Category: Departments


OPEN LECTURE: Onur Sönmez 31.03 AT 6 PM

Onur Sönmez

Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture Open Lecture Series

31.03 Onur Sönmez / München

Onur Sönmez is a designer, who has a wide range of interest in interaction design / interface design research. He has exhibited at Venice Architecture Biennale, Saatchi Gallery London, Contemporary Istanbul, Ars Electronica, Transmediale ’15 Berlin, Media Facades Festival Europe, Connecting Cities, Linz 09 European Capital of Culture etc.

After receiving his BA degree (with Honours) in Visual Communication Design at the Istanbul Bilgi University with full scholarship he moved to Linz – Austria, completed his Masters degree of Interface Cultures at the Kunstuniversitat Linz and worked for Ars Electronica Futurelab, Bosch Design Studio Münich and currently working for Kontrastmoment as an Interface Designer on the development and design of interactive interfaces and control concepts for BMW Group (including BMWi, Mini and Rolls-Royce) and other interesting projects.
The lectures are held in English, free of charge.
The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink

OPEN LECTURE: Onur Sönmez 31.03 AT 6 PM

Thursday 31 March, 2016

Onur Sönmez

Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture Open Lecture Series

31.03 Onur Sönmez / München

Onur Sönmez is a designer, who has a wide range of interest in interaction design / interface design research. He has exhibited at Venice Architecture Biennale, Saatchi Gallery London, Contemporary Istanbul, Ars Electronica, Transmediale ’15 Berlin, Media Facades Festival Europe, Connecting Cities, Linz 09 European Capital of Culture etc.

After receiving his BA degree (with Honours) in Visual Communication Design at the Istanbul Bilgi University with full scholarship he moved to Linz – Austria, completed his Masters degree of Interface Cultures at the Kunstuniversitat Linz and worked for Ars Electronica Futurelab, Bosch Design Studio Münich and currently working for Kontrastmoment as an Interface Designer on the development and design of interactive interfaces and control concepts for BMW Group (including BMWi, Mini and Rolls-Royce) and other interesting projects.
The lectures are held in English, free of charge.
The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink



Milota Sidorova

Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture Open Lecture Series

17.03 Milota Sidorova / Prague, Czech Republic

Milota Sidorova is a consultant of urban projects and strategic development. She studied landscape architecture, urban planning, graphic design, film production, urbanism, methods of social research and human resource management in different schools around Europe, Asia and America. She was a founding member and coordinator of the international urban planning festival reSITE. In 2014 she finished doctoral studies in landscape architecture on the topic: Catalytic impacts of markets on public spaces. Since 2012 she has been mapping actors in non-governmental sector engaged with public space in Bratislava and Prague. In 2015 she co-founded initiative WPS Prague – a network promoting active women in architecture, urban planning and development of community life.

Title of the open lecture: “Shared Governance aka Urban Activism 2.0”

The landscape of urban projects in Central Europe defined by one sided activism, voluntary work and kind of antagonistic movements from non-governmental initiatives has been changing rather towards creative, complex frameworks in need of effective use of sources from all three sectors. We come across projects sharing similar features: blending edges of responsibilites, communication and finances between non-governmental, private and public sector.

The lecture will draw from a case study of Obchodna street (Bratislava, Slovakia) where the concept of Business Improvement District as a model of shared governance has been emerging and where the need for revitalization of the declining main street has been led by a private sector adopting the tools, traditionally seen between non-governmental groups, simultaneously working with the public sector too.

At the Open Lecture Series internationally renowned architects, artists, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought. The lectures are open to everyone interested in the future of our living environment.
The lectures are held in English, free of charge.
The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink


Thursday 17 March, 2016

Milota Sidorova

Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture Open Lecture Series

17.03 Milota Sidorova / Prague, Czech Republic

Milota Sidorova is a consultant of urban projects and strategic development. She studied landscape architecture, urban planning, graphic design, film production, urbanism, methods of social research and human resource management in different schools around Europe, Asia and America. She was a founding member and coordinator of the international urban planning festival reSITE. In 2014 she finished doctoral studies in landscape architecture on the topic: Catalytic impacts of markets on public spaces. Since 2012 she has been mapping actors in non-governmental sector engaged with public space in Bratislava and Prague. In 2015 she co-founded initiative WPS Prague – a network promoting active women in architecture, urban planning and development of community life.

