Master’s Studio supervised by Martin Melioranski and Renee Puusepp

The first group of students taking the Master’s studio by Martin Melioranski and Renee Puusepp began in autumn 2013. There was a specific need for the given studio as many MA students selected a research topic focussing on digital means for creating a space and thus respective supervision was required.

Altogether 12 students have attended the course in the first three years with their theses related to contemporary technologies and methods in architectural creation. The main emphasis is often on the process and the development and use of various tools. It is naturally important to achieve a comprehensive spatial result, however, instead of asking the question “What kind?”, they focus more on questions “Why?” and “How?” A good result primarily stands for the output of a well-considered decision-making process!

The young architects who have graduated from 3D Lab Master’s studio have received excellent grades at the assessment and they have been awarded the Estonian Academy of Sciences student research prizes.

Since 2016, the supervisors provide the general topics related to the issues tackled in 3D Lab and the students are expected to contribute to the research work conducted by the lab. You will find further information on the general research interests of 3D Lab here.

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Posted by Pille Epner