Category: Departments

Veljo Kaasik

Veljo Kaasik

Veljo Kaasik on eesti arhitekt, legendaarse Tallinna kooli liige ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia emeriitprofessor.

Veljo Kaasik

Veljo Kaasik is an Estonian architect, a member of the legendary Tallinn 10 and Professor Emeritus at the Estonian Academy of Arts.
Margaret_Tali copy

Margaret Tali

Margaret Tali is a Senior Researcher in art history and museum studies whose main areas of research involve transnational, transcultural and ...

Nesli Hazal Oktay

Nesli Hazal is a designer and educator focusing on the impacts and interactions of technology. She holds an MA in Interaction Design from the ...
Sean Yendrys

Sean Yendrys

Sean Yendrys is an independent graphic designer based in Berlin, collaborating with artists, architects and institutions on a range of projects. ...