Category: Departments

10.10.2024 — 10.07.2024

EKA Arh Conference 2024: Building Systems

arh pilt

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Posted by Triin Käo — Permalink

EKA Arh Conference 2024: Building Systems

Thursday 10 October, 2024 — Wednesday 10 July, 2024

arh pilt

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Posted by Triin Käo — Permalink

05.07.2024 — 04.08.2024

Marleen Suvi “We’ve Never Lived in a House” at EKA Gallery 6.07.–4.08.2024

Marleen Suvi
Opening: 5.07. at 6 pm

Marleen Suvi’s personal exhibition “We’ve Never Lived in a House” brings together 16 large-scale canvases to form a major installation, which concerns itself with the topics of memory and family.

The paintings are based on the artist’s family photo albums, and according to the curator Aleksander Metsamärt, the exhibition reveals two main themes: firstly, the relationship between memory and memory carriers arising from the paintings created on the basis of photographs, secondly, the theme of the private house arising from the form of the installation and the period-specific context associated with it. At the crossroads of the two themes, we find the artist herself, offering an insight into her own memories with an intimately personal and a paradoxical universality.

For the artist these times are past, her past which she herself cannot [retreat/crawl] back to. A past from which forms and figures emerge, that are almost familiar, but not quite just. Not like they are here, in this picture, in this apartment, in this year – somewhere in the mid-nineties, when everyone wore clothes made out of those materials, the feel of which, to this day, the nerve endings of your synapses can still sense somewhere at the back of your mind; clothes, that in their quaintness and slight old-fashionedness still manage to warm your heart.

Curated by Aleksander Metsamärt

Graphic design by Rainer Kasekivi

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Opening drinks from Põhjala Brewery.

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

Marleen Suvi “We’ve Never Lived in a House” at EKA Gallery 6.07.–4.08.2024

Friday 05 July, 2024 — Sunday 04 August, 2024

Marleen Suvi
Opening: 5.07. at 6 pm

Marleen Suvi’s personal exhibition “We’ve Never Lived in a House” brings together 16 large-scale canvases to form a major installation, which concerns itself with the topics of memory and family.

The paintings are based on the artist’s family photo albums, and according to the curator Aleksander Metsamärt, the exhibition reveals two main themes: firstly, the relationship between memory and memory carriers arising from the paintings created on the basis of photographs, secondly, the theme of the private house arising from the form of the installation and the period-specific context associated with it. At the crossroads of the two themes, we find the artist herself, offering an insight into her own memories with an intimately personal and a paradoxical universality.

For the artist these times are past, her past which she herself cannot [retreat/crawl] back to. A past from which forms and figures emerge, that are almost familiar, but not quite just. Not like they are here, in this picture, in this apartment, in this year – somewhere in the mid-nineties, when everyone wore clothes made out of those materials, the feel of which, to this day, the nerve endings of your synapses can still sense somewhere at the back of your mind; clothes, that in their quaintness and slight old-fashionedness still manage to warm your heart.

Curated by Aleksander Metsamärt

Graphic design by Rainer Kasekivi

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Opening drinks from Põhjala Brewery.

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink



Tase film 2024 1 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7338
Tase film 2024 2 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7339
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Tase film 2024 15 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7383
Tase film 2024 16 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7385
Tase film 2024 17 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7387

Join us for the screening of TASE FILM ‘24 on June 11 at 6 pm at the assembly hall of Estonian Academy of Arts (room A101).

The TASE film program has distinguished itself year after year as a central proving ground for all up-and-coming audiovisual artists. It is a platform for art that refuses to shackle itself within the confines of standard filmmaking practices and is constantly experimenting with the very concept of boundaries. This year’s program brings into focus the phenomenon of identity, dissecting both the biological body of an individual, as well as said body’s relations with the outside world, be it sentient or not.

The screening lasts for one hour, entry is free.

Participating artists: Anett Aedla, Agnes Milla Bereczki, Nataliia Domini, Mia Felić, Andrea Gudiño, Kadri Joala, Mark Kokotov, Marto Mägi, Piret Potter, Yiyang Sun

Curator: Kaur Järve

For the first time a jury will select the best TASE FILM among the participating films. The author of which will be awarded five free tickets to film screenings at Sõprus Cinema, in addition the film will be screened before all other screenings at both of Sõprus’ cinemas during the entire month of September. The jury consists of film director, producer and CEO of Sõprus Cinema Ivar Murd, artist Liina Siib and artist-curator and main organiser of TASE ‘24 Kaisa Maasik.

