Category: Departments

08.01.2022 — 10.01.2022

Ulvi Haagensen “Kodunäitus / Home Exhibition”

Ulvi Haagensen
Kodunäitus / Home Exhibition
Lembitu 6-6, Tallinn
Please register HERE

There are many ways to make an exhibition at home. You could paint the walls white, clear away all traces of everyday life and set up the artwork as you might in a white cube gallery. Or you could set up your work in and around existing everyday objects. Or you could not really do anything and simply invite people to your place and call it an exhibition. Art can after all, be whatever we decide it will be.

Ulvi Haagensen and her three imaginary friends, Thea Koristaja, Olive Puuvill and Artist-Researcher are using Ulvi’s home as the venue for their exhibition. This is an environment that combines home, studio and now also exhibition space. Their aim is to explore the lines between art and everyday life and as they do, they puzzle over distinctions of whether something is art or non-art, practical or impractical, useful or useless, mundane or special. They are curious to know how people will know what they are looking at. Will they know whether something is art or non-art; are they supposed to be looking at this thing or not? But maybe these questions don’t really matter, because maybe what we are really interested in is seeing how other people live.

Ulvi Haagensen was born in Sydney, Australia, but has been living, working and teaching in Tallinn for many years. She studied at City Art Institute in Sydney (BA) and College of Fine Art, University of New South Wales (MFA) and is currently doing her PhD at the Estonian Academy of Arts researching the connections and overlap between art and everyday life, as seen through the eyes of an artist, for whom art, work and everyday life are closely interwoven. In her research she is assisted by three imaginary friends – an artist cleaner, an artist bricoleuse and an artist researcher. She has had solo exhibitions in Estonia, Australia, Sweden and Lithuania.

Kodunäitus / Home Exhibitionon is the third pre-reviewed exhibition of Ulvi Haagensen’s doctoral thesis. The pre-reviewing will take place on 11 January, 11.00 at the EKA, room A202.
The pre-reviewers of the exhibition are Dr. Ester Bardone (University of Tartu), Dr. Anu Kannike (Estonian National Museum) and Prof. Mika Pekka Elo (Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts Helsinki).
Supervisors of the thesis are Dr. Liina Unt (Estonian Academy of Arts) and Dr. Jan Guy (The University of Sydney).

The exhibition is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Irene Hütsi — Permalink

Ulvi Haagensen “Kodunäitus / Home Exhibition”

Saturday 08 January, 2022 — Monday 10 January, 2022

Ulvi Haagensen
Kodunäitus / Home Exhibition
Lembitu 6-6, Tallinn
Please register HERE

There are many ways to make an exhibition at home. You could paint the walls white, clear away all traces of everyday life and set up the artwork as you might in a white cube gallery. Or you could set up your work in and around existing everyday objects. Or you could not really do anything and simply invite people to your place and call it an exhibition. Art can after all, be whatever we decide it will be.

Ulvi Haagensen and her three imaginary friends, Thea Koristaja, Olive Puuvill and Artist-Researcher are using Ulvi’s home as the venue for their exhibition. This is an environment that combines home, studio and now also exhibition space. Their aim is to explore the lines between art and everyday life and as they do, they puzzle over distinctions of whether something is art or non-art, practical or impractical, useful or useless, mundane or special. They are curious to know how people will know what they are looking at. Will they know whether something is art or non-art; are they supposed to be looking at this thing or not? But maybe these questions don’t really matter, because maybe what we are really interested in is seeing how other people live.

Ulvi Haagensen was born in Sydney, Australia, but has been living, working and teaching in Tallinn for many years. She studied at City Art Institute in Sydney (BA) and College of Fine Art, University of New South Wales (MFA) and is currently doing her PhD at the Estonian Academy of Arts researching the connections and overlap between art and everyday life, as seen through the eyes of an artist, for whom art, work and everyday life are closely interwoven. In her research she is assisted by three imaginary friends – an artist cleaner, an artist bricoleuse and an artist researcher. She has had solo exhibitions in Estonia, Australia, Sweden and Lithuania.