Title of the open lecture: “Shared Governance aka Urban Activism 2.0”

The landscape of urban projects in Central Europe defined by one sided activism, voluntary work and kind of antagonistic movements from non-governmental initiatives has been changing rather towards creative, complex frameworks in need of effective use of sources from all three sectors. We come across projects sharing similar features: blending edges of responsibilites, communication and finances between non-governmental, private and public sector.

The lecture will draw from a case study of Obchodna street (Bratislava, Slovakia) where the concept of Business Improvement District as a model of shared governance has been emerging and where the need for revitalization of the declining main street has been led by a private sector adopting the tools, traditionally seen between non-governmental groups, simultaneously working with the public sector too.

At the Open Lecture Series internationally renowned architects, artists, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought. The lectures are open to everyone interested in the future of our living environment.
The lectures are held in English, free of charge.
The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink




Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture Open Lecture Series

BorderScaping. An explorative study on the North Moroccan/Spanish border landscapes

Rooted in ‘border landscapes’ research and post-colonial studies, BorderScaping proposes an understanding of the productive interactions between ‘border thinking’ and ‘design thinking’ towards alternative forms of imagination for contemporary border landscapes, beyond existing geo-political and cultural polarizations.

The Moroccan / Spanish border is explored as one relevant observatory of the past and ongoing re-bordering dynamics across Europe’s borders in the Mediterranean and in North Africa.

By addressing a set of emerging “borderscapes’ constellations”, seen both as diachronical narratives and transcalar socio-spatial fields, the lecture intends to unfold the background knowledge for alternative images of change.

Alice Buoli is an Architect and PhD in Territorial Design and Government. Her most recent professional and academic activities lie at the intersection between urban research, design thinking and borderlands studies, with a peculiar interest on the Euro-Mediterranean context and on the Spanish-Moroccan border landscapes. She is currently Experienced Researcher at the Estonian Academy of Arts, in the context of Adapt-r FP7 ITN Program.

At the Open Lecture Series internationally renowned architects, artists, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought. The lectures are open to everyone interested in the future of our living environment.
The lectures are held in English, free of charge.
The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink


Thursday 03 March, 2016


Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture Open Lecture Series

BorderScaping. An explorative study on the North Moroccan/Spanish border landscapes

Rooted in ‘border landscapes’ research and post-colonial studies, BorderScaping proposes an understanding of the productive interactions between ‘border thinking’ and ‘design thinking’ towards alternative forms of imagination for contemporary border landscapes, beyond existing geo-political and cultural polarizations.

The Moroccan / Spanish border is explored as one relevant observatory of the past and ongoing re-bordering dynamics across Europe’s borders in the Mediterranean and in North Africa.

By addressing a set of emerging “borderscapes’ constellations”, seen both as diachronical narratives and transcalar socio-spatial fields, the lecture intends to unfold the background knowledge for alternative images of change.

Alice Buoli is an Architect and PhD in Territorial Design and Government. Her most recent professional and academic activities lie at the intersection between urban research, design thinking and borderlands studies, with a peculiar interest on the Euro-Mediterranean context and on the Spanish-Moroccan border landscapes. She is currently Experienced Researcher at the Estonian Academy of Arts, in the context of Adapt-r FP7 ITN Program.

At the Open Lecture Series internationally renowned architects, artists, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought. The lectures are open to everyone interested in the future of our living environment.
The lectures are held in English, free of charge.
The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink


Robert Vierlinger: February 18th at 18

Vierlinger foto

Robert Vierlinger is an interdisciplinary consultant and researcher. At the University of Applied Arts Vienna he has co-initiated several research projects in architecture and technology, investigating digital design representation, multi-modal optimization, machine learning, and material intelligence. Procedural design and optimization on international competition and construction projects are the basis of his consultancy at Bollinger+Grohmann engineers. He studied structural design in Delft and Vienna, studied architecture in Studio Hani Rashid Vienna, and since has been lecturing at the Angewandte, AA, CITA, ZHA, USC LA, CU Hongkong and many more.

At the Open Lecture Series internationally renowned architects, artists, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought. The lectures are open to everyone interested in the future of our living environment. The lectures are held in English, free of charge.

