Foto: Evert Palmets
The Faculty of Design participates in a two-year Erasmus+ Change Agents project.
The project aims to bring the academic sector and the NGO ecosystem closer together and create a more profound understanding between these crucial stakeholders, enabling stakeholders to promote collaborative, more inclusive design and design education practice while recognizing the already existing knowledge of different stakeholders using innovative approaches to social design.
On the 24th-26th of January, a meeting of the project partners was held at EKA, when summaries of the research work so far were made, and the substantive possibilities of the instructional material and methodological recommendations prepared in the project were discussed.
The responsible executor of the project on the EKA side, Dean of the Faculty of Design, Ruth-Helene Melioranski, commenting on the importance of this cooperation, pointed out the fact that the ethics, social sensitivity, and intervention capacity of the design practice need more and more attention. “We have developed the research direction of social design at EKA for a long time in the form of various international research projects as well as the newly opened master’s program in social design. The instructional material developed under the leadership of EKA as part of the Change Agents Blueprints project connects our field experience with the practices of top European experts. We received confirmation that our partners and network see EKA design at the forefront of European social design research.”
Eva Liisa Kubinyi (EKA)
Ruth Melioranski (EKA)
Hedi Meigas (EKA)
Bori Fehér (MOME)
Bözse Hosszu (MOME)
Kata Damjanovich (MOME)
Teresa Palmieri (UNIBZ)
Ariel Guersenzvaig (Elisava)
Guim Espelt Estopà (Elisava)
Jonathan Ventura (Shenkar)
Bianca Herlo (UDK)
Nara Capdeville (UDK)
Financed by Erasmus+ (ERASMUS + 2022-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000088493)
More information about the project can be foundhttp://www.socialdesignnetwork.org/projects/2