Drinks from Põhjala Brewery. 

Program in screening order:


  1. YiyangSun


08′ 38′

The sky is vast, the wilderness is boundless 

While the lonely maple tree stands at the corner of the world 

              It bears thousands of seeds,Transforming into butterflies

Flirting and dancing over the water bubbles 

They fall in love


  1. Mia Felić  

On the other Side

06′ 48”


The work explores the transgender and non-binary body in transition through the 19th century photographic process mordançage. The mordançage, using its tremendous chemical pressure alters the silver gelatine prints, causing them to undergo slow, gradual transformation. The tissue of the body and of the print breaks and a new life, new forms are born.


  1. Marto Mägi  

breaks of from to dissociation

08′ 46” 


study of the removal of static through the format of an operetta.


  1. Andrea Gudiño 

Also the Sea of June

09′ 43” 


The account of the not-so-everyday landscapes in the life of an anxious human a month before her birthday, becomes a solitary confession made up of fragments while traveling alone with her phone.


  1. Mark Kokotov 


02′ 57” 

The work brings into focus the effect that cell towers have on birds and their surrounding environment. The soundscape in the video makes certain sounds audible to the human ear that are normally only accessible to different animals. Moreover, the video highlights the magnetic fields generated by the aforementioned towers and the ways in which these fields disturb the navigational skills of birds. The ethics surrounding the placement and quantity of these towers take center stage in this audiovisual piece, provoking the audience to ask themselves these exact questions.

  1. Nataliia Domini (Grygorieva)


00′ 36” 

Sisyphian fight against Hair that will continue to grow even after human death.

  1. Agnes Milla Bereczki 


03′ 41” 

While on a 10-day trip in the Alps with the EKA animation department, we met with the animation students from Lucerne. We lived together in wooden cabins under the slope of the mountain, and every morning we would go out to hike and film. My work is inspired by ancient Estonian idolatry and a renewed perspective on coexistence with nature. Before leaving for Switzerland, I prepared a few dozen porcelain doll heads to help visualize the mythological landscape that is revealed to those who travel there. The work is classified as a music video-esque, experimental animation.

  1. Kadri Joala 


07′ 32′

Identity is a sign and a mark, by which people classify themselves and by which they communicate with one another in any given society.’ 

  1. Piret Potter 

Hingelind (meaning “spirit bird” in English)

05′ 51” 

A lively child runs across a field until they notice a dead bird. The soul of the bird departs its body and flies towards the forest, and the curious child follows it. Without warning, the child falls into the world of the dead and must find their way home.

* Anett Aedla’s graduation work “What brings joy?”, duration 21′ 13” 

The film tells the story of 10-year-old Lilli, who has to cope with very contrasting tasks in her everyday life. How to go to school, take care of the household, help her mother, and at the same time remain a child and find joy in life? What happens to a child’s life when their parents can no longer fulfil their responsibilities? This story, full of the joys and sorrows of everyday life,  strives to show that hope does not disappear even in the toughest moments.

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink


Tuesday 11 June, 2024

Tase film 2024 1 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7338
Tase film 2024 2 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7339
Tase film 2024 3 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7344
Tase film 2024 4 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7349
Tase film 2024 5 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7351
Tase film 2024 6 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7353
Tase film 2024 7 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7361
Tase film 2024 9 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7366
Tase film 2024 10 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7369
Tase film 2024 11 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7371
Tase film 2024 12 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7374
Tase film 2024 13 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7376
Tase film 2024 14 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7377
Tase film 2024 15 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7383
Tase film 2024 16 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7385
Tase film 2024 17 Ott Kattel 11-06-24 _DSF7387

Join us for the screening of TASE FILM ‘24 on June 11 at 6 pm at the assembly hall of Estonian Academy of Arts (room A101).

