Category: Departments


Students build floating structures for a seasonally flooded area in Estonia

In August, a group of students from architecture, design and art universities spent 10 days in a summer Cirrus network workshop in Soomaa ...

Conference on art historical writing during the early Soviet era

The research team of EAA Institute of Art History and Visual Culture “Historicizing art: Knowledge production in art history in Estonia amidst ...

Conference on Soviet Art History Writing

The research team of EAA Institute of Art History and Visual Culture “Historicizing art: Knowledge production in art history in Estonia amidst ...

STARTERcreative free business idea generation program starts 13.09 (in English)

Dear student! Come and join Creative business development program STARTERcreative! In the program designed by 8 universities we will help you ...
web_L.Kuusk_Flatland_Galerii Positiiv_6.09.-1.10.16

Laura Kuusk exhibition Flatland

The exhibition Flatland is held from 6th of September to 1st of October 2016 at the gallery Positiiv in Tallinn (Roo 21a). The exhibition is open ...
places/exhibitions/events in town

places/exhibitions/events in town

Art Museum of Estonia, main building (with the new permanent display of Soviet art) Kumu  Estonian History Museum Museum of Estonian Architecture ...

2016 Graduation ceremony pictures are ready!

Please find links to the pictures from this year’s graduation ceremonies herein. The author is Marek Metslaid. You may view and download ...

The EAA student animation by Sander Joon Best of the Festival yet again

A master student Sander Joon’s animaton film “Velodrool” was chosen as Best of the Festival at the Melbourne International ...
Priit Pärn will continue teaching at the Estonian Academy of Arts

Priit Pärn will continue teaching at the Estonian Academy of Arts

At a meeting after the Estonian Midsummer (Jaanipäev), the Estonian Academy of Arts and the current Professor of Animation, Priit Pärn agreed ...
Conference series

Conference series

The post-World War II socialism and related art historical discourse had many faces: too many for a single conference. Therefore we have launched ...