Category: Support Units

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Awards in the animation department

Spring has surprised the animation department with two international awards from Russia and Greece. Maria Saveleva, who graduated with a master’s ...

Dear student, a grand ambitious cooperation project is waiting for you!

Come on, let’s make mobility more convenient! EKA will start mapping in autumn how the university interacts with Erasmus students as part of the ...

Transform4Europe – T4EU

Transform4Europe (The European University for Knowledge Entrepreneurs) is an alliance composed of like-minded universities, that has been ...

EMTA and EKA cooperation agreement with ELIA

On March 30, EMTA and EKA signed a cooperation agreement with the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) to organize November 2021 ...

Sandra Kosorotova launches WEEDs FEED!

WEEDs FEED! is a ‘care package’ compiled and designed by artist Sandra Kosorotova, commissioned by Narva Art Residency and PUBLICS for the ...

Aleksandra Lanchenko + Anete Kruusmägi

Vent Space will start its third season in 2021. It is a gallery and project room managed by the students of the first year of master’s studies in ...
Karin Kreek_KIPE_foto Anneliis Reili

New deadline for the ERKI Moeshow 2021 competition

Due to the movement restrictions resulting from the Covid-19 crisis, the deadline for submitting designs for ERKI Moeshow 2021 has changed.  ...

EKA Student Council elections!

It is time for the elections of the new student council! The application period for the elections of the student council is ...
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Maria Rakitina’s exchange studies in France during COVID-19

Animation programme’s student Maria Rakitina shares her experience as an Erasmus+ exchange student at École nationale supérieure des Arts ...
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“Studies on Art and Architecture” 2020, ed 29/3-4 is out

The recent issue of Studies on Art and Architecture explores the pictorial experience. The special issue „Depiction: Contemporary Studies on ...