Photo by Maris Karjatse
The Evaluation Marathon (Hindamismaraton) 2021 of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Estonian Academy of Arts has started in the EKA Gallery.
The evaluation marathon for the photography deparment was opened by the evaluation of the 3rd year course “Art Project 4”, lecturer Paul Kuimet.
The evaluation committee: Paul Kuimet, Kristina Õllek, Marge Monko, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo
Students: Markus Mikk, Meel Paliale, Andra Junalainen, Imbi Sõber, Elo Vahtrik, Laura Maala, Ivor Lõõbas, Joosep Kivimäe
Photos by Maris Karjatse and Chun Au Yeung.