Category: Departments

Screenshot 2021-02-08 at 10.51.12

Tour by curator Johan Tali at the City Unfinished exhibition to take place on 13 February.

Join us for a tour of the “City Unfinished” exhibition at the Estonian Museum of Architecture on Saturday, 13 February at 2 pm. The tour will be ...
Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi

“Studies on Art and Architecture” 2020, ed 29/3-4 is out

The recent issue of Studies on Art and Architecture explores the pictorial experience. The special issue „Depiction: Contemporary Studies on ...
Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 14.38.51

Insula Nudus. Paljassaare beyond interesting

Urban studies 1st studio has for past years  taking a critical look at both the term and the process of urbanisation. The so-called urban is ...

Modelling workshop

With implenting all safety measures we have entered Spring Semester 2021. The aim of urban studies modelling workshop supervised by architect ...

Exhibition “City Unfinished” opens at the Museum of Architecture

At the Estonian Museum of Architecture, a new exhibition titled ‘City Unfinished. Urban Visions of Tallinn’ invites the audience to explore ...

ELEMENTerial — materialisation of the metagrid

EKA algorithmic timber architecture research group exhibition  19. Jan  – 6. Feb 2021 at EKA Gallery.   The exhibition “ELEMENTerial” looks at ...
EKRI show - Mariliis Niine

ERKI Fashion Show 2021 design competition

On January 18th ERKI Fashion Show 2021 team has announced the collection design draft competition! Boosting fashion since the 20th century ERKI ...
Port_Tõnismäe keskus

Editing and publishing The History of Estonian Urban Planning vol. 2 (1918–2020)

“The History of Estonian Urban Design 1918-2020” provides an overview of urban planning in the 20th and early 21st centuries through ...

Style and Meaning: Disciplinary Conversions in Estonian Art History (EKA Research Grant, 2021–2022)

The purpose of the project is to concentrate on the critical concepts in Estonian art history, their role in the vocabulary and meaning making ...

Siim Tuksam “Modulated Modularity – from mass customisation to custom mass production” (Dissertationes 33)

Siim Tuksam, PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, curriculum of Architecture and Urban Planning, defended his thesis „Modulated ...