The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink

Robert Vierlinger: February 18th at 18

Thursday 18 February, 2016

Vierlinger foto

Robert Vierlinger is an interdisciplinary consultant and researcher. At the University of Applied Arts Vienna he has co-initiated several research projects in architecture and technology, investigating digital design representation, multi-modal optimization, machine learning, and material intelligence. Procedural design and optimization on international competition and construction projects are the basis of his consultancy at Bollinger+Grohmann engineers. He studied structural design in Delft and Vienna, studied architecture in Studio Hani Rashid Vienna, and since has been lecturing at the Angewandte, AA, CITA, ZHA, USC LA, CU Hongkong and many more.

At the Open Lecture Series internationally renowned architects, artists, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought. The lectures are open to everyone interested in the future of our living environment. The lectures are held in English, free of charge.

The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink




Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture

“Open Lecture Series”

04.02 Víctor Enrich (Barcelona) – Víctor Enrich stuudio

Victor Enrich (b. 1976) is a catalan photographer and artist. He graduated architecture in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in year 2002. Continuing with a self taught education of 3D visualisation and photography, his work is a constant manifest on one and the same subject: the City. The city, not only understood as the very well-known process of adding, subtracting or modifying spaces for all sorts of human activities but also as a complex system of nodes that involve and connect everybody’s blurry dreams, exacerbate passions, fearful nightmares or even tedious social life.

At the Open Lecture Series internationally renowned architects, artists, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought. The lectures are open to everyone interested in the future of our living environment. The lectures are held in English, free of charge.

The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink


Thursday 04 February, 2016


Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture

“Open Lecture Series”

04.02 Víctor Enrich (Barcelona) – Víctor Enrich stuudio

Victor Enrich (b. 1976) is a catalan photographer and artist. He graduated architecture in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in year 2002. Continuing with a self taught education of 3D visualisation and photography, his work is a constant manifest on one and the same subject: the City. The city, not only understood as the very well-known process of adding, subtracting or modifying spaces for all sorts of human activities but also as a complex system of nodes that involve and connect everybody’s blurry dreams, exacerbate passions, fearful nightmares or even tedious social life.

At the Open Lecture Series internationally renowned architects, artists, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought. The lectures are open to everyone interested in the future of our living environment. The lectures are held in English, free of charge.

The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink

20.01.2016 — 27.04.2016

EAA Open Lecture series, Faculty of Design

Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 18.31.12

Faculty of Design
Open Lectures 2016
Wednesdays at 5.30 pm
Estonia pst 7, rm 426
Curator/Moderator Prof Tanel Veenre

20.01 Robert Kõrvits / digiturundusagentuuri Pingpong Marketing juht

Kuidas teha müügile orienteeritud digiturundust, mis on samas ka maksimaalselt automatiseeritud. Ja kuidas seda teha ka piskuga. Usun, et oma tööde müük on kõige motiveerivam ja kunstnikud pole nii rikkad, et raha eest teha omale imagoreklaami. Automatiseeritus tähendab kahte olulist apekti – nagunii on tuhat asja vaja teha ja enda turundamine ei saa vôtta lõviosa ajast ning teiseks annab see juurde mõõdetavust ja põnevat sisendit sellest, mis publikule korda läheb. Seega – ausalt kommertslik lähenemine. Heast kunstnikust on parem vaid hea ja rikas kunstnik :)

27.01 Maris Takk / Eesti Disainikeskuse kommunikatsioonijuht

Maris on Eesti disainiskeenel tegutsenud EKA kunstieaduse eriala lõpetamisest alates, nii et pea 10 aastat, olles nii disainist kirjutaja-toimetaja, galerist, promootor ning viimased 5 aastat Eesti Disainikeskuse kommunikatsiooni- ja projektijuhit. Selle kogemuse baasil räägib Maris sellisest loomast, nagu Eesti disaini ökosüsteem – kes on seal olulisemad tegelased nõudluse ja pakkumise poolel, millist rolli nad mängivad, kuidas töötab disaini promotsioon, mis on kitsaskohad jne. 

3.02 Jeroen Carelse / lecturer in Aalto University, Carelse OÜ designer and analysist. 

Mixing research+art+business. Extrasensory Perception & Design, Imagination, Intuition and creativityAuthenticity and creativity. What does it mean to be authentic and how does one become authentic? Does authenticity result in creativity? Are there differences in art and design that comes from the place of authenticity?

