EKA’s success in Nordplus Higher Education Programme for 2019/20

CIRRUS network meeting in Bergen, University of Bergen, February 2019

EKA was successful in applying for projects, mobility and networking in Nordplus Higher Education Programme for 2019/20 with three main networks:

CIRRUS for design receiving funding for a
A design sprint is a 5-day iterative process for learning, resulting in a product or service. Through design-thinking, prototyping, and testing ideas with end-users, a 5-day design sprint gives students a shortcut to learning without building and launching; that is, months of time compressed into a single week, or more precisely, 5 days.
CIRRUS also received funding for organising network seminar for teachers titled “Self-determination and Singularity”

Nordic-Baltic Academy of Architecture reciving funding for an intensive course:
The proposed project deals with four major concerns of teaching architecture and city planning in all Nordic and Baltic schools today. These are:
– investigation and analysis of sustainable ways of living and building,
– maximizing carbon storage in buildings by re-inventing housing typologies,
– designing and prototyping of modern timber buildings, and
– development of algorithmic design methods for enhancing structural, architectural and urban qualities of timber buildings.
All these questions must be dealt with during the study period of future architects and
it is clear that the most efficient way to transmit this knowledge is in cooperation with the closest partners in the region. The schools taking part in the workshop are: main coordinator Estonian Academy of Arts, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Faculty of Architectue and Design and Riga Technical University (RTU), Faculty of Architecture.

KUNO for fine arts receiving funding for an intensive course:
BORDER AS A PLACE, which will be coordinated by EKA in Tallinn in collaboration with Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki, Tromsö Academy of Contemporary Art and Iceland University of the Arts.
The idea of the KUNO intensive course “Border as a Place” is to invite young artists, today’s students, to cooperate in artistic research groups or in artists’ teams to work in the culturally and politically tensely loaded environment of Estonian-Russian border town Narva. The different political/ethnic/cultural/economical/industrial/ geographical layers that define the city are creating a semiotically rich environment which evokes many important questions and supplies material for different research areas.

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Posted by Sandra