
In the curriculum, an important place is reserved for specialised instruction. The theoretical and practical skills related to the speciality include the following: the generation and development of ideas, composition, requirements of consumer goods, as well as knowledge about material technology, firing technologies, artisanal techniques, design techniques, plasterwork, etc. However, the students also have access to academy-wide theoretical courses, and can learn about painting, drawing, sculpture, general composition, computer skills, photography, etc.

The importance of independent work has increased significantly. Many of the students use the opportunity to study as exchange students at other schools of higher education in order to extend the academic year.

Due to the small size of the speciality, we have supported the students’ academic pursuits and participation in exchange programmes internationally within the speciality and also between specialities.
More than ever before, it is possible to obtain all the necessary tools, equipment and materials required for ceramics. However, the possibilities of using our own domestic clays and ecologically simple and inexpensive firing techniques have yet to be explored.


  • You will know how to think and express oneself in materials. The ceramicist as artist. 
  • Be familiar with the principles of designing with ceramics and know how to execute plans. The ceramicist as designer. 
  • Know how to choose and use various firing techniques. 
  • Be familiar with the basics of ceramics technology. 
  • Be familiar with the possibilities for the reproduction of ceramics. 


  • Graduates often become their own employers by establishing studios, galleries or small businesses.  
  • Graduates are hired as ceramics teachers in general education schools, as hobby group instructors, etc. 
  • Graduates can find work as designers in various enterprises. 
  • Graduates become freelance artists. 


Year 1 – Introduction to the speciality. Clay as a medium. Forming and decorative techniques. Surface, form, playfulness.
Year 2 – Probing the possibilities of the material through creative and design assignments. Various firing technologies.
Year 3 – Individual and general. Large and small. Interior and exterior. Porcelain and wood-firing. A wide palette of possibilities.

In the course of the master’s programme, we expect the students to focus on the study of a chosen subject (for instance, one-of-a-kind creations, design or technology), which is also interesting for the department and helps it to develop.

Participation in the doctoral programme assumes strong creativity, excellent written self-expression skills and making a contribution to the development of the speciality generally.