sigrid Viir, Paul Kuimet, Kristina Õllek, Krista Mölder and Cloe Jancis are exhibiting.

Art fair Foto Tallinn 2021 takes place from September 2nd to 5th at Kai Art Center. The fair is  dedicated to introducing a wide range of contemporary photography, and its 10th edition will feature the latest works by 37 Estonian and international participants. The fair welcomes artists and galleries from 12 different countries across the world. 

As the opening event of the 6th Tallinn Photomonth Biennial, Foto Tallinn offers exhibiting artists, galleries and project spaces an opportunity to introduce their works to a diverse audience and grow their network of professional contacts.

Foto Tallinn’s diverse programme includes book launches, artist talks, panel discussions, webinars, and curated tours of the fair. The program can be found here. The list of artists, gallerists and project spaces taking part in the fair can be found here.

Foto Tallinn is open Thursday to Saturday from 11am to 8pm and Sunday from 11am to 6pm. The fair tickets are available on-site or can be bought in advance here.

Foto Tallinn 2021 is curated by Isabella van Marle: “At Foto Tallinn 2021 we will present work by galleries and many emerging artists with different backgrounds, and practices. Participating artists are adopting multidisciplinary approaches, experimenting with the materiality of the medium and work amongst others with computer vision photogrammetry, installation and sound.”

Visiting Foto Tallinn is a great way to discover contemporary photography and meet artists and gallerists who will be present during the fair days. The fair also offers an opportunity to learn more about collecting (photographic) art. The Foto Tallinn team will be available to advise visitors in their selection.

Foto Tallinn 2021 is organized by the Estonian Union of Photography Artists and the Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center.

 A selection of press images can be found here.

* We kindly ask all visitors of Foto Tallinn 2021 over the age of 18 to present a COVID-19 certificate (proof of vaccination, proof of having recovered from COVID-19 in the past 180 days, or proof of a recent negative test) and your ID to participate in the event. There is no rapid testing on-site. Please note that if you do not present a COVID-19 certificate, you will not be allowed to participate in the event and your ticket will not be reimbursed.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

22.06.2021 — 01.08.2021

Jana Mašková in the Showcase Gallery

From June 22nd, the exhibition “In your skin you carry me” by Jana Mašková can be viewed in the Showcase Gallery of the Department of Photography of the Estonian Academy of Arts. 

The exhibition will be open until August 1st and can be viewed 24/7.

Showcase gallery, Põhja pst. 35 / Rumbi 3, Tallinn, 10415
June 22 – August 1, 2021

We carry a lot of weight on our shoulders.
In our heads, our hands, our feet, our muscle memory, our skin.
It remembers people that do not have to be in our lives.
It remembers the touch, the feel, the taste, the warmth or the cold.
It remembers things we do not own anymore.
It remembers things we do not remember.
It is not just our mind. It is us as a whole.
One day, I do not have to be here, but you may remember how I felt.

Jana Mašková (b. 1999, CZ) is a Prague-based artist working mainly in video and photography mediums. Mašková is obtaining a bachelor’s degree from the Department of Installation in Public Spaces in the Faculty of Arts and Architecture of the Technical University of Liberec. Currently, she is doing her Erasmus exchange studies in the Department of Photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts.

Mašková has been studying multimedia and art since 2014, and previously her main methods were exploring digital technologies and postproduction. Her subject matter varies through many topics; primarily, she works with different intimate and public themes. Recently she has concentrated on portrait photography to capture different people’s presence and stories.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Jana Mašková in the Showcase Gallery

Tuesday 22 June, 2021 — Sunday 01 August, 2021

From June 22nd, the exhibition “In your skin you carry me” by Jana Mašková can be viewed in the Showcase Gallery of the Department of Photography of the Estonian Academy of Arts. 

The exhibition will be open until August 1st and can be viewed 24/7.

Showcase gallery, Põhja pst. 35 / Rumbi 3, Tallinn, 10415
June 22 – August 1, 2021

We carry a lot of weight on our shoulders.
In our heads, our hands, our feet, our muscle memory, our skin.
It remembers people that do not have to be in our lives.
It remembers the touch, the feel, the taste, the warmth or the cold.
It remembers things we do not own anymore.
It remembers things we do not remember.
It is not just our mind. It is us as a whole.
One day, I do not have to be here, but you may remember how I felt.

Jana Mašková (b. 1999, CZ) is a Prague-based artist working mainly in video and photography mediums. Mašková is obtaining a bachelor’s degree from the Department of Installation in Public Spaces in the Faculty of Arts and Architecture of the Technical University of Liberec. Currently, she is doing her Erasmus exchange studies in the Department of Photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts.

Mašková has been studying multimedia and art since 2014, and previously her main methods were exploring digital technologies and postproduction. Her subject matter varies through many topics; primarily, she works with different intimate and public themes. Recently she has concentrated on portrait photography to capture different people’s presence and stories.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

11.05.2021 — 20.06.2021

The Showcase gallery starting a new season

The Showcase gallery of the Department of Photography is starting its new season. 

The spring/autumn season of 2021 is dedicated to one-picture exhibitions. 

The first exhibition, “On inimesi, kes surevad merd nägemata” ( There are people who die without seeing the sea)  by Céline Bernadac, will open on 11th of May.

Céline Bernadac
“On inimesi, kes surevad merd nägemata” ( There are people who die without seeing the sea)  is a fact: there are people who have and will pass away without ever seeing the sea’s waters. In Estonia, most of the land is surrounded by the Baltic sea. My home country, France, is also surrounded by several seas and the Atlantic Ocean. In Estonia and France, it is quite easy to travel towards the seaside. Yet, in those two countries as of all around the world, there are still people who have and will never see it.

Céline Bernadac (b. 1999 in Ecully, Rhônes-Alpes, France)  is a writer and photographer based in Lyon who is currently an Erasmus exchange student in the Photography Department of Estonian Academy of Arts.  She has graduated from the DNA (National Diploma of Art) in the Higher School of Art and Design in Saint-Etienne (ESADSE) in 2020 and is currently pursuing her studies in the first year of Master.

Since 2018, she has been exploring photography and its associated disciplines. In her photographic work, she focuses solely on ‘physical’ techniques, film, polaroid, cyanotype, photogram. Bernadac is interested in edition and collaborative work and has auto-edited some books under the name Céline Lazare.

Location of Vitriingalerii: On the facade wall of the Estonian Museum of Contemporary Art (EKKM), Põhja pst 35.

The exhibition is on view until the 20th of June and can be viewed on 24 hours basis.

11.05 – 20.06

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

The Showcase gallery starting a new season

Tuesday 11 May, 2021 — Sunday 20 June, 2021

The Showcase gallery of the Department of Photography is starting its new season. 

The spring/autumn season of 2021 is dedicated to one-picture exhibitions. 

The first exhibition, “On inimesi, kes surevad merd nägemata” ( There are people who die without seeing the sea)  by Céline Bernadac, will open on 11th of May.

Céline Bernadac
“On inimesi, kes surevad merd nägemata” ( There are people who die without seeing the sea)  is a fact: there are people who have and will pass away without ever seeing the sea’s waters. In Estonia, most of the land is surrounded by the Baltic sea. My home country, France, is also surrounded by several seas and the Atlantic Ocean. In Estonia and France, it is quite easy to travel towards the seaside. Yet, in those two countries as of all around the world, there are still people who have and will never see it.

Céline Bernadac (b. 1999 in Ecully, Rhônes-Alpes, France)  is a writer and photographer based in Lyon who is currently an Erasmus exchange student in the Photography Department of Estonian Academy of Arts.  She has graduated from the DNA (National Diploma of Art) in the Higher School of Art and Design in Saint-Etienne (ESADSE) in 2020 and is currently pursuing her studies in the first year of Master.

Since 2018, she has been exploring photography and its associated disciplines. In her photographic work, she focuses solely on ‘physical’ techniques, film, polaroid, cyanotype, photogram. Bernadac is interested in edition and collaborative work and has auto-edited some books under the name Céline Lazare.

Location of Vitriingalerii: On the facade wall of the Estonian Museum of Contemporary Art (EKKM), Põhja pst 35.

The exhibition is on view until the 20th of June and can be viewed on 24 hours basis.

11.05 – 20.06

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

28.04.2021 — 05.05.2021

“110m vahet” opens its last week

EKA Photography 1st year students’ exhibition “110m vahet” (110m distance) starts its last week!

Anna Ovtšinnikova‘s “Aliens of Tallinn” and Micaela Dunne‘s “Loneliness and Solitude” have been open in two Old Town showcases (Suur-Karja 7 and Vanaturu kael 7) since April 28.

This exhibition includes works completed within the framework of the art project of the 1st year students of the Department of Photography of the Estonian Academy of Arts, which have been created following the display case format. The key concepts of the projects are author position and visual communication. Based on these concepts, each student has an image that expresses an idea and / or emotion. The title of the exhibition refers to the distance between the two showcases.

The exhibition will be open till May 5 and it will be open 24 h a day.

Artists: Micaela Dunne, Grete Eerikson, Erik Hõim, Birna Sísí Jóhannsdóttir, Enriko Kroon, Jette Laane, Anna Ovtšinnikova, Tobias Tikenberg, Georg Tšupov, Stina Vürmer

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

“110m vahet” opens its last week

Wednesday 28 April, 2021 — Wednesday 05 May, 2021

EKA Photography 1st year students’ exhibition “110m vahet” (110m distance) starts its last week!

Anna Ovtšinnikova‘s “Aliens of Tallinn” and Micaela Dunne‘s “Loneliness and Solitude” have been open in two Old Town showcases (Suur-Karja 7 and Vanaturu kael 7) since April 28.

This exhibition includes works completed within the framework of the art project of the 1st year students of the Department of Photography of the Estonian Academy of Arts, which have been created following the display case format. The key concepts of the projects are author position and visual communication. Based on these concepts, each student has an image that expresses an idea and / or emotion. The title of the exhibition refers to the distance between the two showcases.

The exhibition will be open till May 5 and it will be open 24 h a day.

Artists: Micaela Dunne, Grete Eerikson, Erik Hõim, Birna Sísí Jóhannsdóttir, Enriko Kroon, Jette Laane, Anna Ovtšinnikova, Tobias Tikenberg, Georg Tšupov, Stina Vürmer

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

31.03.2021 — 05.05.2021

Exhibition “110m apart”

Works at “110m apart” by the 1st-year students of the Department of Photography of Estonian Academy of Arts to be exhibited in two showcases of Tallinn Old Town! 

Live Streaming of the exhibition opening is on Wednesday, 31rd of March at 3pm on the Instagram account of the Department of Photography of Estonian Academy Arts @eka_fotograafia.

From the 31st of March, the exhibition “110m apart” of the 1st-year students of the Department of Photography of Estonian Academy of Arts can be viewed in two showcases of Tallinn Old Town (locations: Suur-Karja 7 and Vanaturu kael 7).

The works shown in the exhibition were developed during the 1st-yeat art project and were created following the showcase format. The main concepts of the projects were the artists’ position and visual communication. Following these notions, every student created an image that expresses some specific idea, concept and/or emotion. The exhibition title “110m apart” refers to the distance between the two showcases. 

The exhibition is open for five weeks. Every week, new works are to be exhibited in the showcases.

Micaela Dunne, Grete Eerikson, Erik Hõim, Birna Sísí Jóhannsdóttir, Enriko Kroon, Jette Laane, Anna Ovtšinnikova, Tobias Tikenberg, Georg Tšupov, Stina Vürmer

The art project was supervised by Marge Monko and Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo.

Graphic designer: Ran-Re Reimann

Photography Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts would like to thank: Anneli Porri, Hotel Barons, KÜ Vanaturu kael 7

Exhibition schedule:
31.03 – 07.04 Georg Tšupov, Tobias Tikenberg
07.04 – 14.04 Enriko Kroon, Stina Vürmer
14.04 – 21.04 Birna Sísí Jóhannsdóttir, Grete Eerikson
21.04 – 28.04 Erik Hõim, Jette Laane
28.04 – 05.05 Micaela Dunne, Anna Ovtšinnikova

The exhibition will be open until the 5th of May 2021 and can be viewed on a 24-hour basis. 

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Exhibition “110m apart”

Wednesday 31 March, 2021 — Wednesday 05 May, 2021

Works at “110m apart” by the 1st-year students of the Department of Photography of Estonian Academy of Arts to be exhibited in two showcases of Tallinn Old Town! 

Live Streaming of the exhibition opening is on Wednesday, 31rd of March at 3pm on the Instagram account of the Department of Photography of Estonian Academy Arts @eka_fotograafia.

From the 31st of March, the exhibition “110m apart” of the 1st-year students of the Department of Photography of Estonian Academy of Arts can be viewed in two showcases of Tallinn Old Town (locations: Suur-Karja 7 and Vanaturu kael 7).

The works shown in the exhibition were developed during the 1st-yeat art project and were created following the showcase format. The main concepts of the projects were the artists’ position and visual communication. Following these notions, every student created an image that expresses some specific idea, concept and/or emotion. The exhibition title “110m apart” refers to the distance between the two showcases. 

The exhibition is open for five weeks. Every week, new works are to be exhibited in the showcases.

Micaela Dunne, Grete Eerikson, Erik Hõim, Birna Sísí Jóhannsdóttir, Enriko Kroon, Jette Laane, Anna Ovtšinnikova, Tobias Tikenberg, Georg Tšupov, Stina Vürmer

The art project was supervised by Marge Monko and Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo.

Graphic designer: Ran-Re Reimann

Photography Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts would like to thank: Anneli Porri, Hotel Barons, KÜ Vanaturu kael 7

Exhibition schedule:
31.03 – 07.04 Georg Tšupov, Tobias Tikenberg
07.04 – 14.04 Enriko Kroon, Stina Vürmer
14.04 – 21.04 Birna Sísí Jóhannsdóttir, Grete Eerikson
21.04 – 28.04 Erik Hõim, Jette Laane
28.04 – 05.05 Micaela Dunne, Anna Ovtšinnikova

The exhibition will be open until the 5th of May 2021 and can be viewed on a 24-hour basis. 

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

19.04.2021 — 23.04.2021



Portfolio Café is structured around one-on-one meetings that take place between local and international fine arts and design professionals and graduate students. Each meeting takes place about 50 minutes. During Portfolio Café sessions students introduce themselves and their work, and experts share their observations, provide recommendations ask, questions etc. After the first scheduled conversation student moves on to the next selected expert they have signed up for.
All Portfolio Café meetings are in English.

Portfolio Café is a collaborative project between the Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Design.

Portfolio Café invites all fine art and design students from the MA level to participate. The spots are limited and participants will be chosen according to the provided portfolios. The reviews are considered as part of the studies and you may receive credits for participating (3 ECTS).

To apply, please fill our this registration form before April 12, 2021 and upload your portfolio.

Find detailed information about our experts in the registration form.

Portfolio Café is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

Posted by Madis Luik — Permalink


Monday 19 April, 2021 — Friday 23 April, 2021


Portfolio Café is structured around one-on-one meetings that take place between local and international fine arts and design professionals and graduate students. Each meeting takes place about 50 minutes. During Portfolio Café sessions students introduce themselves and their work, and experts share their observations, provide recommendations ask, questions etc. After the first scheduled conversation student moves on to the next selected expert they have signed up for.
All Portfolio Café meetings are in English.

Portfolio Café is a collaborative project between the Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Design.

Portfolio Café invites all fine art and design students from the MA level to participate. The spots are limited and participants will be chosen according to the provided portfolios. The reviews are considered as part of the studies and you may receive credits for participating (3 ECTS).

To apply, please fill our this registration form before April 12, 2021 and upload your portfolio.

Find detailed information about our experts in the registration form.

Portfolio Café is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

Posted by Madis Luik — Permalink

25.02.2021 — 15.03.2021

Showcase gallery is looking for a curator! The deadline for applications is March 15.

Showcase Gallery of the Department of Photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts, which was established in 2018, is looking for a curator for the spring/fall season 2021 with the title “Visual literacy”. This spring, the publisher of Estonian Academy of Arts in collaboration with the Department of Photography will present a reader containing some of the seminal texts on visual culture. In relation to that we would like to focus on the activities related to the notion of visual literacy.  

It is possible to earn credit points for curating the showcase program.

NB! We prefer two-dimensional works, so-called one-image-shows for the Showcase gallery.


About the Showcase:


  • Located on the facade of Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (Põhja pst. 35)
  • The season lasts from April 21st to October 31st 2021
  • The exhibition period contains 4 shows. The duration of one show is approximately 8 weeks.
  • Printing of the works is possible in EKA digital lab. The production costs are covered by the Department of Photography.
  • Dimensions of the Showcase: 594 x 841 x 150mm
  • The visual identity of the Showcase gallery is created by a graphic designer Ran-Re Reimann.


Have a look at the previous projects of the Showcase gallery:


The application must contain:

  1. A description of the program and related visual materials if possible (max. 3000 characters)
  2. A curator’s CV


Please send the application to:

The project will be chosen by a jury and the results will be announced by March 29.


