Category: Departments

Kuvatõmmisel Taavi Teevet

A New Generation are Graduating the Estonian Academy of Arts

The Estonian Academy of Arts is very pleased to announce that the graduation ceremonies for the current academic year will take place on June 21 ...
Kujundliku Mõtte Labor preemia_foto 2

Laboratory of  Visual Thought Show Awarded in Prague

The performance of the “You have only one minute” project of Laboratory of  Visual Thought of the EKA Scenography department at the Prague ...

Port Cities: Values and Sustainable Development

The follow-up project of the research Tallinn Old Town: Sustainable Management and Presentation. The aim of the project is to ensure the ...
3D jalats (2)

3D printing wearable shoes

During the project, a 10-day intensive 3D shoe printing course will be organized in Tallinn, where BA and MA students and lecturers from the ...
Daria Titova Ovrutshi lasteaia sisekujunduse graafika

Super graphics by EKA student Daria Titova in Ovruchi kindergarten

In the first week of June 2023, a kindergarten built with the support of Estonia was opened in the city of Orvuch, Ukraine, on the walls of which ...
EKA foto Tonu Tunnel

Green Office Certificate to the Estonian Academy of Arts first of Estonian Universities

The Estonian Academy of Arts was the first Estonian university to be recognized by the European Green Office. As of May 2, 2023, the Estonian ...

Siim Tanel Tõnisson received the Uesson scholarship ‘23

This year, the Anton Uesson scholarship of the city of Tallinn was won by Siim Tanel Tõnisson, a master’s student of architecture and urban ...
TASE 23 avamine_foto MArtin Buschmann56

GALLERY: Opening of TASE ’23 Grad Show

Estonian Academy of Arts’ thesis festival TASE ’23 opened with a performance, awarding of young creators and speeches on Freedom Square on ...
Noore kunstniku preemia laureaat Tea Lemberpuu, dekaan, rektor ja kultuuriminister_foto Martin Buschmann

The laureates of the Young Artist, Young Designer and Young Applied Artist Award 2023 have been announced!

On May 31, 2023, the Young Artist, Young Designer, and Young Applied Artist awards were distributed as part of the opening of the TASE ’23 ...

Supervisors and BA student Kairi Mändla part of Estonian pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale

The Estonian Pavilion for the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale is curated by the team consisting of Aet Ader (long-time supervisor of Building ...