10.02 Maire Milder / AS Baltika brändingu ja jaekontseptsioonide arendusdirektor

Vaistude ja sisetunde kuulamise roll äris. Teatud eluperioodil tehtud otsused kui kogemused, millelt kasvab kindlustunne tuleviku tegemiste tarvis. 

17.02 Ian Lambert / Head of Art, Design & Communication School of Arts & Creative Industries Edinburgh Napier University

Tendences in industrial and craft processes in UK

24.02 Heiskame lipud ja mõtleme kodumaale – mida saan mina disaineri ja kunstnikuna teha, et Eesti oleks parem paik?

2.03 Greg Clark / Art Director for KOOR packaging design

„I’d like to talk about what I consider the most important part of successful packaging design – story telling. Due to near unlimited choice of brands these days within the fast moving consumer goods market – the steps you have to take in order that your design relevant to the target market. I’ll throw in a few case studies and experiences from around the world and also with KOOR too.“

9.03 Dan Mikkin, Brand Manual partner/designer

The role of packaging in the value proposition of a product 

Dan will introduce the role of packaging in the value proposition of a product –

what functional tasks it performs as well as how it helps to sell the brand

(and your product, naturally).

Along comes a short overview of Brand Manual’s recent works on the subject.

16.03 Aap Piho / Warm North disainerEesti disainer – tüüp nagu šveitsi nuga. Kuidas ehitada üles oma kaubamärki? ja Stella Soomlais / nahadisainer, Soomlais Design omanik Käsitööline, kunstnik või disainer? Oma kaubamärgi ülesehitamine, turundus, töötamine klientidega. Tellimus vs seeriatoode.

23.03 Rasmus Rask / jäätisefirma La Muu asutaja

Väärtuste ja missiooni roll äris. Ettevõte kui inimene, kel on oma väärtused ning suured eesmärgid. Mida järjekindlamalt ta neid põhiideid järgib, seda tugevamaks inimene/bränd muutub. 

30.03 Kaupo Kikkas / fotograaf Foto – toote uus vältimatu reaalsus. Soovitud ja soovimatu kujutis. Foto mõjust teistele ja sulle. 2015 kevadsemestri tudengite lemmikloeng.

6.04 Johanna Tammsalu / õppinud Londonis loomingulist reklaami ja Madriidis tootedisaini, Tamma Design disainistuudio asutaja

Oma ideede arendamisest läbi põrumise ja mugavustsoonist väljumise kaudu. Ehetest lampideni, prillidest mööblini.

13.04 Helen Sildna / TMW peakorraldaja

Loov-ettevõtjana oma maailma ülesehitamine. Väärtuspõhine äri, maailmavaate, poliitika ja majanduse ühisosa.

20.04 Leo Rohlin / keraamika grand old man 50 aastat EKA (ERKI) vilistlasena. Intervjuu iseendaga. 

Nägemus disaini-tarbekunsti-käsitöö problemaatikast, õppeprotsessist, eneseteostusest peale õpinguid. Iseenda kogemusest suure plaanini. 

27.04 Seminar / ümarlaud. 

Kuhu ma soovin end disainimaastikul positsioneerida? Millised on minu strateegiad? Kellega võiksin teha koostööd? Kuidas oma tegevust finantseerida?

Kui mõni loeng jääb ära, siis on varuvariandina taskus Tanel Veenre / ehtekunstnik

Kust saab kõik alguse? Kunstniku positsioonilt disainimaastikule sisenemine. Oma kaubamärgi ülesehitamine. Raamatupidamisest veebipoe haldamiseni, sotsiaalmeedia turundusest koostööprojektideni (teiste disainerite, stilistide, ettevõtetega). Fotokujutise ja keele roll (oma loo jutustajana) kaubamärgi kommunikatsioonis. Lihtsad küsimused loovettevõtja elust – kuidas kujuneb toote hind? Kus ja kellele müüa (disainipoed, enda showroom-stuudio või kaubamaja)? Mis imeloom on saateleht? Kuidas toimub toodete tagastamine? Aja planeerimine? Pakendid ja graafiline disain? Kust saada toetust kaubamärgi arendamiseks? Kuidas hallata eelarvet, võimalikud kasvutempod ja investeeringud? Kuidas elada nii, et ei oleks kunagi igav?