Kodunäitus / Home Exhibitionon is the third pre-reviewed exhibition of Ulvi Haagensen’s doctoral thesis. The pre-reviewing will take place on 11 January, 11.00 at the EKA, room A202.
The pre-reviewers of the exhibition are Dr. Ester Bardone (University of Tartu), Dr. Anu Kannike (Estonian National Museum) and Prof. Mika Pekka Elo (Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts Helsinki).
Supervisors of the thesis are Dr. Liina Unt (Estonian Academy of Arts) and Dr. Jan Guy (The University of Sydney).

The exhibition is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Irene Hütsi — Permalink


EKA Design Showcase 2022

artun kalender
FB DS 22

The EKA Design Showcase, which is taking place for the fifth year in a row, will once again present the best collaboration projects of EKA students with companies and public sector organizations. The event introducing innovative designs born as a result of collaborative projects will take place at EKA on 12 January.

Concepts, prototypes and final results for innovative products and services will be presented, featuring new developments in the field of design. Students of the Faculty of Design of EKA and Design & Technology Futures (TalTech and EKA joint curriculum) will speak about their collaboration project with companies and organizations such as PERH, ABB, Magnetic MRO, etc.

All enterprises, EKA’s present and future cooperation partners, and enthusiasts of innovative design are kindly invited to attend!

The event will be held in EKA (room A101) but will also be broadcasted on and Facebook.


14.00 Greeting and introduction. Moderator Andres Lõo

14.10 – 14:30 Inspiration speech by digi-evangelist Marten Kaevats

14.30 – 14.45 EKA x PERH. EKA rector Mart Kalm and Agris Peedu, Chairman of the Board, North Estonia Medical Centre

14:45 – 15:50 Presentations of EKA collaboration projects:

  • “Tallinn Signage System” – graphic design students and city of Tallinn
  • “Bringing Private Guardians Closer to the Special Care Services Provided by AS Hoolekandeteenused” – interaction design students and Hoolekandeteenused AS
  • “Sleeping Beauty” – media graphics students and Estonian Society of Hematology, North Estonia Medical Centre, Tartu University Clinic and Tallinn Children’s Hospital

15:50 – 16:05 Coffee break

16.05 – 17.10 Project presentations of the joint curriculum of EKA and TalTech Future of Design and Technology, in collaboration with Environment Agency.

  • “Transitioning to better digital habits” – project dealing with digital pollution
  • “Transitioning to more useful food” – project dealing with food waste in storage
  • “Transitioning to healthier traditions” – project dealing with negative social and environmental effects of our traditional celebrations
  • “Transitioning to more resilient cities” – project dealing with climate change effects that will manifest in the cities
  • “Transitioning to better ecological decisions” – project dealing with how we cope with changing food sources in the future
  • “Transitioning to a better relationship with the outdoors” – project dealing with people spending too much time in the unhealthy indoor environment

17.10 – 17.25 Coffee break

17.25 – 18.25 Presentations of EKA collaboration projects:

  • “ABB alajaamade sobitumine keskkonda” – industrial and digital product design students and ABB AS
  • “Sensory modular carpet” – textile design students with Tallinn Support Center JUKS
  • “Baby cot design for airplane interior” – accessory design students and Magnetic MRO

Presentations are in Estonian and English, without translation.

Additional information:

Karin Kiigemägi
Ettevõtlussuhete koordinaator

The event is funded by European Union Regional Fund

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

EKA Design Showcase 2022

Wednesday 12 January, 2022

artun kalender
FB DS 22

The EKA Design Showcase, which is taking place for the fifth year in a row, will once again present the best collaboration projects of EKA students with companies and public sector organizations. The event introducing innovative designs born as a result of collaborative projects will take place at EKA on 12 January.

