Järgmisel neljapäeval, 15. jaanuaril esitlevad D&E tudengid Mektorys sügissemestri jooksul valminud uusi äri- ja tootearendusideid, mis on inspireeritud avaliku ruumiga seotud ebameeldivustele ja tüütustele ärivõimalusega lahenduse otsimisest. Seitsmesse arendusmeeskonda kuulusid nii insenerid kui disainerid, nii 1. kui 2. kursuse magistrandid. Juhendasid prof. Martin Pärn, Ruth-Helene Melioranski, Janno Nõu ja Henrik Herranen.
Uksed avatakse publikule lahendustega lähemalt tutvumiseks kell 13.00
Kell 14 lennutavad TTÜ Communicative Electronics’i tudengid Mektory hoovis oma arendatud drooni ning tutvustavad seejärel suuremõõtmelise 3D printeri arendust.

Disaini ja tootearenduse presentatsioon algab kell 15 ning tutvustatakse kontseptsioone:

1. FastPark

Flexible outdoor equipment for events and small businesses.

2. Pet Light

PetLight helps kids feel safe and secure in the darkness. By providing the kids with their very own companion, lighting up their surroundings, the kids will feel safe and secure in all environments.

3. Escape Pod

Escape is just a pod away. Changing the perception of the public toilets.


HÜTT makes busy citylife more enjoyable by providing a nice sitting place with a sound travelling system that looks like a sculpture – perfect place to take time out and have a nice chat with your friend.

5. Blinkie

Addressing social reclusion by augmenting innate public interactions through the development of personal social wearables.

6. Urban toy

The goal of our project is to enhance the experience of tourists visiting Tallinn, Estonia during winter. Focusing on the concept of play we have created an interactive and fun ‘Urban Toy’ to change peoples experience of the environment. The design is made to ‘like’ and ‘share’ supporting the Internet of Things movement and E-Estonia brand thus connecting Tallinn to the social media universe and embracing future tourism trends.

7. Luggage as furniture

Responding to the current and projected globalisation of our work, study and recreation environments; this project explores the possibility for creating a luggage system designed for noble urban nomads. The aim, is a luggage system that performs much like household furniture when in its rest state.

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Postitas Carolin Saareots
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