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

EAA Open Lecture series, Faculty of Design

Wednesday 20 January, 2016 — Wednesday 27 April, 2016

Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 18.31.12

Faculty of Design
Open Lectures 2016
Wednesdays at 5.30 pm
Estonia pst 7, rm 426
Curator/Moderator Prof Tanel Veenre

20.01 Robert Kõrvits / digiturundusagentuuri Pingpong Marketing juht

Kuidas teha müügile orienteeritud digiturundust, mis on samas ka maksimaalselt automatiseeritud. Ja kuidas seda teha ka piskuga. Usun, et oma tööde müük on kõige motiveerivam ja kunstnikud pole nii rikkad, et raha eest teha omale imagoreklaami. Automatiseeritus tähendab kahte olulist apekti – nagunii on tuhat asja vaja teha ja enda turundamine ei saa vôtta lõviosa ajast ning teiseks annab see juurde mõõdetavust ja põnevat sisendit sellest, mis publikule korda läheb. Seega – ausalt kommertslik lähenemine. Heast kunstnikust on parem vaid hea ja rikas kunstnik :)

27.01 Maris Takk / Eesti Disainikeskuse kommunikatsioonijuht

Maris on Eesti disainiskeenel tegutsenud EKA kunstieaduse eriala lõpetamisest alates, nii et pea 10 aastat, olles nii disainist kirjutaja-toimetaja, galerist, promootor ning viimased 5 aastat Eesti Disainikeskuse kommunikatsiooni- ja projektijuhit. Selle kogemuse baasil räägib Maris sellisest loomast, nagu Eesti disaini ökosüsteem – kes on seal olulisemad tegelased nõudluse ja pakkumise poolel, millist rolli nad mängivad, kuidas töötab disaini promotsioon, mis on kitsaskohad jne. 

3.02 Jeroen Carelse / lecturer in Aalto University, Carelse OÜ designer and analysist. 

Mixing research+art+business. Extrasensory Perception & Design, Imagination, Intuition and creativityAuthenticity and creativity. What does it mean to be authentic and how does one become authentic? Does authenticity result in creativity? Are there differences in art and design that comes from the place of authenticity?

10.02 Maire Milder / AS Baltika brändingu ja jaekontseptsioonide arendusdirektor

Vaistude ja sisetunde kuulamise roll äris. Teatud eluperioodil tehtud otsused kui kogemused, millelt kasvab kindlustunne tuleviku tegemiste tarvis. 

17.02 Ian Lambert / Head of Art, Design & Communication School of Arts & Creative Industries Edinburgh Napier University

Tendences in industrial and craft processes in UK

24.02 Heiskame lipud ja mõtleme kodumaale – mida saan mina disaineri ja kunstnikuna teha, et Eesti oleks parem paik?

2.03 Greg Clark / Art Director for KOOR packaging design

„I’d like to talk about what I consider the most important part of successful packaging design – story telling. Due to near unlimited choice of brands these days within the fast moving consumer goods market – the steps you have to take in order that your design relevant to the target market. I’ll throw in a few case studies and experiences from around the world and also with KOOR too.“

9.03 Dan Mikkin, Brand Manual partner/designer

The role of packaging in the value proposition of a product 

Dan will introduce the role of packaging in the value proposition of a product –

what functional tasks it performs as well as how it helps to sell the brand

(and your product, naturally).

Along comes a short overview of Brand Manual’s recent works on the subject.

16.03 Aap Piho / Warm North disainerEesti disainer – tüüp nagu šveitsi nuga. Kuidas ehitada üles oma kaubamärki? ja Stella Soomlais / nahadisainer, Soomlais Design omanik Käsitööline, kunstnik või disainer? Oma kaubamärgi ülesehitamine, turundus, töötamine klientidega. Tellimus vs seeriatoode.

23.03 Rasmus Rask / jäätisefirma La Muu asutaja

Väärtuste ja missiooni roll äris. Ettevõte kui inimene, kel on oma väärtused ning suured eesmärgid. Mida järjekindlamalt ta neid põhiideid järgib, seda tugevamaks inimene/bränd muutub. 

30.03 Kaupo Kikkas / fotograaf Foto – toote uus vältimatu reaalsus. Soovitud ja soovimatu kujutis. Foto mõjust teistele ja sulle. 2015 kevadsemestri tudengite lemmikloeng.