Concepts, prototypes and final results for innovative products and services will be presented, featuring new developments in the field of design. Students of the Faculty of Design of EKA and Design & Technology Futures (TalTech and EKA joint curriculum) will speak about their collaboration project with companies and organizations such as PERH, ABB, Magnetic MRO, etc.

All enterprises, EKA’s present and future cooperation partners, and enthusiasts of innovative design are kindly invited to attend!

The event will be held in EKA (room A101) but will also be broadcasted on and Facebook.


14.00 Greeting and introduction. Moderator Andres Lõo

14.10 – 14:30 Inspiration speech by digi-evangelist Marten Kaevats

14.30 – 14.45 EKA x PERH. EKA rector Mart Kalm and Agris Peedu, Chairman of the Board, North Estonia Medical Centre

14:45 – 15:50 Presentations of EKA collaboration projects:

  • “Tallinn Signage System” – graphic design students and city of Tallinn
  • “Bringing Private Guardians Closer to the Special Care Services Provided by AS Hoolekandeteenused” – interaction design students and Hoolekandeteenused AS
  • “Sleeping Beauty” – media graphics students and Estonian Society of Hematology, North Estonia Medical Centre, Tartu University Clinic and Tallinn Children’s Hospital

15:50 – 16:05 Coffee break

16.05 – 17.10 Project presentations of the joint curriculum of EKA and TalTech Future of Design and Technology, in collaboration with Environment Agency.

  • “Transitioning to better digital habits” – project dealing with digital pollution
  • “Transitioning to more useful food” – project dealing with food waste in storage
  • “Transitioning to healthier traditions” – project dealing with negative social and environmental effects of our traditional celebrations
  • “Transitioning to more resilient cities” – project dealing with climate change effects that will manifest in the cities
  • “Transitioning to better ecological decisions” – project dealing with how we cope with changing food sources in the future
  • “Transitioning to a better relationship with the outdoors” – project dealing with people spending too much time in the unhealthy indoor environment

17.10 – 17.25 Coffee break

17.25 – 18.25 Presentations of EKA collaboration projects:

  • “ABB alajaamade sobitumine keskkonda” – industrial and digital product design students and ABB AS
  • “Sensory modular carpet” – textile design students with Tallinn Support Center JUKS
  • “Baby cot design for airplane interior” – accessory design students and Magnetic MRO

Presentations are in Estonian and English, without translation.

Additional information:

Karin Kiigemägi
Ettevõtlussuhete koordinaator

The event is funded by European Union Regional Fund

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

20.12.2021 — 21.12.2021

Open mid-term evaluation of master ‘s projects in architecture

Architects-critics Andres Sevtšuk and Lily Song from the USA will take part in the mid-term evaluation of the 5th year master’s projects. They create public discussion, giving feedback on the work and criticizing it.

The mid-term open evaluation of masters projects will take place in room A-501
Mon, December 20 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Tue, Dec. 21 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

We do ask you to carry your COVID vaccination certificate or proof of having had COVID and cover your nose and mouth with a mask. Academy students are subject to the usual in-house rules.

Andres Sevtšuk is an Associate Professor of Urban Science and Planning at MIT, where he also leads the City Form Lab. He was previously an Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and has worked as an urban planner, designer and researcher in Estonia, France, Singapore, Indonesia and the USA.

Lily Song is an urban planner and scholar activist whose research, teaching and practice seek to accomplish infrastructure based mobilisations and experiments led by frontline communities and organisers in American cities and other decolonising contexts. She currently serves as Assistant Professor of Race and Social Justice in the Built Environment at Northeastern University.

The season of open lectures is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink

Open mid-term evaluation of master ‘s projects in architecture

Monday 20 December, 2021 — Tuesday 21 December, 2021

Architects-critics Andres Sevtšuk and Lily Song from the USA will take part in the mid-term evaluation of the 5th year master’s projects. They create public discussion, giving feedback on the work and criticizing it.