The TASE film program has distinguished itself year after year as a central proving ground for all up-and-coming audiovisual artists. It is a platform for art that refuses to shackle itself within the confines of standard filmmaking practices and is constantly experimenting with the very concept of boundaries. This year’s program brings into focus the phenomenon of identity, dissecting both the biological body of an individual, as well as said body’s relations with the outside world, be it sentient or not.

The screening lasts for one hour, entry is free.

Participating artists: Anett Aedla, Agnes Milla Bereczki, Nataliia Domini, Mia Felić, Andrea Gudiño, Kadri Joala, Mark Kokotov, Marto Mägi, Piret Potter, Yiyang Sun

Curator: Kaur Järve

For the first time a jury will select the best TASE FILM among the participating films. The author of which will be awarded five free tickets to film screenings at Sõprus Cinema, in addition the film will be screened before all other screenings at both of Sõprus’ cinemas during the entire month of September. The jury consists of film director, producer and CEO of Sõprus Cinema Ivar Murd, artist Liina Siib and artist-curator and main organiser of TASE ‘24 Kaisa Maasik.

Drinks from Põhjala Brewery. 

Program in screening order:


  1. YiyangSun


08′ 38′

The sky is vast, the wilderness is boundless 

While the lonely maple tree stands at the corner of the world 

              It bears thousands of seeds,Transforming into butterflies

Flirting and dancing over the water bubbles 

They fall in love


  1. Mia Felić  

On the other Side

06′ 48”


The work explores the transgender and non-binary body in transition through the 19th century photographic process mordançage. The mordançage, using its tremendous chemical pressure alters the silver gelatine prints, causing them to undergo slow, gradual transformation. The tissue of the body and of the print breaks and a new life, new forms are born.


  1. Marto Mägi  

breaks of from to dissociation

08′ 46” 


study of the removal of static through the format of an operetta.


  1. Andrea Gudiño 

Also the Sea of June

09′ 43” 


The account of the not-so-everyday landscapes in the life of an anxious human a month before her birthday, becomes a solitary confession made up of fragments while traveling alone with her phone.


  1. Mark Kokotov 


02′ 57” 

The work brings into focus the effect that cell towers have on birds and their surrounding environment. The soundscape in the video makes certain sounds audible to the human ear that are normally only accessible to different animals. Moreover, the video highlights the magnetic fields generated by the aforementioned towers and the ways in which these fields disturb the navigational skills of birds. The ethics surrounding the placement and quantity of these towers take center stage in this audiovisual piece, provoking the audience to ask themselves these exact questions.

  1. Nataliia Domini (Grygorieva)


00′ 36” 

Sisyphian fight against Hair that will continue to grow even after human death.

  1. Agnes Milla Bereczki 


03′ 41” 

While on a 10-day trip in the Alps with the EKA animation department, we met with the animation students from Lucerne. We lived together in wooden cabins under the slope of the mountain, and every morning we would go out to hike and film. My work is inspired by ancient Estonian idolatry and a renewed perspective on coexistence with nature. Before leaving for Switzerland, I prepared a few dozen porcelain doll heads to help visualize the mythological landscape that is revealed to those who travel there. The work is classified as a music video-esque, experimental animation.

  1. Kadri Joala 


07′ 32′

Identity is a sign and a mark, by which people classify themselves and by which they communicate with one another in any given society.’ 

  1. Piret Potter 

Hingelind (meaning “spirit bird” in English)

05′ 51” 

A lively child runs across a field until they notice a dead bird. The soul of the bird departs its body and flies towards the forest, and the curious child follows it. Without warning, the child falls into the world of the dead and must find their way home.

* Anett Aedla’s graduation work “What brings joy?”, duration 21′ 13” 

The film tells the story of 10-year-old Lilli, who has to cope with very contrasting tasks in her everyday life. How to go to school, take care of the household, help her mother, and at the same time remain a child and find joy in life? What happens to a child’s life when their parents can no longer fulfil their responsibilities? This story, full of the joys and sorrows of everyday life,  strives to show that hope does not disappear even in the toughest moments.

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink



Join us at the screening of bachelor’s and master’s theses in animation of the Estonian Academy of Arts, which will take place on June 15 at the Sõprus cinema.

