Category: Departments


5th Semester Presentation – Uncalced City

PRESENTATION VIDEO: Take a look at the public presentation of the results of the 5th semester of the Unfinished City research project at the ...

Forecast and Fantasy in Late Soviet Architecture (PSG, 2020–2024)

The research project proposes to write a history of fantasy in Late-Soviet architecture, focusing on its mediating role in the transformative ...

Patterns of Development in Estonian Culture of the Transition Period (1986–1998) (PRG, 2020–2024)

The research project sets out to investigate the cultural processes at work in Estonia between 1986 and 1998, a time-frame known as the ...

Publishing the ‘History of Estonian Art’ (1999–2025)

Publishing the multi-volume History of Estonian Art was initiated in 1999. It is the longest-running research project of the Institute of Art ...
Image or Sign: A Phenomenological Study of Pictorial Representation (MOBJD, 2017–2020)

Image or Sign: A Phenomenological Study of Pictorial Representation (MOBJD, 2017–2020)

The aim of Regina-Nino Mion’s project is to defend the originality of Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological account of pictorial representation and ...

Readdressing Practices and Theories of Experimentation in the 20th- and 21st-Century Estonian Visual and Spatial Culture

The main aim of this project is to analyze experiment in Estonian visual and spatial culture, and to investigate its role in official economic ...
üldvaade avatud loeng 1 Foto Tõnu Tunnel

Next two open lectures on architecture canceled

We are sad to say that the next two open lectures on architecture are canceled: March 26 Klaske Havik April 16 Petras Išora ja Ona Lozuraitytė ...
Remembering Difficult Knowledge in the Baltic Visual Culture (MOBJD, 2019–2021)

Remembering Difficult Knowledge in the Baltic Visual Culture (MOBJD, 2019–2021)

This research program focuses on how difficult knowledge has been transmitted in the visual culture of the Baltic States, in works of visual art, ...

Institute of Art History and Visual Culture became a Member of RIHA

The International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art (RIHA) has accepted the Institute of Art History and Visual Culture as ...
Forma Viva

Erasmus+ Project Re/Forma Viva

One of the key factors in cultural heritage protection is education that would show the importance of using various tools for the promotion of ...