PhD students
PhD students at the Institute of Art History and Visual Culture, and their dissertation topics:
Rahul Sharma (2024). Insider/Outsider Dilemma: Exploring in-between Russian-Estonian identities in contemporary Estonian visual art and documentary films 2000-2025 (supervisor dr Mari Laanemets).
Anneli Porri (2023). Learner-centered teaching strategies for scaffolding the attainment of visual competence within the learning process of the art subject (supervisor prof Linda Kaljundi).
Rahel Aerin Eslas (2023). The Image of Nature in the Art Philosophy of Denis Diderot (supervisors prof Krista Kodres, prof Frédéric Ogée (Université Paris Cité).
Maija Rudovska (2023). Artist as Curator: the Formation of the Curatorial Discourse in the Late 1980s and 1990s in Latvia (supervisor prof Andres Kurg).
Jelizaveta Sedler (2022). Images of Estonian SSR Home in ERKI Applied Arts and Design Students’ Projects (supervisor prof Andres Kurg).
Ragne Soosalu (2022). The Representations of Self-Identity in the Work of Estonian Women Artists from 1890 to 1939 (supervisor dr Katrin Kivimaa).
Marten Esko (2021). Temporality of Contemporaneity. On the Timing of Contemporary Art (supervisor prof Virve Sarapik).
Taavi Hallimäe (2021). Critical Objects of Late Soviet Design (supervisor prof Andres Kurg).
Triin Metsla (2021). Political Self-identification and Positioning of Abstract Expressionism in Exile (supervisor prof Krista Kodres).
Tiiu Saadoja (2021). Art in the Anthropocene: Estonian Contemporary Art and the Environment in the Baltic Context (supervisor dr Linda Kaljundi).
Eda Tuulberg (2020). The Representation of the Body in the Work of Soviet-Era Women Artists and its Relation to Public Reception (supervisor dr Katrin Kivimaa).
Sven-Hannes Vabar (2020). Tartu as the Environment of Pure Becoming in Experimental Literature and Art of Estonian Transition Period from 1995-2010 (supervisors dr Jaak Tomberg and prof Virve Sarapik).
Hasso Krull (2019). Kosmiline trikster eesti mütoloogias (supervisors dr Margus Ott and prof Virve Sarapik).
Mari-Liis Krautmann (2019). Baltisaksa kunstikriitika mõju Eesti kunstiteadusele ja kriitikale. Eestis avaldatud saksakeelse kunstikriitika diskursuse muutumine 1910–1925 (supervisor prof Krista Kodres).
Hanna-Liis Kont (2018). The Contribution of Curatorial Practices to Communities and their Members’ Social Wellbeing Based on the Examples of Art Auseums in Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Lithuania (supervisor dr Anu Allas).
Merily Salura (2018). Kunsti ajalisest dimensioonist kunstniku ja kunstiteose vahelises suhtes (supervisors dr Tiina Ann Kirss and prof Virve Sarapik).
Liisa-Helena Lumberg (2017). 19. sajandi eesti/baltisaksa kunst kui teadmisloome (supervisor prof Krista Kodres).
Mariliis Elizabeth Holzmann (2016). Women in Horror. Representation of gender in modern horror films directed by women (supervisor dr Katrin Kivimaa, consultant dr Teet Teinemaa).
Hanno Soans (2016). Tegevuskunsti sotsiopoliitilistest tagamaadest üleminekuaja Eestis (supervisor dr Katrin Kivimaa).
Annika Toots (2013). The Photograph As a Palimpsest. Contemporary Photographic Practices in Estonia and Spain since the 1990s (supervisors prof Virve Sarapik and dr Eneken Laanes).
External students
Mie Mortensen (2023). Let There be a God, Nature, and Cosmos: Reconsidering Ivan Leonidov’s City of the Sun (supervisor prof Andres Kurg).
Karin Paulus (2023). Eesti uuenev haridusruum riigigümnaasiumide näitel (supervisors prof Virve Sarapik, dr Kara Diane Brown).