SISU—LINE journal

The spatial design research magazine SISU—LINE is a bilingual interior architecture theoretical magazine, which has published 5 issues to date. In the years 2014–2022, the magazine was published by the Estonian Association of Interior Architects and its editor-in-chief was Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla. Over the years, the journal’s editorial board has included Markus Berger, Jüri Kermik, Martin Melioranski, Eva Näripea, Edina Dufala-Pärn, Triin Ojari, Reio Raudsepp, Kees Spanjers and Liina Unt.

The articles and projects published in the magazine have traditionally collided with the presentations of the preceding SISU symposium. Previous issues can be viewed in digital form here. All issues have also been published as printed materials, which are available at EKA and other libraries. Individual issues are still on sale in bookstores, and if you are interested, you can also ask for them from the Interior Architecture Department of EKA or ESL.

SISU—LINE #5 – Tegelik/Actual

The 5th issue of the spatial research magazine SISU—LINE is based on the 2019 interior architecture symposium SISU_“Tegelik /Actual”. The topics covered at the symposium are complemented by visual essays on ...

SISU—LINE #4 – Alasti ruum / Naked Space

The fresh publication is based on the SISU Symposium ‘Naked Space’ (Luzern/Tallinn), discussing the possibilities of changing space and architecture as living organisms. The various methods of use, temporary use, conservation, and addition of ...

SISU—LINE #3 – Welcome Stranger!

SISU-LINE Welcome Stranger! is a provocative call to step out of one's comfort zone against the background of the migration crisis in Europe to discuss who is a stranger and when a stranger becomes one from the point of view of the spatial ...

SISU—LINE #2 – Ruumi mõju / The Impact of Space

SISU—LINE #2 is based on materials from the SISU 2015 symposium and has the same title - Spatial Impact. "Society controls people and their behavior in the space more and more - the professional activity of an (interior) architect is regulated ...

SISU—LINE #1 – Teooriast praktikani / Between Theory and Practice

SISU_LINE #1 is interior architecture research magazine based on Interior Architecture Symposion SISU 2014: Dynamics of Theory and Practice 11.-14.06.2014 Tallinn. The topics consists of: Design Research Paper (the article based on the ...