Participants: Carlos Santiago Ordoñez Alarcon, Aurelijus Čiupas, Ditiya Ferdous, Naira Hatchaturjan, Elise Kruusel, Evridiki Papaiakovou, Inês Machado Sales Grade Pinto, Piret Potter, Kirke Ross, Xingpei Shen, Nicole Tanysh, Laura Andrea Gudiño Sosa, Kelli Tõnurist, Sigrit Villido , Ada Napiorkowski.

Entrance is free.

The screening will take place within the framework of the EKA thesis festival TASE ’24. TASE is the annual major event of the Estonian Academy of Arts, the center of which is the thesis exhibition, where the faculties of architecture, design, art culture and liberal arts present this year’s master’s theses and a selection of bachelor’s theses and portfolios. TASE ’24 will take place until June 16 at locations all over Tallinn.

Check out the TASE program, locations and graduates’ works on the page

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


Saturday 15 June, 2024

Join us at the screening of bachelor’s and master’s theses in animation of the Estonian Academy of Arts, which will take place on June 15 at the Sõprus cinema.

Participants: Carlos Santiago Ordoñez Alarcon, Aurelijus Čiupas, Ditiya Ferdous, Naira Hatchaturjan, Elise Kruusel, Evridiki Papaiakovou, Inês Machado Sales Grade Pinto, Piret Potter, Kirke Ross, Xingpei Shen, Nicole Tanysh, Laura Andrea Gudiño Sosa, Kelli Tõnurist, Sigrit Villido , Ada Napiorkowski.

Entrance is free.

The screening will take place within the framework of the EKA thesis festival TASE ’24. TASE is the annual major event of the Estonian Academy of Arts, the center of which is the thesis exhibition, where the faculties of architecture, design, art culture and liberal arts present this year’s master’s theses and a selection of bachelor’s theses and portfolios. TASE ’24 will take place until June 16 at locations all over Tallinn.

Check out the TASE program, locations and graduates’ works on the page

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


ERKI Fashion Show 2024

Estonian Academy of Arts / June 18, 2024


ERKI Fashion show 2024 focuses on illusions and parallel worlds that we create for ourselves through social media and technology. However, such dreamlike bubbles often help us cope with real-life difficulties. As creators, we also construct our own worlds where we can act without criticism.


The fashion show encourages seeking balance, exploring, and connecting everyday life with the imaginary, to understand if there might be something entirely different at the meeting point of these two.


On June 18, the Estonian Academy of Arts will bring to the stage 20 young artists and fashion designers who will present unprecedented collections to the audience and international jury.


17:30 – DOORS OPEN / Estonian Academy of Arts (Põhja pst 7)
19:00 – ACT I Catwalk
20:00 – BREAK
20:30 – ACT II Showcase




The event lasts until 22:00

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

ERKI Fashion Show 2024

Tuesday 18 June, 2024

Estonian Academy of Arts / June 18, 2024


ERKI Fashion show 2024 focuses on illusions and parallel worlds that we create for ourselves through social media and technology. However, such dreamlike bubbles often help us cope with real-life difficulties. As creators, we also construct our own worlds where we can act without criticism.


The fashion show encourages seeking balance, exploring, and connecting everyday life with the imaginary, to understand if there might be something entirely different at the meeting point of these two.


On June 18, the Estonian Academy of Arts will bring to the stage 20 young artists and fashion designers who will present unprecedented collections to the audience and international jury.


17:30 – DOORS OPEN / Estonian Academy of Arts (Põhja pst 7)
19:00 – ACT I Catwalk
20:00 – BREAK
20:30 – ACT II Showcase




The event lasts until 22:00

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

02.06.2024 — 30.06.2024

“Side Effect” at Narva Kreenhom Manufactory


August Joost, Maria Kallau, Laura Lillepuu, Triin Mänd, Elise Marie Olesk, Sandra Puusepp, Mia Mai Seppel, Hanna Vinter

Kreenholm can be visited on Saturday at 15:00 as part of guided tour by NART Narva Residency, admission is free.

A side effect of things is like a shadow is like a disease is like dripping candle wax. Homework is about sweeping away side effects. Home duties have a side effect. Wrinkles and glow are a side effect. There are artworks and a factory and crumbling plaster. The factory affects and makes the works of art affect.

