Sigrid Viir “I’ll Think of a Title When I’ve Had Enough Rest” Installation, 8 x 9 m, audio (text “Infinity on the Beach” by Maarja Kangro), 2019. Photo: Paul Kuimet
What skills can be acquired in the field of photography?
The Bachelor’s program in photography at EKA emphasizes the exploration of contemporary art through photographic expression.
Key Focus Areas:
- Conceptual Thinking: Students develop their ability to think critically and conceptually about art.
- Visual Literacy: Our emphasis is on image analysis, the history of visual culture, and the interpretation of social processes in both the past and present.
- Exhibiting Skills: The program trains students in effective presentation and exhibition of their work.
- Interdisciplinary Relationships: Students explore the connections between photography and other art forms, including: Film, Sculpture, Installation, Graphic Arts, Painting.
Student Profile:
The photography program attracts curious, open-minded, and critically thinking individuals with a strong interest in visual culture and art.
**Note**: After completing the Bachelor’s program, students have the opportunity to pursue further studies in the Master’s program in Contemporary Art, where they can continue to develop their camera-based artistic practice if desired.]
The Photography Department as a Competence Center for Camera-Based Art
We pay attention to visual literacy, image analysis, and focus on the broader understanding of photographic medium and visual culture as the intermediary of societal processes in the past and present. Technical skills also play an important role in our program.
The Photography Department is small and cohesive, with collegial relationships between students and faculty. Over the course of twenty years, traditions have developed, including exhibitions, study trips, and of course, parties. The Photography Department is home to both recent high school graduates and those who have explored other fields in the meantime.
What careers can one pursue?
The Bachelor’s program in photography provides a solid foundational education that can be applied in various photography and (visual) culture-related fields. Our graduates work in art, education, and archiving; journalism; as well as freelance advertising, fashion, and architectural photographers.
The main goal of the Bachelor’s curriculum in photography is to help students develop their artist position, regardless of their specialization in the fields of photography or visual culture they choose to pursue afterward. The curriculum includes both theoretical and practical courses, where students acquire basic technical skills and visual literacy, in order to analyze and interpret images.
The total volume of the Bachelor’s curriculum in photography is 180 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
You can follow the Photography Department here:
Facebook: EKA Fotograafia
Instagram: eka_fotograafia