Lisainfo / More info:

Cloe Jancis

Posted by Marge Monko — Permalink

Showcase gallery is looking for a curator! The deadline for applications is March 15.

Thursday 25 February, 2021 — Monday 15 March, 2021

Showcase Gallery of the Department of Photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts, which was established in 2018, is looking for a curator for the spring/fall season 2021 with the title “Visual literacy”. This spring, the publisher of Estonian Academy of Arts in collaboration with the Department of Photography will present a reader containing some of the seminal texts on visual culture. In relation to that we would like to focus on the activities related to the notion of visual literacy.  

It is possible to earn credit points for curating the showcase program.

NB! We prefer two-dimensional works, so-called one-image-shows for the Showcase gallery.


About the Showcase:


  • Located on the facade of Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (Põhja pst. 35)
  • The season lasts from April 21st to October 31st 2021
  • The exhibition period contains 4 shows. The duration of one show is approximately 8 weeks.
  • Printing of the works is possible in EKA digital lab. The production costs are covered by the Department of Photography.
  • Dimensions of the Showcase: 594 x 841 x 150mm
  • The visual identity of the Showcase gallery is created by a graphic designer Ran-Re Reimann.


Have a look at the previous projects of the Showcase gallery:


The application must contain:

  1. A description of the program and related visual materials if possible (max. 3000 characters)
  2. A curator’s CV


Please send the application to:

The project will be chosen by a jury and the results will be announced by March 29.


Lisainfo / More info:

Cloe Jancis

Posted by Marge Monko — Permalink

09.09.2020 — 05.10.2020

Jane Jacobs “Behind the Curtain”

Jane Jacobs
“Behind the Curtain”
Vitriingalerii, Tallinn, Põhja pst 35
Open September 9 through October 5, 2020

There is a pensioner quietly living “Behind the Curtain”. The data of Statistics Estonia shows that 25.1% of the population are pensioners. Sometimes we visit them behind the curtain; however, we do not live there, where you have to make both ends meet it with very limited resources. Estonian pensioners have the highest poverty risk in the EU. Pensioners are not marching the streets after Eurostat published surveys in February 2020 according to which Estonian pensioners are the poorest compared to other pensioners in developed countries. We do not shift the curtain in order to see how the older generation survives. Will we step quietly behind the curtain? What will happen with the pension funds? “Behind the Curtain” is an installation in Vitriingalerii by Jane Jacobs to emphasize this paradoxical normality.

REF: Eurostat, ERR news

Jane Jacobs is an independent collective with the aim of highlighting environmental and community issues. The collective was founded in New York in 2016 by Sandra Nuut. Jane Jacobs uses and chooses mediums that possibly best express and convey problems and questions that need to be addressed.

The installation is on view around the clock until October 5, 2020.

Location of Vitriingalerii: On the facade wall of the Estonian Museum of Contemporary Art (EKKM), Põhja pst 35.

Posted by Cloe Jancis — Permalink

Jane Jacobs “Behind the Curtain”

Wednesday 09 September, 2020 — Monday 05 October, 2020

Jane Jacobs
“Behind the Curtain”
Vitriingalerii, Tallinn, Põhja pst 35
Open September 9 through October 5, 2020

There is a pensioner quietly living “Behind the Curtain”. The data of Statistics Estonia shows that 25.1% of the population are pensioners. Sometimes we visit them behind the curtain; however, we do not live there, where you have to make both ends meet it with very limited resources. Estonian pensioners have the highest poverty risk in the EU. Pensioners are not marching the streets after Eurostat published surveys in February 2020 according to which Estonian pensioners are the poorest compared to other pensioners in developed countries. We do not shift the curtain in order to see how the older generation survives. Will we step quietly behind the curtain? What will happen with the pension funds? “Behind the Curtain” is an installation in Vitriingalerii by Jane Jacobs to emphasize this paradoxical normality.

REF: Eurostat, ERR news

Jane Jacobs is an independent collective with the aim of highlighting environmental and community issues. The collective was founded in New York in 2016 by Sandra Nuut. Jane Jacobs uses and chooses mediums that possibly best express and convey problems and questions that need to be addressed.

The installation is on view around the clock until October 5, 2020.

Location of Vitriingalerii: On the facade wall of the Estonian Museum of Contemporary Art (EKKM), Põhja pst 35.

Posted by Cloe Jancis — Permalink