Graphic art

Print studio. Photo: Liina Siib


The Department of Graphic Art deals with graphic arts on a broad scale from classical printmaking techniques and contemporary digital technologies to visual communication and contextual approach – from art books to artistic research.

The Department of Graphic Art at EKA is the only academic department in Estonia where graphic art is taught at a degree level. What makes the speciality unique is the print workshop for practising classical printmaking techniques in contemporary art.

The concept of “graphics” has several meanings: tight connections to the development of information technologies, reproduction, distribution, copy culture, visual storytelling, information and data visualisation, topics of art books, graphic narrative, and illustration. The range of interests encompasses everything relevant to contemporary visual art and culture from field work and archival materials to contemporary concepts in visual art and society. Graphic art is like a bridge between image and text.

Exhibition “Things and Unthings”, Haapsalu City Gallery, 3rd year BA students,  2021. Photo: Liina Siib



Selected student works

Liisa Tammert “Secret Weapon” 2020


Liis-Marleen Verilaskja “Cielle” 2019. Photo: Diana Tamane


Maria-Izabella Lehtsaar “The Devil Is In thr Details (Letters to Myself”)2020. Photo: Diana Tamane


“Expedited Procedure”, EKA Gallery 2020. Photo: Paul Klooren


“This is not a labyrinth”, EKA Gallery 2020. Photo: Liina Siib


Ella-Mai Matsina “Vunts” 2020

Collaboration with TYPA Printing and Paper Art Centre

Summer studies at TYPA, 2019. Photos: Liina Siib

News and events

maraton ajatu 2

Assessment Marathon at EKA Gallery 29.04.–20.05.2024

May brings an opportunity to experience, in an exhibition format, works produced by students in the Faculty of Fine Arts as their term projects: every day there will be a fresh crop of university students’ works on display in the gallery. Works in animation, contemporary art, installation and sculpture, painting, photography, printmaking, scenography curricula will be on display. On each ...
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EKA Museum presents:

Singular Inner Worlds Marju Mutsu and Reti Saks (Laanemäe)  This exhibition presents the graduation projects of two notably distinct female print artists: Marju Mutsu (1941–1980), who graduated in 1969, and Reti Saks, formerly Laanemäe (1960), who obtained her diploma in print art in 1987. From the outset, both artists displayed a unique and unmistakable style. They both engrave their visions ...
Maria Erikson udused_aiad

Maria Erikson at GÜ Gallery

Maria Erikson‘s solo exhibition Hazy Gardens opens in GÜ gallery at 5pm on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Exhibition is open until May 3, 2024. You will find me if you want me in the garden. Unless it's pouring down with rain.(Einstürzende Neubauten, The Garden. Album Ende Neu, 1996.) Trees stand for growth and life but also for stability and roots. People spend time amongst the trees to seek ...
Woodtype - Photo Mana Kaasik

New Found Type Project. New Type from Old. An Estonian Perspective

The Newfound Type project will explore relief type and print form making from an Estonian perspective, by identifying the techniques and characteristics specific to its historical context and applying these in an innovative way. The research will begin with the investigation into the physical collection of type and print forms at TYPA, as well as its library collection, which has been little ...
Noore kunstniku preemia laureaat Tea Lemberpuu, dekaan, rektor ja kultuuriminister_foto Martin Buschmann

The laureates of the Young Artist, Young Designer and Young Applied Artist Award 2023 have been announced!

On May 31, 2023, the Young Artist, Young Designer, and Young Applied Artist awards were distributed as part of the opening of the TASE '23 Grad Show of the Estonian Academy of Arts. The awards were presented by Heidy Purga, the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Estonia, Mart Kalm, Rector of the Estonian Academy of Arts, Pire Sova, the organizer of the TASE ’23 Grad Show, deans of the ...

Graphics Students in the “Impact 12” Exhibition in Bristol

From 20.09 to 25.09.2022, EKA graphic arts students participated in the exhibition “When our hearts were fragile” in Bristol (UWE, Frenchay Campus) accompanying the global graphics conference “Impact 12”.  The students of the graphic arts department of the Estonian Academy of Arts shared their experiences from that fragile time when two-thirds of the study time was ...

opening of part 2 of the 17th Tallinn Print Triennial youth exhibition

Since 1998, the Tallinn Print Triennial has been accompanied by young artists’ exhibitions. Spheres is the youth exhibition of the 17th Tallinn Print Triennial. Its aim is to study the contemporary human condition through the conceptual metaphor of a sphere. Philosopher and cultural theorist Peter Sloterdijk claims that spheres are hybrid and symbolic realities created by humans from whatever ...

More info

Põhja puiestee 7, 10412 Tallinn
