Category: Support Units


Call for applications: EKA admissions 2024

Starting from February 1st, Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) is welcoming applications for its twelve Master’s and PhD programmes in art, design, ...

Updating the Grand Tour – Erasmus+ research project

Our department is part of a 3-year-long Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership called the ‘UpGranT – Updating the Grand Tour. Memory and ...

Multi-Sensory Design for Somatic WellBeing

Multi-Sensory Design for Somatic WellBeing based on the idea of delving into the realm of bodily sensations can unlock fresh perspectives on our ...

New article by Maroš Krivý and Matthew Gandy, “Zany beetroot”

Maroš Krivý has published “Zany beetroot: architecture, autopoiesis, and the spatial formations of late capital” in Environment and Planning D: ...
NART 2024

NART 2024 Residents Announced

We are happy to finish this year by announcing the selection of artists-in-residence who will come to Narva in 2024! They were selected from more ...
Muutuste juhtijad 1

Change Agents – Blueprints for Inter-institutional Collaborations in Social Design

Partners: Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Hungary Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Estonia Fundacio Privada Elisava Escola Universitaria, Spain ...
Linnapea Mihhail Kõlvart EKAs 1.12.2023 foto_Andres Lõo5

EKA Rector discussed cooperation opportunities with the mayor of Tallinn

Today, December 1, 2023, members of the Rectorate of the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) met with the mayor of Tallinn, Mihhail Kõlvart, to ...
EKA abi Lvivi akadeemiale foto Andres Tammsaar2

EKA’s aid arrived at the Lviv Academy of Arts

EKA’s humanitarian aid shipment arrived at the Lviv Academy of Arts in Ukraine. As part of the ELIA UAx program, EKA acquired a subsidiary ...
H2sti rest m2lestis Garnisoni 10 Kuressaare_2017 (1)

LIFE heritageHOME

The LIFE heritageHOME project focuses on the energy performance improvement of residential (single or multi-family buildings) listed buildings ...
Vote for art

Check out the works of young artists and vote for your favourite!

Altogether, 142 young artists from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland are participating in the 8th edition of the international competition, ...