Ehituskunst #61/62 SMALL TOWNS: NON-GROWING

The double issue of Ehituskunst #61/62 explores the perspective of the growth and decline of spatial life in small towns in Estonia. Shrinkage is generally considered a negative phenomenon, but in the era of climate warming, it has also developed a positive side: it could mean frugality and smart development. Are the current spatial skills enough to realize this positive side, or would a new toolbox be needed? Under the influence of what factors has the Estonian agglomeration been formed so far, and what could it become in the future? These questions are explored in the issue from as many different angles as possible, including numerous maps and drawings, text fragments and conversations with not only architects but also historians, heritage conservationists, urban planners, anthropologists and other professionals.

The issue was compiled and edited by Eik Hermann. Read the interview HERE

Designed by Martin Rästa.

Ehituskunst #61/62 was published by the Faculty of Architecture of the Estonian Academy of Arts and the Association of Estonian Architects, 2022.

The publication is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

The publication can be purchased from the EKA library and the Faculty of Architecture.

ISBN 978-9916-619-62-9

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Posted by Tiina Tammet