6.04 Johanna Tammsalu / õppinud Londonis loomingulist reklaami ja Madriidis tootedisaini, Tamma Design disainistuudio asutaja

Oma ideede arendamisest läbi põrumise ja mugavustsoonist väljumise kaudu. Ehetest lampideni, prillidest mööblini.

13.04 Helen Sildna / TMW peakorraldaja

Loov-ettevõtjana oma maailma ülesehitamine. Väärtuspõhine äri, maailmavaate, poliitika ja majanduse ühisosa.

20.04 Leo Rohlin / keraamika grand old man 50 aastat EKA (ERKI) vilistlasena. Intervjuu iseendaga. 

Nägemus disaini-tarbekunsti-käsitöö problemaatikast, õppeprotsessist, eneseteostusest peale õpinguid. Iseenda kogemusest suure plaanini. 

27.04 Seminar / ümarlaud. 

Kuhu ma soovin end disainimaastikul positsioneerida? Millised on minu strateegiad? Kellega võiksin teha koostööd? Kuidas oma tegevust finantseerida?

Kui mõni loeng jääb ära, siis on varuvariandina taskus Tanel Veenre / ehtekunstnik

Kust saab kõik alguse? Kunstniku positsioonilt disainimaastikule sisenemine. Oma kaubamärgi ülesehitamine. Raamatupidamisest veebipoe haldamiseni, sotsiaalmeedia turundusest koostööprojektideni (teiste disainerite, stilistide, ettevõtetega). Fotokujutise ja keele roll (oma loo jutustajana) kaubamärgi kommunikatsioonis. Lihtsad küsimused loovettevõtja elust – kuidas kujuneb toote hind? Kus ja kellele müüa (disainipoed, enda showroom-stuudio või kaubamaja)? Mis imeloom on saateleht? Kuidas toimub toodete tagastamine? Aja planeerimine? Pakendid ja graafiline disain? Kust saada toetust kaubamärgi arendamiseks? Kuidas hallata eelarvet, võimalikud kasvutempod ja investeeringud? Kuidas elada nii, et ei oleks kunagi igav?

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


Jan Verwoert public lecture on November 12th

Jan Verwoert

On Thursday, November 12th at 6PM, internationally renowned art theorist and professor of Oslo Art Academy Jan Verwoert will hold a public lecture Whipped Cream for the Walking Dead at the hall of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 6 Kohtu St.

The material world each day gives us more stuff to buy and fear, while at night our faces at night are bathed in the glow of LED-screens as we look for true life on the net. Did the war stop in the ’50s? Or did the pills just get better in taking the edge off? What to do when everywhere we go, online or IRL, we still can’t help but bring our body?

One way to deal with the situation, it would seem, is to turn life into a shimmer as sublimely dull as that on your screen. Call it the bliss of Zombies who no longer feel that they don’t feel, because they have lost their metabolism and can eat what they want and never put on a gram of weight. Who could fail to be convinced by the deep drowsiness in Lana del Rey’s voice when she sings that all she wanted to do was get high by the beach?

Yet what if the soul keeps kicking and yearning for some food and hurls us back in among a world of things, people, promises and online horoscopes? What if we confronted the question Bifo Berardi raised, asking: “Where shall we take our round bodies?”

Jan Verwoert is a writer, a contributing editor of frieze magazine, a professor for theory at the Oslo Academy of the Arts and teaches at the Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam. He is the author of Bas Jan Ader: In Search of the Miraculous (MIT Press/Afterall Books 2006), Tell Me What You Want What You Really Really Want (Sternberg Press/Piet Zwart Institute 2010), and, with Michael Stevenson, Animal Spirits — Fables in the Parlance of Our Time (JRP, Zurich 2013) and Cookie! (Sternberg Press/Piet Zwart Inst. 2014).

Estonian Academy of Arts, Institute of Art History in co-operation with the Centre for Contemporary Art Estonia are organizing a public lecture series concentrated on the questions of contemporary curatorship, criticism and theory. All lectures will be preceded by reading groups analyzing the previuos texts of the visiting lecturer at the office of Centre for Contemporary Art Estonia, Vabaduse väljak 6. The reading groups are free and open for all. The writing of Jan Verwoert will be discussed this Friday, November 6th at 2PM, please e-mail for registration.

Posted by Ingrid Ruudi — Permalink

Jan Verwoert public lecture on November 12th

Thursday 12 November, 2015

Jan Verwoert

On Thursday, November 12th at 6PM, internationally renowned art theorist and professor of Oslo Art Academy Jan Verwoert will hold a public lecture Whipped Cream for the Walking Dead at the hall of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 6 Kohtu St.