In the exhibition, the artworks are made in the residency in Narva as part of the elective subject “Contemporary Drawing: Worlding inLayers” of the fine arts students of the Estonian Academy of Arts. The spirit of time and place is decisively important when making on-site drawings. The works are born from layers of spatial perception, material and its traces, concepts and shapes. 

Tutor: Britta Benno

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

“Side Effect” at Narva Kreenhom Manufactory

Sunday 02 June, 2024 — Sunday 30 June, 2024


August Joost, Maria Kallau, Laura Lillepuu, Triin Mänd, Elise Marie Olesk, Sandra Puusepp, Mia Mai Seppel, Hanna Vinter

Kreenholm can be visited on Saturday at 15:00 as part of guided tour by NART Narva Residency, admission is free.

A side effect of things is like a shadow is like a disease is like dripping candle wax. Homework is about sweeping away side effects. Home duties have a side effect. Wrinkles and glow are a side effect. There are artworks and a factory and crumbling plaster. The factory affects and makes the works of art affect.

In the exhibition, the artworks are made in the residency in Narva as part of the elective subject “Contemporary Drawing: Worlding inLayers” of the fine arts students of the Estonian Academy of Arts. The spirit of time and place is decisively important when making on-site drawings. The works are born from layers of spatial perception, material and its traces, concepts and shapes. 

Tutor: Britta Benno

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


PhD Thesis defence of Gregor Taul

On 1 July at 11:00 Gregor Taul will defend his thesis “Monumentality Trouble. Monumental-Decorative Art in Late Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania” (“Sekeldused monumentaalsusega. Monumentaal-dekoratiivkunst hilisnõukogude Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus”)

The public defence will be held in EKA (Põhja pst 7), room A501.
The defense will be broadcast on EKA TV.
The defence is in English.

Supervisor: Dr. Anu Allas (Estonian Academy of Arts)
External reviewers: Dr. Lolita Jablonskienė (Vilnius Academy of Arts), Dr. Liisa Kaljula (Art Museum of Estonia)
Opponent: Dr. Lolita Jablonskienė

The thesis examines the theme of public art in late Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. From its early days, the Soviet Union considered monumental art to be an important part of its ideological propaganda and, more broadly, of the modernisation of society. The concept of monumental-decorative art became commonplace in the Thaw era when Nikita Khrushchev deplored the excesses of Stalinist neoclassical architecture and paved the way for the construction of industrially produced apartment buildings. In the process of mechanising the construction of micro-neighbourhoods, Soviet urban planners and architects developed a methodology for synthesising the arts in new neighbourhoods: standard-design apartment buildings created a backdrop against which public buildings of more unique architecture stood out. These landmark buildings were embellished by a synthesis of the arts in the form of monumental-decorative art – using mural painting, ceramics, textiles, stained glass and metalwork.

To a certain extent, monumental decorative art embodied the authoritarian position of state power, linked to top officials who had the power to semioticise reality. On the other hand, monumental decorative art also offered artists the opportunity to distance themselves from ideological messages and focus on aesthetic and architectural details. Several were associated with the more critical practitioners of the art field, and some artists succeeded in conveying messages directly critical of power in their monumental works. In most cases, however, it was commissioning officials who succeeded in freeing art from direct ideological demands and giving artists access to the wide range of possibilities offered by monumental art. Thus, monumental-decorative art is an interesting phenomenon against the background of which to discuss the blurred boundaries between the official politics of the late Soviets and a somewhat transgressive artistic culture.

In the thesis, the author discusses how monumental-decorative art contributed to the creation of a period-specific socialist spatial atmosphere. To what extent did this aesthetic phenomenon express the ideals and realities of socialism? What visual and spatial aspirations did artists invest in this monumental urge? The thesis concludes that the Baltic artists’ contacts with the rest of the Soviet Union were stronger than previously thought. In addition to opening up the institutional background, the dissertation speaks about the artists’ choices and individual practices of adaptation during the Soviet period. The final chapter of the thesis focuses on the question of the agency of works of art in their valorisation and preservation. Taul seeks answers to the questions of what aspects have contributed to the preservation and conservation of Soviet-era public artworks, what is the meaning of this heritage, and how do these works contribute to making sense of the Soviet period in the Baltic States.

The thesis is available HERE.

Defence Committee: Prof. Andres Kurg (Head of the Committee), Prof. Virve Sarapik, Dr. Anneli Randla, Prof. Krista Kodres, Prof. Marek Tamm, Prof. Eneken Laanes

Posted by Irene Hütsi — Permalink

PhD Thesis defence of Gregor Taul

Monday 01 July, 2024

On 1 July at 11:00 Gregor Taul will defend his thesis “Monumentality Trouble. Monumental-Decorative Art in Late Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania” (“Sekeldused monumentaalsusega. Monumentaal-dekoratiivkunst hilisnõukogude Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus”)

The public defence will be held in EKA (Põhja pst 7), room A501.
The defense will be broadcast on EKA TV.
The defence is in English.

Supervisor: Dr. Anu Allas (Estonian Academy of Arts)
External reviewers: Dr. Lolita Jablonskienė (Vilnius Academy of Arts), Dr. Liisa Kaljula (Art Museum of Estonia)
Opponent: Dr. Lolita Jablonskienė

The thesis examines the theme of public art in late Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. From its early days, the Soviet Union considered monumental art to be an important part of its ideological propaganda and, more broadly, of the modernisation of society. The concept of monumental-decorative art became commonplace in the Thaw era when Nikita Khrushchev deplored the excesses of Stalinist neoclassical architecture and paved the way for the construction of industrially produced apartment buildings. In the process of mechanising the construction of micro-neighbourhoods, Soviet urban planners and architects developed a methodology for synthesising the arts in new neighbourhoods: standard-design apartment buildings created a backdrop against which public buildings of more unique architecture stood out. These landmark buildings were embellished by a synthesis of the arts in the form of monumental-decorative art – using mural painting, ceramics, textiles, stained glass and metalwork.

To a certain extent, monumental decorative art embodied the authoritarian position of state power, linked to top officials who had the power to semioticise reality. On the other hand, monumental decorative art also offered artists the opportunity to distance themselves from ideological messages and focus on aesthetic and architectural details. Several were associated with the more critical practitioners of the art field, and some artists succeeded in conveying messages directly critical of power in their monumental works. In most cases, however, it was commissioning officials who succeeded in freeing art from direct ideological demands and giving artists access to the wide range of possibilities offered by monumental art. Thus, monumental-decorative art is an interesting phenomenon against the background of which to discuss the blurred boundaries between the official politics of the late Soviets and a somewhat transgressive artistic culture.

In the thesis, the author discusses how monumental-decorative art contributed to the creation of a period-specific socialist spatial atmosphere. To what extent did this aesthetic phenomenon express the ideals and realities of socialism? What visual and spatial aspirations did artists invest in this monumental urge? The thesis concludes that the Baltic artists’ contacts with the rest of the Soviet Union were stronger than previously thought. In addition to opening up the institutional background, the dissertation speaks about the artists’ choices and individual practices of adaptation during the Soviet period. The final chapter of the thesis focuses on the question of the agency of works of art in their valorisation and preservation. Taul seeks answers to the questions of what aspects have contributed to the preservation and conservation of Soviet-era public artworks, what is the meaning of this heritage, and how do these works contribute to making sense of the Soviet period in the Baltic States.

The thesis is available HERE.

Defence Committee: Prof. Andres Kurg (Head of the Committee), Prof. Virve Sarapik, Dr. Anneli Randla, Prof. Krista Kodres, Prof. Marek Tamm, Prof. Eneken Laanes

Posted by Irene Hütsi — Permalink

03.06.2024 — 04.06.2024

EKA Interior Architecture 2024: Bachelor Diploma Defence

The defense of the BA diplomas of the Department of Interior Architecture will take place this year on two days, Monday and Tuesday, June 3-4, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in EKA (room A403). Eleven students have to defend their works, whose works can be viewed at the same time at the TASE exhibition in the EKA building.

The TASE exhibition is open from May 29 to June 16, every day from 12:00 to 18:00. Step through!

Monday, June 3
Presenting students: Kristiina Theresa Kuusik, Harold Kiisler, Marleen Armulik, Elle Marie Randoja, Laura Movits, Trine Tõniste.

Tuesday, June 4
Presenting students: Mirjam Vaht, Elisabeth Perk, Jaan Repnikov, Getter Pihlak, Sven Christian Arthur Samyn.

The theses were supervised by Anna Kaarma, Grete Tiigiste, Jaan Evart (portfolio), Malle Jürgenson, Ville Lausmäe, Veiko Liis and Jüri Kermik (project).

The theses are evaluated by a committee consisting of Gregor Taul (chairman), Mariann Drell, Kristiina Voolaid, Merilin Tee, Peeter Klaas.

Posted by Gregor Taul — Permalink

EKA Interior Architecture 2024: Bachelor Diploma Defence

Monday 03 June, 2024 — Tuesday 04 June, 2024

The defense of the BA diplomas of the Department of Interior Architecture will take place this year on two days, Monday and Tuesday, June 3-4, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in EKA (room A403). Eleven students have to defend their works, whose works can be viewed at the same time at the TASE exhibition in the EKA building.

The TASE exhibition is open from May 29 to June 16, every day from 12:00 to 18:00. Step through!

Monday, June 3
Presenting students: Kristiina Theresa Kuusik, Harold Kiisler, Marleen Armulik, Elle Marie Randoja, Laura Movits, Trine Tõniste.

Tuesday, June 4
Presenting students: Mirjam Vaht, Elisabeth Perk, Jaan Repnikov, Getter Pihlak, Sven Christian Arthur Samyn.

The theses were supervised by Anna Kaarma, Grete Tiigiste, Jaan Evart (portfolio), Malle Jürgenson, Ville Lausmäe, Veiko Liis and Jüri Kermik (project).

The theses are evaluated by a committee consisting of Gregor Taul (chairman), Mariann Drell, Kristiina Voolaid, Merilin Tee, Peeter Klaas.

Posted by Gregor Taul — Permalink

30.05.2024 — 14.06.2024


MACA students Sandra Ernits, Mara Kirchberg, Sarah Noonan and Siim Preiman will present their graduation works at a satellite exhibition of TASE at Raja Monumental Sculpture House.


The opening of the exhibition is on May 30 at 4PM, where the artists will give a brief introduction of the exhibition. From around 6PM the guests are welcome to visit the sauna (bring a towel!) and grill (bring your own food!).


The exhibition will stay open daily from noon to 6PM until June 14 at Raja 11A.


Please register for Siim Preimans sauna and campfire evenings here.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


Thursday 30 May, 2024 — Friday 14 June, 2024

MACA students Sandra Ernits, Mara Kirchberg, Sarah Noonan and Siim Preiman will present their graduation works at a satellite exhibition of TASE at Raja Monumental Sculpture House.


The opening of the exhibition is on May 30 at 4PM, where the artists will give a brief introduction of the exhibition. From around 6PM the guests are welcome to visit the sauna (bring a towel!) and grill (bring your own food!).


The exhibition will stay open daily from noon to 6PM until June 14 at Raja 11A.


Please register for Siim Preimans sauna and campfire evenings here.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


Urban studies Master Thesis Defence 2024


The defence of the Master’s thesis in Urban Studies 2024 will take place on 30 May from 9:00-18:00 at the EKA, Põhja pst 7, room D403. The members of the defence committee are the chairman of the committee Keiti Kljavin, Maroš Krivy, Sofia Nannini, Helen Runting, Mira Samonig, Toomas Tammis. The 2024 graduates are Aleyna Canpolat, Alp Eren Özalp, Christian Hörner, Kush Budhwar, Luca Liese Ritter, Paul Simon and Paula Kristiāna Veidenbauma. Please join.

Posted by Keiti Kljavin — Permalink

Urban studies Master Thesis Defence 2024

Thursday 30 May, 2024


The defence of the Master’s thesis in Urban Studies 2024 will take place on 30 May from 9:00-18:00 at the EKA, Põhja pst 7, room D403. The members of the defence committee are the chairman of the committee Keiti Kljavin, Maroš Krivy, Sofia Nannini, Helen Runting, Mira Samonig, Toomas Tammis. The 2024 graduates are Aleyna Canpolat, Alp Eren Özalp, Christian Hörner, Kush Budhwar, Luca Liese Ritter, Paul Simon and Paula Kristiāna Veidenbauma. Please join.

Posted by Keiti Kljavin — Permalink