The mid-term open evaluation of masters projects will take place in room A-501
Mon, December 20 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Tue, Dec. 21 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

We do ask you to carry your COVID vaccination certificate or proof of having had COVID and cover your nose and mouth with a mask. Academy students are subject to the usual in-house rules.

Andres Sevtšuk is an Associate Professor of Urban Science and Planning at MIT, where he also leads the City Form Lab. He was previously an Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and has worked as an urban planner, designer and researcher in Estonia, France, Singapore, Indonesia and the USA.

Lily Song is an urban planner and scholar activist whose research, teaching and practice seek to accomplish infrastructure based mobilisations and experiments led by frontline communities and organisers in American cities and other decolonising contexts. She currently serves as Assistant Professor of Race and Social Justice in the Built Environment at Northeastern University.

The season of open lectures is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Tiina Tammet — Permalink


Animation MA programme online info session

The Department of Animation invites prospective MA students to join the programme’s Online Open House on Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 17:00 (Tallinn time, GMT+2).

This will be a good opportunity to hear more about the programme, and to meet and ask questions directly from people behind the programme – both the teaching staff and the current students. The open house event will be hosted online over Zoom.

If you would like to attend, please register online through the form below. A link to attend will be e-mailed shortly before the event begins.

Registration is closed.

Recording of the session HERE.


More information about the Animation MA programme:

Admissions period starts on the 1st of February 2022 and application deadline is 1st of March 2022.

Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink

Animation MA programme online info session

Thursday 13 January, 2022

The Department of Animation invites prospective MA students to join the programme’s Online Open House on Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 17:00 (Tallinn time, GMT+2).

This will be a good opportunity to hear more about the programme, and to meet and ask questions directly from people behind the programme – both the teaching staff and the current students. The open house event will be hosted online over Zoom.

If you would like to attend, please register online through the form below. A link to attend will be e-mailed shortly before the event begins.

Registration is closed.

Recording of the session HERE.


More information about the Animation MA programme:

Admissions period starts on the 1st of February 2022 and application deadline is 1st of March 2022.

Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink


Urban Studies exhibition-expedition@Paljassaare… through time capsules

Paljassaare time capsules: hiding, making, stalking, digging, hopping, skipping, crawling, barking, hawking, hoping, expecting, lingering, sludging, metabolizing, digesting, dismantling, defending, demolishing, augmenting, building, intending, archiving, recreating  …  (etc never-ending)

Paljassaare, a place of wonderment in the periphery of Tallinn’s imagination, a nature’s reserve, a utopian paradise, a blessing in disguise, a magic potion, a myth, a cradle of birds, so green, so much green and so much peace. On the other side, Paljassaare has a disturbing presence of a parallel reality of illusions of all kinds that makes this peninsula a multiplicity of time capsules. It invites us to break beyond the realms of past, present, and future, and to peel through its endless secrets and triumph over this highly contested land.

Armed with warm clothing and winter boots, we invite you to join the group of first-year Urban Studies Master students at the Estonian Academy of Arts for the final critique of their works developed in the framework of the Urbanization Studio, tutored by Keiti Kljavin and Andra Aaloe. 

The exhibition-expedition will take place in situ all across Paljassaare and includes ten individual project stations (audio-walks and talks, immersive projections and installations, parties and screenings, exhibitions) approachable by foot. Be prepared for crispy cold temperatures, a lot of walking and long hours spent outside and bring along an extra pair of warm socks, snacks and a mug for tea refills along the way.

We kindly ask you to bring along your own earphones and devices with a data connection. If possible, take along a charger and/or a power bank to make sure your device can successfully endure this expedition.


We will meet on Saturday, the 18th of December, at 10.45 (bus nr. 59 arrival time) at Pikakari bus stop, where, followed by a short introduction, we will collectively move towards the first project location of the day. The tour will end around 17.00. The event will be held in English.

The authors exposed: Kush Badhwar, Khadeeja Farrukh, Christian Hörner, Nabeel Imtiaz, Luca Liese Ritter, Paul Simon, Nora Soo, Katrin Tomiste, Paula Kristiāna Veidenbauma, Friederike Zängl.