The material world each day gives us more stuff to buy and fear, while at night our faces at night are bathed in the glow of LED-screens as we look for true life on the net. Did the war stop in the ’50s? Or did the pills just get better in taking the edge off? What to do when everywhere we go, online or IRL, we still can’t help but bring our body?

One way to deal with the situation, it would seem, is to turn life into a shimmer as sublimely dull as that on your screen. Call it the bliss of Zombies who no longer feel that they don’t feel, because they have lost their metabolism and can eat what they want and never put on a gram of weight. Who could fail to be convinced by the deep drowsiness in Lana del Rey’s voice when she sings that all she wanted to do was get high by the beach?

Yet what if the soul keeps kicking and yearning for some food and hurls us back in among a world of things, people, promises and online horoscopes? What if we confronted the question Bifo Berardi raised, asking: “Where shall we take our round bodies?”

Jan Verwoert is a writer, a contributing editor of frieze magazine, a professor for theory at the Oslo Academy of the Arts and teaches at the Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam. He is the author of Bas Jan Ader: In Search of the Miraculous (MIT Press/Afterall Books 2006), Tell Me What You Want What You Really Really Want (Sternberg Press/Piet Zwart Institute 2010), and, with Michael Stevenson, Animal Spirits — Fables in the Parlance of Our Time (JRP, Zurich 2013) and Cookie! (Sternberg Press/Piet Zwart Inst. 2014).

Estonian Academy of Arts, Institute of Art History in co-operation with the Centre for Contemporary Art Estonia are organizing a public lecture series concentrated on the questions of contemporary curatorship, criticism and theory. All lectures will be preceded by reading groups analyzing the previuos texts of the visiting lecturer at the office of Centre for Contemporary Art Estonia, Vabaduse väljak 6. The reading groups are free and open for all. The writing of Jan Verwoert will be discussed this Friday, November 6th at 2PM, please e-mail for registration.

Posted by Ingrid Ruudi — Permalink


Prof Kenneth Frampton open lecture on October 14th

frampton foto

Estonian Academy of Arts, Institute of Art History is delighted to present a public lecture of Prof Kenneth Frampton (Columbia University, New York) on Wednesday, October 14th 6PM at the Museum of Estonian Architecture.

Kenneth Frampton is an architect and architectural historian whose Modern Architecture. A Critical History from 1980, currently available in its fourth, significantly updated edition, has become one of the most canonical accounts of 20th century architecture. With remarkably broad scope, Kenneth Frampton introduced to the Western-centered discourse of modern architecture developments by the Russian avant-garde, Alvar Aalto and Scandinavian modernism, experimentations in colonial contexts as well as contemporary developments on the global scale. Besides architecture history, Prof Frampton has been a prolific commentator on architecture of our own age. Having moved from Great Britain to the United States in 1965, Kenneth Frampton started teaching firstly in Princeton University and from 1972 onwards in Columbia, forming the most innovative circle of architectural theorists of the time together with Peter Eisenman, Manfredo Tafuri, Rem Koolhaas, Diana Agrest ja Anthony Vidler. The magazine Oppositions, established at Columbia in 1973, became the leading platform for innovative architectural thought, aiming at introducing critical theory to the discussions on architectural practice and culture in the wider sense. Frampton’s own positions have been informed by Hannah Arendt’s social critique as well as Martin Heidegger’s conceptions of locality, thus he has always emphasized the social responsibility of architectural production as well as the specificities of context, aiming to resist the tendency to view buildings as representations or commodity. The 1983 essay Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six points for an architecture of resistance, pleading for a critical locality as a countermeasure against global homogenization and scenographic architecture, retains its relevance even today. These principles continue to inform Prof Frampton’s recent publications including monographic volumes on Alvaro Siza (2000), Le Corbusier (2001), Tadao Ando (2003), and five North American architects (2012).

The open lectures of the Institute of Art History are supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.
Professor Kenneth Frampton’s public lecture is organized in co-operation with Aalto University Helsinki.

Photo: Jeff Barnett-Winsby, 2007

Posted by Ingrid Ruudi — Permalink

Prof Kenneth Frampton open lecture on October 14th

Wednesday 14 October, 2015

frampton foto

Estonian Academy of Arts, Institute of Art History is delighted to present a public lecture of Prof Kenneth Frampton (Columbia University, New York) on Wednesday, October 14th 6PM at the Museum of Estonian Architecture.

