Category: Departments


Pauses on Postitee. 3DL Studio

Find the booklet here. 3DL Problematics of Experimental Architecture The aim of the course was to study the topic related to the creation and ...
Soojuse katedraal Tootsis_15-16_WEB_Page_01

The Cathedral of Heat in Tootsi. Studio Project VI, 2015/2016

Find the booklet here. During the spring term, third-year students deal with public buildings. This time, the work was based on the concept of ...
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The Joint Building of Ministries – Studio V, 2015/2016

You can find the booklet here. The booklet presents the specialty projects of the subject Architectural Design completed by third year students ...

Rummu Leisure Center. Studio Project IV, 2015/2016

You can find the booklet here. The second-year students’ spring term project focussed on the lake in the former limestone quarry in the small ...

Private House. Studio Project. II, 2015/2016

You can find the booklet here. The aim of the specialty project “A Private House” of the second-year students of architecture and urban design ...

Shelter. Studio Project II, 2015/2016

You can read the booklet here. The aim of the first-year students’ spring term task is to introduce the prerequisites, reasons and possibilities ...
Rolf_Hughes 2017

Rolf Hughes appointed as a Visiting Professor of EKA Doctoral School

EKA Doctoral School is pleased to announce the launch of a Visiting Professor programme. A Visiting Professor is an esteemed scholar or artistic ...
pinja ja kadri

EKA master’s student one of the winners of the Habitare Design Competition 2019

EKA interior architecture department master’s student Kadri Kallaste, part of the duo with Pinja Koskelin, were announced as shared winners of ...
Oled sa mõelnud töökohale andmevahetuse kriminaalses võrgustikus? Tulevikus saab isikuandmetest seoses privaatsuse väärtustamisega digimaailmas oluline ressurss, mille tulemusel laieneb digikaupade must turg ja küberkuritegevus.

What if Think Tanks Were Operated by the Public?

This interview revolves around Special Programs Think Tank – an experimental futures-visioning workshop led by  Elliott P. Montgomery and ...