Studio leads: Keiti Kljavin and Andra Aaloe

** FOR EMERGENCIES: if you get lost during the day you can call Paula Veidenbauma +37128642280**

More information and programme here!

Posted by Keiti Kljavin — Permalink

Urban Studies exhibition-expedition@Paljassaare… through time capsules

Saturday 18 December, 2021

Paljassaare time capsules: hiding, making, stalking, digging, hopping, skipping, crawling, barking, hawking, hoping, expecting, lingering, sludging, metabolizing, digesting, dismantling, defending, demolishing, augmenting, building, intending, archiving, recreating  …  (etc never-ending)

Paljassaare, a place of wonderment in the periphery of Tallinn’s imagination, a nature’s reserve, a utopian paradise, a blessing in disguise, a magic potion, a myth, a cradle of birds, so green, so much green and so much peace. On the other side, Paljassaare has a disturbing presence of a parallel reality of illusions of all kinds that makes this peninsula a multiplicity of time capsules. It invites us to break beyond the realms of past, present, and future, and to peel through its endless secrets and triumph over this highly contested land.

Armed with warm clothing and winter boots, we invite you to join the group of first-year Urban Studies Master students at the Estonian Academy of Arts for the final critique of their works developed in the framework of the Urbanization Studio, tutored by Keiti Kljavin and Andra Aaloe. 

The exhibition-expedition will take place in situ all across Paljassaare and includes ten individual project stations (audio-walks and talks, immersive projections and installations, parties and screenings, exhibitions) approachable by foot. Be prepared for crispy cold temperatures, a lot of walking and long hours spent outside and bring along an extra pair of warm socks, snacks and a mug for tea refills along the way.

We kindly ask you to bring along your own earphones and devices with a data connection. If possible, take along a charger and/or a power bank to make sure your device can successfully endure this expedition.


We will meet on Saturday, the 18th of December, at 10.45 (bus nr. 59 arrival time) at Pikakari bus stop, where, followed by a short introduction, we will collectively move towards the first project location of the day. The tour will end around 17.00. The event will be held in English.

The authors exposed: Kush Badhwar, Khadeeja Farrukh, Christian Hörner, Nabeel Imtiaz, Luca Liese Ritter, Paul Simon, Nora Soo, Katrin Tomiste, Paula Kristiāna Veidenbauma, Friederike Zängl.

Studio leads: Keiti Kljavin and Andra Aaloe

** FOR EMERGENCIES: if you get lost during the day you can call Paula Veidenbauma +37128642280**

More information and programme here!

Posted by Keiti Kljavin — Permalink

17.12.2021 — 21.12.2021

Exhibition “You Still Live In the Silence Between My Walls”

An art installation “You Still Live In the Silence Between My Walls” made by the second year students of the sculpture department will open on Friday 17th of December at 7pm at Raja building.

In this exhibition the artists are asking what it is to be an effigy in the city? To view the passing of time? To be completely still while everything & everybody changes around you?

By capturing the day to day experiences of statues born under the roof of Raja, but now thriving in the elements, the installation gives us the chance to rest in their calm – a collective moment of wonder in an ever turning world.

Participating artists: Lisethe Maas, Inessa Saarits, Merilin Põldsam, Aleksandra Nyyssönen, Pablo Apellaniz, Michael O Reilly, Lauri Lest, Gregorio Migliaccio, Rain Saarik

Supervised by Sten Saarits

“You still live in the silence between my walls” will be open from December 17th to 21st, from 3pm to 7pm each day

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Exhibition “You Still Live In the Silence Between My Walls”

Friday 17 December, 2021 — Tuesday 21 December, 2021

An art installation “You Still Live In the Silence Between My Walls” made by the second year students of the sculpture department will open on Friday 17th of December at 7pm at Raja building.

In this exhibition the artists are asking what it is to be an effigy in the city? To view the passing of time? To be completely still while everything & everybody changes around you?

By capturing the day to day experiences of statues born under the roof of Raja, but now thriving in the elements, the installation gives us the chance to rest in their calm – a collective moment of wonder in an ever turning world.

Participating artists: Lisethe Maas, Inessa Saarits, Merilin Põldsam, Aleksandra Nyyssönen, Pablo Apellaniz, Michael O Reilly, Lauri Lest, Gregorio Migliaccio, Rain Saarik

Supervised by Sten Saarits

“You still live in the silence between my walls” will be open from December 17th to 21st, from 3pm to 7pm each day

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

01.12.2021 — 19.12.2021

Tõnis Saadoja “September, October, …” in the WIELS Project Room

Tõnis Saadoja’s exhibition “September, October, … ” opens in the WIELS Project Room, Brussels. The exhibition opening takes place on December 1 at 18.

In the painting series “September, October, …” the artist’s focus lies equally on two aspects – how to portray an unfunctional environment and how to paint a picture that is primarily about painting?

“I’m interested in the poetic dimension of an image and the conditionality inherent in the painting process provides one possibility to amplify this,” says Saadoja. “Painting is, first and foremost, a potential that may lead to new connections and meanings. It can also lead back to old routes and there’s nothing wrong with that either. But inside every repetition lies something new and gradually everything drifts away from its initial course.”

The exhibition in the WIELS will be open until December 19.

Tõnis Saadoja participated in the WIELS residency programme in 2019. Every year two Estonian artists are selected via open call to take part in the programme as part of the WIELS and the Estonian Centre for Contemporary Art’s collaboration project. Right now Ingel Vaikla is working in Brussels. In 2022 Krista Mölder and Sandra Kosorotova will take part.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Tõnis Saadoja “September, October, …” in the WIELS Project Room

Wednesday 01 December, 2021 — Sunday 19 December, 2021

Tõnis Saadoja’s exhibition “September, October, … ” opens in the WIELS Project Room, Brussels. The exhibition opening takes place on December 1 at 18.

In the painting series “September, October, …” the artist’s focus lies equally on two aspects – how to portray an unfunctional environment and how to paint a picture that is primarily about painting?

“I’m interested in the poetic dimension of an image and the conditionality inherent in the painting process provides one possibility to amplify this,” says Saadoja. “Painting is, first and foremost, a potential that may lead to new connections and meanings. It can also lead back to old routes and there’s nothing wrong with that either. But inside every repetition lies something new and gradually everything drifts away from its initial course.”

The exhibition in the WIELS will be open until December 19.

Tõnis Saadoja participated in the WIELS residency programme in 2019. Every year two Estonian artists are selected via open call to take part in the programme as part of the WIELS and the Estonian Centre for Contemporary Art’s collaboration project. Right now Ingel Vaikla is working in Brussels. In 2022 Krista Mölder and Sandra Kosorotova will take part.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

09.12.2021 — 12.12.2021

Exhibition “State of Abstraction”

From Thursday, December 9, the art exhibition “Abstract States” by 2nd year students of EAA Jewellery and Blacksmithing, Glass Art and Ceramics departments will be open at the ARS Project Space. The exhibition is up until December 12, 2021.

The exhibition, which explores a variety of mind-states, invites viewers to take part in a cognitive journey accompanied by impulses from the presence of sound, video and material propositions. “State of Abstraction” features 12 authors, whose works are linked only by the nuances of our time and some subtle cognitive dialogue. The focus is set on the authors’ personally selected and uncurated points of interest – reflections on the indirect and often disregarded side notes of turbulent times.

Participating artists: Anna-Maria Vaino, Annika Luhaäär, Ardo Teesalu, Bianca Toots, Erko Lill, Ethel Ütsmüts, Hugo Toss, Kätriin Reinart, Margus Elizarov, Mari-Ann Maask, Maria Kim, Visa Nurmi

Graphic Design by Bianca Toots, Kätriin Reinart

Supervised by Sten Saarits

The exhibition is open for 4 days: 9–12 December at 1 pm–6 pm

Supported by Estonian Artists’ Association, Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Design

Rohkem infot ARSis toimuva kohta:

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Exhibition “State of Abstraction”

Thursday 09 December, 2021 — Sunday 12 December, 2021

From Thursday, December 9, the art exhibition “Abstract States” by 2nd year students of EAA Jewellery and Blacksmithing, Glass Art and Ceramics departments will be open at the ARS Project Space. The exhibition is up until December 12, 2021.

The exhibition, which explores a variety of mind-states, invites viewers to take part in a cognitive journey accompanied by impulses from the presence of sound, video and material propositions. “State of Abstraction” features 12 authors, whose works are linked only by the nuances of our time and some subtle cognitive dialogue. The focus is set on the authors’ personally selected and uncurated points of interest – reflections on the indirect and often disregarded side notes of turbulent times.

Participating artists: Anna-Maria Vaino, Annika Luhaäär, Ardo Teesalu, Bianca Toots, Erko Lill, Ethel Ütsmüts, Hugo Toss, Kätriin Reinart, Margus Elizarov, Mari-Ann Maask, Maria Kim, Visa Nurmi

Graphic Design by Bianca Toots, Kätriin Reinart

Supervised by Sten Saarits

The exhibition is open for 4 days: 9–12 December at 1 pm–6 pm

Supported by Estonian Artists’ Association, Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Design

Rohkem infot ARSis toimuva kohta:

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

07.12.2021 — 18.12.2021

Urban Studies: Exhibition and Walk

In December the Urban Studies department organizes two public events. The student exhibition “Fitness and the city” (opening 7 December, 15.00) encompasses topics ranging from housing and care to normativsity and semiocapitalism to ask how “fitness” produces value in the contemporary city.

On 18 December, a student-led
walk through Tallinn’s Paljassaare will explore how neoliberal urbanism and
resistances to it shape this contested urban landscape. Resulting from two separate resarch studio courses, the exhibition and the walk illustrate Urban Studies’s twin emphasis on critical theory and field research. More info on the program’s homepage.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Urban Studies: Exhibition and Walk

Tuesday 07 December, 2021 — Saturday 18 December, 2021

In December the Urban Studies department organizes two public events. The student exhibition “Fitness and the city” (opening 7 December, 15.00) encompasses topics ranging from housing and care to normativsity and semiocapitalism to ask how “fitness” produces value in the contemporary city.

On 18 December, a student-led
walk through Tallinn’s Paljassaare will explore how neoliberal urbanism and
resistances to it shape this contested urban landscape. Resulting from two separate resarch studio courses, the exhibition and the walk illustrate Urban Studies’s twin emphasis on critical theory and field research. More info on the program’s homepage.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink



At the last GD Lunch of this semester Graphic Design MA 1st year students will talk about their work and projects so far. GD Lunch is on Monday, 29 November at 4PM on Zoom. Please join us here:

Presentations by Carlo Canún (MX), Rita Davis (BR), Mark Foss (US), Michael Fowler (CA), Oliver Long (UK), Alexandra Margetic (AU), Gréta Þorkelsdóttir (IS), Patrick Zavadskis (EE), and Miriam Humm (DE).

Presentations will be in English. Everyone is welcome to join!

Posted by Sandra Nuut — Permalink


Monday 29 November, 2021

At the last GD Lunch of this semester Graphic Design MA 1st year students will talk about their work and projects so far. GD Lunch is on Monday, 29 November at 4PM on Zoom. Please join us here:

Presentations by Carlo Canún (MX), Rita Davis (BR), Mark Foss (US), Michael Fowler (CA), Oliver Long (UK), Alexandra Margetic (AU), Gréta Þorkelsdóttir (IS), Patrick Zavadskis (EE), and Miriam Humm (DE).

Presentations will be in English. Everyone is welcome to join!

Posted by Sandra Nuut — Permalink