Fashion SEEDS – Fashion Societal, Economic & Environmental Design-led Sustainability

Fashion SEEDS is a project led by world leading institutions in Fashion Education spanning over the course of three years. It seeks to develop a Design-led Framework for Fashion Design Education in Sustainability able to impact transformational changes in the Fashion System in response to the fashion industry’s severe damage to our environment. A learning resource repository and sustainability teaching materials will enable educators to adapt and apply the framework to a range of Higher Education Institutions (HEI).

University of the Arts London, Politécnico di Milano, Designskolen Kolding, Estonian Academy of Arts

EKA Staff
Piret Puppart
Julia Valle Noronha
Reet Aus
Harri Moora

Project Outputs
Benchmarking Report
The Benchmarking Report offers an overview of how issues of sustainability are being addressed by Companies and Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) in Europe and abroad. The output maps existing practices and identifies gaps and challenges encountered by HEIs and Companies. Within Fashion SEEDS, the Benchmarking Report serves the valuable purpose of grounding future work to enable actionable change through a Design-led Sustainability Framework for Fashion Education.

Benchmarking reports – Fashion Seeds
Framework for Design-led Sustainability (forthcoming)
Course Development Cards (forthcoming)

External Links
Follow @fashionseeds on Instagram
Keep up with the latest news from @SEEDS_Fashion on Twitter

Funded by: EU Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership

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Posted by Mart Vainre