Kenneth Frampton is an architect and architectural historian whose Modern Architecture. A Critical History from 1980, currently available in its fourth, significantly updated edition, has become one of the most canonical accounts of 20th century architecture. With remarkably broad scope, Kenneth Frampton introduced to the Western-centered discourse of modern architecture developments by the Russian avant-garde, Alvar Aalto and Scandinavian modernism, experimentations in colonial contexts as well as contemporary developments on the global scale. Besides architecture history, Prof Frampton has been a prolific commentator on architecture of our own age. Having moved from Great Britain to the United States in 1965, Kenneth Frampton started teaching firstly in Princeton University and from 1972 onwards in Columbia, forming the most innovative circle of architectural theorists of the time together with Peter Eisenman, Manfredo Tafuri, Rem Koolhaas, Diana Agrest ja Anthony Vidler. The magazine Oppositions, established at Columbia in 1973, became the leading platform for innovative architectural thought, aiming at introducing critical theory to the discussions on architectural practice and culture in the wider sense. Frampton’s own positions have been informed by Hannah Arendt’s social critique as well as Martin Heidegger’s conceptions of locality, thus he has always emphasized the social responsibility of architectural production as well as the specificities of context, aiming to resist the tendency to view buildings as representations or commodity. The 1983 essay Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six points for an architecture of resistance, pleading for a critical locality as a countermeasure against global homogenization and scenographic architecture, retains its relevance even today. These principles continue to inform Prof Frampton’s recent publications including monographic volumes on Alvaro Siza (2000), Le Corbusier (2001), Tadao Ando (2003), and five North American architects (2012).

The open lectures of the Institute of Art History are supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.
Professor Kenneth Frampton’s public lecture is organized in co-operation with Aalto University Helsinki.

Photo: Jeff Barnett-Winsby, 2007

Posted by Ingrid Ruudi — Permalink


Marjan Colletti open lecture


Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture “Open Lecture Series”

Kanuti Gildi Saal (Pikk 20, Tallinn)

Marjan Colletti (1972) is an Italian architect, scientist and theorist. He graduated from Innsbruck University, where he is the head of the Institute of Experimental Architecture. He acquired a PhD at the Bartlett School of Architecture at University College London, where he is a doctor level professor, director of computing and holds his own studio. He has been teaching in multiple universities in Asia, Europe and America and his writings on design research theories have been extensively published. In addition he has edited the 80th anniversary issue of Architectural Design named Exuberance, that dealt with digital virtuosity in contemporary architecture. He has curated tens of exhibitions and participated at more, multiple Venice Architecture Biennales among others. He is a founder and partner of the London based architecture office marcosandmarjan.

At the Open Lecture Series well-known architects, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought.

The lectures are open to all students and professionals in the fields of architecture, urbanism and other spatial studies, as well as to the broader circle of those interested in the future of our living environment. The lectures are held in English and they are free of charge.

The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink

Marjan Colletti open lecture

Thursday 08 October, 2015


Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture “Open Lecture Series”

Kanuti Gildi Saal (Pikk 20, Tallinn)

Marjan Colletti (1972) is an Italian architect, scientist and theorist. He graduated from Innsbruck University, where he is the head of the Institute of Experimental Architecture. He acquired a PhD at the Bartlett School of Architecture at University College London, where he is a doctor level professor, director of computing and holds his own studio. He has been teaching in multiple universities in Asia, Europe and America and his writings on design research theories have been extensively published. In addition he has edited the 80th anniversary issue of Architectural Design named Exuberance, that dealt with digital virtuosity in contemporary architecture. He has curated tens of exhibitions and participated at more, multiple Venice Architecture Biennales among others. He is a founder and partner of the London based architecture office marcosandmarjan.

At the Open Lecture Series well-known architects, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought.

The lectures are open to all students and professionals in the fields of architecture, urbanism and other spatial studies, as well as to the broader circle of those interested in the future of our living environment. The lectures are held in English and they are free of charge.

The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Posted by Anu Piirisild — Permalink



krokii R 2 okt 2015 Nikolai
Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 02 October, 2015

krokii R 2 okt 2015 Nikolai
Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink